14062535? ago

downvote NOT on other subs but here - to get the trolls, spammers and shitposters out that flood the feed with their BS.

14062440? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:


nowhere does it say downvote in other subs. it says : "if/when able to get 100 karma, downvoat troll and shitposts. together we can clean Q's House. Thank You." Q house is NOT other subs.


again, NOT other subs. it says:"Clean Q's house as though it were a temple." !s house is NOT entire voat board.


this one can be misinterpreted.

but now, just for a moment, muster your brain, think logically, and ask yourself "do these strange Q-people really want to downvoat on other subs or do they want to clean their own sub from shitposters, trolls, and spammers?"

think hard, dude, and then look again at your ridiculous post.

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14061533? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:




Plus read through the comments in this post. People are admitting it.

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14061502? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

Read through all the comments in the post. People are admitting it. Plus, there were calls to do so




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14060970? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

fake huh?




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14060931? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

i just dont think that people from this sub move to other subs in order to downvote brigade them.




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14060904? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

you've been caught planning to do so




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14060861? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

explain this then




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14060854? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'STOP MASS DOWNVOTING IN OTHER SUBS' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:




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14056047? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'ATTENTION PATRIOTS: This is not to cause divide, it's to unite. You deserve to know.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from Hand_of_Node:


They really don't give a shit about the resident Voat sub culture.

Read that linked thread... This is why you're hated.

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14054807? ago

Fuck right off, Boomer. VOAT loves Shitposts.

14052506? ago

No thanks.

14050999? ago

And now we target Qtards with down votes on their overview page....... I'll be looking for you.

14049126? ago

Get fucked you brigading kikes!

14048734? ago

Fuck off. There's a shortage of quality shitposts as it is.

14048817? ago

awww is your shitposts getting downvoated?

14048858? ago


I don't want you fuckers downvoating shitposts.

14048361? ago

if you want a "clean" website go back to fucking reddit you retard. It's because voat is life this that you even have a place to go to.

14048495? ago

putt's great and all, but this place was on its deathbed before we came.

14054866? ago

What the fuck are you on about, you narcissistic cunt? I've been here for years and the site has always been funded by us goats.

14048609? ago

it really wasn't, the community here has been funding it themselves for years. Don't you notice this is exactly how the left talks about european birthrates and the need for muslim immigration? Shouldn't you respect the existing culture of the website that decided to host you? You talk about the users here "openly hating you" but have you ever considered it's because you take this attitude and act this way that they do?

14048905? ago

Newer here, but I love it. You’re comment is spot on. Learn the way. It’s pretty fucking awesome on voat.

14049087? ago

I'm glad some are making an effort, you don't even have to actually be far-right or a racist or anything to fit in here. You just have to be pro-1st amendment

14049236? ago

Lol and I’m none of those...I just want the truth. 1st amendment all day long.

14049330? ago

to reach the truth we must have discussions, the stronger ideas will stand up to fair scrutiny.

14048785? ago

existing culture of the website

i never venture out enough to see, what i see of you people trolling is all we see, and its not good,

14054882? ago

We aren't trolling. We are testing you and you failed nigger.

14049238? ago

i never venture out enough to see

isn't this the problem?

what i see of you people trolling is all we see, and its not good

what is it exactly that you view as trolling and what's bad about it? for the record "trolling" should fall under the protection of the 1st amendment, but can you give specific examples we can discuss?

14049321? ago

my dv is free speech too

14049468? ago

true so why would you use it to silence others? are you one of those antifa kiddies who go to events held by right leaning speakers and simply shout over them so nobody can hear them speak? Don't you see how that's a hypocritical application of speech? You're technically free to do so, but why would you ever do something like that?

14049499? ago

is it your first day on the Internet? or are you just this mad that many of us can dv?

14054936? ago

No. We are pissed that fuckers like you think you can come into our home, shit on our stuff, and then insult to our face when we call you out like the niggers you are.

14049525? ago

why dodge my questions? who said I was mad? I don't see how what I'm asking you is unreasonable.

14049559? ago

u mad

14049728? ago

I'm not though, I do wish though that you'd simply answer my questions and we could have a reasonable discussion about our differences in view on this matter.

14048913? ago

"trolling"... you mean telling the truth you people are too afraid to hear?

14048986? ago


14052133? ago

Here on voat, we use cited facts. The insults, "hate speech", and "trolling" just keeps undesirables out. And it works.

