14069999? ago

Go Away

14062709? ago

What mass downvoting? I've only been on Q related subs.

You sound like a cuck the way you talk. It's one thing to respect the VOAT natives... it's another to get on your knees and suck their dicks.

14062083? ago


14061760? ago

What are you talking about? You need 100 points to downvote - all newcomers aren't even close

14067960? ago

not true. :)

14062320? ago

That point has been made a few times, but seems to be lost on all the whiners. Its more likely that their own folks are downvoting them for spite.

14061294? ago

Personally, I so far have not figured out how to "Assimilate" here. I read the rules and I have the ability to comment which gets me no points, I can't upvote or down vote until I get points, and I cannot write my own post. So I lurk and write comments and then return to GAB where I can feel some respect for my opinion. A word of thought here, maybe I just don't get it yet. WWG1WGA

14061490? ago

Just keep doing what you're doing

14061566? ago

Thank you, it's a brave new world, trying to take back the old one, or better yet, to create a Better One.

14061600? ago

Just trying to help. You're very welcome

14060575? ago

Stop using your speech!

We are patriots. Voting is our god given right!

14061848? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

Here it is again for other readers you lazy clown






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14061773? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

"Skimmed" You're skimming while screaming shill. Maybe you're the shill sowing division?






You can find the rest you lazy dumbass

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14061323? ago

What part of "IN OTHER SUBS" didn't you understand? If you're not smart enough to debate them, don't downvote in other subs just because you disagree. It invites trolling in our sub, genius

14061442? ago

Did you miss the part about it being my speech?

You're trying to say I can't speak in other subs because I should be afraid.

Q sent us here to thin the herd of cowards. You're no patriot.

14063006? ago

Did you miss the part about debating them and not just downvoting because you're a lazy tool too frail in his own ideas to think through them?

14063460? ago

You missed the part about people being unable to be reasoned with. That's naive and shows you don't know many real humans, or you're young.

14062362? ago

That's the silliest thing I've heard in quite some time.

14060409? ago

Fuck off.
Keep this board about Q.
Don’t try to forum slide this into a Jew bashing festival. I will continue to downvote non Q stuff.

14061290? ago

What part of "IN OTHER SUBS" didn't you understand?

14060278? ago

this is freeeeedoooom,i see locals racists i downvote,i happy

14061861? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

Here it is again for other readers you lazy clown






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14061776? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

"Skimmed" You're skimming while screaming shill. Maybe you're the shill sowing division?






You can find the rest you lazy dumbass

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14061450? ago

If acknowledging differences between groups makes me racist, bring out the downvoats guy. I try to axe negative feelings at the base, and that includes hatred. I don't have to hate to discern fundamental differences between groups of human beings.

14062661? ago

Fair enough. But that isn't the focus of this sub, just like Q isn't the focus of other, existing subs. I would hope the Q folks don't wander into other sub and try to force their opinion on others. Likewise, I would appreciate not getting folks in this thread forcing their topics on us.

If I become interested, I will come to you. If you become interested, feel free to come to us. There are folks on both sides of this divide that can have a calm, rational discussion with facts as opposed to emotions. Probably get a few converts both ways eventually if we stop fussing with each other.

14061284? ago

If you want them clogging up our sub with trolling, go ahead genius. Downvote away in OUR sub but don't go to their subs and troll. Debate them. But i don't think you have the aptitude by the sound of it, or maybe you're just lazy

14062861? ago

I am not lazy, I am enjoying Voat's absolute freeeeddooooomm of speeeeeeech you racists ! HOHOHO

14062890? ago

Piss off shill

14067991? ago

i like how you larp as a newcomer.

14062939? ago

How's that feel ? No censorship no walls no controlled narrative by you racists, yeah !

14060907? ago

stop acting like a nigger

14060250? ago

Lurk until you understand

14060004? ago

This subverse is a joke just like Reddit was people posting off topic shit by next week you’ll have fagots posting how they made some Q pancakes and other shit clogging up the feed with useless opinions

14059759? ago



14061505? ago




Plus read through the comments in this post. People are admitting it.

14061541? ago




14061641? ago

I realized after it may be bots and shills, but we do have people in this post admitting it

14062904? ago

Hey faggot, we know you're the one who posted those.

Those posts were downvoted to hell because we know faggotry when we see it.

Kindly go fuck yourself, you divisive kike.

14061789? ago





14059711? ago

I would also add don’t reply with useless empty replies full of vulgarities

14062113? ago

Huh? Was my understanding that was a requirement here.

I've floated around a bit, commented in the news, awww and WTF subs, nothing special. Other than the random native stopping by to call me a niggerfuckface retard, I've fared ok. Then again, I don't have a Q in my username either.

I suppose there are some deep discussion subs, but the fact is, I'm just flat out not interested in what seems to be the predominant topics. I don't disagree or dispute their points, I just have no interest so haven't bothered.

14059557? ago

is this a call to old goat to come and downvote the heck out of us? this post is shady as fuck, why does it have so many upvotes?

i just dont think that people from this sub move to other subs in order to downvote brigade them. that bullshit!

i love upvoting much more than downvoting. but for the heaps of troll shit i see here, nothing but downvote fits, esp. as many who just arrived cannot yet downvote.

i agree, downvoting just because someone has another opinion is mean. i also agree that people need to get informed about the ashkenazi connection.

what i dont agree with it these constant posts and comments that come without evidence and links and simply stupidly state 'its all the jews fault'. IQ below room temperature? only come to chase innocent good people away who get overwhelmed by that fuck?

such posts get downvoated into oblivion. and so does this one. go troll yourself.

14061192? ago


downvote any trolling/shills in this sub into oblivion

14060920? ago

i just dont think that people from this sub move to other subs in order to downvote brigade them.




14062863? ago

All those posts you're linking too were downvoted to hell.

For all we know YOU posted those.

14062428? ago


nowhere does it say downvote in other subs. it says : "if/when able to get 100 karma, downvoat troll and shitposts. together we can clean Q's House. Thank You." Q house is NOT other subs.


again, NOT other subs. it says:"Clean Q's house as though it were a temple." !s house is NOT entire voat board.


this one can be misinterpreted.

but now, just for a moment, muster your brain, think logically, and ask yourself "do these strange Q-people really want to downvoat on other subs or do they want to clean their own sub from shitposters, trolls, and spammers?"

think hard, dude, and then look again at your ridiculous post.

14064105? ago

you faggots think the entire site belongs to Q now. Go back to fucking reddit

14066789? ago

i get it. it seems a bit similar to the invasion that i experience in europe right now. most people here are humble and grateful that voat opened its doors for us. there are a few ones though who seem to be-lie-ve this place is theirs. stupid. i am ashamed of them.

14066820? ago

it's exactly like the "refugee" invasion even to the point that I have you here trying to reassure me that islam is a religion of peace .#notallpatriots

14059520? ago

Oy vey such a post

14059322? ago

I can appreciate an element of what you say OP, but more importantly stop being faggy about voats and stop clogging up everything with shit posts. You weren't INVITED here to turn this into facebook or reddit. So thanks and fuck you, I guess

14061202? ago

Ok, carry on if you want them to keep clogging up our sub with trolling 👌🏻 Great idea

14059114? ago

There will be a lot of shills downvoting but also a lot of weak hands downvoting who can't handle the truth. Someone who is too self-absorbed with their own feelz has no business here. This corruption issue is bigger than any individual.

