15429938? ago

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15403112? ago

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15402947? ago

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15391348? ago

Nobody in QRV has names. So, fuck off with your forum drama bullshit.

15391796? ago

Except when a mod deletes your comment it is recorded in the modlog.

15390583? ago

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15390044? ago

That faggot bans everyone from his gay hangout sub when they express an opinion he doesn't like. Hell, he even bans people who have never been to that sub because he doesn't like what they have written on other subs.

15392241? ago

I don't ban anyone but [SBBH].

15389806? ago

This submission: https://voat.co/v/ProtectQRV/2891404

Is linked to (at time of this posting) 6 deleted comments from the modlog: https://voat.co/v/ProtectQRV/about/log/comment. You can see the thread title paired with the deleted comment so you can see what a censorious cunt he is.

@thisistotallynotme must not have very strong arguments if he has to delete all factual rebuttals.

15389654? ago

@NotHereForPizza here is a little piece of what you can expect.

@NotHereForPizza, @YoullRemember and @ThisIsTotallyNotMe are all connected, but the other 2 deserve their own pages. Me and other anons are not done with you guys yet.

This place is infiltrated with a group trying to divide the Q movement.

They want you divided.
Together we are strong.

People are paid to be here.

15392005? ago

doxxing someone is releasing personal info on them

Read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxing

If you're talking about the "picture of crensch sitting at a desk with a computer in front of him" that picture was simply grabbed from https://www.reddit.com/user/crensch

this website is free to see to all reddit users, or anyone that's willing to view the page. i've never had malicious intent with anyone, so that part is completely false. secondly, the info I posted is free and easy to access to all of the public. crensch or his stupid friends were the one that revealed private pictures of him. If i relayed that info, all i did in presenting my competency was show other people public and free to access information that crensch or his friends uploaded themselves, presumably with Crensch's permission.

fucking learn what doxxing is. stop being so butthurt that i told people at the place you claim to be from to watch out for you because you're sneaky an use nefarious means to get what you want, which is power and the ability to control information. YOU'RE FOOLING NO ONE HERE

15395556? ago

Pretty neat that Crensch stopped being a mod of v/GreatAwakening around the time you started pressing his direct connection to SBBH. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

15395584? ago

ha isn't that funny?

15392495? ago

Doxing someone is when you give real life information. I’ve already talked to the owner of Voat and asked what is allowed.

15390066? ago

So, do you guys fuck?

15389316? ago

Is this a Patriot platform to research Q or a fucking soap opera? Get your shit together .....

15389743? ago

So you're not concerned about active efforts to subvert and infiltrate this movement? We all should be very concerned about that.

15389417? ago

this guy is in here on QRV with dozens of alts vote brigading, replying to his own stupid posts, manufacturing a narrative. He is bent on skewing the opinions of you researchers. Its tedious and annoying, but you all need to be aware to look out for this shit


same reason Reddit G.A eventually got axed

bc the people or person who undermined reddit is the same person fucking with us here. And I'd guess he lurks here on QRV more than he does on GreatAwakening because here he is anonymous and its harder to detect his gaslighting

15389585? ago

And when he goes, someone else will replace him..... I can't speak for everyone but I've been follow Q since day 1 and it's easy enough to tell the shills from others. I think people who have not been researching or following as long can also tell, they can be pretty easy to spot. Yes it's an anonymous board so you don't have the luxury of seeing a name attached to know to stay away but that is the price we pay.

Is it frustrating, YES but it will not stop and wasting others time with these kinds of posts is annoying.

My $.02

15389656? ago

I only have one alt, and @srayzie knows what it is. She won't say because it harms her narrative.

You're being suckered into participating. Hate me all you want, but I dare you to go to v/ProtectQRV and see how I'm doing anything against Q.

15389760? ago

Liar liar liar! You've been caught!

15389655? ago

thats cool for you

but, we have new users here everyday who need the heads up

15389524? ago

Another quality Divide-and-conquer reply by the Owners of v/GreatAwakening.

v/GreatAwakening - Because maybe Q was wrong when he steered you away from the sub.

