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srayzie ago


Q: Do we have the gold?

Gold shall destroy FED.

EyeOfHorus ago

Back up the truck, time to load up on more gold.

FYI, do NOT buy gold ETF's. If you don't hold it then you don't own it.

All these libtards associating Trump with Hitler are hysterically accurate, too dumb to know why. Bye bye German "Wiemarks."

srayzie ago

You’re saying it’s bad to buy gold?

EyeOfHorus ago

This is why women shouldn't be allowed to own land or vote.

First, find yourself a man. Or at least a competent male friend or family member.

Second, Buy gold! PHYSICAL GOLD!!! 1oz is selling for $1250. If gold valuation weren't illegally "fixed" based on phony fiat currency (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) gold valuation ranges between $15000 to $60000 per ounce depending on study. ETF's are basically paper IOU's backed by nothing but faith. There isn't enough physical gold in the world to cover all the bullshit ETFs. Providencemetals APMEX

Silver will follow.

If you really believe Q, then this is a no brainer.

SearchVoatBot ago

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aflameofYah ago

Ummm, I recently found and always get excited when I get to the vaot-great awakening platform! Then I run across comments like yours and get disappointed and start to think this platform is not good enough for me to arise and take my assigned position and play my part in this taking-back-america battle.

...before you were taught and encouraged to learn about such matters as owning land and voting, you were just as ignorant, so it is not a “women” issue. From merely through observation: it is insecure men who have been raised to believe, and who believe, women have nothing to offer beyond procreation; have you noticed how many women not only raise the children but ALSO take care of the house and washing and feeding of the family and family finances and ALSO have a full time job? how many men do that—three full time jobs! Might be a good time for you to read about the proverbs 31 women and get a promotion in manhood by valuing women as much as God does, and as Jesus did—the same blood He shed for men is the same blood He shed for women. I imagine there will be a whole bunch of men who are going to freak when they get to heaven and see as many if not more women in higher positions of Kingdom gov with way more authority than men have…. going to be praying you are not one of those disappointed men.
Takes a real man to honor a woman and help her to be all she was created to be… so maybe consider being a little more Christ-like in your attitude toward those you are called to lift up, instead of pulling them down to your low-level.
Furthermore, such attitudes toward women will not help women get “woke up.”
Women have a lot more influence in what God Almighty is doing in this nation than you have recognized and apparently believe—why else would you slam women as you tried with your comment if you can’t see beyond a demonic belief system about women…? Misogyny is a luciferian modus operandi, so please consider dealing with it for all of us.

And just maybe men working together with women to MAGA would benefit this nation a lot more than if men treat women the same way the DS is treating the citizens of this nation?

So now, please help me better understand something: I already understand that gold in the hand is valuable; paper in the hand "claiming" gold is owned is worthless. But are actual gold coins better or is gold bullion better?

EyeOfHorus ago

Holly shit, I garantee you that men aren't listening when you talk. You're lucky I caught your question at the end cause I tuned most of it out. Bitch about a man then ask him for help, typical.

Stay away from nuisimatic coins, or "collectables" or older rare coins. Recently minted gold coins like American Gold Eagles are your best choice. AGEs have a slight premium above intrinsic value for ease of sale/trade later. You'd be fine with bullion bars also, keep then in original packaging. Bars have lower mark up but a little less convenient to sell later. If gold is too expensive then buy silver, the same holds true.

You're hugely mistaken that I don't respect women. On the contrary, you don't respect the decision and leadership competencies of the men in your life and must dilute it with your own. I'll stop, cause my troll of syrazia above was just that, and further discussion would not benefit you..... Because I respect you, and women in general.

Patti_McGreen ago

I run the money in a 38 yr marriage. I invested over the years with the help of a financial advisor. I kept a solid budget that included deposits into to retirement funds.

We have no debt, own our home and vehicles. Life is good.

My husband was terrible with the money. He turned it over to me 2 years into the marriage. And he is glad he did!

Many women are excellent with finances!

Shizy ago

Well said and beautifully written! Thank you!

srayzie ago

Oh the female card again. Whatever dude.

EyeOfHorus ago

Only faggots and chicks don't understand sound money, and why should they, it's not expected.

Shizy ago

Better go find yourself a man 🤣! I guess you're not allowed to ask questions either! What an asshole!

srayzie ago

I know! 😂