Shizy ago

I heard @empress thinks it's ok to post butt pics if you're wearing an apron.

@srayzie wants to try it but she has to go buy an apron first.

15413637? ago

This is true- not sure how you found out. Hey @srayzie, just get a piece of newspaper and use some scotch tape for a makeshift apron. Handy little tip ;)

Shizy ago

Knowing @Srayzie, she doesn't have newspaper so she'll just cut up a porno mag to make her "apron" more interesting!

15414188? ago

She'll we doing her best Martha Jewert impression as always.

Shizy ago

"'Martha Jewert" 😂

srayzie ago

That’s a fantastic idea shizy!

srayzie ago

That’ll work for me 😁

srayzie ago

You already chose your man bitch! 😂🖕🏻


Crensch ago

I am the cable guy!

15409728? ago

We must do it for the good of women everywhere.

15409681? ago

We always prevail. Here that @srayzie and @shizy?

TW vs GA

Anytime, anywhere.

srayzie ago

It’s on girlfriends @Trigglypuff @Empress

@Shizy needs to get her ass back from the welfare office and get online.

Shizy ago

I wish I could get welfare!

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Fricken snow day! Damn kids all around here bugging me!

srayzie ago


15410323? ago

I saw @Shizy yesterday in line at Popeye's. She was stealing a piece of chicken off the tray beside her.

Shizy ago

Ewww! I prefer chick-fil-a! 😂

srayzie ago

😂 Sounds like something she would do. She doesn’t cook. She’s used to bologna sandwiches.

15408729? ago

Trigg and I will win. No question.

srayzie ago

That’s what @Shizy does.

Shizy ago

Not anymore 😂!

srayzie ago

HO I’ll stay away from @Rotteuxx as long as you stay away from my Big Daddy @Crensch!

Crensch ago

srayzie ago

Love the flower 🌸 ☺️

Rotteuxx ago

I always knew that @Crensch had a waifu !

srayzie ago

Just lovers!

srayzie ago

Hahaha don’t get me and @Empress going again!

15408753? ago

Oh, come on. It'll be so epic that people will watch from a distance in awe.

srayzie ago

Not fair. How did you get a dancing banana?

15409446? ago

Oh dear. You should have seen what it was originally. It was so bad that I couldn't post. hahaha

Shizy ago

@srayzie is only pretending to be interested in your banana. What she really wants to say is "how do I get myself a dancing penis"?

srayzie ago

I have a couple of those! 😂

Shizy ago

I have one on my dashboard 🤣!

srayzie ago

You probably do! Along with your cheech and Chong dice hanging off your rear view mirror!

Shizy ago

Ohhh, I need some of those!

srayzie ago


15413470? ago

That's exactly what I was thinking.

srayzie ago

Haha. Did they choose it for you?

15410185? ago

Yes, both times.

srayzie ago

Well then I probably shouldn’t ask for one.

heygeorge ago

We can arrange a flair for you. @expertshitposter is the finest at it. He made @PlankO’s. Although I do remember the one @Empress used to have. It’s probably still flopping around in the CSS somewhere.

ExpertShitposter ago

The deed shall be done. Tomorrow at midnight.

Nadeshda ago

Do I get a flair Sir? I am intrigued what it will be... lol

@heygeorge what you think a good idea or not? Lol

heygeorge ago

Your flair will be handcrafted by the finest mspaint artisan on earth, @expertshitposter

Nadeshda ago

Sounds wonderful! :)

ExpertShitposter ago

You can give me ideas if u want. Otherwise i shall do it......when i am inspired.

Nadeshda ago

Lol, yeah I hear you... I have no ideas atm, doesn’t help I picked up a stomach bug :/ yip we can certainly wait for inspiration to kick in whenever that may be...

ExpertShitposter ago

What does the word nadesh even mean?

Nadeshda ago

Hope in Slavic :) lol...

Nadeshda ago

Hah! Well that kinda explains it all... go figure... lol urbanD got the dirt on me... :)

ExpertShitposter ago

I wanted to give you a flair many times, but i could never figure you out. I guess ill make it a gun or a pretty face or something.