15389628? ago

How is this division?

I, a user of Great Awakening, are doing QVR a FAVOR IN SOLIDARITY in telling them to look out for manipulative pieces of shit like you

when Q says WWG1WGA , the 'all' in that doesn not refer to 'All of your sock puppets'

you fucking Gimp

15389983? ago

This is division, by perverting "Where we go one, we go all" into "Where we go all, we go one", in true Thelemic fashion.

Not the person you're replying to, but it's clear as day to anyone awake reading this that you're only partially familiar with Q. Just enough to sow doubt.

15391824? ago

Why would someone make baseless accusations in a separate sub verse and then delete any comments expressing skepticism?

15390061? ago

what are you suggesting? That the Deep state has totally overlooked the job of seeding these forums with disinfo agents ? That we are not permitted to identify those agents or else we fail Q's maxim ?

15390167? ago

That's a very nice strawman you've built. I'll let you deal with it, and go back to focusing on the fact that Q steered us all away from every sub but v/QRV for this exact reason.

15390254? ago

ah - THAT is a strawman

Q did not discredit or discourage the legitimacy of any alternative Q sub, either here on Voat or elsewhere.(wisely, to do so would be divisive) He simply asked 8chan's owner to set up a replacement for the deleted Reddit sub here

so you are failing Q in falsely characterizing his intent

15390383? ago

Not the guy you are replying to, however he is right. You constructed a strawman argument there and now you are projecting.

He is also right about why Q pointed us here. There is a reason why this board is anonymous. So Drama like what is happening out there, doesn't happen in here. We have no names, no reputations and nothing to lose or to gain. All we have here is our own egos to overcome.

For some, that is a difficult thing to do.

15391359? ago

Goose. The drama happens here constantly but you don't detect it, courtesy of the anonymity. It masks the subtler shills

15391608? ago

I am flabbergasted at this reply. I honestly don't know what to say.

15392275? ago

this is not rocket science

on an anonymous sub, :

user @123456789 can say a lie about Q or Trump or whatever the next day, they can repeat the same lie, being assigned user @987654321 and lie again, and again and again

on a non anonymous sub, user @thatshill can post a lie the next day, they repeat the lie - & users there go 'hey @thatshill - ASSHOLE - you posted that same lie YESTERDAY - we provided EVIDENCE that it was a lie - so you KNOW you are LYING , so we KNOW that you are FULL OF SHIT, not just misguided or ignorant, and that we should distrust ANYTHING YOU SAY HENCEFORTH

anyone who doesnt understand that dynamic - or who PRETENDS that this is not the dynamic in play - is either an idiot or is here IN BAD FAITH as one of the disinfo agents

15390371? ago

Because GA is shill owned. There's really no other logical explanation.

15391852? ago

Okay neonrevolt. Shouldn't you be making another t-shirt commercial about now?

15389370? ago

NeonRevolt is all about dat drama

15390156? ago

And all about dat money!

15390177? ago

Oyyyy veeeeeey

15389673? ago

"Everyone I Don't Like is NeonRevolt" - A short story by v/SoapBoxBanHammer, illustrated by GCHQ.

15389747? ago

I like how you IDF boys deflect to GCHQ

Really ineffective here on Voat, we know who the (((Enemy))) is. By not naming them, your nose sticks out.

15390023? ago

(Look how triggered they get when you accurately name their financiers)

15390094? ago

15390075? ago

Look how much they project so that everyone won't notice they're a JEW!

15389164? ago

and he deleted my comments too

he will only accept comments that suit his agenda - so you can pretty much infer that whatever he's trying to persuade you of, you should probably believe the exact opposite

15389903? ago

He's deleted all of mine every time. People should try it for themselves and see. No one should have comments deleted for saying something that a mod doesn't like!

15390039? ago

Or.... you could just not post drama about his subverse and give him attention?

15389269? ago

Here's his agenda:

This Subverse is Anonymous!

This subverse is ANONYMIZED, just like v/QRV. You can safely contribute to any linked thread or conversation without reprisal. (Voats in v/ProtectQRV do not impact your SCP or CCP.)

