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15497749? ago

Having only come here (and to Great awakening) when Q told us to come here I know nothing of the inner politics with these chat boards. I have never participated in any of them anywhere previously. What I have seen as someone new to this is pretty simple. QRV is full of shitposting that no doubt turns off many like me that want to know more. Great Awakening not so much, but still more than newly red pilled Normies can tolerate.

When I try to introduce someone to Q I tell them not to even look at anything on Voat. I refer them to, Praying Medic, and X22 Report. I only come here because I recognize this for what it is. Sorting through a ton of shit to find a diamond.

And there are diamonds among these posts.

15498525? ago

There's less shilling in GreatAwakening because srayzie and her friends are the ones shilling in QRV.

15498644? ago

I disagree. I happen to know that the shilling in QRV is being done by nothereforpizza, thisistotallynotme, neonrevolt, 9-11, and youllremember me, to name a few. @srayzie would not mod them to v/GA when the migration happened because she didn't trust them and they have been attacking her ever since.

15498674? ago

I am youllrememberme and you're full of shit. Why did you only ping srayzie?

15499428? ago

You do know vote brigading an anon thread accomplishes nothing, right?

Otherwise I would fucking bury you. I am tired of your shit. You fuckers want to play? Game on.

15499499? ago

Nobody here cares about internet points, srayzie, that's you. Are you mad that people in QRV see through your bullshit?

15499624? ago

Not srayzie. Keep trying.

15499770? ago

You're sbbh, that's all that matters.

15499923? ago

What does that even mean? How many subs have you posted to?

15500039? ago

I came here for pizzagate and Q, that's all the subs I want to post in. Is that a problem?

15500758? ago

So then which are you? PG or Q? and which Q sub? Because according to you once you post to a sub you are automatically part of a group and can be held accountable for the actions of anyone who has posted to the same sub as you, right?

15502945? ago

No, srayzie admits sbbh are her friends...

This is a free speech forum and I can shit post with friends all I want.

15503549? ago

I see her admitting that some users are her friends. Holy Shit! People on a website are friends with other people on a website.

15504195? ago

I'm sure you already have, but check out the comment she was replying to. Shit, look at this comment chain too...

You can try to keep denying, but the facts are here.

15504462? ago

Give it up already dude! You fucked up.

15504587? ago

You fucked up.

How so? I'm only presenting the truth, from "her" comments. You all are the ones who keep claiming bullshit with no evidence.

15504220? ago

Oh shit a conversation. That's all you have? Are you on Mueller's team or something?

15504520? ago

You roll with that.