15611187? ago

Crusader run by a CONVICTED FELON in Broward County.

Almost certainly also he is Jewish.

You can check out the court links here as well


Crusader Site mixes real stories with fake satire, and headlines are clickbait...

15594027? ago

dailycrusader is a shit website! only shills and morons link to it!

15593036? ago

Pink mist?

15590834? ago

daily crusader is swamp media, stay away

15592607? ago

Why do you say that? Because they are tackling the Jewish Problem openly? It's refreshing tbh

15611211? ago

Crusader run by a CONVICTED FELON in Broward County.

Almost certainly also he is Jewish, so consider what he is actually tackling...

You can check out the court links here as well


Crusader Site mixes real stories with fake satire, and headlines are clickbait...

15590243? ago

Patriots In Control? LMFAO

Is Qanon a deep state larp?

Gateway Pundit: HUGE— Strzok’s Phones Scrubbed AFTER He Was Fired — Page’s Phone Scrubbed and Lost for ENTIRE YEAR before It Was Turned Over...


15590181? ago

This site is just here to make money off the gullible

15592610? ago

But the articles are free?

15611231? ago

Crusader run by a CONVICTED FELON in Broward County.

Almost certainly also he is Jewish.

You can check out the court links here as well


Crusader Site mixes real stories with fake satire, and headlines are clickbait...

Free lies...

15589590? ago

I fucking hate traitors. Hate. Them. Fuck them ALL.

15590766? ago

Israeli spies aren't traitors - they are spies. Their home nation is Israel, not America, so they can not be labelled "traitors"

15588297? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @CovfefeFan.

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15588251? ago

Thing is nothing ever happens to them. EVER!

Novus ordo seclorum ORDO AB CHAO

15588136? ago

Daily Crusader = Instant downvote

15591249? ago


15590404? ago

Maybe so, but the substance is what's important. If the substance can't be verified, and the source is not credible, then it should be ignored. If it can be verified from other more credible sources, then those other sources should be cited.

The article is not coming up for me, but the title of this thread is wrong. The August 302 is not illegal. It was Strzok reciting what he remembered from the Flynn interview. They probably did this because they did not want anyone to see the original 302 filed in January.

You could say it is "illegal" in the sense that Mueller is trying to engage in fraud on the court. The judge isn't stupid, though. But is the judge honest? We'll find that out this week (maybe).

15590742? ago

It's illegal in the sense that a 302 is supposed to be filed within 5 days, and MANY cases have been thrown out if the 302 was filed over 72 hours after

15592317? ago

OK, fair point. And they filed the AUG 302 like a month later, right?

15592558? ago

No it was filed SIX months plus later by Strzok, just four days before Strzok was fired and about 1 month after Strzok was hired by Counsel

15588245? ago

I love that they are willing to tackle the Jewish Problem head on, and I know some of you in Tel Aviv don't like that, and that's okay

15592569? ago

me too brother, their articles on Israel are always top notch, did you see that Russia is arming the Lebanese air force???

15588166? ago

I called it fake news and got a downvote. However, I gave your's an upvote...

Some people prefer fake news, I guess. They are everywhere, even here.

15588247? ago

What in this article was fake, persay?

15590738? ago

I love how you're being downvoted but no one will argue with you... really shows the brigader's motives here

15592560? ago

You're getting it too.. yup, looks like Daily Crusader is confirmed real news and someone is scared of it

15587987? ago

hi JIDF. Despite the constant negative press, Daily Crusader COVFEFE!

15590776? ago

I see the jews are still attacking Daily Crusader... they seem to have hit a nerve

15592614? ago

wow, you're getting downvoted for nothing... looks like JIDF is active on this board now

15587682? ago

Anyone listen to Corsi's interview on coast to coast am Thursday night? Mueller and his gestapo henchmen are deep state black hats and the longer Trump and Q allow this scumbag Mueller to continue his corrupt witch hunt on the taxpayers dime the more lives are being ruined and the more damaged is being done to the republic. FOR FUCKS SAKES DO SOMETHING NOW!!

15587767? ago

Corsi is Mossad.

15588124? ago

Has Q stated Corsi is Mossad?

15588565? ago

Yes. How do you not fucking know this shill? GTFO.

15588236? ago

Check these drops: 2104, 2091, 2500, 1366, 2102, 2089, 1343

15588260? ago

Seems pretty clear to me. I'm glad someone's finally doing something about these subversive jews taking over our gov't

15587926? ago

I agree. Something is wrong with Corsi. Both Alex Jones AND Roger Stone have thrown him under the bus. I think Mueller informed them both that Corsi was an Israeli agent. If Corsi is an Israeli spy then I really do hope he spends the rest of his life in jail. Death to all foreign spies operating in the US!

