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14057538? ago

Please substantiate your claim that we are mass down-voting other subs.

I ask because this post seems like a shill attack intended to cause division on the Voat platform - to spread misinformation about us attacking other communities in the hope there will be retribution.

This post reeks of SoapboxBanHammer shills.

14057636? ago

Go and compare the downvote history on any major sub like v/whatever to before we arrived and after

14057680? ago

OK I just did.

Here's an image of whatever's front page from 3 months ago...

...and compared to what I just saw 17 of the current 25 front page whatever posts had zero or one down-vote (68%).

So basically, the claims whatever is being attacked is 100% false!

This is a shill post intended to spread a rumor that we are attacking other communities, in the hope other communities will seek revenge.

Fuck off shills!

14061070? ago

I'm talking about comments in the threads too

14061249? ago

Sorry, you are 100% FULL OF SHIT!

I looked at the most hateful attack on this community on the /v/Whatever front page... and most of the comments are lucky to have one down-vote at most.

Your mass down-voting seems to be being done by a single user.

Is he from here, who knows?

Ha ha ha ha - fuck off shill!

14061431? ago

Oh you went through one post? Your research is complete 👌🏻

Read through all the comments in this post. People are admitting it

14061553? ago

Yup - I just skimmed all three posts... I didn't see any new Reddit refugees admit anything but I did see loads of people correctly identify this scam as being a shill attack by SoapboxBanHammer and ProtectVoat to manufacture a crisis in which this community is down-vote brigaded... just like I said.

Perhaps I missed that one or two users who admitted they were attacking other Voat communities?

Can you point them out for me because I couldn't find them?

Do they even exits?

Have you imagined this whole thing?

Once again, your claim of mass downvoting seems to be perhaps one user, if that... but I couldn't find them.