Posts (even yours!) Will Be Deleted!

If you provide intel that can be verified, or proper discussion of tactics and techniques, you should not fear that your intel will go to waste. If the comment thread you participated in is deleted as Collateral Damage, MAKE A THREAD about what you were discussing, so we can all focus/discuss the topic. Threads are much more likely to stay around and gain eyeballs than an off-hand comment in a thread.

15389154? ago

Your gaslighting, trying to connect me to @thisistotallynotme wont work, @srayzie. I already have proof you know I'm not that person. How about you quit shilling with your SBBH buddies in QRV.

15389911? ago

Where's this proof then?

15390318? ago

I'll ping you later, don't trip.

15392215? ago

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15390135? ago

underrated post.

15389387? ago

Dang, you're really bad at this, @thisistotallynotme

So sloppy.

15389362? ago

funny that

because who was it who had an obsession with and always used the exact phrase "shilling with your SBBH buddies in QRV" ??

Thisistotallynotme !

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA you couldnt be more transparent if you deliberately set out to be

15389708? ago


15389577? ago

And you have not one piece of evidence of @thisistotallynotme using that phrase. Not. One.

15389949? ago

How would you know what phrases another unrelated user has used unless that's one of your alts?

15390096? ago

Your question is not proof. You still have not one piece of evidence.

15390116? ago

But my question is a valid and logical one. Care to explain?

15389935? ago

Is that because you try to be super careful about what phrases you use when you switch alts?

15390101? ago

Not. One.

You don't even have evidence of your accusation of alt switching.

15390131? ago

You're pathetic!

15389180? ago

The evidence is there for all to see. You suck again as usual.

15389697? ago

What evidence? I don't give a fuck what thisistotallynotme did, I'm not that person.

15389295? ago

Why are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person in the title? hahaha "These people are stupid."

15389149? ago

Another [THEY WANT US DIVIDED] post from @Shizy, co-owner of v/GreatAwakening.

v/GreatAwakening - Because you're not smart enough to stop using a subverse Q himself steered you away from.

15389789? ago

Q never steered anyone away from v/GreatAwakening but nice attempt to lie and manipulate again! And @shizy is not co owner, just a mod. Can you get anything straight ever? Or do you misrepresent so much on purpose?

15389141? ago

So do you guys fuck?

15389225? ago

This is definitely how sociopaths have sex, isn't it?

15389200? ago

Since they are the same person, they fuck several times a day because he can’t find a real man who would want his fat ass.

15389495? ago

Srayzie sports a pic of an overweight chick on her twitter and she's calling people fat now bahahahaha

15391211? ago

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15390148? ago

Bitter incel

15389991? ago

😂 Thanks for linking to my PATRIOTIC all Q Twitter account. At the same time, you show how immature you are.

15389858? ago

Nah that’s a real woman. Me likey.

15391941? ago

Ahahaa, SJW leftist nigger confirmed.

15390294? ago

LOL replying with your alts again?

15389555? ago

link to twitter?

15389814? ago

Yeah that looks over weight! To an anorexic maybe!

15389764? ago

> Those Eyebrows
> GOTIS Angle
> Dat photoshop

Narcissist confirmed. Holy shit. I even got goosebumps just looking at that chick.

15389832? ago

Goosebumps? Because you're turned on!

15389821? ago

Are you in high school? You sound like you’re jealous.

15389755? ago

Fuck that’s Srayzie? Make me a mod @Srayzie! I switched sides.

15389473? ago

I think he was talking about you and I fucking.

To answer grandparent's question, no, we don't. But I definitely think he's trying to court me. And I think he wants @youllrememberme to help me tag-team him. But I ain't gay. The closest I'll go is a FtM tranny that converted back after realizing how crazy she was. But full-homo with this dude? I don't think there's enough money in the world to make that happen. I just don't know how to let @Shizy down softly.

15389888? ago

So sorry to dump on your weird sex fantasies nothereforpizza, aka thisistotallynotme, but you've already outed yourself as a boomer. Very few people who aren't being paid or compensated in some way are interested in old fat boomers!