15595588? ago

Alex Jones sucks Israeli cock

15588573? ago

Do you have any links to Stone and Jones taking shit on Corsi? I'd love to see this.

15588832? ago

Google shoahed/memory holed it it seems, but Corsi was fired by Jones when Jones claimed he "found him drunk in a bar" and Stone is openly stating that Corsi tried to deceive him with the Guccifer 2.0 (MOSSAD) information and trying to drag Stone into that connection falsely

15592600? ago

yup I remember that as well.. never thought it meant he was mossad... but seeing how Mueller admitted this whole thing was ISRAELGATE and not russiagate... wow,,,

15587653? ago

If this can happen to a 3 star general, it must happen routinely. I am ashamed of our justice system, and those who serve it.

15591431? ago

I guess we find out on Monday when Judge Lambert makes his decision on Flynn. If he doesn't throw the entire case out of court because of the fraud and corruption the FBI and Mueller used to frame him, then we are really in big trouble. If Lambert throws the case out and gives Mueller the middle finger in court, then we have a chance. A small chance, but a chance to save our legal system.

Where is Huber?

15588476? ago

Very good point.

Could you imagine a set of dirty cops pursuing you with limitless funds, shielded by lying media, without oversight. While you, have to pay potentially millions to defend yourself.

Fucking infuriating. FBI/DOJ reputation has been tarnished FOREVER.

15592404? ago

Tarnished? That's an understatement. I think we'll have to disband and rebuild from the ground up our entire judicial and law enforcement system.

15592530? ago

And basically all of congress for that matter.

15592563? ago

Oh yeah, don't want to forget about them.

15593305? ago


15588559? ago

They are "drivers". Given a badge and the ability to keep us stupid humans under their control while using that authority to shield the truly evil that occupy positions of power and trust. Evil could not exist if these privileged slaves (with badges) did not protect them from the people.

15590796? ago

A god damned shame the jews have subverted our nation like this

They must be expelled

15590907? ago

Please. There are fake jews, Christians and moslems. Evil wears many masks. Divided we fall. You must hate America and freedom.

15587779? ago


15587647? ago

Don't read fake news... do your own research. Daily crusader is fake news.


15592581? ago

Uh, the article looks good to me boss, timeline seems to check out with my almonds

15590746? ago

This article looks pretty legit to me

15587763? ago

Their timeline all adds up.

15588125? ago

Daily crusader mixes fact and fiction. It's like the onion or something like that. With an open mind, read several of their articles, then fact check them. They are out there to deceive people. Do you want to believe a publisher who would write stuff like: John McCain Releases Tapes From Hell Claiming Demons “Treating [him] Well” And America “Invaded Hell Unlawfully” or Leaked Footage Of John McCain Being TORTURED In Vietnam... you know, The other articles they have published. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2909112

The crusader articles have appeared on here quite a few times in the last few days, and many anons have been initially misled into believing that:-

Yellow jackets in France stole a tank...

Mueller Admits ISRAEL, Not RUSSIA, Behind “Foreign Collusion

Emmanuel Macron, French President, Announces Totalitarian State On Live Television

Obama just had his bolt hole tossed by Huber. It was a security grab from a CCTV

When you read through all these you see perplexed anons.

Not a reliable source.

15590473? ago

Also, nothing prevents this fake news site from editing the articles afterward!! It is ok to be satire, but it should not be mixed and presented as real news!

15590868? ago

Yep, very untrustworthy.

15588238? ago

Their timeline seems to all add up. Just because they've run OBVIOUSLY satirical articles, doesn't make them fake news. You sound like a mad jew, upset that they are covering the jewish Problem effectively

15592591? ago

Why are you being downvoted for telling the truth and no one is even debating you? Really activates the almonds

15588270? ago

Enjoy CNN and MSMBC while you are at it...

Don't forget, Peter Strzok is a lizard person in human skin. Enjoy your satire. Just don't get it mixed up with facts.

15588301? ago

Speaking of CNN, you're the one peddling fake news and trying to discredit a really good source that's willing to tackle the jewish problem head on. Do you work at Times of Israel or something?

15588781? ago

Did you just call the dailycrusader.com a really good source? Let me guess, you also think whatdoesitmean.com is a great source too. It's people like you who make this movement look like LARPing retards. You are no different from the liberal sheep eating up fake news that make them feel better. What a pathetic faggot you are

15588875? ago

Their info checks out, and your insults don't change that lol, you're just mad they're exposing Israel's many many crimes

15588401? ago

You would consider someone who would publish this:


A really good source?

I guess I'm not on the same level as you in determining a really good source. You are obviously way out of my league. Carry on.

15588884? ago

You're obviously not on the same level as anyone in this sub if you don't understand SARCASM. Sarcasm is for very high IQ people, which you obviously aren't. Sorry you were dropped on your head! Also thanks for the link that was hilarious lmfao