14059070? ago

these cunts cant get past the jews in the finger pointing game...If only the world was so simple...if rothschild was running the world you would not know about it....kazarian mafia..dragon societies..jesuit general ..white pope grey pope..italian phoenician families...hyksos jews...temple bar...scottish freemasonry...p2 lodge...black dragon..blue dragon white dragon....mafia..cia mossad mi5 mi6..knights malta..vatican..protestant churches...independant order of oddfellows.....its all bullshit...you had your presidents bush...your german president busch who funded the NAZIZ back in the skull and bone days of prescott busch....we know they funded hitler and it was a bones game ...BUT what did they do about your jew problem...NOTHING...cause they are the same people because it aint the jews its the nazis...the askenazis but you heil hitler types cant get past your bias and prejudice and settle easy on its the jews...NO its the fascist and they come in many forms.commie fabian capitalist.jews nazis christian moslem or whatever mask they want to wear.

14061221? ago

So go and debate them. Downvote trolls I think our sub but don't just downvote in their subs. Talk to them them. They're people with minds. Persuade them of the merits of your ideas

14058939? ago

Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Let's keep this right on top.

14058936? ago

and btw we already outnumber both the other subs combined

14058926? ago

this is as stupid as the assholes who bombarded us awwww don't down vote wahh wahhh wahhh

14058901? ago

Lots of cucks around these parts

14058596? ago

That applies to all in here, Europe faggotts to

14058456? ago


The final red pill , how deep down the rabbit hole will you go

14058622? ago

deep enough so they can suck my dick

14058964? ago

Fuck ya gas em

14058446? ago

Faggot show the sauce!  

But i have still to admit at least half of us, accept only the comfortable truth everything else is a lie for them, keyword of the day is jew.

14058359? ago

Redditors gonna reddit.

14058079? ago

Yeah you guys are tweaking. I came with you guys, but dude these goats have been doing this forever , follow their leadbdumbasses

14058065? ago

Aww.. Did downvotes hurt your feelings? Man up and grow a pair.

14058677? ago

This is how subs get disabled.

We don't care what you say in your sub. Just don't come and shit on the rest of the site.

14068053? ago

protection of free speech by deplatforming you. ironic.

14070221? ago

Down voting content and intentally disruptive actions are not speech.

As many of us said we don't care about your content and we're not fucking with this sub.

So we shouldn't have to ask for any of you guys to not fuck with ours.

14071807? ago

the mass downvotes appear to be coming exclusively from brigading subs like PV

14058052? ago

Beware of trolling Patriots. No way all these “Q sent us here to become Nazis” are written by Q people.

14060880? ago

why did he send you here then? there are still other forums and websites you could've used but he picked this one specifically

14058492? ago

I’m an expert at deciphering Q and yes it is indeed why,

Think mirror: put yourself in hitlers shoes World war books every ten years. He’s definitely hinted at it guys cmon Grassroots? Ha you guys should be doing better then this.

14057950? ago

I started here, and was never on Reddit. I have been struggling to understand the differences, and so far it seems to me that it like when two colleges football teams play against each other.. each side derides the other, though they are actually just football fans with the same likes and dislikes..

14060937? ago

I dislike niggers and kikes

14057946? ago

Ok. Thanks!

14057899? ago

gayest shit ive seen here in a while "dont down vote, it makes the local yokals grumpy bumpkins, derr herp" gtfo

14060929? ago

If you want their trolling to clog up our sub, keep pissing them off genius

14057888? ago

Wondering if Crosby started all this and incriminated Podesta and then the insurance file got found and the snow ball effect started?

14057879? ago

The system is good here. Let it be natural. You are advocating policjng feelings of the locals but the point is free expression in voat.

14061862? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

Here it is again for other readers you lazy clown






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14061767? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

"Skimmed" You're skimming while screaming shill. Maybe you're the shill sowing division?






You can find the rest you lazy dumbass

This notification (#1298) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14060966? ago

Free expression is debate not downvoting something you're scared of. Understand it, understand why you disagree, and debate like an adult

14057826? ago

You mean people can come over from any sub to downvote just to silence others….? Good way for the' bird dogging 'd's.

Isn't it time to set principles aside and make way for the Great Awakening? Or at least change some of this rigid system? Isee 11.000+ subscribers from the 70.000 that were banned from Reddit. Q followers are directed over here through qmap.pub. How many of us are standing, waiting and wanting to partake but are downvoted to a point were we get stuck completely ??How many of them can get through this system of points winning...(?) while building extra skin against the rough souls out here AND being bird dogged (?)by God knows what freak out there. Can i get upvoats in other subs at voat and then come over here to up/downvote others ? Can anyone explain the entire thing ? thank you

14061002? ago

Just keep making quality comments and you'll get enough points to participate.

14059360? ago

You can only get points at first for comments that someone sees fit to up vote. The comments must be on a non-anonymous subverse (so not this one). You have arrived at a time when there is a lot going on. You have to be extra awesome to get noticed and avoid at all cost asking for votes or appearing to have only commented for points. Think about how nicer that can make the conversation. No begging and the points do matter. The system is part of the culture: talk about gaming it and you might as well start a new account because you'll get many down votes to overcome. Hope it helps and be sure to fuck off.

14057807? ago

Think about what you're doing. How many of you have bitched about refugees flooding into a nation and not assimilating. Look at Europe. They were let in. They refuse to assimilate. They are forcing the citizens of the countries that let them in to live by the laws of the refugees. Pretty soon all of the European countries that let them in will be Sharia. Because those refugees used their numbers to vote their own people into power. They use their numbers to take over.

You're doing that here. You're becoming the very thing that you claim to hate.

14060692? ago

You guys take this Voating too seriously. Comparing it to refugees and nations. Goodness.

14063821? ago

That response pretty much explains why the Chan wanted you out. If you can't wrap your brain around a concept and draw a parallel - you're probably not very useful as a digger.

But what do I know? I live in a box.

14065018? ago

We all live in boxes.

14065059? ago

I may live in a box - but I can think outside of it...

14065158? ago

Yeah. I just stay in the box.

14065670? ago

Nah... I don't think so.

Are you angry because reddit and the Chan didn't want you or angry because voat is mean to you?

If you think you are fighting a war - even if it's an info war - how can you be so thin skinned? If you're part of the Great Awakening - you had to learn to open your mind to a different way of thinking. Why is it so hard for you to do that in all aspects of thought?

14067016? ago

I told you already. I'm in a box.

14060834? ago

it's called a metaphor retard

14063315? ago

I'm saying it's a bad metaphor, genius.

14064055? ago

it's accurate and topical so I don't see how

14057963? ago

This post is trolling, and against free speech.

14058174? ago

Poe's Law is a pain, not sure if genuine cognitive dissonance or quality trolling alá René Magritte..

14058094? ago

No. Actually it's not.