If you can get past the meaningless insults, go debate someone outside of here on what you consider "trolling". Do actual research and link facts and sources. You are almost guaranteed to get cited arguments in turn.

Do NOT resort to just saying things like "that's racist" or "everybody knows about..." Actually find a research paper on the topic and debate using reason.

Personally, I had a debate with someone regarding global warming and ended up seeing his side. Why? Almost all "previously our atmosphere was like..." Things you see are operating on the basis of ice-core drilling and the raw atmospheric data obtained I the bubbles trapped inside and DO NOT account for gas diffusion among the different layers in the sample. Meaning? ALL early CO2 readings are inherently flawed and the data is "smoothed over".

14049135? ago

stop name-calling people like a hillary ass-tonguing nigger and try debating and proving the "racist trolls" wrong. if your view is right then that should be no trouble for you. but youre too much of a coward to do it.

14049288? ago

debate? with an insane person? sometimes its best to just dv and move on, like now.

14050549? ago

you really are a democrat. cant debate anyone cause your world view isnt supported by facts so youll lose every time

14051140? ago

Trump supporter actually.

14055784? ago

You're no Trump support. You're an America hater. And too stupid to even realize it.

14053057? ago

then stop being a limp wristed faggot and stand up for your beliefs instead of cowering away at the first naughty word you read. its pathetic

14048092? ago

Internet points dont matter. Back to reddit newfag nigtard.

14049409? ago


@puttitout, it looks like we are being raided by open brigading calls by protectvoat (who ironically claim to uphold rules and fair play).

14053621? ago

Did you...did you just run to Daddy? LOL

14049541? ago

"Q niggers openly conspiring to use the voting system to enforce their fee fees and delicate sensibilites"

nope pus stop crying

14050551? ago

Next OP will cry about how we're criminal shills that he's going to report to the FBI.

14049503? ago

how are you going to get "brigaded" here? you realize CCP doesn't count on anon subs right?

14049548? ago

They're boomers.

14050896? ago

OP ain't a boomer, it's @freshmeat or another one of those rPV fags.

14049759? ago

I'm trying to be gentle and explain things clearly for them

14049949? ago

Best of luck with that one. Try to dub over footage of the goth tech girl in NCIS. They'll pat attention that way.

14049540? ago

it is protectvoat burying this PSA. Censorship.

14049748? ago

where the proof?

14047821? ago

Downvote all that racist filth.

14048653? ago

Why do you hate white people?

14048701? ago

I don't. We should keep the good ones.

14048864? ago

We should keep the good ones.

You mean the ones willing to let the subhumans overwhelm everything they built?

Are you jewish?

14048894? ago

Are you afraid to compete on your own merits?

14049099? ago

That would mean getting rid of affirmative action. I would welcome that.

Again, are you jewish?

14049160? ago

Nope and of you can't beat an affirmative action hire, that's on you and you should string up.

14049386? ago

get raped

14049533? ago

I hope so, son. I hope so.

14049290? ago

How can someone beat affirmative action? If the only criteria for hiring is "not white" how can a white person get that job?

Remove discrimination and force the nonwhites to compete against whites without a quota system. What are the nonwhites afraid of?

14049466? ago

That's not how affirmative action works.

14050183? ago

that's true it also works to force hiring of women over men unfairly as well

14050242? ago

No. It means if they meet the same standards you meet, they'll hire them. Meet higher standards. If you can't outthink a woman, I have no hope for you.

14050337? ago

nah, you can't cheat me. Diversity always means less white men

14050400? ago

Well, if they spent less time fucking about on Voat and more time learning a skill, that might actually help them. The're not very bright.

14050701? ago

that's the trick though, colleges also employ (((affermative action))) so it's more difficult for whitey to learn skills and get credentials, but they still out preform blacks per capita socio-economically

14051270? ago

Getting into college is still insanely easy.

14051518? ago

a decent college for a worthwhile major? not really, and again we run into affirmative action, because despite white men being the majority of the poor and homeless only non-whites and women seem to get much help by way of FAFSA and scholarships.

14051567? ago

There's empty college seats, stop pretending otherwise and making up excuses for your lack of aptitude.

I'm done with you.

14051615? ago

I don't get a 200 point bonus on my SAT scores while applying or any free money from the government. It's all the niggers and bitches you love so much that are lacking in aptitude, but no matter how much you slant the system in their favor they still end up doing worse per capita

14051666? ago

Nor do they. That's not even remotely how it works. You've never actually been to college and know nothing about the admission process.

