15608790? ago


15620317? ago

I'm unconvinced. I will remain a steady reader

15621014? ago

As long as you know that sometimes they put fairly real stuff in there, as BAIT, and you are happy to be a GUPPY, even as you swallow the hidden poison, then that's your choice, and I wish you well...

15621065? ago

😂😂😂 have you seen the threads of 8 chan where Q posts? Not necessarily a savory place. We see you, schill.

15621401? ago

So you do go on 8 Chan ?

Projecting bout yourselves, my little schillocks?

Stats show the depth and spread of 8 Chan is enormous, as is the range of content...

78,919,039 posts since October 23, 2013....

Everything from porn to religion...

You might as well criticize someone for visiting New York or Los Angeles, both of which are also not necessarily savory places....

Global Statistics

There are currently 17,738 public boards, 19,348 total.


1,879 posts have been made in the last hour,

78,919,039 being made on all active boards since 10/23/2013

15622493? ago

Right.. so free speech is the way to go. By not responding to shills, we give them a free passs to spew bullshit. The argument that it's going to piss them off ignoring them, and that's it's going to taint our minds calling them out is laughable. Sounds like some leftist snowflake, SJW bullshit propaganda to me. Anons don't need safe spaces, the truth is ugly enough as it is. A shill is a shill. Call it as you see it. Debate it.

15621122? ago

Just Josh-ing you....

Chill schillings....

15608560? ago

TheDailyCrusader.com is run by a FELON in BROWARD COUNTY


15610939? ago

A Jewish Felon...

15608381? ago

I hope to see tanks and soldiers take down these traitors. It's justified.

15607213? ago

I believe they signed a letter that is either up on 8chan, voat or similar - look for yourself. Rsearch yourself, trust yourself.

15621148? ago

Oh yes that bit was true, and of course the worms on fishing hooks are real worms too....

15606579? ago

Go France!!

15606565? ago

They were given their homeland why dont they love in it

15605681? ago

And the punishment for treason is.......? Never gonna happen. The demons at the top will make sure of it. It's those demons that need to be destroyed first.

15605161? ago

Captain obvious.... 99% political leaders are satanists and don't give a shit about their people. They are corrupt beyond treason.

Need a new word to define just how corrupt these jackasses are... Treason is too shallow.

15604609? ago

Amazing how any link to the Daily Crusader makes the shills crawl out of the woodwork.

Hey shills, you've knowingly taken the proceeds of crime as payment for your "work". Have fun getting assraped in prison, because prison reform will leave you in there with only the most violent offenders.

15605062? ago

a LOT of jew shills on this board. shame

15604359? ago

France We are with you. We all need to have each others backs. WWG1WGA

15605215? ago

HELL YEAH. Go France!!!

15604223? ago

If it’s from the Daily Crusader it’s probably not true.

15605814? ago

It was reported elsewhere so back off.

15619635? ago

Garbage site.

15608385? ago

That is how fake news spreads. Why not post your source so we can evaluate it's merits.

15611001? ago

Crusader run by a CONVICTED FELON in Broward County...

Links to the court records...


15605202? ago

You got any actual objection to the article or are you just a jewed kike shill?

15604555? ago

Yep, Daily Crusader is fake news.

I keep seeing this crap here, I'll probably unsubscribe.

15611038? ago

Crusader run by a CONVICTED FELON in Broward County.

Almost certainly also he is Jewish.

You can check out the court links here as well


15605196? ago

Please do, I haven't seen them publish anything fake. Sounds like you're mad that DC is exposing Israel like Q promised. "Israel Last"

15605427? ago

So, you believe John McCain sent a message back from hell? Just consider a source that publishes things as ridiculous as this. It's satire pretending to be real news.

15604004? ago

Almost certainly fake news.

15608243? ago

I don't speak French nor do I know anything about the legitimacy of that site.

15603920? ago

Daily crusader is run by the swamp. Stay away!

15605798? ago

This news is elsewhere so need to back off and get back on subject.

15611063? ago

Crusader run by a CONVICTED FELON in Broward County.

Almost certainly also he is Jewish.

You can check out the court links here as well


Just look...

15604228? ago

Why would the swamp oppose Israel?

15605728? ago

Controlled opposition friend.

15605716? ago

Why would mcstain cute for repeal, and then not vote for repeal? Ulterior motives

15603822? ago

Old news from a shit website

15611086? ago

Agreed. Site is known for a mix of real and fake news, but hard to tell which is which...

Crusader run by a CONVICTED FELON in Broward County.

Almost certainly also he is Jewish.

You can check out the court links here as well


15603665? ago

this was posted 5 days ago!

15603830? ago

And the general died beodre he supposedly made the claim. This is old fake shit

15603847? ago

which general did?

15605210? ago

I don't think the jew shill is ever gonna answer you, friend.

15603627? ago

Nice words. Action? Perhaps not too late, but getting rather close.

15603555? ago

Wow! They’re going to chop his head off for sure!

15603373? ago


15608580? ago

Actually, it is run by a FELON in BROWARD COUNTY

15606746? ago

Should I yell back at you that everyone can teach you something. In fact, one can find info to use against the ones you don't agree with. Discussing the matter makes you look more intelligent than screaming I hate jews! The Jewish thing is growing old! Yes, I know the story, yes I agree, until you take it to mean every last person of a 'race' is the devil. Blood doesn't make you good or bad. Nor does skin color. Which is the damn lib's tactics. Divide and conquer! You need a Jew free zone like the snowflakes?

