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LogiQ ago

Ok, little help here for the retarded Qfag. So I get here, which sucks for everyone because to hear it told, I'm vermin upon arrival. But instead of slinking into the sub that brought me here, I'm told that I should explore the rest of the place and get involved. So when I do that, I see that I am now violating goat turf and should scamper back to my asshole infested site and stop ruining the rest of the place.

Wtf? I feel like I'm in an Escher-ville.

raw_toast_ ago

You and your kind seek to take over and change our culture. You and your kind expect to be welcomed with open arms and given power to change the way this place works to something that suits you. You and your kind act like Somalians. Stop it. Lurk for a little while. Earn your points like everyone else did before you. Learn the culture. Stop shitting on everything like a bunch of braindead boomers.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

What the fuck are you even talking about? "Take over and change our culture." You fucks whine and complain more than any place I have ever seen. You keep being you. How the fuck can anyone take over and change your culture? Keep posting and voating what you want. They will post and voat what they want. Sick of hearing the pussies here acting like fucking victims.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

So much crying. Fucking losers.

Hand_of_Node ago

Fucking losers.

Not ever. I've been pretty selective.