14052421? ago

otherwise known as racial and sexual discrimination against white men

14049835? ago

Tell me how affirmative action doesn't turn skin color into a "skill"?

14050289? ago

By requiring the same skill set.

14051488? ago

So then what is the point of affirmative action if we're just judging people by skill sets? You're being disingenuous. You know that if a position opens and they hire the 10 most qualified people and those people happen to be white somehow that is illegal under affirmative action. But if they're all black no one will say a thing. Now I don't have a problem if those 10 black people were the most qualified. So then why should it be a problem if the most qualified people are white?

14051579? ago

If you're the most qualified, affirmative action doesn't affect you.

14051604? ago

You're dodging the issue like a jew. Tell me, what does affirmative action do and how does it do it?

14051689? ago

I know damned well you have a search engine.

14051808? ago

I know you do as well. Cite facts. Show us how we are wrong. Use reason, not insults.

14051829? ago

Only a fool expects stupid people to listen to reason.

14052263? ago

Which is why I should give up right now. When was the last time you actually cited a research paper for an argument? It happens a lot more often on here than you'd expect.

14052331? ago

The exact laws are there for you to read. You cited a lunatic fringe website. I cited law.

14052797? ago

Where did I link to? I don't remember posing links.

Where are yours? I don't see any from you.

It's easy to simply call someone stupid, any idiot can do that. It actually takes intelligence to prove someone is wrong.

14052820? ago

Don't pretend that wasn't you that posted the links, shill.

14053688? ago

everybody who disagrees with me is the same person

Okay, schizoid.

I'm just replying to you through my inbox. I don't even see the rest of the thread

14051749? ago

Bullshit. You're the one telling me I'm wrong. What is your understanding of how it works?

Come on schlomo, enlighten me.

14051864? ago

No, the obligation is on you to prove it works like you claim it does. You made the statement. Prove it.

14052351? ago


"AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" is a governmentally required positive effort, beyond elimination of discrimination, to seek out and employ persons of groups that have been discriminated against

So if you are seeking out members of a group, and are required to go "beyond elimination of discrimination", you are basing your decision to hire/accept partly on the basis of their membership in a specific group.

Your turn Herschel.

14052388? ago

You're so stupid you think it's a zero sum game. This is you demonstrating why you didn't get accepted to a university.

14052670? ago

You're so stupid you think it's a zero sum game. This is you demonstrating why you didn't get accepted to a university.

You have not refuted my argument. In order to do so you have to explain how you think it works. I have presented a source from Harvard that dates back to the implementation of the policy. If you think it works differently you need to explain it. Otherwise everyone reading this will see your argument for the concern troll that it is. Affirmative action promotes discrimination against white males.

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chicago-professional-diversity-career-fair-tickets-39200114598 - I wonder if any white male candidates will be considered at this event?

14052801? ago

You don't read very well. I said it didn't work like you think it does with regards to the claims you were making. It does discriminate against whites against equally skilled candidates. It does not discriminate if you're smarter. The university policy has nothing to do with the Affirmative Action law and you'd understand that by reading the fucking link I gave you.

You're an idiot and wouldn't even understand refutation.

Most of all, you think your opinion matters. It doesn't. We're taking this site and you're getting abused until you leave. Your thoughts on the subject don't actually matter.

Go away. It's our site now. Climb into your own hovel-subs and we might leave you alone. Maybe.

14053040? ago

It does discriminate against whites against equally skilled candidates

I stated it discriminated against whites. You said it didn't, and now you're backpeddling.

Most of all, you think your opinion matters. It doesn't. We're taking this site and you're getting abused until you leave. Your thoughts on the subject don't actually matter.

It isn't opinion in this case. I stated a fact and you tried to dance around it. It is not my opinion that AA is discriminatory against whites, it is a fact. So you are one of those weaklings who want to censor facts that upset you. Why are you helping Q? They are working to end all of that.

Go away. It's our site now

Aww, just like reddit did to you? You learned nothing there. You are a duplicitous kike. And I am not banned for calling you that. Guess it really isn't your site, you filthy lying jew.

14053068? ago

No, you didn't. We have the whole thread to prove it.

You're a shill.

14053285? ago

You still have produced zero evidence, and in fact confirmed my belief that it is discriminatory.

