SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Shizy.

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BettyLiberty ago

Broward County. 'Nuff said.

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

Well. No one is 100% perfect. We all have our flaws and total mishaps and stumbles in life. Considering his age and all I can forgive the young man. I don't agree with his motives or publishing but not everyone agrees with my opinions either.


Well, just something to chew on, in Broward County, if you are a real criminal you will be protected. If you are an honest citizen who is trying to expose all the evil that goes on there then you will be harmed any way they can harm you. The fact that he is a felon in Broward County might be an endorsement.

I don't know anything about it. I'm just looking at it from all angles.

Steelerfish ago

These hacks, along with the majority of the shills, are simply following what they are told to do because we are a threat. Their tactics are based on those 12 rules and therefore predictable.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Well FL is going to be entertaining nest year. Stay tune.

srayzie ago

Geez I know

LostandFound ago

I don't advocate brigading in any way, but here is the list of all recent DC submissions

srayzie ago

Not brigading. Everyone feel free to upvote or downvote on ones you see fit. I will flair! Thanks!

Blacksmith21 ago

This is so outrageously funny. I called that shit out in 5 minutes. @srayzie Remember how I used to laugh at the shills and say the only person who knows so much about Judaism would be a Jew? LOL. I guess I was right.

srayzie ago

Yup. Like Donkey

Blacksmith21 ago

HE knew more about Islam. Oh, and by the way, here is you Christmas present (a bit early), a laugh like you haven't had for a while:

PatEldo5 ago

THAT was the funniest shit I've seen in years! Just about pissed myself, laughing! Thank you, SO MUCH!

srayzie ago

This is hilarious. I love how he said the Koran! @Shizy

Shizy ago

"I'm gettin outta da hoe business"! 🤣🤣😂🤣

srayzie ago

I know 😂

Blacksmith21 ago

The Ko-Ran.

srayzie ago

Fricken awesome

Blacksmith21 ago

I thought you'd love that. There's more where that came from:

There's the whole Christmas present. I've shot my wad now.

srayzie ago


Zadim ago

Looks like 2018 wasn't very glorious for that guy!!

CovfefeFan ago

OMG, Thanks for the update... Figures.

@UK_Bloke_Awoke ... you see this?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


Thanks anons


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I heard it on the 🍇🍇🍇vine

We have a solid community here.


CovfefeFan ago

Now I have the song stuck in my head when I go to bed... I'll watch some star gate.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Here you go...


CovfefeFan ago

Thanks, I was about to switch it on now...

Blacksmith21 ago

Vine Kids In January 2015, Vine launched Vine Kids, an app designed specifically for children.[22]

The new app was designed by a pair of Vine employees in order to create a safe space for younger users to watch content deemed appropriate for children. Every video posted to the app was carefully curated by Vine employees themselves to ensure a platform of purely G-rated videos was achieved.

“Vine’s Head of Communication and Marketing Carolyn Penner told CNN that “children can swipe back and forth on the screen to find new videos, and also tap the screen to produce sound effects”.[23]

While only being available to consumers with access to iOS devices, and there being an inability for users to upload their own videos, the new app still addressed a demand from the increasing number of families that wanted to be involved in the growing digital space in a manner that was safe for their children.

@molochhunter @vindicator - Another CEO death linked to Twitter/Kids?

Vindicator ago

That would not surprise me at all.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I saw the Vine overdose thing after I put that, but it's still spooky...

It's common for pedos to involve themselves in organizations that mix with kids...

....this info suggests 2+2 = 4......

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

That's just... "Crazy, Crazy........"

Blacksmith21 ago

Pretty sad. I wonder if Tyler got out, when he got sober?

Windofchange01 ago

Good to know!

Shizy ago

What a surprise 😏

MolochHunter ago

Always Broward county

I was working in Antarctica one time, someone stole my custard from the communal fridge. Even THAT turned out to be sum cunt from Broward

mrfetus ago

Broward has one of the largest Jew populations.

pby1000 ago

Why do they have fridges in Antarctica?

Q-sent-me ago

For the waste heat.

Fateswebb ago

Are you kidding? It costs nothing to power them, talk about efficiency...

MolochHunter ago

Oh noes my ruse is discovered

srayzie ago

You were working in Antarctica? 🤔 Are you playing?

Shizy ago

He's playing. If @MolochHunter had been in Antarctica, it would have been frozen custard!

srayzie ago

I feel blonde! 😂

Shizy ago

Isn't it fun 😁

srayzie ago

Awww Lol 😝

MolochHunter ago

I am SO. I'm following up pizzagate leads - wow didju kno Hillary even rapes Yeti kids?

MolochHunter ago

Lol yes

srayzie ago

That’s kind of a big deal!

MolochHunter ago

I'm texting you from Santa's workshop now, the Wi-Fi here is shit

srayzie ago

You’re a fucknuckle lol

MolochHunter ago

Thx, it warms me cockles to hear it from you

srayzie ago

Next time I’ll use ALL CAPS!

VicariousJambi ago

10/10 name btw

Using religion to try to redpill my grandparents and I think its gonna work.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Or being really cool... ⛄️❄️☃️

Quinceberry ago

Frosty! ;)

brettco12 ago

cus tard. it's been right in front of me this whole time.

notboundtosilence ago

I am pretty sure this is the paper that keeps posting fake news that makes any conservative that believes it look like an idiot. I believe they posted a fake court document that said Clinton was indicted. I did a search on the doc # and it was a case number that someone pasted other info into.