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14057204? ago

Who told them it was us? Most of us haven't even got enough CCP to downvote yet.... If anything, they are bombarding our sub with off topic jew hate. That said, I engage them openly and I usually take their side because their theories are interesting. That said, I dont care much about Jews, or anyone else, because enemies are anyone who does what is claimed.

14063181? ago

Faggot shills making posts about brigading and then using said posts as "examples" even though those posts were downvoted to hell. Everyone is anonymous. Which means I could essentially make a post about killing Jews, and then turn around and accuse this sub of advocating the killing of Jews. It's no different that what the Democrats did with the Steel Dossier.

14064078? ago

oh yeah sure, you dindu nuffin all the bad actors are shills because your movement can do no wrong, I'll bet

14064321? ago

Even if it is one of ours, a small hand full of bad actors doesn't matter. Especially when their posts are downvoted and ignored by the majority.

You expect a movement with thousands of people to be held responsible for some a post made by one or two faggots? Tha fuck outta here!

14064470? ago

it's the attitude the lot of you take, you niggers are disgusting and don't belong here. Just like the illegal mexicans you trash need to fucking go back to reddit

14065127? ago

it's the attitude the lot of you take,

Free Speech, bitch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Reee harder, maybe that'll work (it won't)