It's everything you don't agree with isn't a troll or a shill. Are we really becoming what we can't stand on reddit and twitter and bookface? People like us are suspended and put in FB or Twitter jail because a bunch of "words (I don't like/truth) hurt" SJW's flag our posts and comments. That's not just an algorithm shutting us down and trying to eliminate our voices - there is a concerted effort by the left to target us and report our "hate speech". And we're becoming the people doing the targeting.


14057804? ago

Stop claiming we are and trying to spread division and hate!

This is a shill attack.

The OP is trying to spread a fake rumor in the hopes older goats will retaliate and down-vote brigade us.


14061085? ago

Great logic 👌🏻

14057646? ago

Must be bots, same shit happened on reddit's forums...

14057844? ago

Or the OP is just a shill spreading fake rumors and there is no mass down-voting?

14061108? ago

This looks like a shill post intended to incite Voat to down-vote brigade us.

Because this sub is anonymized, all of those retarded comments of support could be from a the single OP shill.

Fake - yes - new Voat users have no reason to hate Voat, but shills want to spread fake lies in an attempt to have other Voat communities brigade us.

Congratulations - you are spreading hate and doing the shill's work for them.

14057664? ago

Man I hope not

14057637? ago

I agree, if this continues there is going to be a back lash like you can't believe. They are in their homeland, and they know how to use it! We are the immigrants. If it's any of us, you better stop. If it's not us... then that sucks for the whole site and we probably caused it's current state of compromise for the old goats at this time, so don't add to it.

We've been crying for freedom from censorship, this is what freedom from censorship looks like! What looks immature to you... might be informational, funny and good fun to another. Let them be.

14067872? ago

you smell like a native storm weenie

14057585? ago

False Flag Downvoting!!

14057538? ago

Please substantiate your claim that we are mass down-voting other subs.

I ask because this post seems like a shill attack intended to cause division on the Voat platform - to spread misinformation about us attacking other communities in the hope there will be retribution.

This post reeks of SoapboxBanHammer shills.

14061136? ago

This looks like a shill post intended to incite Voat to down-vote brigade us.

Because this sub is anonymized, all of those retarded comments of support could be from the single OP shill.

Fake - yes - new Voat users have no reason to hate Voat, but shills want to spread fake lies in an attempt to have other Voat communities brigade us.

If you're not on Shareblue's payroll then you should be because spreading this baseless hate is retarded.

There is no indication that anyone is being mass down voted.

There is no indication that QRV hates Voat or is down voting anyone else.

Go shill somewhere else.

14061386? ago

Read all the responses in this post. People are admitting it, genius

14061504? ago

Yup - I just skimmed all three posts... I didn't see any new Reddit refugees admit anything but I did see loads of people correctly identify this scam as being a shill attack by SoapboxBanHammer and ProtectVoat to manufacture a crisis in which this community is down-vote brigaded... just like I said.

Perhaps I missed that one or two users who admitted they were attacking other Voat communities?

Can you point them out for me because I couldn't find them?

Also, how do you know they weren't just more new shill accounts?


14057636? ago

Go and compare the downvote history on any major sub like v/whatever to before we arrived and after

14057680? ago

OK I just did.

Here's an image of whatever's front page from 3 months ago...

...and compared to what I just saw 17 of the current 25 front page whatever posts had zero or one down-vote (68%).

So basically, the claims whatever is being attacked is 100% false!

This is a shill post intended to spread a rumor that we are attacking other communities, in the hope other communities will seek revenge.

Fuck off shills!

14061070? ago

I'm talking about comments in the threads too

14061249? ago

Sorry, you are 100% FULL OF SHIT!

I looked at the most hateful attack on this community on the /v/Whatever front page... and most of the comments are lucky to have one down-vote at most.

Your mass down-voting seems to be being done by a single user.

Is he from here, who knows?

Ha ha ha ha - fuck off shill!

14061431? ago

Oh you went through one post? Your research is complete 👌🏻

Read through all the comments in this post. People are admitting it

14061553? ago

Yup - I just skimmed all three posts... I didn't see any new Reddit refugees admit anything but I did see loads of people correctly identify this scam as being a shill attack by SoapboxBanHammer and ProtectVoat to manufacture a crisis in which this community is down-vote brigaded... just like I said.

Perhaps I missed that one or two users who admitted they were attacking other Voat communities?

Can you point them out for me because I couldn't find them?

Do they even exits?

Have you imagined this whole thing?

Once again, your claim of mass downvoting seems to be perhaps one user, if that... but I couldn't find them.

14058035? ago

Did you READ any of the topics? Did you read through the comments?

Everyone that says something you don't like isn't necessarily a shill.

Paranoia will Destroy ya...

I've gone into the other subs and read what they're saying. Actively asking for upvoats or posting to "farm" upvoats is against the rules here. I have seen comments by Qanons talking about downvoating goats to render them powerless. It's wrong. It's hypocritical.

14057452? ago

To be fair I don't know how much of the mass downvoting is us. I've been here since day 1 and still haven't amassed the needed +10 upvoats to post a link, let alone the 100 needed to downvote anyone. Otherwise though, agree with the general sentiment.

14075309? ago

I am right there with you! I had at one point 8 CCP then I started noticing everyday it went down by one, I'm at 2 now and have been there for days! Anyway, I just now use Voat the same way I did reddit. I comment when I find a subject worthy but mostly just lurk. In essence I now come to Voat, chew the meat, spit out the bones and leave.

14062559? ago

Anon just go and read posts and make your comments! It's easy to get 10. You can go here: https://voat.co/v/all/new then just scroll down to you like something, open it in the comment/discuss link and just make a comment. Do about 10 and you'll be set. Or find a topic you like, go to that verse and comment in there.

14058055? ago

Excuse me sir do you have time to talk about our Lord and Master the ever greatNiggerfaggot,? He hates you just as he hates us all. niggerfaggot! Niggerfaggot! Where Niggerfaggots go we all go Jews Cunts!

14057819? ago

To be fair I don't know how much of the mass downvoting is us.

There is no mass down voting.

The shill OP is trying to spread a fake rumor in the hopes other Voat communities will feel victimized and attack us in retaliation.

The OP's goal is for QRV to be down-vote brigaded.

14075847? ago

This^ agreed.

14061465? ago

Read through all the comments in the post. People are admitting it. Plus, there were calls to do so




14088214? ago

Who called for this? Do you know?

14093785? ago

No idea

14061559? ago

Yup - I just skimmed all three posts... I didn't see any new Reddit refugees admit anything but I did see loads of people correctly identify this scam as being a shill attack by SoapboxBanHammer and ProtectVoat to manufacture a crisis in which this community is down-vote brigaded... just like I said.

Perhaps I missed that one or two users who admitted they were attacking other Voat communities?

Can you point them out for me because I couldn't find them?

Do they even exits?

Have you imagined this whole thing?

Once again, your claim of mass downvoting seems to be perhaps one user, if that... but I couldn't find them.

14061764? ago

"Skimmed" You're skimming while screaming shill. Maybe you're the shill sowing division?






You can find the rest you lazy dumbass

14061932? ago

Ha ha ha - you are retarded.