Nadeshda ago

When you have me figured out let me know, then we’ll both know. Yeah in a world of larping one often has to step back and wonder what is real... I don’t think I suit this world well tbh...

15418138? ago


ExpertShitposter ago

The EvIL deed has been completed. @srayzie

srayzie ago

Omg! 😂🤣 @Empress mine is bigger than yours! 😂

@Trigglypuff @Shizy @think- @HeyGeorge

15431392? ago


Shizy ago

That suits you perfectly 🤣😂!!!

srayzie ago

I know right?!

think- ago

You forgot to ping @bopper! Bopper the girls are comparing the sizes of their bananas now!!


srayzie ago

You love bananas think-! She needs one @ExpertShitPoster!

think- ago

OH NO!!! I will leave this place immediately, @ExpertShitPoster, if you in a banana to my name!!

I want a cat!!! :-) :-P

@Shizy @bopper

srayzie ago

You heard the lady @Expertshitposter. She wants a PUSSY cat


think- ago

LOL. Yes, please! ;-) :-)

@MolochHunter @Shizy @bopper @ExpertShitPoster

Shizy ago

Oh my I can't wait to see how this plays out 😂

think- ago

You guys have been warned. If I don't cat a proper cat pic pinned to my name, I'm out and gone.... ;-P

@srayzie @ExpertShitPoster @MolochHunter @bopper @Empress

ExpertShitposter ago

Well considering that you don't actually shitpost to SBBH, the best i could do is a cats butthole.

srayzie ago

True. She’s from pizzagate

ExpertShitposter ago

yours is bigger but empress one is animated

heygeorge ago

@srayzie is hung like a mule. And I’m pretty sure she has a boner.

srayzie ago

I can’t even hide it ☺️

srayzie ago

Oh me and @Empress just play with each other. I don’t think mine should be animated. It would be too naughty 😂

srayzie ago

Oh no. I’m scared!

15412668? ago

Please give it to her. Puleeez.

heygeorge ago

@srayzie, I promise that the dangling dong has been washed

srayzie ago

Awww well isn’t that sweet 😂

srayzie ago

It needs to be clean!

heygeorge ago

Unfortunately there’s not a whole lot you can do about that. But, noted.

srayzie ago

Then don’t ask him! I have a rep to protect 😎

15411244? ago

No, don't. It can go so wrong. What they originally gave me was an erect penis that became flaccid and bounced back to erect. Dear God.

srayzie ago

Omg I couldn’t post here either then 😂 I’m already considered horrible for posting here! This is my life on a daily basis.

15411846? ago

Oh heavens. Yeah, bunch of fags that need the oven.

I got called a Kike whore lots yesterday. Fun times. LOL

srayzie ago

😂 yay! I’m not alone! 🙌🏻

15412329? ago

No, nigger. You're not. ;)

srayzie ago

Look who’s talkin 👱🏿‍♀️

15412624? ago


srayzie ago

They missed out!

15409458? ago

They did. A total cat fight.

srayzie ago

Luckily I won. 🙄

15410176? ago

Yeah, you kinda did. hussy

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Ho be tripping if dey dink dey creepin up on muh nigga dick! Sheeit

😂 I’m dying!

srayzie ago

I actually upvoted. Is that weird? 🤔

srayzie ago

YoullRememberMe is always posting crap about me. Such a good “PATRIOT.” @Trigglypuff, they are requesting pictures of lots of your girl parts! 😂

argosciv ago


mic drop

Thief! <3

srayzie ago

You caught me 😂

srayzie ago

Oh shit 😂 BITCH! Go check this out! You always have perfect timing. 😂

This is probably already archived by that paid shill YoullRememberMe who seems to have forgotten that this is a free speech site where I can shit post anywhere I want.

argosciv ago


I just went and checked in on that thread to see if it had been edited at all, then saw the crosslinkbot's post about your ^comment.