So again, why do you hate white people?

14053342? ago

I don't. I hate lazy people who make excuses for their failure. You just happen to be white.

14055841? ago

Who said I am a failure? I am not divorced but I object to the way divorce courts disproportionately discriminate against fathers. I object to the way Harvard discriminates against Asians and I am white. I am pointing out an unfair system. See, you hate whites so any system that discriminates against them is ok with you. First you tried to say it didn't discriminate. Then you tried to move the goalposts. Then when faced with facts you admitted that you were wrong and it does discriminate and now you are trying to move the goalposts again.

You have been in a mod-enforced safe space for so long that you don't know how to debate.

14048287? ago

why do you hate free speech?

14048621? ago

da joooooooz

14048710? ago


14048329? ago

My vote is speech.

14048520? ago

so why use your voice to silence others? If these racists are so wrong why not challenge their ideas? don't you realize what you're proposing here is exactly how the left treated you on reddit?

14048952? ago

I would rather hear it all then have free speech oppressed. Speak your mind, I’ll speak mine. Maybe we make sense after, who knows? I want discussion, period.

14048574? ago

Only a fool expects stupid people to listen to reason. Are you a stupid person?

14048702? ago

I'm trying to reason with you, and you won't listen to me. Don't you want to be better than this?

14048720? ago

You don't even understand the word reason.

14049259? ago

what a rude thing to assume, what is it exactly that you know about me that would back up such a statement?

14049474? ago

All the evidence you've so far provided.

14049618? ago

what evidence is that? that I would dare suggest you actually speak your disagreements to others and discuss your difference in views instead of simply using the voting system to try to silence them?

14047898? ago

ive been tring, just got 100ccp today, feels good to "nip em in the bud", downvoating trash right after its posted is the best time.

Let's clean Q's house!

14056599? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q Tards are starting to lurk at /v/all/new and downvoat anything that makes fun of them or Q. Great new group we have here.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from Hand_of_Node:


With Qcumbers like this, small wonder they're hated.

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14056255? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q Tards are starting to lurk at /v/all/new and downvoat anything that makes fun of them or Q. Great new group we have here.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from Hand_of_Node:


Here you go.

This notification (#1231) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14056163? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q Tards are starting to lurk at /v/all/new and downvoat anything that makes fun of them or Q. Great new group we have here.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from Hand_of_Node:



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14056142? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q Tards are starting to lurk at /v/all/new and downvoat anything that makes fun of them or Q. Great new group we have here.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from Hand_of_Node:


This notification (#1229) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14056137? ago

This isn't Q's house fag.

14054345? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q Tards are starting to lurk at /v/all/new and downvoat anything that makes fun of them or Q. Great new group we have here.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from raw_toast_:

You don't have to blend in if you don't want to, but if you're so determined to not blend in, don't be surprised that you are being judged by the reputation of the group you are identifying yourself as.

This is what I think of when I see Q here.

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14051762? ago

What do you think about Israel, boomstick?

14048925? ago

you're not going to nip anything in the bud, you self centered boomerfag

14048972? ago

i dont see any racism on v/all.

14061493? ago

dey RAYCISS ova here!

14052053? ago

Fuck off, you stupid boomer. Go back to Facebook, that seems more your speed.

14049216? ago

is that a dare? old goats don't sit around posting niggerfaggot all day every day. if you were a goat you'd know that. QRV, GA, and TA are currently flooding /v/all, but that can change if you want the voat immune system to flare up again.

14049237? ago


14051949? ago


100% reddit

14049275? ago


14814933? ago


14049212? ago

you want q tied to snuff videos and child porn in the media hmm??

try us we will fuck you and q

14814984? ago

You want to fuck me? Wow. Um, no. Go fag in your own country joonigger. Hey, everyone! Israel is up right now! They must have been dreaming about man anus all night because they woke up feeling randy!

14874420? ago

trust the plan ... hows that working out for you ??????/

14877105? ago

Better than yours.

14879967? ago


14820161? ago

trust the plan XD

14051405? ago

Calm down Hillary

14049201? ago

Why don't you just go ahead and suck start a shotgun you fucking nigger? I mean, Jesus H Christ, I know you're probably bored because your kids never visit you at the old folks home (real shocker there), and it's good to have a hobby, but how about you fuck off outta here with your faggy concern trolling LARP. Us goats outnumber you by kind of a lot, we're smarter, we're better, and you homos are kicking a hornet's nest. In summation, go fuck yourself you pretentious cunt. Also, Jews did 9/11.

