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CovfefeFan ago

When I was on Reddit, there was a way to hide certain posts from my personal view. Like, if someone posts something I've seen already, or perhaps it Daily Crusader on QRV, or someone who I've experienced posting malware, so I don't trust them. It's hard to recognize them on QRV, but on other sites. Anyway, it would be nice to simply hide the post so that it's not in my way, or I might accidently click on it, when it's malware or something.

SearchVoatBot ago

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heygeorge ago

All you have to do to search by domain on Voat is to click the domain on a link submission. This will lead you to search results directly from Voat.

WelcometotheReal ago

Will someone point out a specific piece of news that is bullshit? All the evidence on this thread can easily be fabricated and presented as proof. If we're going to condemn it (daily crusader), it should be done with proofs like how we've proved Q to be legit. This kinda feels like a shill thread whose terrified of an anti cabal news source coming out of Israel.

heygeorge ago

Lol there are links aplenty in the GA thread linked by OP. If you’re going to pretend you are Mr. Research, why not try reading first?

drstrangegov ago

Hi @crensch I hear that one of our nation's fine public servants in the foreign interest controlled federal bureau of investigation. Just gotta know, do you know what the legal penalty for treason is?

Crensch ago

Do you know what the penalty for being a Jew will be?

drstrangegov ago

Disgraceful, dishonorable, unamerican filth. You disgrace your entire family. Sneaking around on the internet. Coward.

drstrangegov ago

FIRED. Turn in your fucking badge and report to the nearest sheriff.

drstrangegov ago

If the Jews are responsible, we'll eject them as they have reportedly been hundreds of times throughout history. But that narrative is wearing thin. I KNOW what you guys have been up to here in pioneer little Europe. Maybe I'll go downtown to the FBI field office and lodge a complaint against your ass in the good old bureaucratic manner. I might even bring a thousand or so of my buddies. What do you think of that, comrade? You fucking scumbags WILL NOT get away with actively working against the interests of the American people, I'll personally see to it if need be. You've got some splainin to do, Lucy. We pay your fucking your fucking boss. And you're not only sleeping on the job of protecting against enemies foreign and domestic, you're FUCKING HELPING THEM. So, effective immediately, YOURE FIRED.

Crensch ago


drstrangegov ago

Yeah. Ignoring me won't make the reality of your situation any different. So it's to be the hard way then, huh?

Crensch ago

@kevdude @trigglypuff @gabara

Is this one of the known shill faggots?

gabara ago

@heygeorge, aren't they one of ours?

heygeorge ago

They’re really something, this is certain.

gabara ago

I got a new synth. My brain is running... different. This is a lot of happen. I am euphoric in this moment.

drstrangegov ago

Dude, why would I assist a rogue organization in carrying out its illicit activities? You're going to jail, man. And that's the absolute best you can expect.

Shizy ago

Oh gee, are you going to hold a "tribunal" to find him guilty 😉

drstrangegov ago

I never thought of that! that's a great idea! thanks, shizy! you know, when we finally root out all of these corrupt bastards and drag them in front of a jury of their peers we'll have you to thank!

Shizy ago

No problem. I got the idea from a delusional douchebag, who I'm 90% sure is a gay pedophile.

At least he has good ideas!

drstrangegov ago

i'm 100% sure you're wrong about the gay pedophile thing. you sure that percentage isn't lower? i'm just a guy looking for answers to very real problems. yes....I get jerked around a lot. but I learn A LOT. if only people weren't such cowards and would pool their knowledge, we might even have a chance of survival. I don't know why nobody sees that. but they are all afraid of the bezo's and the zuckerbergs and whatever other bogeymen, real and imagined are out there. its really amazing, what people know that they don't know they know. but its all just a numbers game, and I might be delusional now, but I wont stop until I learn the truth.

Shizy ago

You don't know the guy I'm talking about. I'm honestly 90% he is a gay pedophole. No knock against gay people, this guy just happens to act like a pedo.

This is a good place to pool knowledge and learn from each other. It's just too bad there are infiltrators and decievers here who like to toy with others.

drstrangegov ago

who is this person. is it nothereforpizza? i'm very interested in learning from guys like this, I suspect they play a big role in what is happening in our country. though i'm starting to suspect not the role were being led to believe. also, when I run across them, the things they say can be very telling if I have even a little information on them.

Shizy ago

No way, that guy is is too lacking in the IQ department to have good ideas. Why would you guess him?