Lol'd at main post here xD

srayzie ago

@Trigglypuff LOVES to get me in trouble. Argos, now that you posted in SBBH, your name will be tarnished. Nobody can be Patriotic if they post here apparently. 🙄 LOL

argosciv ago


I'm surprised there hasn't been much of a renewed campaign against me tbh. I've been posting somewhat often here for a short while now.

srayzie ago

Oh I didn’t know that! You must be involved in all kinds of things then. Like vote manipulation and British intelligence 😂🤣

argosciv ago

Hahahaha! I think they already used that card when they accused me of being cicada or whatever the fuck xD

srayzie ago

Oh I remember that 😂

ExpertShitposter ago

I only saw the twitter selfie. If there is more, link me up Scotty.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im helping with the voting system so its compromised too

imma use it to take over subs from the owners

heygeorge ago

Lol, this is actually 200% true

clamhurt_legbeard ago

fuck yaaaaa

clamhurt_legbeard ago

t h o t

that ho over there


u/srayzie post ass

we need a sexy ass standoff between you and u/trigs

or post skirt that was hot too

also u/expertshitposter youre like fuckin six months late on your asspix

u/rotteuxx and i are very manly men with very real testicles and we posted

plus if you post ass we might get more pix from u/trigglypuff and u/srayzie


Shizy ago

@srayzie told me that THOT stands for That Hottie Over There. She thinks it's a compliment when people call her that 🤣.

srayzie ago

I always wondered what that meant!

Rotteuxx ago

@expertshitposter is too chicken shit to post... or he knows he won't cut it and is saving himself from the loss.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

we shall name him expie smalljeans from this day hence

Rotteuxx ago

Maybe he's a fatty !

clamhurt_legbeard ago

holy fuck

nah i dont honestly believe that

his people are always hot as fuck

this has been my experience 100 percent of the time

Rotteuxx ago

Well nice job ruining that attack strategy, for fuck's sake Clammy !

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hey im not about to let you use a weak attack i see little chance of victory in

have you seen his type of people


literally every chick is a 7 or better

ExpertShitposter ago

Cant a dude be depressed? Gezzz. I will post my shit when i'm in a happy mood. And that will happen when i am free. And that will happen when i get 2 weeks of vacation. And that SHOULD happen between 24.12.2018 - 06.01.2019.

Wherever i am, i must also be late. @clamhurt_legbeard If you play nice, maybe you will get an IRL pic from my past earlier, if i consume enough weekend.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


i wish you good luck on weekending and also a happy vacation

sorry to hear youre depressed

maybe i can find an aesthetic gun picture youd like

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm gonna make it breh. I've almost cleaned my room. I just need a reset. I was cheated out of my summer vacation with home improvement shit, and some other trouble.

Post SVD.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol i almost started looking for svd

then i thought

greetings from america

wood and steel

ill find a good svd for you too lol

ExpertShitposter ago

I will take that. Tho i must wonder. Why does Springfield betray humanity with this 50/50 bullshit.

They ran out of wood halfway thorough production or something?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

expie here is a beautiful svd

ExpertShitposter ago

Thats a nice one. Funny thing. SVD and AK are the only rifles i ever saw that don't look shit in bullpup configuration. Look worse of course, but still good.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

m14 handguards are very thin and the wood broke

they charred when used on full auto fire

and they get longer as they heat up changing point of aim

fiberglass solved these problems

as for bullpups

i need this

ExpertShitposter ago

they can get laminated wood now

they don't sell full autos

should have made it free-float by now, its what ruskies have finally figured out for the 2018 svd, took them only 50 years

better to miss than not have aesthetics anyhow

that's actually kool looking despite the plastik, but leme post something 4 u

clamhurt_legbeard ago

you can buy wood still to replace it if you want

brand new

i await your post eagerly

15403825? ago

@shizy tried to sell me some of that moisturizer that she bought off of @srayzie. She marked it up, too. Hmmm, very tribe like of her.

srayzie ago

You just ordered some yesterday @Empress! 🙄

15407216? ago

I see all that discretion talk was just lip-service, @Srazyzie.

I'm so cancelling that order now.