15611109? ago

Crusader run by a CONVICTED FELON in Broward County.

Almost certainly also he is Jewish.

You can check out the court links here as well


Use your own common sense

15603415? ago

If it's jewish bullshit then why do they openly oppose israel and zionism and support Lebanon and Syria, and Hamas and Hezbollah?

15608342? ago

Fake news put out by a felon. They are bombarding us with this fake news to discredit us.

15603979? ago

because JEWS LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING and have made an industry out of attacking themselves ??


15604219? ago

This is the dumbest theory I've ever heard

15604897? ago

Hezbollah and Hamas are Jew controlled opposition

15603961? ago

The American Jews are mostly Leftist/Democrat/Communists! They have at least 6 kinds of orgs they use to fight against Israel! Why? Because they are deceived! Several (a remnant) have been rescued, persuaded their homeland, Israel, is where the Lord of Hosts will save them if they turn to Jesus the Messiah! Some of them now understand the Ds/Leftists/Commies are evil and going to annihilate them and us when they take control of the world!

15604384? ago

Why doesn't Israel strip the citizenship of people like Pelosi, Schumer, Weinstein, etc? Why are they allowed to remain Israeli citizens? HINT: So that when America finds out they are spies, they can FLEE to ISRAEL and not be extradited!

15604432? ago

I believe, IMO, it is politics!

15604634? ago

Politics of Israel supporting Leftists? got it. So you're confirming that Israel supports degeneracy in the US, and that I should not support Israel. Thank you

15604226? ago

Then why doesn't Israel declare the subversive leftists Persona Non Grata unless Israel is the one supporting them? Makes no sense bud

15604278? ago

The PM Netanyahu and his party, the Likud, do! Problem is the Leftists in Israel have a 'party' too. Much like America! Republicans vs Leftists/Dems! If it doesn't make sense to you, yet, it may require a lot of research maybe. Just believe Q is working against the Globalists and so is Netanyahu.

15604349? ago

Netanyahu? The one who is so corrupt and weak that his Defense Minister, Avigdor Liberman, just resigned? I don't think Israel is worth saving. Remember what Q said "Israel Last". Until Israel OPENLY says that there are subversive jews in America, I don't think we should support them at all. It's clear that JEWS are the ones running the degeneracy and MOSSAD supports them. That's why ISRAEL gives out free porn in the West Bank but bans porn in their own country. Nice try, jew shill.

15603653? ago

Could I get a source on that chief? Asking politely for my own benefit.

15603860? ago

I called bullshit on them after a few articles were praising Iran as peaceful, and only wanting peaceful nuclear tech for energy only.......please......

15604216? ago

Except that Iran hasn't engaged in offensive war in over 200 years, unlike Israel. Nice try though. When will Israel allow IAEA to inspect Dimona?

15604398? ago

Fuck you taqiya scuzlim. Don’t try your word play here, it doesn’t work. You still haven’t addressed the points puke. You just keep repeating the same line. If you got more on how Iran is the bastion of peace, love, and tolerance, put it out..... if not, suck a pistol.

15612563? ago

Are you hating your job today sitting in a cubicle in Israel wishing you didn't have to defend your wars all week long?

15625775? ago

Hahahahahahahaahaha suck a pistol scuzlim, goat raping, pedolucifarian pos. Pog mo thoin

15604440? ago

I literally support muslims over jews now. At least muslims aren't the ones running HIAS (HEBREW Immigrant Aid Society) bringing millions of "refugees" to the West and begging America to send more of its children to die in Iran, Syria, and now Lebanon. Fuck off jew shill, you're see through, and no one supports you any more. I hope Hamas and Hezbollah rape Jerusalem over and over and over again.

15605702? ago

Thought so faggot goat raper. Allah was not a prophet but a child rapist lying plagiarist. You’re just full of shit as well as the dailey crap saver website.

15605673? ago

Is Israel going to be a sacrificial lamb for the elite while Trump rounds up some of those involved so the world thinks Trump is siding with Muslims?

Will the Jews be used for guilt again like after ww2?

15604416? ago

Iran hasn't engaged in offensive war in over 200 years, unlike Israel. Nice try though. When will Israel allow IAEA to inspect Dimona?

15603856? ago

Ah, now I understand why the jews are constantly attacking Daily Crusader. Thank you friend

15604005? ago

NO.... you got tricked into thinking information was incriminating when it was provably false

you basically got DAN RATHER'ED

15604199? ago

What's false about it? They literally ran a story with high level intel 8 days before it hit open source media.


15603953? ago

Daily Crusader is swamp run. CIA crap.

15604206? ago

Why would the CIA oppose Israel? Lmao, your theory is laughable at best

15605633? ago

Why is Israelgirst ran and and used by the typical dailycrusader shill team 6?

15603998? ago

PARIS, France – Sources claim that earlier today, Israeli Mossad, by faking YET ANOTHER mass shooting in Strasbourg, tried to put an end to the “Gilet Jaune” (Yellow Jacket”) movement which is seeking to expose and end Zionist control of France and Europe.

Clearly, swamp filled. Honest, actual journalism? CIA op.

15606730? ago

"Sources claim"

CNN level bullshit

15603351? ago

Time to start killing niggers!