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LogiQ ago

Ok, little help here for the retarded Qfag. So I get here, which sucks for everyone because to hear it told, I'm vermin upon arrival. But instead of slinking into the sub that brought me here, I'm told that I should explore the rest of the place and get involved. So when I do that, I see that I am now violating goat turf and should scamper back to my asshole infested site and stop ruining the rest of the place.

Wtf? I feel like I'm in an Escher-ville.

NoTrueScotsman ago

I can see how that's very confusing. I'd suggest commenting in your Q board (and we actually have 3 active ones right now, so check out v/greatawakening and v/theawakening if you haven't) and lurking a bit in other subs before you jump in.

What's happened is this migration has been several times the size of the normal userbase, and the userbase has been through a series of ddoses, outages, attempted takeovers, etc. previously, so we are a bit defensive and hostile about this. Add to this that many who have come in this migration are posting plans to specifically attack and subvert voat, and every time someone finds that, they post links, you might see why we get riled up.

Soakingitup123 ago

I have to think anybody planning to attack voat itself are the shills against the Q group rather than the q supporters migrating from Reddit. The q supporters just want a place they can trust (with discernment) to continue the conversations that have been suppressed on other platforms