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15597792? ago

Because GreatAwakening is owned by SoapboxBanHammer shills.

Just take a look at their history - all the mods (except the owner) are SBBH karma-farming caner-mods.

NONE of the new SBBH mods gave a shit about Q but they all wanted to bcome mods the moment of the Reddit ban - purely in an attempt to derail Q's authorized and approved QRV community.

Why do you think QRV is remorselessly attacked by shills using EXACTLY the same tactics that SBBH has used in the past, yet GreatAwakening is left completely alone.

It's almost as if the attacks are coming from GreatAwakening mods.

Weird, huh?

15598509? ago

Yeah, I read that but it changes nothing.

Some of those SBBH karma-farming cancer-mods who now dominate GA have a history of attacking Voat's Q communities.

Fuck every last one of those Mossad shills.

15602144? ago

Some of those SBBH karma-farming cancer mods who now dominate GA have ZERO history of posting anything to any Voat Q communities except shill attacks

Really? You do realize that people can look up submission histories for the GA mods and see that you're LYING once again!

Why do you even bother when your lies are so easy to disprove?

15599758? ago

why would anyone invite ONLY SBBH cancer-mods and why would anyone invite users who've shown no interest in Q beyond attacking US to be a mod?

"Us"? Way to try and align with QRV to try and appear more trustworthy!

You have never provided any proof that the two mods on GA are SBBH "cancer mods"! Because it's a lie! Srayzie has admitted to briefly being a mod on SBBH because that's a part of the shitposting that is done there. People are modded, demoddd, banned and unbanned all the time.

Do you have any proof that GA mods are shill attacking QRV? Because its anon, anyone can shill attack it! Even you who has continued to work so hard to undermine Srayzie and GA for some weird reason.

Time to prove your allegations or STFU!

15599821? ago

"Us"? Way to try and align with QRV to try and appear more trustworthy!

Your arguments are descending into mud throwing.

I've been a Voat Goat for long enough to recognize SBBH attacks even if they are hiding behind anonymous usernames.

The reason this issue comes up again and again and has so for years is because where there's smoke there is fire.

SBBH is nothing but a karma-farm where mods post useless shit that wastes Voat server space just so they can up-vote each other and cover the fact they regularly participate in down-vote brigading. I've seen their members do this many times in the past to medium sized Voat communities.

Any minute now we'll see a SBBH comment where those shills start calling one another and the down-vote brigading will begin.

Time to prove your allegations or STFU!

This is a free speech forum, even if it makes you REEEEEEEEE.

15601811? ago

I've been a Voat goat for long enough to recognize SBBH shill attacks even if they are hiding behind anonymous user names

Well no shit! When they write things like 1999 and trufe it's easy to figure out. But you're dismissing the reality that anyone can pretend to be SBBH shilling by adding certain words and phrases to their posts! What's to say you aren't the one who is framing SBBH by posting such things? You're the one screaming the loudest about how upset you are with SBBH!

Kinda reminds me of this helpful little plan right BuilderAnon?

For those who don't know, thisistotallynotme has previously used the following alts:

BuilderAnon Heru ElectroLumus Nucleulumus And..... AQpubMapCurator

He wasn't lyin when he said he is a long time goat. He used his Heru and Electro accounts to take down a mod and sub three years ago. He's back with his focus on a new mod and sub: GreatAwakening!

Do not be deceived by this master manipulator! Look into him for yourself.

15599272? ago

why would anyone invite ONLY SBBH cancer-mods and why would anyone invite users who've shown no interest in Q beyond attacking us to become a mod?

The answer to that is obvious. Because the people in question are trusted, well-known Voat users of long standing whom she knew well -- a crucial factor in modding a subverse on the same topic as a massive influx of freshly-banned, un-housebroken Redditors who shit up the front of v/ALL with their inane posts. @Srayzie got multiple Redditors she didn't know asking if she needed help modding. She chose old goats instead, because she made the Pizzagate migration from Reddit, values Voat, and knows the Reddit Q followers have to learn how to Voat properly or they will ultimately be driven into the outer darkness. The values of Voat are far more in sync with the Constitutional ideals Q is supposedly defending than anything Reddit or v/TheAwakening could tolerate.

Also, there are no "SBBH cancer-mods". A cancer mod is one who tries to censor the speech of others due to intolerance of offensive or challenging points of view. There are no such animals in SBBH. It's a shitposting sub in which anything goes. They insult and ban each other for shits and giggles to mock the insults and bans of Reddit and butt-hurt Reddit migrants. Only an NCP would begrudge it.

15599355? ago

Is that why GA receives almost no SBBH-style shill attacks... because they are all such gentlemen?

15608787? ago

Who said they were gentlemen? More like a boys' locker room full of rowdy lads who like to snap towels at each others' asses. I suspect they will take their game to the other team before they start harassing their own school's cheerleading squad (if you want to stretch the analogy), though if they get bored enough, all bets are off.

15599823? ago

Actually GA does get SBBH shill attacks. Look at the deleted submission log. The difference is GA is not anonymous, so the posters name is there for everyone to see. That helps to deter shill posting, unlike an anon sub which makes it very easy for a person to shill post.

15599834? ago

It's rare for GA to get three shill posts per week and thus-far they've never been from SBBH or in the style of SBBH (i.e. music video attacks, crude pictures etc).

Perhaps that will change now that I've drawn attention to it?

15601928? ago

The shills learned early on that GA is quick to delete shill posts. Unfortunately QRV does not seem to delete shill posts.

So which sub is it more beneficial for a shill to post in? One where their post gets deleted right away? Or one where it stays up?

This shit isn't hard to figure out!

15601722? ago

Perhaps they don't get so many shill attacks from SBBH because they don't act like assholes to SBBH users? Have you seen how many posts by hangry that have been deleted? He's SBBH and was recently shill posting GA! Did you see how he was still treated respectfully when his posts were deleted? Maybe that's why he has backed off.

When people don't get the attention and reaction they were hoping for, they tend to lose interest and move on. You didn't learn that by dealing with the class bully in 3rd grade?

Also, because GA is not anonymous, the shills are not covered on a cloak of anonymity. V/TheAwakening doesn't get nearly the shill attacks that QRV does, yet I don't see you attacking that board. Why? Oh, because GA is your target!

15599007? ago

15599040? ago

That link was clearly written by SBBH.

15599052? ago


15599055? ago

Then prove that it wasn't.

15599130? ago

Your desperation is absolutely pathetic. People like you do not belong here. You are a Q divider.

15599155? ago

Your argument has descended into personal attacks.


15598993? ago


Redditor tries to pretend that they know what's going on with oldgoats on Voat.

15599051? ago

I am an old goat, you retard.

15599068? ago

Then you'd know better than to use reddit terminology to describe the point system on Voat.

15599165? ago

This is a free speech forum and I will express myself however I choose... even if it makes you sad.

15602242? ago

But yet when anyone else expresses themself any way they choose you hold a pretend court and submit your "evidence" to interpol?

You are such a massive faggot I almost feel bad for you!

15599125? ago


15598792? ago

There are three mods at GA. Only one was briefly a mod at SBBH. You're spreading lies!

15598853? ago

There are now after everyone notices what SBBH were doing.

Some frantic deleting of history took pace for the existing mods to remove their associations with SBBH.

This is how things looked on day one after the Reddit ban

This is the history of those shill-mods:

Wake up.

15601683? ago

^^^ Truth

15599094? ago

Nice graphic, but its wrong.

Just use and look at those shill mod's history before September 21 2018.

15599121? ago

That leads to nothing but a link for them to do their own research. You’re saying the lie. You prove I’m wrong.