Shizy ago

Oy vey! No refunds or exchanges!!! Read the fine print next time sucka!

srayzie ago

I’ll post my add on TW!

15408717? ago

You'll be benned! BENNED!

srayzie ago


15409428? ago

Kidding. You know I love you.

srayzie ago

I know silly! Love you <3

15410235? ago


15409420? ago

Ahahahahahaha! bitch

Rotteuxx ago

Tell you what Empie, I'll take this matter off of your hands and deal with @Srayzie & @Shizy myself if you just get @Trigglypuff to post buttfies.

srayzie ago

Uh oh. How would you deal with us? 😮

Rotteuxx ago

Well since French is the language of love, you'll know when you find out what this means :

À grands coups de je t'aime dans'l ça-pu ;)

srayzie ago

With great strokes I love you in 'capu 😮

15412712? ago

^ 10/10 hussy

Shizy ago

Now there's the real pic of @srayzie the boomer granny! That other one is 20 years old at least 😂!


srayzie ago

🖕🏻🖕🏻That was you at @Trigglypuff’s 55th birthday party🖕🏻🖕🏻

Rotteuxx ago

Well that's one way to kill all the romance that saying has... ;)

srayzie ago


Rotteuxx ago

srayzie ago

Sorry @Rotteuxx. We can’t meet now cuz @Trigglypuff said and that nigga bitch scares me! 👱🏿‍♀️

Rotteuxx ago


Rotteuxx ago

I did however use the word thot which is a nigger colloquialism. I did that to be ironic, not that @Rotteuxx appreciated it.

nigga kulcha

So was that one a slip of the tongue ?

No. Ask @Srayzie as she is now the designated hottie.

I can definitely feel the female anger in that comment, Triggly is boiling inside... Srayzie should definitely watch her back !

I'm also going to shut up now before Triggs swims across the pond to neuter me... well she'd get here all pissed and then beg me to please her anyways but @Clamhurt_legbeard might want to safeguard his testie, I don't think he has the testosterone to make a female wet herself just with his pheromones.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ho is a nigger word from the arhotic nigger accent

white accent is rhotic and therefore pronounces it as whore

now post ass lol

Rotteuxx ago

@Trigglypuff isn't on top of her game today, must be her monthly bleed out.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol i wouldnt know

im a man and my testicle doesnt bleed


Had to scroll past 18 of these to get there:

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15402545? ago

Oh I missed that, cause I was banned :o

srayzie ago

Banned from where?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

what she means is





15402470? ago

How did you get those extra badges?

Rotteuxx ago

I was being overly generous by using that term, but you're still emulating niggers ! Hhhhhhhahahahaha !

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Its 2018, why haven't you given your babies for reprocessing into skin products? Don't you know about...~~ overpopulation ~~?

Rotteuxx ago

Didn't degenerate niggers invent the mic drop ?

heygeorge ago

@vindicator we must address this immediately!

Vindicator ago

I think we're good. v/pizzagate requires linked evidence of all major claims. No unsourced discussion posts allowed ;-).

srayzie ago

Oh no Vindicator. You’re SBBH now 😱

Vindicator ago

Ehh I was pinged. :-) Didn't want to be rude.

Y'all carry on with the Voat Locker Room wet towel ass-snapping. ;-)

srayzie ago


argosciv ago

LOL! I love you guys. It's great seeing familiar faces in this land of non-serious bantz.

srayzie ago

Haha. <3

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

@Srayzie why did you feel the need to show all of Voat your semi-pornographic images?

Are you trying to get attention?

Also, not bad, nice skin.

Rotteuxx ago

Put on a flower pattern dress, it'll be a classy looking heinie :) I have a classy solution to everything

forget-me-not ago

But.........r they sexy photos?

srayzie ago

No. Just my face. 😂

Rotteuxx ago

Whining isn't ladylike by any means, have some class.

Now show your heinie

15401650? ago

O̶r̶ ̶u̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶p̶h̶o̶t̶o̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶s̶e̶l̶f̶?̶ I shouldn't talk bad :/

Rotteuxx ago

Show bobs or freckled ass, she's the hottie now.