The pedo guy I'm referring to is a creeper, but at least he's smart. Not as smart as he thinks he is, but still smart enough to fool most people.

Unless you want to learn how to get divorced multiple times while still hiding your pedophila, probably not much you'd learn from him.

drstrangegov ago

see the stuff i'm learning lacks context. but I have a great memory. so I watch very carefully and even the most innocuous stuff they say can help fill in the gaps in my knowledge. I already know quite a bit. but it doesn't help much if people don't ask me the right questions. even just random trivia people post can be a vital part of an equation. i'd very much like to know who this person is. if nothing else, I may be able to fill in that 10% that you lack. because there is a little bit of truth in every lie. if multiple people tell variations of the same lie, the truth remains consistent while the lie, which is fabrication, changes. they cant help it. its just human nature. if they communicate they tell the truth. I've put a lot together using this process. but i'm also hindered by just having one perspective. i'm at the stage now where i'd like to collaborate, should I find the right people. i'm sure you've had exchanges with this person you've mentioned,
and if you are as repelled by them as you seem they are aware of your animosity. so I don't see the risk to you in telling me the name. it might help bring a scuzzbag to justice. that's my ultimate goal. stopping scumbags from hurting people. I think that's a darned good use of my time on the internet.

heygeorge ago


drstrangegov ago

These people have accomplished what they have through fear. Isn't it time they stopped getting away with shit?

sguevar ago

WOW - quite impressive work.

NIcely done @Crensch, you never disappoint.

Geoff1337 ago

hate mail sent.

Nadeshda ago

Good work Mister Sherlock, I was never to sure about them in the first place. Thank you for confirming the suspicious characters behind it.

MrShekelstein ago

Broward county is the red flag.

Never trust ANY "news" source no matter what it is.

SearchVoatBot ago

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argosciv ago


Me = Among the first to start the ball rolling on warnings about DailyCrusader.


@kevdude @srayzie @Vindicator @Trigglypuff

nomorenwo ago

So Mossad shilling Q nonsense as usual

kalchaya ago

I have looked over the DailyCrusader site, and while I have not bothered to fact-check every article, I have glanced through every article, and I can find no readily apparent disinformation anywhere. Them with more time for fact-checking can feel free to school me on examples of disinfo I missed. Fact is, most look to be verbatim reprints from other conservative sources, so at best, detractors can accuse this site of maybe plagiarism? As for this being a "violent-felon-owned" site, by these standards you eliminate most members of militias and the alt-right, all with a high probability of having run afoul of The State in general, or the TLAs in particular. As for whether or not the owner is a jew, my research skill is not good enough to answer that, and Google is not cooperative, so....I don't know. Judging only from the many articles critical of jews, and the fact I've not run across any supportive of the jews, I find it doubtful.

flatbush71 ago

Outstanding work Gentlemen !!!

Tb0n3 ago

From what I see all but one of those cases is labeled as "Disposed". I don't know the terminology, but I imagine that means they're dismissed. One recent one is pending. Who knows what the fuck is going on there. I don't tend to judge those who have literally not been judged.

heygeorge ago

Disposed means it’s been settled, possibly by a fine or a sentence or even dismissed. It just means the matter is no longer active within the court system.

Action_Bastard ago

He sure tries to look the part with all of the infowars stickers. One of his sister's name is Amaris Lazmir Alayon.Aka Vanessa Amaris. She had an IG account With Arabic. Pic That should tell you something. Also their brother Lazaro is a huge piece of shit. I'm thinking they're mostly Dems with Joshua 'Raul' Just an angry Jew hating Muslim.

Walk1 ago

We know the Jews are running parts of the far-right to give it a bad name. Look at Laura Loomer for instance. Its a sign its going to collapse unless it radicalizes, which is unlikely given that Americans prefer a civil approach to everything.

srayzie ago

Here is a list of users














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DanijelStark ago

This !

These are the types of posts why Im here on VOAT . Deeply informative and uncovering the clowns to the core .

eatyerpets ago

Oh, look! Broward County. Our not-so-secret penal colony.

srayzie ago

HERE is the list of all recent DailyCrusader submissions.
Upvote or downvote how you see fit!

CobraStallone ago

Lol, the Q folks have it flagged as fake news. And they likely are the most gullible sect of users.

srayzie ago

Wrong. We’re the Critical Thinkers

kneo24 ago

I have to disagree there. Some are critical thinkers, but there's a ton of NPC's in that movement. Half of you refuse to be aware of the JQ and race relations.

srayzie ago

Well that goes for any group tho. There are a lot of amazing researchers in the Q movement. Of course, there are also gullible and uninformed people.

