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15498452? ago

Why does anyone need to choose either/or? What's wrong with both/and? Voat's admin made a special "Set" you can subscribe to that includes all of them. It makes submissions from all of them show up on your front page: Subscribe to that, and you get everything; sort by HOT or TOP and the activity or votes will sort the wheat from the chaff.

15498909? ago

Maybe if you actually read through the submission, you'd understand why the Great Awakening mods are defending themselves. You'd also understand that the Great Awakening mods are not attacking qrv.

15499349? ago

Did you have a point? Or was it to illustrate that you have nothing to say you just wanted to link me somewhere?

15499406? ago

The point is obvious. Srayzie is blaming QRV for attacking her so sbbh will shill QRV harder than they already are.

15499558? ago

Anytime a goat is attacked, other goats will mobilize. Labeling them as as sbbh is silly.

The fact of the matter is, you have people infiltrating qrv. You have mods that are compromised. And the users here don't show that they know that with their votes.

If they did, it'd be less likely that legitimate users would make the mistake of believing the shills bullshit

15499699? ago

How are the mods of QRV compromised? The BO that Q asked to make this sub appointed those mods and they haven't deleted anything but posts against the rules. Are you saying Q is compromised because you want everyone in GreatAwakening? lol

15499892? ago

I'm saying qrv is modded by an alt of someone in theAwakening.

Those mods are 100% compromised.