You presented ONE legitimate example...

...The rest were anonymized comments that could have been made from anyone - including older goats or shills with ZERO proof they were recent Reddit refugees...

...So let's look at that one real case, the first you linked to:

If "they" (the 10 or so) stop posting forum sliding nonsense in Q subs, I'm sure "we" will stop downvoting "their" racist rants in other subs. It goes both ways.

That post seems perfectly fine to me - a 13 day old users who's down-voting sliding attacks against a community he loves.

Good for him!

Did you have anything else I can help you with?

14062052? ago

My God you're dumb. Since the original post is in /QRV it's all anonymous. And what does that have to do with anything anyway? YOU'RE THE SHILL. But thanks because I posted evidence high up in the thread. Now piss off.

14062129? ago

I'm not the one making silly claims with zero evidence to back it up.

Let's do a recap:

  • Zero evidence of mass down-voting on Whatever posts;

  • Zero evidence of mass down-voting of Whatever comments;

  • Zero evidence that a handful of comments were recent refugees rather than shills;

  • Zero evidence of anything.

So what else 'ya got for me?

14062872? ago

Except I provided more than enough evidence but like a liberal zombie you just keep quoting your lies. You stink of 1000% shill. Again, piss off

14063104? ago

Zero evidence.


You have nothing.

14060732? ago

100%. And BTW, if you happen to see a "Da Joos!"/Stormfront type of topic that the OP is defending, and weigh in with any criticism of the bigoted slurs that pass for "analysis" of events, the OP and fellow-travelers will down-vote the hell out of you....

14061961? ago

Then call them out for their fear of open debate

14060816? ago

Ummm... this is awkward because I think Jews are the most exiled people in human history... for a very good reason.

I have my own theories on this, but I'd like you here from you...

Do you have a rational and informed reason to explain why 359 nations over the past 3000 years have all accused Jews of treason, sedition, lying, stealing and usury and told them to get out and never return?

14062921? ago

Why have Jews won roughly 20% OF WORLD NOBEL PRIZES while being less than a fraction of 1% OF WORLD population? And heavy on the science end, to boot.... They are an accomplished group. High intelligence. ....Do you think bigotry and jealous play a role? A cancer? Their contributions to the betterment of life for everyone are unreal.


Lots of Jews pushing the NWO. Yup. Lots aren't though. Plenty of Brits, Germans, Asians, Slavs, etc....

Work through that list on wiki first, and you'll see that the "homework" you're attempting to assign to me is a ridiculous and unnecessary exercize. PS, I'm German and a Baptist. Just sensitive to illogical bigotry, and mildly offended by STUPIDITY.

14066776? ago

who's hands out the nobel prizes retard?

14090168? ago

Alfred Nobel established the prize--he was Lutheran. The Nobel Committee of 5 prize selectors is named by Norway's Parliament. Moron.

14090523? ago

Obama got an award just for being a nigger, look into who really controls things

14094687? ago

No, no....wait!! Let me guess....uh.....is it Da JOOS??!!

14063297? ago

Why have Jews won roughly 20% OF WORLD NOBEL PRIZES

Who the fuck knows?

But I'd bet some of the judges have very big noses.

High intelligence

I see no evidence of that.

I see the result of advanced lying, stealing and nepotism... supported by the fact that Jews are the most exiled people in human history - always for being lying, thieving, seditious, treasonous, usury pieces of shit.

14065822? ago

No evidence? Thats because you're impervious to facts and intellectually unqualified to evaluate the intelligence of others.

14060319? ago

Yes, yes, and yes. Nailed it bro.

14060276? ago


Fuck ALL the shills right in their tight little assholes!

14057958? ago

gonna co sign that assesment

14057483? ago

you know you have to comment in non-anon threads to get the points up yeah?

14058099? ago

Yeah. I subscribed to several different verses for that reason, and at one point I did get to +10 and was able to post once but then quickly got downvoted again (from a very benign, neutral kind post) so now I'm back to square one and out in Siberia again. Don't doubt we're being plenty manipulated.

14058163? ago

yeah same, i am not worried about it though. downvoating seems to have special rules and half of the older goats have a different idea what its for than the other half. i reached the heady heights of 14 or 15 ealier, some of them from shitposts. I think some of my shitposts are too subtle for some of the kindergartners on here though.

14057714? ago

How do you do that with out asking for a vote? Lol, this place is confusing especially after I came back a few days later and it went from +0 -0 to +0 -459

14060651? ago

If you're already at -459, I would start a new account.

14058928? ago

By contributing to the fucking conversation you lazy cunt. You need to go back to reddit if you're gonna keep being a failure.

14058082? ago

How do you do that with out asking for a vote?

dam i dont even know how to answer this

14058063? ago

If you ask for a Voat I will personally mKe sure your grandchildren suffer a lack of limes

14057948? ago

Asking for votes is what causes them to downvote you. I found this out for myself and quickly learned not to do that. I'm an ex GA redditor and found it a bit of a culture shock when I first arrived here. I'm 65 years old and some of what I saw really shocked me. But now I love it here. What I did to get above 10 CCP was to join in some conversations on https://voat.co/v/theawakening. I tried to make what I said interesting and relevant to the topic, and over a couple of days I managed to raise my CCP to above 10. I was extremly frustrated and downhearted over those few days but I stuck with it. Once you get your required points you will find the freedom of this anonymised board really refreshing as you qiuckly learn to IGNORE the stuff you don't like rather than downvote it, and join in the stuff you do like.

14067811? ago

thats called censorship

14058074? ago

I will shit down your throat pipe grandmA

14057754? ago

You can COMMENT on anything anywhere. If other people like the content they will click upvoat. If you make a reasoned case for an idea people will click upvoat. If you are wrong but you are teachable people will click upvoat.

14058081? ago

And you will be beaten with dead niggers

14058095? ago

Well beats being beaten with kikes, or with live niggers like the kikes like to wield.

14058134? ago

You will be buried under a Mountain of writhing spics and junkies. You are here because Q sent you into the heart of oblivion. Niggerfaggot be upon you and peace be not upon our enemies. Goats will eat your soul. Flee before the truth.

14058173? ago

lol. I've been around voat long before Q even was a thing let alone brought me here. I'm a conspiratard and like playing in the Q related stuff sometimes, but the only thing I really care about is truth to try and wake the normies around me up. I have tried going full JQ 1488 but even my good friends are just too brainwashed for that approach. So I'm trying to find what I can to bridge the gap. Any sugestions on good "baby's first redpill" that I can use?

14057438? ago

Finally some sense. Get some fucking honour about yourselves people.

14057386? ago

I agree. I stay out of other people's business on other subs. Even if you don't agree, enter their house with respect.

14057367? ago

Oh fuck off.

Don't listen to this asshole. They come in here and post all their stupid Nazi shit, and then whine when they lose some internet points. They started it, so don't feel bad down voting any Nazi bullshit you see in any sub.

14061850? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

Here it is again for other readers you lazy clown






This notification (#1304) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14061779? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

"Skimmed" You're skimming while screaming shill. Maybe you're the shill sowing division?






