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LogiQ ago

Ok, little help here for the retarded Qfag. So I get here, which sucks for everyone because to hear it told, I'm vermin upon arrival. But instead of slinking into the sub that brought me here, I'm told that I should explore the rest of the place and get involved. So when I do that, I see that I am now violating goat turf and should scamper back to my asshole infested site and stop ruining the rest of the place.

Wtf? I feel like I'm in an Escher-ville.

truthwoke33 ago

You just don't fucking get it do you.

LogiQ ago

No, I don't. I thought that was clear in my post.

gazillions ago

It's that too many of them think they should act like liberals and chastise people because they don't like the language. They seem to think "words can hurt" and it's up to them to change what is already established by the users.

LogiQ ago

Can you point me to some of this shit? Seriously. I keep hearing it, but I am not seeing it. Where would be the best place to find this kind of behavior?