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14048092? ago

Internet points dont matter. Back to reddit newfag nigtard.

14049409? ago

@puttitout, it looks like we are being raided by open brigading calls by protectvoat (who ironically claim to uphold rules and fair play).

14053621? ago

Did you...did you just run to Daddy? LOL

14049541? ago

"Q niggers openly conspiring to use the voting system to enforce their fee fees and delicate sensibilites"

nope pus stop crying

14050551? ago

Next OP will cry about how we're criminal shills that he's going to report to the FBI.

14049503? ago

how are you going to get "brigaded" here? you realize CCP doesn't count on anon subs right?

14049548? ago

They're boomers.

14050896? ago

OP ain't a boomer, it's @freshmeat or another one of those rPV fags.

14049759? ago

I'm trying to be gentle and explain things clearly for them

14049949? ago

Best of luck with that one. Try to dub over footage of the goth tech girl in NCIS. They'll pat attention that way.

14049540? ago

it is protectvoat burying this PSA. Censorship.

14049748? ago

where the proof?