You can find the rest you lazy dumbass

This notification (#1299) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

14057518? ago

Don't listen to this asshole. They come in here and post all their stupid Nazi shit, and then whine when they lose some internet points. They started it, so don't feel bad down voting any Nazi bullshit you see in any sub.

v/RidersoftheReich go kick that hornets nest of you’re brave enough shlomo

14057487? ago

Wow you make such a great point with unbacked blanket statements like that!

Everyone that disagrees with me is a NAZI!

Dont ask uncomfortable Questions! Then I wont have to learn anything new and scary!

14057284? ago

I'm new, can't down vote, haven't seen anything worth a down vote, makes me think it's a shill party doing it.

14057372? ago

That is a possibility

14057308? ago

I think so too. I think it is the v/theawakening mods who want to start a war between us and the voat people. They messed up the voting in that sub and we couldn't earn any of the ccp to post threads. They are that desperate to stay in control.

14057884? ago

I'm pretty sure your right. I had been off since last week came back in today and got ripped pretty good. Down voted me beyond belief. Lol -457 they pretty much buried me. But I found my home sub. Couldn't fine it for awhile and heaven for bid I ask. I was here last week and thought the awakening was our sub? Sure didn't feel nothing like I recall?

14057208? ago

In other words, stop acting like soyfolk.

14076005? ago

Voat should stop being concernfags.

14057242? ago


14057204? ago

Who told them it was us? Most of us haven't even got enough CCP to downvote yet.... If anything, they are bombarding our sub with off topic jew hate. That said, I engage them openly and I usually take their side because their theories are interesting. That said, I dont care much about Jews, or anyone else, because enemies are anyone who does what is claimed.

14063181? ago

Faggot shills making posts about brigading and then using said posts as "examples" even though those posts were downvoted to hell. Everyone is anonymous. Which means I could essentially make a post about killing Jews, and then turn around and accuse this sub of advocating the killing of Jews. It's no different that what the Democrats did with the Steel Dossier.

14064078? ago

oh yeah sure, you dindu nuffin all the bad actors are shills because your movement can do no wrong, I'll bet

14064321? ago

Even if it is one of ours, a small hand full of bad actors doesn't matter. Especially when their posts are downvoted and ignored by the majority.

You expect a movement with thousands of people to be held responsible for some a post made by one or two faggots? Tha fuck outta here!

14064470? ago

it's the attitude the lot of you take, you niggers are disgusting and don't belong here. Just like the illegal mexicans you trash need to fucking go back to reddit

14065127? ago

it's the attitude the lot of you take,

Free Speech, bitch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Reee harder, maybe that'll work (it won't)

14057838? ago

Who told them it was us?

Why do you believe there is any mass down-voting in the first place?

The OP is clearly trying to spread a fake rumor in the attempt to have other Voat subs down-vote brigade us in retaliation.

14057872? ago

Glad I'm not the only one who saw that!

I dont believe it and should have stated that as well!

Q really has a sense of humor, we'll be banned by voat next.

14062201? ago

He either figured we could defend ourselves...or didn't realize it was an unsupervised pre-school.

14075835? ago

Oh it's supervised preschool, they come here and shout "no more fame-fagging" but watch them gather round to suckle at putts nutts. Another bullshit internet free speech zone, just as long as you say the same thing everyone else is saying.

I got no problem with anyone's conspiracy theory, even the racist ones, I rather enjoy learning about them.

but these twats are mostly cancer.

14057265? ago

I believe they can see a difference in their subs since we flooded in. But I'm with you, if it provokes thought, I'm all for it. If it's retarded off topic slurs and circlejerks in our subs, downvote it to hell.

We shouldn't, however, be downvoting a well presented idea just because we disagree or it's shocking. We should be able think critically through anything. I know that's what you're saying too.

14057028? ago

I think we have to expect opposition, its the world we live in right now.

14057281? ago

No, this is a very generic, poorly thought out approach. They "opposed" us because we blundered in and acted like idiots at first.

We need to be respectful and think through any ideas that aren't basic trolling or shockjocking. If we disagree, WHY do we disagree. Thinking through that is crucial.

14056997? ago

Nah, they can suck a bag of dicks.

14057297? ago

Very stupid and divisive approach. How are we going to redpill people to Q by telling them that, when we blundered in at first? Come on man. Unless you're a shill stirring up crap?

14057558? ago

How are we going to redpill people to Q by telling them that, when we blundered in at first?

Thats half the problem. Voat had v/pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening before you guys barged in. We know all about Q. We were awake to this long before most redditors. We follow wikileaks, most of us cross post on 8ch.

No one was spamming v/GreatAwakening on Voat

Think about that for a second. Even people who didnt follow Q, didnt attack it on Voat before you guys arrived. Unlike the mass hate it received on Reddit. That didnt happen here, because we are extremely red pilled.

14057607? ago

So why the anti-Q trolling in our sub now?

14061029? ago

it's not anti-Q it's anti-redditor, if you'd change your behavior we'd all leave you alone to do the whole Q thing in peace.

14058113? ago

Because you are acting like redditors, and voat hates reddit.

Your mods came in and shat on the userbase. Voat hates powermods. Mods have little power here.

14057191? ago

Nah, they can suck a bag of dicks.

You asked for it

14073213? ago

link didn't work

14073289? ago

worked for me- you're either at work or a eurofag

14097513? ago

I just didn't click it lol

14057049? ago

Why did Q send us here?

14068126? ago

to clean house

14069840? ago

More like the goats are waking us up and destroying our ADL, SPLC, and JIDF shills that we really have a problem with.

14057255? ago

To gas the jews?

Asking for a friend...

14061041? ago

to prepare for the race war

14057449? ago

Hopefully that won't be necessary.

Composting is earth friendly and profitable : D

14057198? ago

To learn. It’s all new but it’s really easy once you get over the shock factor. Freedom of speech is not only a right, it’s necessary for our future. Agree with points or don’t, hear the voices anyways.

14058017? ago

No! Q did not send us here to become alt right. I believe Q sent us here to educate and/or reign in the alt right. Why do you think Q wanted this sub anonymous? If it were public and we didn’t embrace racism, would any of us have positive CCP?

14060274? ago

educate the alt right

Because you reddit tier boomer cucks have so much to teach.You are hilarious. It's you who needs to finally learn something other than propaganda. Here is a primer: The bolsheviks were jews. Communism is a Jewish invention. Millions of christians died in the holodomor because of the jewish NKVD. The holocaust was a lie. Jews gave the nuclear bomb to the soviet union. The USS Liberty was attacked by Israel. Mossad killed Kennedy. Jews stole US nuclear technology. Mossad did 911.

14056955? ago

There’s a difference between having productive discourse and the oftentimes senseless usage of racial/ethnic invectives in meaningless sentences intended to just inflame people. Akin to a 5 year old using dirty words to get a reaction out of parents. Civil conversations IS NOT what a lot of folks are objecting to and downvoting, it’s the lack of maturity being displayed by some.

