kneo24 ago

Man, I always thought it was cereal business. Now I bet you're thinking, son I am disappoint.

Rotteuxx ago

The king that burns coal ?

Rotteuxx ago

You mean you let some Taiwanese Philippino thai tranny touch you ?

14061020? ago

We're doing really well- getting ready to go for a walk.

Rotteuxx ago


Don't tell me I'm some sort of savage doing it like this

14060746? ago

This right here. I'm convinced they do it to try to get us to dox ourselves.

youllrememberme ago

We've already discussed your challenge in the other thread and it's too easy to manipulate for either side. It simply doesn't work, yet you keep pushing for "voice chat". How does this prove anything? Either one of us could have a friend, neighbor or family member do the voice chat. What would it prove? That either side could get 2 different people on voice chat?

srayzie ago

This is a nice little Screenshot shoeing a lame EXCUSE

youllrememberme ago

Lame excuse? Are you really that slow? Maybe you should get some sleep?

I could have 6 different people on voice chat in 5 minutes. How would you know if any of them are actually me and how would that prove I'm not Ian and you're not ASolo? What don't you get about this? It's too easy to manipulate.

ExpertShitposter ago

Don't take this shill business seriously. Their are probably PAID to discredit and demoralize you. Just ignore them.

Rotteuxx ago

Don't forget tonight is waxing night, we need to pick up some popsicle sticks today.

Oh_Well_ian ago

she's fucking insane and so is v/pizzagate mod Crensch

they have not stopped trolling me since they banned me for CURSING

Shizy ago

Banned for cursing??!! Is that what you're pretending these days?!😂!

Oh_Well_ian ago

All this from the Mods of Pizzagate and Great Awakening.

what a fucking embarrassment.

These cunts BANNED me 48 hours before the migration from Reddit and now they can't leave me alone.

lol what a bunch of sad fucks

kneo24 ago

So that's a no then? You won't take her up on the offer?

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Did you see what shill boy did there? He's insinuating you had prior knowledge of the Reddit migration. Wasn't some other alt alledging the same thing?

srayzie ago

I know lol.

@oh_Well_ian you are terrible at doxing me. That company that you have told people is my husbands company is what you came up with?

I can’t even find something that relates to me. I would love to know how you think it’s connected to me. Did you just pick something to look cool?

You aren’t even close you freak. But it does go to show that you are willing to try to dox me and that could get you banned. Use your head Ian. I am so disappointed in how you’ve proven yourself to be. I actually liked you at one point.

You are obsessed with trying to get me back for banning you. It was your fault. Get a life and get busy with Q and pizzagate.

If you can’t get on voice and prove yourself, then stop with that lame accusation because you’ve lost.

Shizy ago

And he says crensch is an Instagram model who posts tons of photos of her husband and child 😂! No person on voat with half a brain would use the same name on a social media platform where they post pics of their child! Ian sucks at this!

Rotteuxx ago

Sawry :/

I get carried away sometimes when I try & put my pipi in my wiwi.

FrozenFire74 ago

Not to mention dangerous; isn't Discord the easy way to get Doxxed?

Rotteuxx ago

Now I'm definitely going to touch myself later :)

kneo24 ago

I haven't seen that screen shot in a while. Weren't those also the alts of SGIS?

Rotteuxx ago

@fresmeat, myg, whatever his drunken mind identifies at while shilling

Rotteuxx ago

Doesn't that mean that I jerk off to myself ?

Does that make me a tranny in some fucked up way ?

twistedmac11 ago

Jesus woman you love your drama, don't you? Why do you waste so much time and energy refuting people you say are trolls? You getting so defensive when people attack you is entertaining but sad at the same time.

Oh_Well_ian ago

because she has never done a single ounce of REAL research and has to fill her ShareBlue quotas ?

just guessing

kneo24 ago

You mean they act like JIDF minions? I am just absolutely shocked I tell you. Shocked.

kneo24 ago

No, those are my alts! You can't have them!

(The funny part about this, is that all of the retards in question will just assume we are one account talking to each other.)

edistojim ago

This is Plebbit level shit.

Accuse the accuser of the same thing they accused you of………………

Go back to banning people when they say stuff you don't like.

kneo24 ago

I am you, and you are me. You are @Crensch, and so are we.

sguevar ago

Well this is interesting, depending on the time I can get on discord - however I heard that it is a honeypot so no too much of a fan.

But to help out sure can be a witness to this.

srayzie ago

Well it can be anywhere where we can use voice chat. I don’t care.

sguevar ago

Meh, I am from Costa Rica, I don't care if I get doxxed ;), but yeah anywhere we can vc it's fine to me. Just that it depends on the time. Right now I am at work.

kneo24 ago

Will the nigger come here to chimp out? Will his Jew handler show up and strike at you while he cries out in pain?

kneo24 ago

You gotta remove the @ in the first link you gave, or put a space between the @ and the URL.

srayzie ago

Oops. Thank you