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LogiQ ago

Ok, little help here for the retarded Qfag. So I get here, which sucks for everyone because to hear it told, I'm vermin upon arrival. But instead of slinking into the sub that brought me here, I'm told that I should explore the rest of the place and get involved. So when I do that, I see that I am now violating goat turf and should scamper back to my asshole infested site and stop ruining the rest of the place.

Wtf? I feel like I'm in an Escher-ville.

raw_toast_ ago

You and your kind seek to take over and change our culture. You and your kind expect to be welcomed with open arms and given power to change the way this place works to something that suits you. You and your kind act like Somalians. Stop it. Lurk for a little while. Earn your points like everyone else did before you. Learn the culture. Stop shitting on everything like a bunch of braindead boomers.

LogiQ ago

I didn't expect shit. I came here to be part of the sub Q had set up for us. I was told that was bad. I was told I should instead "take advantage of the full user experience" and go participate elsewhere. Only problem is that "elsewhere" hates me and my kind because we're shitting on the goat lawn and that we should get back to where we belong, which as best as I can tell is Reddit, and I wasn't even a part of that.

raw_toast_ ago

Suck it up, buttercup. You're acting like a total pussy, and that's coming from a female. People don't have to like you. People here are free to call you names if they want to. Why do you care? If you want, you can call them a name back, but you aren't going to be harmed by the situation. Wait a little, lurk and learn about the website. Stop identifying yourself as a Qmalian and stop complaining about how you hate it here. If you don't like it, you're free to leave.

LogiQ ago

I am not complaining and I don't hate it here. I am commenting on the Escher-like situation, like his famous cube.

Why would I want to not identify as a Qfag if I'm a Qfag and that's what I am interested in? Is blending in a requisite of thinking for myself?

Y'all hate Reddit, which is fine by me since I was never a part of it, but y'all assume everyone who shows up is from there and that's kinda stupid.

If people are against Q, that's fine by me. But it sucks to see the same inaccurate and lazy takes on it that I've seen everywhere else. It would be great to have some intelligent discussions about it instead of all the weak shit about larps and sheep and shit. I can get that on twatter.

raw_toast_ ago

You don't have to blend in if you don't want to, but if you're so determined to not blend in, don't be surprised that you are being judged by the reputation of the group you are identifying yourself as.

This is what I think of when I see Q here.

LogiQ ago

Hey, I just saw that link you put there. That kind of shit is wrong and it shouldn't be happening.

LogiQ ago

This is the Escher shit I'm talking about. I got people telling me to blend in. I got people telling me stand out and make a mark. I got people telling me "my kind" are a herd, so instead I should hide my identification with them so I can fit in with the herd.

And just so you are clear. I am not complaining. I am observing and marveling at the nature of it all because it doesn't seem like there is any way around it.

Hand_of_Node ago

Did you read through the comments on that post?

LogiQ ago

Yeah, I just saw it and think it's fucked up. I hate that kind of shit. I don't know who those people are who are advocating for downvoating, but it's not in line with Q ideals, so they could be clowns shitting things up like they are wont to do.

Jaycephus ago

It's also an anon board, and anon posts are being called out. We have no idea if the poster is an Old Goat sstirring sposting s***head, some other type of shill, or a legit Q follower. No idea.

But that post would then cause a post like this one get made, naturally.

Was that the plan of the QRV poster?

Is this post any better than or edifying than the QRV post? I don't think so.

LogiQ ago

One thing to consider is that most of us Qfags don't have the ability to downvoat as far as having the required points to do so, so if you guys are actually getting dv bombed, it's probably not from legit Qfag.

That and that it doesn't sound like shit we'd do. I of course must add the caveat that I was not on reddit, so if it is shit they would do there, disregard my comment. But I've been around the other Qfag hangouts and this shit doesn't pass the smell test as far as my experience goes. Of course, if they are real Qfags doing it, the should fucking stop it.