14059247? ago

To Voat Goats, It will take us a while (ok maybe forever) but we will work on attitudes like MatureFag here. Remember she/he isn't aware of whom she/he is referencing with her civil this and don't-use-words-that-offend-me that: our common soon-no-longer-to-be-enemy's big dumb plan to get us all to kill each other for them. She doesn't understand that we are welcoming people to the GA who don't agree, don't get along and will probably break back apart into happy, independent, self-determining tribes when Khazarian-MI Complex-Deep State dismantlement is well underway. We are not the show: we are enjoying the show. We don't have to change to impress the #walkaway types who cannot hear "nigger", "faggot" and "jew". MatureFag doesn't understand that all the people are tired of words turning from actual communication into endless useless mutual assessment of communication practices. Deck chairs. Titanic. Who cares if someone once said a word with hate if you now use it to reclaim your mind? It's patently obvious that when we say Democrats we don't mean every Democrat and we don't even mean Democrat or Jew or White Male. The enemy changes names constantly, escapes through a tunnel and leaves us with RR-style underlings taking the fall. We don't know what they are really called but we are figuring out who we are talking about. The ones who benefit. MatureFag: if you want to make a bridge, do it with love and curiosity and a bit of thick skin for a minute. M'kay? This lecture crap is old. There is no civility without civil (better yet compassionate) intent. What is your intent? Isn't it to make sure that we don't look bad in front of the Jones? Well, they are here, those JonesFags. They welcome you heartily and invite you kindly to fuck the hell off. Naturally, you are welcome to be as civil as you want as you continue to lecture which is your perfect right. It's just wasting time and bogging us down. But proceed, by all means....

14058426? ago

Free speech--great. Expletives--tolerable, especially when they serve a useful purpose. Endless strings of nigger, faggot, fuck, etc--useless, except to shills and angry kids who come here to vent....agree or disagree?

14069656? ago

Fuck off nigger faggot.

14082247? ago


14087155? ago


14058030? ago

freedom is a muscle, post offensive crap erry day or your freedom shivels up like nerd arms and communists are able to get in

14058013? ago


14057924? ago


14057921? ago

this. thank you, god damn

14057868? ago

If you don't like it then fucking leave. It was like this before you got here and it'll be like this after you're gone. You're so worried about being offended that you are completely missing the point.

14057357? ago

Fully agreed. If it's off topic trolling in our subs, downvote away. But don't go to their subs and downvote because you disagree with an idea. Debate that idea, and if you can't, think about why you can't

14057193? ago

The holocaust is a lie.

14067892? ago

your days are numbered goy

14068182? ago

Come at me schlomo. Can you get me before I wake enough people up and we gas the lot of you? For real this time?

14068214? ago

you are so outnumbered, here on voat and in the real world. cute comment in that light.

14068265? ago

There are less than 15 million of you. Half are concentrated in Israel. Most of the other half are in the US. Easy to pick out.

14069245? ago

you dont understand do you? 70% of America is jewish.

14069604? ago

Okay I'm going to need to see some numbers on that. Or is this where you claim that Christians are actually jews?

14071825? ago

clearly research isnt your thing.

14058020? ago

Jews are a plague!

14057486? ago

Just beginning to swallow this pill. Most here will not be able to begin to listen. They would have to acknowledge that everything they have been taught is wrong. This requiresmamperson to want to research it. It is a very painful pill to swallow.

14063067? ago

Don't just believe everything as a red pill though. Test all ideas yourself. That builds a strong mind

14059099? ago

Research it more. The more you know about the vastness of the lie, and what that lie has enabled, the more you will understand the people on voat (or half or full chan for that matter). People do not like being lied to. The reaction is visceral. And considering the damage caused by the holohoax, it's pretty tame. Here's a good article if you haven't come across it yet, written by a jew (Ron Unz), with lots of sauce and secondary reading suggestions: http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/

14063332? ago


14058527? ago

to be fair, I can have empathy for this statement. The realization of multiple layers of lies, the loss of time believing the wrong things (through no fault of your own), and the recognition of how much is sideways with the world is a pretty raw feeling. stages of grief type of stuff. i was angry for a month.

14058961? ago

I was angry for years. I'm still angry.

14069537? ago

Several million Germans are as well...

14057648? ago

Whatever. There are SO many lies to stumble around that it is the bigger picture that is most useful. And after that what about the even bigger picture...? I hope I get to see a time when lies are no longer useful, in optimism and good faith I better take up the harp ;-)

14057009? ago

DAE hat Jews like Omg Oy vey

These people are fucking 12 years old lol

14067901? ago

exactly why we need to clean house!

14057326? ago

What ze fuck did you just fucking say about me, you verdammter Jude? I'll have you know I graduated top of mein class in ze Hitlerjugend, and I've been involved in numerous secret Gestapo raids in Berlin, and I have over 300 confirmed executions. I am trained in gorilla gassing and I am ze top sniper in ze entire Wehrmacht. You are nothing to me but just another race traitor. I will wipe you ze fuck out with precision ze likes of which has never been seen before on this Reich, mark mein fucking words. You think you can get away with saying zat scheiße to me over ze Internet? Think again, arschloch. As vee speak I am contacting mein secret network of spies across Deutschland and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for ze storm, blödel. Ze storm zat wipes out ze pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and zat's just with mein machinenpistole. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed kampf, but I have access to ze entire arsenal of ze Wehrmacht forces and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable arsch off ze face of ze Reich, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy blitzkrieg your little "clever" kommentar was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying ze price, you verdammter dummkopf. I will shit Zyklon B all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

14057306? ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little Jew? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Socialism, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret holocausts on Jews, and I have over 60 million confirmed kills. I am trained in blitzkrieg warfare and I’m the top Fuhrer in the entire Germany hall of Fuhrers. You are nothing to me but just another Jew. I will wipe you the fuck out with aggression the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that jewish shit to me over the Telegraph? Think again, Jew. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Nazis across germany and your Telegraph is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Concentration camp, Jew. The Concentration camp that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your race. You’re fucking dead, Jew. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven billion ways, and that’s just with my bare mjolnir. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the German Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable race off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you and your race, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn Jew. I will shit poop all over you and you will stink in it. You’re fucking dead, You fucking jew.

14058046? ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little goyim? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Harvard, and I've been involved in numerous secret pyramid schemes in the USA, and I have over 300 million dollars. I am trained in central banking and I'm the top jew in the entire society of intellectual hebrews. You are nothing to me but just another customer. I will bankrupt you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of lawyers across the USA and Israel and your bank account is being drained right now so you better prepare for the eviction, maggot. The eviction that kicks out the pathetic little thing you call your ass. You're fucking broke, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can extort money from you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my holocaust stories. Not only am I extensively trained in ripping you off, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the JIDF and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable trolling off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking goyim tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the unreasonable price of 10% above market value, you antisemitic idiot. I will overprice items all around you and you will drown in them. Oy vey, kiddo.

14069630? ago

Holy shit this one wins.

14056942? ago

we were homeless and they let us in their house and shared their food and drinks.If your whining about it then go back to the street. And btw ask yourself then "Im i really a patriot?"

14057883? ago

If you was here from day one, we wasn't Welcomed, We was bombarded with hate.

