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srayzie ago

Hahaha don’t get me and @Empress going again!

15408753? ago

Oh, come on. It'll be so epic that people will watch from a distance in awe.

srayzie ago

Not fair. How did you get a dancing banana?

15409446? ago

Oh dear. You should have seen what it was originally. It was so bad that I couldn't post. hahaha

srayzie ago

Haha. Did they choose it for you?

15410185? ago

Yes, both times.

srayzie ago

Well then I probably shouldn’t ask for one.

15411244? ago

No, don't. It can go so wrong. What they originally gave me was an erect penis that became flaccid and bounced back to erect. Dear God.

srayzie ago

Omg I couldn’t post here either then 😂 I’m already considered horrible for posting here! This is my life on a daily basis.

15411846? ago

Oh heavens. Yeah, bunch of fags that need the oven.

I got called a Kike whore lots yesterday. Fun times. LOL

srayzie ago

😂 yay! I’m not alone! 🙌🏻

15412329? ago

No, nigger. You're not. ;)

srayzie ago

Look who’s talkin 👱🏿‍♀️

15412624? ago
