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Secus ago

    12-19-2017, Stalking Violence: DVCE17009323
    04-04-2018, Stalking Violence: DVCE18002412
    06-01-2018, XX Other Filings (Non Monetary): CONO18006163
    08-21-2018, XX Other Filings (Non Monetary): CONO18010148
    09-11-2018, 1st Degree Felony: 18011121CF10A <--- Battery on a Person Over 65. Offense date 09/10/2018.
    09-14-2018, Repeat Violence: DVCE18006675
    09-14-2018, Repeat Violence: DVCE18006676

All links dead, possible shoahed?

Crensch ago

Looks like cookie required for the links to work - put in first and last name here:

SearchVoatBot ago

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