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15833707? ago

tell us that again, when POTUS and VPOTUS are removed by the next Congress.... for the following omissions: One: failing to bridle all of you alienate-the-base-FAGS who ran off 90% of Q following.
Two: failing on the promise to protect the vote- Q 2403 2405.
Three: never getting the arrests done- leaving them in Congress to remove him.
Four: the ever moving goalposts- Nov 3,4,11, after the memo, after the OIG report, after Kavanaugh, After this storm-that storm, after Congress breaks, during Christmas, after EO on Jan 1st.

Truth is: the SOTU could very well be given by #46, with #45 and company already removed.

So, play ON, jackass.

15833854? ago

Oh shit! You're right! Oh fuck! POTUS and Q and all of us are so fucking STUPID!!!

Or at least, apparently, that's what you were hoping I'd say. But you're way off here. You're doing it Disney style, following your heart, your poor, itty bitty broken heart.

  1. For the President to be impeached, there has to have been an impeachable offense.

  2. For the President to be impeached, the Senate has to concur.

  3. For the President to be impeached, the House has to get enough members who are convinced that it won't backfire on them. Remember what happened to Republicans when they impeached Clinton. Backfired. Dems will be at best hesitant to pull that trigger. Though I don't doubt they'll have multiple investigations to placate their base.

Now, of course, we all feel sorry for you that your emotions have gotten so out of control that you're not thinking clearly and logically. We all pity you that you're all alone and that you've been discredited by making predictions based on your interpretations of Q that failed to come true. We know you wanted to appear to all your friends like you were some kind of sorcerer with magic powers to predict the future. And we also know that they now think you're an idiot, like the boy who cried wolf, and your feelings are hurt and you feel like Q betrayed you.

Q didn't betray you. Your desire to impress people with how much you "know" is what betrayed you. You betrayed yourself. Your ego betrayed you. It's not Q's fault that you didn't understand.

And yet, here you are, doubling down on your stupidity. Clearly, you've failed to learn your lesson, because you're just making more stupid fucking predictions. You still think you have a crystal ball, despite the fact that this has alienated you from people and embarrassed you.

Stop trying to predict the future, you little shit.

15834375? ago

Wow, you remind me of my TI in basic training during the 80s... Miss those days... I think they hand out pacifiers in basic training these days.

15835586? ago

I thought this, too. Way appropriate!

15835641? ago

About Basic Training?

Oh man, the pansies that graduated by the time I retired 25 years later! Not all of them, mind you. Not all, there are still amazing recruits. However, the military dropped the high standards they had in the 80s.

15836911? ago

I would have upvoated you but voat doesn’t let me upvoat more than ten times a day (because I don’t do any other forums on voat but this one so I can never earn points or post or do anything but reply).

So consider this an upvoat. Wish it was real!!

15837578? ago

Only ten times? Perhaps there is something to this. Sometimes, I go through reading and up voating and down voating, then all of a sudden, it doesn't allow me anymore. Once I make a few comments, I'm back to being able to up and down voat again... I'm also on GA, so perhaps that's why I get more than 10 at least. I used to only be here. Suddenly, I got more freedoms when I started participating in GA. There are a few things I like more about it there. For example, you begin to recognize users names. You can see their name and know to either click and read their post or just ignore it. They are also better at keeping a crew out of the forum that had some sort of strange agenda. Don't know what it was, but they pushed the Daily Crusader really hard and if you pointed out that it was fake news, they would call you a jew. They found out that the Daily Crusader was written by a Broward County inmate. All the "users" were always a few days old and they would push and say the same things over and over. Here, this will help: and then they found out this:

So, they fixed it so that the Daily Crusader was automatically flagged. However, instead of posting just the link, they started using "discussions" and putting the link within the discussion to work it's way around the flagging. But the mods figured that out too and still flagged it.

There is also a little drama there, because people aren't anonymous, so once these people are caught spreading crap, they try to get back at the mods.

However, at least the mods are better at keeping the riff raff out.