14058976? ago

To toughen you up dude

14075947? ago

I hope you saw no-homo after you are done fiddling the new boys.

"Its just hazing!"


14060527? ago

Who's crying and whinging now?

14058731? ago

You haven't paid much attention!

14058978? ago

I had to learn to call myself a newfag, qtard, nigger SJW and to politely say, "thank you and fuck off" before I understood when they were being kind and welcoming. It's a different culture. It's fun. Learn it anyway because OMG just do it. Right?

14075978? ago

So basically what you're saying is that Voat is a skindhead larp.... for niggerfaggots.

Well, we knew that the moment we rowed up to your littered shores.

14059089? ago

I think it goes to show just how far the PC crap was embedded in our minds without us even knowing it.

14058483? ago

Y'all had your muddy reddit shoes on and we told you to leave'em in the mud room, like the rest of us, but everyone was like NO I'M WEARING THEM IN THE KITCHEN WHILE I GRAB ONE OF YOUR BEERS HEY IS THIS BACON UP FOR GRABS!

14058003? ago

Such is the voat way. We have hated everything that arrives on out shores and it has served us well. YOU CANNOT COME IN!

14058355? ago

We are here lol

14058380? ago

God help both of our souls. You Are Here. Now Why Are You Here?

14061240? ago

Q for me is just ONE source of information and I would never follow ONLY ONE SOURCE. I try to seek the TRUTH from as many sources as possible using KNOWLEDGE of History, psychology, biology, chemistry, Physics, consciousness, love and fear etc. I am not religious but believe and want to keep the right of having your own spiritual beliefs. I believe there has been a war going on for centuries between Good and Evil and I only hope that I am on the side of the good. In this case of the Jews as in any case there seems to be some Truth and it is mixed in with some good and evil. I may not believe in the views of the group but there are some Truth's and Knowledge to be found. There is good and bad everywhere and unfortunately at the moment there is a high concentration of Evil in positions of power and control. It is the Duty of the good to correct this. Love conquers All. Knowledge is power. The Truth will set you Free. Thank you for asking.

14057996? ago

I thought it'd been explained enough times, it was tough love as only voat can give....if you are still hurting in the feels from it you might not have the testicular fortitude to be taking on the deep state

14058653? ago

When we first merged from reddit to voat it was toxic here I took my ass to 8chan and found it more civilized than what was encountered here day one. I get free speech but the unnecessary use of "nigger" and "faggot" among others, was just low effort teenager shit. Once Q linked QRV I came back to look around and it has improved significantly. I just wanted a more intellectual, investigative discussion than being called a pussy niggerfaggot or having to read that every 5 min. 8chan seems to only use the more toxic language when necessary. I think as a whole we should strive to conduct ourselves with a little professionalism, but glad to be here and on 8chan.

14060797? ago

niggers get the rope, faggots get thrown in the bog

14075904? ago

lol ya'll talk a mean game but cant do shit unless a mod decides free speech isn't that important.

14076088? ago

what does free speech have to do with killing niggers and kikes in the streets? They can say whatever they like but it ain't going to stop me from killing them in the end

14077088? ago

Sure you do, faggot.

Have a nice larp.

14059075? ago

You cunt

14059025? ago

Written like a pussy niggerfaggot. Reddit is waiting for your return.

14060488? ago

Are you all still at school?

14058404? ago

Not hurting, more laughing at now you are crying and whinging about your own tactics and system that has served you so well. But you are right, the deep state is the enemy, we don't really have time to play these silly games.

14057299? ago

no better than muslims in europe demanding a caliphate

14058286? ago


14058459? ago

Aloha Snackbars are my favorite. Limoncello, especially so.

14057226? ago

Who the fuck is blaming us?

Seriously, we dont have to CCP to engage in shit like this.

I smell a dirty dirty lie.

14065345? ago

wtf i havent downed anyone

14058147? ago

Stop whining and work at it, pussy.

14057348? ago

People were vote farming from the beginning, begging for upvotes. It only take 100 ccp

14057381? ago

You stink like a regular.

14057405? ago

You stink like an idiot

14056808? ago

Okay question about the jew thing. When anyone refers to Jews the way they do and say that they actually worship the devil, they don’t mean Orthodox Jew do they? It’s the Zionist Jews they talk about right?? Or does it not matter? A Jew is a Jew

14060973? ago

have you ever actually read the talmud?

14058798? ago

Okay question about the jew thing. When anyone refers to Jews the way they do and say that they actually worship the devil, they don’t mean Orthodox Jew do they? It’s the Zionist Jews they talk about right?? Or does it not matter? A Jew is a Jew

Orthodox are some of the worst, child molestation and welfare fraud is rampant among them. Many of the orthodox in NY or NJ, just collect welfare and spend their time at leisure on our dime.


Look, do you want to spend the rest of your life worrying about which jew is deadly and which is not?

Fuck 'em, they don't even belong here anyway.

I don't understand this obsession with importing every centuries old mortal enemy we can find and finding specimens that we can praise.

It's some kind of mental illness, it would be in the DSM but you know...lol

14068785? ago

damn. okay okay so then can you explain the holocaust as brief as you can? I read a post somewhere like a month or two ago saying that Hitler was a puppet and that the Rothschilds created the zionists and nazis (or something to that effect, don't quote me). So jews were murdering jews?? I don't understand. I thought maybe the Rothschilds were zionists trying to wipe out the orthodox jews, but obviously that's not the case if you're telling the truth. Are the conspiracy theorists who claim the holocaust never happened telling the truth? Nothing makes sense

14083675? ago

I read a post somewhere like a month or two ago saying that Hitler was a puppet and that the Rothschilds created the zionists and nazis (or something to that effect, don't quote me). So jews were murdering jews?? I don't understand. I thought maybe the Rothschilds were zionists trying to wipe out the orthodox jews, but obviously that's not the case if you're telling the truth.

A lot of people say these things but no evidence is ever presented. Similarly that Hitler had one ball, he was gay, he was jewish, etc. The source of these stories are jews who want to discredit Hitler.

The reason for WWII was fairly simple, the jewish Weimar government made conditions for Germans intolerable. One of the main things was the hyperinflation that came from their policies. Many try to mix up the story to where Hitler caused the hyperinflation and suffering. Wrong, he fixed it, by getting rid of jews. lol

The communists were mostly jews, they were rounded up and put into camps. The allies bombed the camps, the prisoners starved. There's your "holocaust". There's no evidence of gas chambers or death camps in Germany, that's why it is illegal to talk about it. The story is flimsy and mostly made up.

Are the conspiracy theorists who claim the holocaust never happened telling the truth? Nothing makes sense

I'm sure that it did happen on some scale, perhaps maybe 50-100,000 jews died. So what? 20 million Ukrainians were murdered by mostly jews at Holodomor. Total death toll of WWII approaches 80 million, mostly Europeans.

Nobody cares about that.

14058136? ago

If they follow only the Torah as mainstream Orthodox Jews do they might be okay.....it's the Talmud that the moloch worshipping baby raping blood sacrificing one's follow

14060147? ago

Orthodox jews study the talmud. Not the torah. They adhere to rabbinic Judaism same as the rest.