CobraStallone ago

Sure. Frantic rationalizing to avoid accepting one was duped is totally a sign of critical thinking™.

SearchVoat ago

You can search by user and domain with, if that's what you mean? - eg

Or you could set an alert on to get a ping whenever anyone posts a link to that website.

srayzie ago

It’s weird to see you reply!

Rotteuxx ago

Probably better to ping @SearchVoat than his bot.

SearchVoat ago

Thanks, but they get to me either way

srayzie ago

I thought you were just a bot 😱

SearchVoat ago

Every bot has a a human standing behind it!

Shizy ago

Well now I feel bad for never thanking you for anything ☹️

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Well I guess you can tell I’m not tech savvy!

SearchVoat ago

On reflection, you make a good point and I was a bit dismissive, sorry. Personally, I monitor all responses to my bot (they get forwarded to my email for convenience so I get comments and replies even when I'm away from Voat). But I'm sure many bot-programmers don't bother to do that, so comments to a bot are likely to be unheard, in general.

srayzie ago

Well it’s nice having a bot around here that does good things instead of bad. 👏🏻

Nadeshda ago

Well thanks for this Sir!

sn00tyfr00T ago

Great sleuthing

What was the fake MAGA bomber's name? Cesar Altieri Sayoc. For some reason seeing Alayon reminded me. Probably nothing. I am not able to get a translation on my phone, but when I DDGd it, the translator brought up Cebuano and Filipino as possible language translations. IIRC Sayoc is Flip too. My gut feeling is there is a connection but not autistic enough to dig that far. Also Sayoc and stormy both worked at the strip club across from Mar A Lago as well.

LostandFound ago

Hero, thanks dude I thought it was satire at first. Fucking nailed em

Zadim ago

Their motto: Nomen honestatis magis amo quam mortem timeo. I love the name of honour more than I fear death.

Pretty lofty vision on themselves. "Daily Crusader is the Republic’s premier news source – Fighting against the savage Islamic hordes and subversive Zionist Occupied Government protecting them!"

ChiCom ago

This proves they are hoaxing us. Anti Zionist jews are for Islamic hordes. They claim to be against both. Unheard of.

Zadim ago

Strange outfit

SearchVoatBot ago

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Blacksmith21 ago

Beak = "Jew Beak".

Blacksmith21 ago

LMFAO. Thanks @Crensch!

Secus ago

    12-19-2017, Stalking Violence: DVCE17009323
    04-04-2018, Stalking Violence: DVCE18002412
    06-01-2018, XX Other Filings (Non Monetary): CONO18006163
    08-21-2018, XX Other Filings (Non Monetary): CONO18010148
    09-11-2018, 1st Degree Felony: 18011121CF10A <--- Battery on a Person Over 65. Offense date 09/10/2018.
    09-14-2018, Repeat Violence: DVCE18006675
    09-14-2018, Repeat Violence: DVCE18006676

All links dead, possible shoahed?

Crensch ago

Looks like cookie required for the links to work - put in first and last name here:

SearchVoatBot ago

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myvoicefromhell ago

That tit photo needs a meme job.

Metanoiac ago

I used to do computer work in that neighborhood. Not the richest area, but you gotta have bank to live there.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

09-11-2018, 1st Degree Felony: 18011121CF10A <--- Battery on a Person Over 65. Offense date 09/10/2018.


srayzie ago

Thank you Crensch!

Le_Squish ago

My goodness the jews are getting sloppy. They know the day when the nations of earth rise against isreal cometh.

Also, lol at Broward county.

con77 ago

I think they only allow felons in Broward

Peanuttles ago

It's a company (CIA) area.

something_went_wrong ago

Felons or mkultra subjects.

draaaak ago

Broward Penal Colony.

Crensch ago

Meme material there.

andrew_jackson ago

You're retarded. You're doxxing this guy, which is against Voat rules.

Mittermeyer ago

No it is against Voats rules to dox other Goats specifically.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Well, son of a bitch.

What's Broward County spreading lies for?


singlebrain1 ago

Broward, seat of corruption and DS shit.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SeanBox ago

solid work. I've been thinking those folks seemed fishy

4saken ago

This will get you about all information you can find about a website or domain online.