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15608790? ago


15620317? ago

I'm unconvinced. I will remain a steady reader

15621014? ago

As long as you know that sometimes they put fairly real stuff in there, as BAIT, and you are happy to be a GUPPY, even as you swallow the hidden poison, then that's your choice, and I wish you well...

15621065? ago

😂😂😂 have you seen the threads of 8 chan where Q posts? Not necessarily a savory place. We see you, schill.

15621401? ago

So you do go on 8 Chan ?

Projecting bout yourselves, my little schillocks?

Stats show the depth and spread of 8 Chan is enormous, as is the range of content...

78,919,039 posts since October 23, 2013....

Everything from porn to religion...

You might as well criticize someone for visiting New York or Los Angeles, both of which are also not necessarily savory places....

Global Statistics

There are currently 17,738 public boards, 19,348 total.


1,879 posts have been made in the last hour,

78,919,039 being made on all active boards since 10/23/2013

15622493? ago

Right.. so free speech is the way to go. By not responding to shills, we give them a free passs to spew bullshit. The argument that it's going to piss them off ignoring them, and that's it's going to taint our minds calling them out is laughable. Sounds like some leftist snowflake, SJW bullshit propaganda to me. Anons don't need safe spaces, the truth is ugly enough as it is. A shill is a shill. Call it as you see it. Debate it.

15621122? ago

Just Josh-ing you....

Chill schillings....