14049253? ago


14048693? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q niggers openly conspiring to use the voting system to enforce their fee fees and delicate sensibilites' was posted in v/ProtectVoat by Rainy-Day-Dream and refers to this comment.

This notification (#1154) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14047520? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Blockers, you may not be interested in Qult, but Qult is interested in you.' was posted in v/whatever by Game_Maven and refers to this submission.

This notification (#1143) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14047329? ago

Have to have comment contribution points to downvoat. Ours isn't counting! Someone needs to restart the counter for me. ThankQ

14055890? ago

Gotcha. Here's a -1.

14047522? ago

its easy, while in v/all/new if you see something you have an opinion on express it in a simple way, like hellya! or in a cat post say, cute! or i dunno, say nuetral things. steer clear of troll posts. with a commentearly in a posts lifecycle, if it gains popularity youll have yop comment and lots of karma. youll have 100 in no time, then let the trolls have it in v/all/new!

14055310? ago

So, is there something I have done that caused the count to drop from 17 to 9?

14055914? ago

Vote begging.

14048783? ago

then let the trolls have it in v/all/new!

You don't think we'll know where this came from? We like Q but this isn't the official Q anything. He's fucking up the deep state over on 8ch. You idiots are here because you're too old to figure out how to operate the chans format. If you start bringing that sjw safe space bullshit here we will destroy this sub. We will drop everything and make it our mission to make this place misery for you. If we notice our shit getting downvoted on v/all we will bring it here.

Do you know what a blue waffle is? You will. Ever been to a lemon party? Do you like to see pictures of dead niggers? Not to mention the sick and depraved shit the japanese get up to. Tentacles anyone?

And while your mods are chasing all the sick depraved shit we will post here many of us will be blackpilling and consensus cracking and generally fucking shit up. You think the deep state shills are bad? Piss us off for real.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? WE WILL FUCKING EAT YOU.

14048860? ago

sooo...youre telling me you are a sexual degenerate? i figured as much.

14048910? ago

sooo...youre telling me you are a sexual degenerate?

No I am telling you that we will post the most offensive shit we can to make your board completely unusable. You are new to this party. Don't shit in our yard or we will bury you.

14048994? ago


14049048? ago


14047635? ago

Thanks for that. I mean mine is not counting. It is hung up. Stuck. Won't move. Did what you advise for two days now and it won't move. Get it?

14051636? ago

The points you accrue on anon subs and subs which modified the default point requirements don't count on the rest of the site.

14055956? ago

Yes. I read the rules, newbees, all that. I just wanted to get the 9 changed back to a 17. When you click on the 'contribution points' and it shows all your 'clicks' you can count them. I think. Can you tell me if that's correct?

14062232? ago

Was there a spat of downvotes?

14067269? ago

We have never looked. Participation is geared toward reading news, responding with upvotes and supporting POTUS! Do 'downvotes' subtract from your 'comment contribution points'?? We weren't counting until it changed from 17 to 9. Then we explored. It doesn't matter any more. We are happy voat combined to QRV. Now we can participate with support!

14071021? ago

Yup. Downvotes subtract from your account's total CCP/SCP.

Example: my account is new with no CCP and I make a popular comment granting me 50 CCP, however it also got 15 downvotes. My account now has 35 total CCP.

14071320? ago

AHA!! Thank you!! Glad to know!

14055337? ago

So what did I do that caused the count to drop from 17 to 9?

14055929? ago

Something stupid or idiotic. Did you engage in vote begging, or agree with censorship?

14048617? ago

No one is up voting your inane blather.

14048185? ago

Are you sure you're not talking about your comments in QRV or the awakening where you don't accumulate CCP? You have to comment in other subs to get them.

14047671? ago

make a new account? theyre free

14047807? ago

Thanks. Wouldn't I lose the 'total upvotes given'?

14048038? ago

16? that's not a huge deficit. and if the account is stuck? are you commenting in real subs?

14047200? ago

This upvoting is great! Too Bad we don't get credit for any of it! My own fault. I was going to quit voat and then changed mind! Maybe someone could get my 'contribution' points rolling again. When I was about to quit it was like at 19. Thanks

14047930? ago

dont quit, we're winning!

14055878? ago

If your enemy kills you, you win!

Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.