14057949? ago


14057084? ago

You would have to ask them. Go ahead and respectfully ask, and weigh it up in your own mind with evidence for or against. And research.

For example, consider there are Messianic Jews who recognize Jesus as Messiah. That kind of flips the all or nothing factor on its head, but you also have Christian scripture referring to the Jewish religious (political) elite as a synagogue of Satan. Where are the lines? The differences? What determines the lines? Are there lines? Gotta take time and chew it over.

14057523? ago

You would have to ask them. Go ahead and respectfully ask, and weigh it up in your own mind with evidence for or against. And research.

Just be careful not to do it in public with your real name or you may find yourself living out of a cardboard box while the "good ones" laugh at you. lol

14057083? ago

A better question is: Why the "good Jews" have not stood up against the cabal or evil Zionists or what ever you want to call them?

14057534? ago

Same reason we as Americans have not stood up against the cabal u til we elected Trump. The American people have just started to fight

14057591? ago

Bullshit. They have knowingly stood by and let them subvert western civilization.

Just like Boomers stood by and let our manufacturing go over seas, or educational system become a money pit for cultural Marxist propaganda factories, or encouraged debauchery in Hollywood and the music industry, or. . . oh wait. . . yep, these are all "good jew" things arn't they?

14057205? ago

What if many of Q patriots ARE jews? Given this atmosphere how many you think gonna raise their hands. Although i've seen a couple brave souls do it on 8 chan. Big mistake.

Thinking needs to expand in general.

14057469? ago

What if many of Q patriots ARE jews?

Many are. And they do everything they can to bury the problem with their fake "Soros is a nazi" bullshit.

Then they ban, report or censor anyone who dares speak the truth in response with full documentation.

You can set your fucking clock to it.

14057867? ago

QED they are not real patriots then. I am saying that actual jew patriots dare not raise their hands and the few I have seen do so, are lumped in with the evil. I'm not denying what you say about their muh Soros is Nazi. But that is not patriot action.

14058588? ago

The problem is you should never trust a jew, history for over 2000 years tells us this.

So unless they are jew bashing like Brother Nathaniel, they probably have an anti-goy agenda.

Most of the right wing jews like Milo, Shapiro, Southern, etc. are degenerate scum with subversive agendas. Then you've got the zionist mossad flunkies like Jones...

It's simply not worth it to trust them, they get you every time.

Best thing to do would be to realize that Western nations belong to Europeans, not jews. You can't be a "patriot". Help if you can, leave when appropriate.

14056939? ago

There are 5 good jews! Therefore we shouldn't gas them all!

14057511? ago

It's the same argument they try to use with the moslem terrorists.

Somehow, many people see through it in that context.

14056737? ago

I agree in part, but if someone is blatantly being racist in order to disrupt cordial conversation... Down vote!

14060996? ago

being racist is protected by the 1st amendment

14065329? ago

True, but so is downvoting for being so

14065432? ago

but isn't using your speech to silence others hypocritical? are you one of those antifa types that goes to conservative events to shout down the speaker so no one can hear them?

14066075? ago

In this forum the most powerful and concise speech gets promoted. Calling it silencing speech does not apply. no, I'm a patriot just trying to help others better understand the power of this forum

14066163? ago

no you're just silencing racism, like any other leftist like yourself you claim you like free speech but not "hate speech." But guess what?

14068113? ago

as we should

14066572? ago

if you say so

14066640? ago

I fucking hate leftist progressives like you, just go back to fucking reddit where you belong if you want to be safe from all the bad words you cuck

14066710? ago


14066746? ago

good get out you nigger

14057470? ago

Get racist out of your head, it was put there by clutural marxism. If you don't like the words ignore them.

14065391? ago

I can agree with that, but why allow rabble-rousers to taint meaningful discussion?

14057206? ago

I know. I hate it when niggers be racist. And since I'm black that isn't racist. Remember: It's not racist when we do it.

14057244? ago

Funny you should say that...I just watched Dave Chappelle's black racist skit... Dang that's funny!

14057114? ago

Another Anon out it well by saying if it's off topic in our sub, downvote away. I'm talking about downvoting in other subs just because one disagrees with an idea. If you disagree, debate it, don't downvote it.

14068096? ago

dont downvoat other subs

what like the natives do to us? fuck you

14060592? ago

That's stupid.

Don't debate. You don't reason people out of positions they didn't reason themselves into.

14061141? ago

So how would persuade them of your point?

14061461? ago

You don't. You accept that they have a different outlook and decide your actions from there.

14057250? ago

I feel like you know damn well these 2 things:

  • We dont go to other subs here


  • We mostly dont have the CCP required to downvote

Finally, who the fuck are you to tell people how and when and where to vote?

You kike nigger faggot. (See, I'm blending in just fine)

14057501? ago

We dont go to other subs here

You should. Voat is a pretty cool place. Its not like reddit, where people cling to certain subs. Ive seen many migrations from reddit, the successful ones are the ones where people branch out. Love or hate Q, it cant be the only thing that you’re interested in. Try sharing the other things you love or find interesting. Voat is what you make of it. There are geniunely lovely people on this site, and they all know each other. It will be a different experience, a better experience if you give it a chance.

We mostly dont have the CCP required to downvote

Because you are stuck in this anon sub, with most of Voats trolls. Browse all/new.

14057936? ago

Point is, we are being trolled here. Old goats are openly admitting it on other subs. Keep in mind patriots that this sub is anonymous so many of the posts here proclaiming to be fellow patriots pleading with us to respect mindless profanity and racism, are likely trolls. Even this post - think! How do we have the CCP to massively downvote?

14058123? ago

Point is, we are being trolled here. Old goats are openly admitting it on other subs.

Yes. Because you made this sub anon. Its a bad idea. Anon subs are shitty and full of trolls on Voat. Same as thte chans

14057331? ago

I'm your mom's bull, so pay attention sonny

14057366? ago

Unlike you, I knew my father.

I smell a dirty nigger pretending to know how to be white.

Run along and grease up your momma's cornrows.

14057210? ago

Then agreed! ... We are guests

14056719? ago

one sane one among the horde.

14057215? ago

Oh not the only one. Give it time.

14057708? ago

Alls Fair in LOVE and WAR. Vote Vote Vote away

14061938? ago

This has to be a shill trying to division

14058151? ago

Blow me, clown. We are not going to let you fucks this up.

14058452? ago

I represent Freedom of speech, you seem to be attacking your own system.

14058604? ago

Attacking other subs is not representing freedom of speech. It's just clown shoes dragging mud over the host's living room carpet.

14059655? ago

We are not, it is you that is coming here.

14058090? ago

Join the intro page dude

14057989? ago

way aheadaya fam

/stabs 14057708 with purple arrow

14057971? ago

Whatever happened to muh WWG1WGA?

14058503? ago

They must be working on more important things. i'm just getting to know the locals who seem to hate the VOAT system, do you want more rules. I quite like freedom of speech.

14057929? ago

You have to go back. Over the wall with you, reddit scumm

14058533? ago

I see no walls, reddit banned them because someone didn't like what they were saying, I thought you supported freedom of speech.