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14060575? ago

Stop using your speech!

We are patriots. Voting is our god given right!

14061848? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

Here it is again for other readers you lazy clown

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14061773? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread refers to this:

"Skimmed" You're skimming while screaming shill. Maybe you're the shill sowing division?

You can find the rest you lazy dumbass

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14061323? ago

What part of "IN OTHER SUBS" didn't you understand? If you're not smart enough to debate them, don't downvote in other subs just because you disagree. It invites trolling in our sub, genius

14061442? ago

Did you miss the part about it being my speech?

You're trying to say I can't speak in other subs because I should be afraid.

Q sent us here to thin the herd of cowards. You're no patriot.

14063006? ago

Did you miss the part about debating them and not just downvoting because you're a lazy tool too frail in his own ideas to think through them?

14063460? ago

You missed the part about people being unable to be reasoned with. That's naive and shows you don't know many real humans, or you're young.

14062362? ago

That's the silliest thing I've heard in quite some time.