14050395? ago

dont quit, we're winning whining!

Like a like a faggot bitch.

14047179? ago

I hope Q orders you all to kill yourselves. You're a bunch of worthless fuckrats content to trust a complete anon larp will save you. Fuck off and drink paint.

14047438? ago

GTFO shill !!!

14047530? ago

You guys are dumber than The_Donald migration, which is saying a fucking lot. You directly link to facebook on an anon sub. One of your mods doxxed herself on Gab. You think you're going to change the world with thoughts and prayers and defeat the deep state by being a keyboard warrior. GTFO normies.

14047726? ago

...and downvoated, simple!

14047262? ago

a good example of the type of user who needs a wake up call...lets Q's clean house!

14047345? ago

You Qunts are like Islamic rapefugees in Europe. Assimilate or GTFO.

14047633? ago

"by actively participating you hate europe"


14047759? ago

  1. Voat belongs to the goats, not Qfags.

  2. Stop being faggots spamming the same thing over and over.

  3. Lurk more.

14048696? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q niggers openly conspiring to use the voting system to enforce their fee fees and delicate sensibilites' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from Rainy-Day-Dream:

https://voat.co/v/QRV/2742150/14047759 1. Voat belongs to the goats, not Qfags.

  1. Stop being faggots spamming the same thing over and over.

  2. Lurk more. 1 no

2 we aren't spamming

3 no

This notification (#1153) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14047842? ago

1 no

2 we aren't spamming

3 no

14048153? ago

Gtfo reddit nigs

14048193? ago

you first

14047936? ago

  1. Do you even know who was here before you?

  2. How many subs do you have now?

  3. Then GTFO.

14048115? ago

  1. who cares, this is Q's house now

  2. 1, v/QRV

  3. You first

14049512? ago

This is clear proof that immigration doesn't work.

14049569? ago

just go be irrelevant somewhere else.

14051843? ago

is it hard being a walking proof of the dangers of the policies of your generation?

the literal hypocrisy seeping through your pores

it must be hard.

14049617? ago

What a basic little bitch you are. My my.

14049744? ago

what are you12?

14049913? ago

You don't understand how sad you are as a person. You don't know why you're here. You don't know why Q sent you. You're like a babe lost in the woods.

14048198? ago

Man, you can't even lie well. There's a bunch of fucking Q subs you faggots multipost to. Set yourself on fire for the sake of Israel elsewhere.

14048242? ago

nobody uses those except the natives.

14047148? ago

OK. That's a good idea.

14047209? ago

we outnumber the natives considerably, lets use this to leverage good content and make the trolls rethink their actions.

14047451? ago

But let's do it benignly remembering who was here first. We need to appreciate a spot to land.

14047595? ago

consideringthe fee-fees of people who openly hate us? k.

14050150? ago

it's because you act like this that people hate you

14051161? ago

i represent everyone?

14051539? ago

you represent yourself, you are hated because you act in a way deserving of such

14047293? ago

You sound like a muzzy faggot migrant in a European country.

14047365? ago

"downvoating trolls means you hate Europe"


14047743? ago

Migrating to a new place and trying to take over. Just like muzzies wanting sharia law enforced in Dearborn Mich.

14047854? ago

yummy tears are yummy

14047888? ago

islamo-fag detected.

14047951? ago

...and downvoated, so satisfying

14049018? ago

i dont hear you denying his claim that you rape young boys and animals and beat your 4 year old wife until she spreads her legs for you. guess its true that youre a sandnigger

14049120? ago


14049263? ago

still no denial from you i see, i guess you enjoy raping brown kids.

14048078? ago

So intelligent, burning your DV's where they don't matter.

14048201? ago

i got 100

14048301? ago

Not anymore, you've wasted them on me. My plan has worked.

14047267? ago

This is not a part of the internet you want to piss off. You're not on lifelog nignog.

14047313? ago

...and downvoated

see, its easy!

14047762? ago

And meaningless in this sub, retardo.

14047822? ago

feels good, and it puts your retardness below others comments. reply again so i can DV you again. been DVing trash like you all day since i got 100 karma.

14047876? ago

Click away, you q sheep anus licker.

14047873? ago

Muh feels! Back to Reddit you go with that libshit mindset.

14047969? ago

(texas accent) doubt it

14047863? ago

Meaningless in an anon sub, retard.

14047128? ago

Yes, DV all Q-tard bullshit. Whackjob cultists