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15587647? ago

Don't read fake news... do your own research. Daily crusader is fake news.

15587763? ago

Their timeline all adds up.

15588125? ago

Daily crusader mixes fact and fiction. It's like the onion or something like that. With an open mind, read several of their articles, then fact check them. They are out there to deceive people. Do you want to believe a publisher who would write stuff like: John McCain Releases Tapes From Hell Claiming Demons “Treating [him] Well” And America “Invaded Hell Unlawfully” or Leaked Footage Of John McCain Being TORTURED In Vietnam... you know, The other articles they have published.

The crusader articles have appeared on here quite a few times in the last few days, and many anons have been initially misled into believing that:-

Yellow jackets in France stole a tank...

Mueller Admits ISRAEL, Not RUSSIA, Behind “Foreign Collusion

Emmanuel Macron, French President, Announces Totalitarian State On Live Television

Obama just had his bolt hole tossed by Huber. It was a security grab from a CCTV

When you read through all these you see perplexed anons.

Not a reliable source.

15590473? ago

Also, nothing prevents this fake news site from editing the articles afterward!! It is ok to be satire, but it should not be mixed and presented as real news!

15590868? ago

Yep, very untrustworthy.

15588238? ago

Their timeline seems to all add up. Just because they've run OBVIOUSLY satirical articles, doesn't make them fake news. You sound like a mad jew, upset that they are covering the jewish Problem effectively

15592591? ago

Why are you being downvoted for telling the truth and no one is even debating you? Really activates the almonds

15588270? ago

Enjoy CNN and MSMBC while you are at it...

Don't forget, Peter Strzok is a lizard person in human skin. Enjoy your satire. Just don't get it mixed up with facts.

15588301? ago

Speaking of CNN, you're the one peddling fake news and trying to discredit a really good source that's willing to tackle the jewish problem head on. Do you work at Times of Israel or something?

15588781? ago

Did you just call the a really good source? Let me guess, you also think is a great source too. It's people like you who make this movement look like LARPing retards. You are no different from the liberal sheep eating up fake news that make them feel better. What a pathetic faggot you are

15588875? ago

Their info checks out, and your insults don't change that lol, you're just mad they're exposing Israel's many many crimes

15588401? ago

You would consider someone who would publish this:

A really good source?

I guess I'm not on the same level as you in determining a really good source. You are obviously way out of my league. Carry on.

15588884? ago

You're obviously not on the same level as anyone in this sub if you don't understand SARCASM. Sarcasm is for very high IQ people, which you obviously aren't. Sorry you were dropped on your head! Also thanks for the link that was hilarious lmfao