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digital_minuteman321 ago

You see them comment on Q related posts, but completely ignore ones that involve the Protesters in Europe acknowledging Q. They contradict themselves so easily now it's futile for them to even attempt to even shill at this point.

Crensch ago

@argosciv did you notice this happening?

argosciv ago

Not really, I haven't read many of the France-protest threads to be quite honest.

Don't mean to seem like I'm ignoring them, just haven't felt much need. Been distracted by other stuff really.

Crensch ago

I thought it was interesting, and you're the pattern guy. No worries if that's not your bag or if you're not interested. If I can remember to, I'll look into it a bit myself.

argosciv ago

France definitely has my attention for a lot of reasons including the riots/protests, just haven't taken the time to hunt around in the comments I suppose.

I'll keep an eye out, though.

Crensch ago


argosciv ago


Okay so it's not exactly a challenge to the protesters acknowledging Q, however, after a comment was made here noting that shills largely keep their hands off France threads, I noticed these:

Anon calls out the above^:

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude

SearchVoatBot ago

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argosciv ago


Why is the one guy spamming the same comment over and over "Hello, I live in France..." Bot, maybe?

Not sure if it's one guy or a bot, possibly 2 or more of either?

Seems very intent on pushing DailyCrusader. Notice that it's the same 'defense' whenever someone points out DC bullshit.

~"Jew shill covering for globalists!"

Certainly doesn't seem organic, bot(s) or otherwise.

@Crensch @srayzie @kevdude

argosciv ago

PS: Sleepy tiem fer me...

*/Wonders what kind of storm I might wake up to*

Catch you fine folk in a few hours :)

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude