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15681382? ago

This website has already been identified as news owned by a jew felon.

15681858? ago

does it hurt knowing you have to insult people as "jews" to effectively shill here, when you yourself are a jew?

15682025? ago

I'm being literal. No hyperbole thus time.

15682220? ago

all those charges are dismissed according to that post lol. that guy sure is pushing your shit in for you to be so mad, huh kike? if broward county is persecuting him, and he's calling out Israel left and right, he must be an okay guy

15682397? ago

I know you are a rabbi because you immediately default to anal violation and you are oblivious to how abnormal that is.

15683515? ago

that jew you replied to uses the same script as usual.

15685499? ago

Long nose seems to have fled.