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Vindicator ago

Yeah, we went through this with Neonnettle, Millenium Report, and YourNewsWire as well. Someone should do a megathread cataloging fake news and disinfo pusher sites and YouTubers!

srayzie ago

Check your inbox. I have a question.

srayzie ago

I don’t think we should. People always talk crap about youtubers. 🙄

numina18 ago

I thought some of that was kind of hinky.

flatbush71 ago

srayzie ago

Thank you! I’ve heard that before. Crazy!

fuckmyreddit ago

Best investigative journalism in the galaxy.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @NiggerOfFaglandia.

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sguevar ago

What are the consequences for this 10 day old accounts that are posting fake news to farm votes?

srayzie ago

We can’t prove that’s what they were doing. You never know if they knew it was fake news. They could have simply gotten it from Twitter. Just because one may have posted for CCP, doesn’t mean everyone did it for that reason.

sguevar ago

Fair enough.

CovfefeFan ago

I feel silly now. I think I only remember one of these and believed it. Wasn't your examples, or I would have figured it out. I hate being deceived into believing something not true. Thanks for showing me the obvious fakes.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. No worries.

moblodite ago

So I guess you could say voat farming didn't work because of wayyy too much fertilizer ! (Shit) LMAO


Fucking finally! I was getting tired of being called a jew shill for pointing out the obvious truth

srayzie ago

Jew shill 😂 Get used to it. I still get called a Jew haha

heygeorge ago

You’re a jew shill?

srayzie ago

That’s what I’m told. Good thing I wasn’t adopted. I’m told so often, I might have started to believe it 😂

bb22 ago

You’re a terrible actor.

Blacksmith21 ago

Goebbel's Gobblers jumped all over me for calling it into question too. I'm pretty sure it's published by DailyStormer and the little Nazi buttboys (Mika approved).

dude_hastings ago

Every story looked fake.

i_scream_trucks ago

Yeah john McCain releasing tapes from hell should be a bit of a clue..

srayzie ago

I know right? 😂

Hand_of_Node ago

Almost pinged you and Shizy in that ridiculous post yesterday. All those 10 day accounts, with some just being a few hours old.

srayzie ago

Sorry, someone mentioned that somewhere. I guess it’s not you. So glad.

Hand_of_Node ago

a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

No, I meant to do something about those obvious "shill" accounts. Unlike people who simply have a different opinion, they appear to exist to promote fake news sites.

Shizy ago

Yes please ping us to those. We don't always see everything right away so being pinged to the questionable posts really helps!!!

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not seeing an 'admirer' account. This is my only active account on the main site.

EyeOfHorus ago

wtf is wrong with you? the voat bot sent me here because you linked to my comment. Otherwise, Id never have even seen your stupid fucking question, or is it another accusation. Recall, it was only a few months ago you banned me while claiming I was sarah. So, no. I am not handofbnode, i only have ONE FUCKING ACCOUNT. But why does it even matter to you anyway?

srayzie ago

Yes and I unbanned you.

I read it somewhere. Chill the fuck out. It was just a question.

MolochHunter ago

I dunno .... coming from that prick even THATs plausible

petevoat ago

There are real life nazis here wanting to convert to their agenda.

The site in question is one of their tools.

Octoclops ago

Russians too!

MrDarkWater ago

Us Nazis just use facts, don't need no silly fan-fiction

MolochHunter ago

its one helluva clumsy tool for even that purpose

Revel4ti0n ago

You know by making a statement many anons do their own research? We don’t follow blindly a media corporation.

srayzie ago

A LOT of people follow blindly. Just because you come to Voat, doesn’t make you WOKE.

VetGoat84 ago

That McCain story was fucking hilarious! Fuck that Rhino traitor piece of shit. I hope his brain cancer gets the medal of honor

bb22 ago

Exactly, it’s an obvious joke and these dumb fucks are calling it “fake” and pretending not to be Jewish shills themselves. I hope they all hang.

MrShekelstein ago

literally every website is fake news.

literally every media source is fake news.

literally every news source is fake news.

do not believe ANYTHING

Nightgoat1977 ago is reliable. ;)

archvile7 ago


What's your angle goy

drstrangegov ago

That's kind of where I'm at, unfortunately.

ChiCom ago

I don't believe you

MrShekelstein ago

smart man.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I heard this a couple days ago, but the guy had no way to back it up other than "look at their Facebook".


nomorenwo ago

They are just trying to make money off of this.

TexasInfidel ago

Well no fckn sht! glad your awake, there are many, that many are still clueless of.Very likely more of your favs

Blacksmith21 ago

It's a parody of the parody site DailyStormer. It's a hail Mary of stupidity. It's a floor cleaner, it's a dessert topping!

Helbrecht ago

Oh boy, here we go. This should be entertaining.