WanderingTaurus ago

So, not exposing election fraud before 2019? Why?!! And how can we be sure that 2020 elections are safeguarded when these lasts ones are not when we also heard that they would be safe?

I thought the NSA was bad? Now it isn't? (Regarding Snowden). The NSA SPIES on all of us!!

About FLOTUS on Hannity and comment about confirming "Only her love and beauty" Seems odd response of adding the confirming of beauty in if this is someone that is a military member. Don't get me wrong, we all know that she is beautiful, but it isn't something I would expect to see as answer is all.

ADaniels ago

Why does Q say Snowden is a traitor? What kind of fuck shit is that?

hildberht ago

Well do you understand what Admiral Rogers did, and by default the NSA? Snowden hurt the NSA, the NSA appears to have been a white hat organization, Q has said he was CIA ie a clown sent to hurt the NSA.

ADaniels ago

How can you argue that the nsa is good? It is unconstitutional, violates the 4th ammendment, and is a non-transparent illegal agency.

ProudTruther ago

the alternative is a bunch of satanists, kikes and pedophiles at the cia...

WanderingTaurus ago

BS. Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

ADaniels ago

Lol. Word. I hope you are right. Stay vigilant Patriot.

hildberht ago

I am not but it has apparently been used for 'good' in the case of Q.

I do not have the knowledge of the US legal system etc as I am not American. I come here to learn and comment where I remember bits from other posts etc.

wokeasfook ago

What does he mean by "Stress test failed"?

corrbrick ago

The load on the servers from the Q&A were too much according to some measure.

jrobb03 ago

Listen, most flat earthers are more about “how do you know? Who told you the earth was flat? Have you seen it? Oh, so you trust nasa photos and science class? Etc.” I’m glad Q clarified.. but at the end of the day flat-earthers just try to question the source of our info. It’s always been far fetched but it’s just the way it makes your brain think. Question everything. At the end of the day does the earth being round or flat change anything about you’re life? They still lie to us. We get bits and pieces of truth

EyeOfHorus ago

A better question is if the earth is solid. Or whats going on in Antarctica.

breebby72 ago

yess antartica !

pwdwp ago

What a night! A lot of emotions.

darkknight111 ago


My face when I see the despair of the Flat Earth shills as they’re eternally BTFO.

srayzie ago

The shills are here big time now Q-Family!

Wear your badge of honor proudly!

sorosminion ago

Good Lord, this must have been hilarious for the guys pretending to be Q! A bunch of dumb bell boomers asking idiot question, they must be laughing their asses off! Why didn't you dumbfucks ask if Trump will confirm Q? Why not , what's the point of silly coded answers? Why on 8/chan full of porn, child porn and crazy people? GOD YOU PEOPLE ARE EASILY DELUDED IMBECILS!!!

hildberht ago

Are you at the point where you have to wear a nappy yet or is your bowel still intact?

All those hits in the ring take a toll you know.

sorosminion ago

Nope. But I guess you OBVIOUSLY know. I guess I'll take your word for it "Hilderht"> LOL Not inclined, but hey, I know you Qultists are obsessed with pedophilia, you NEVER stop thinking and talking about it do you Gomer? So, whatever freak.

srayzie ago

We already know Trump will confirm Q dumb ass. Ask for a new script!

sorosminion ago

What a stupid reply, seeing WHO relied I see why. You love fooling these morons don't you?

Trizzle1 ago

How the hell do you post a new thread to ask a Q?

srayzie ago

People were asking Q on 8chan

Trizzle1 ago

Is it over?

GhostGun ago

Where ever you are you need to be pushing for voter id in your state NOW

wokeasfook ago

Snowden goes after the deep state and hes a traitor. Q and team go after the deep state and they are the righteous. Don't get me wrong i'm team Q all the way but 'the Steinlight Plan' is playing on my mind more and more these days.

EyeOfHorus ago

Since Snowden was previously CIA then contractor, one theory is that he was planted to undermine NSA. NSA vs CIA.

Its more telling that the movie "Snowden" is in (((Oliver Stone's)) repertoire. Control the narrative for generations.

wokeasfook ago

ThanQ that makes sense.

It can be a bit of a mind fuck sometimes trying to work out who's who in this great battle

EyeOfHorus ago

Its always been about controlling the narrative. Before radio, newspapers were the front line. Competing presses would burn each other to the ground, the wealthy bought presses directly, through advertisement etc, aligned with candidates. The voters only knew what they read locally. Think how powerful that was to control an entire regional narrative because that was all the people had access to. Then radio, then broadcast, then cable, now internet has become front line.

How do you re-write history? Publish a moonlanding without an American Flag. Give it 3 generations and no-ones the wiser. None of this is accidental.

wokeasfook ago

preaching to the choir on that one mate. soon even the normies will know. Even the NPCs will be shamed into silence.

KnightsofHubris ago

He really doesn't want people to read about how both Michael Cohen AND The National Enquirer both said they committed federal crimes with Donald Trump.

hildberht ago

I thought it was about Russia, now its this trivial BS?

KnightsofHubris ago

So you don't care that the president conspired to commit felonies?

And it's still about Russia, Mueller just has brought that part of the case yet.

hildberht ago

If that a felony, a lot of congress and the senate will be joining him.

Its pathetic really.

wokeasfook ago

Is that your level??

The national fucking enquirer and a slimy lawyer under duress??

Low standards my man.

KnightsofHubris ago

Any Trump wrongdoing yet???


After years of weaponizing the intelligence agencies against Trump

LOL. Is that all you have?

hildberht ago

You stick to Hilary champ, she is righteous. Just ask Satan.

wokeasfook ago

Whats your opinion on the Steinlight Plan? Heve you heard about it?

KnightsofHubris ago

I have not heard about it.

I hold no opinion.

wokeasfook ago


Do tell

KnightsofHubris ago

We now have multiple witness saying they committed federal campaign crimes with Trump. David Pecker has admitted in 2015 to work with Trump campaign to work with Trump to protect Trump to hunt down damaging stories and keep them from the public.

This will take the investigation into the Trump Campaign and the Trump Organization.

The Wall Street Journal wrote about before and it seems like they were right on the mark.


As a presidential candidate in August 2015, Donald Trump huddled with a longtime friend, media executive David Pecker, in his cluttered 26th floor Trump Tower office and made a request.

What can you do to help my campaign? he asked, according to people familiar with the meeting.

Mr. Pecker, chief executive of American Media Inc., offered to use his National Enquirer tabloid to buy the silence of women if they tried to publicize alleged sexual encounters with Mr. Trump.

Less than a year later, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Pecker to quash the story of a former Playboy model who said they’d had an affair. Mr. Pecker’s company soon paid $150,000 to the model, Karen McDougal, to keep her from speaking publicly about it. Mr. Trump later thanked Mr. Pecker for the assistance.

The Trump Tower meeting and its aftermath are among several previously unreported instances in which Mr. Trump intervened directly to suppress stories about his alleged sexual encounters with women, according to interviews with three dozen people who have direct knowledge of the events or who have been briefed on them, as well as court papers, corporate records and other documents.

Taken together, the accounts refute a two-year pattern of denials by Mr. Trump, his legal team and his advisers that he was involved in payoffs to Ms. McDougal and a former adult-film star. They also raise the possibility that the president of the United States violated federal campaign-finance laws.

The Wall Street Journal found that Mr. Trump was involved in or briefed on nearly every step of the agreements. He directed deals in phone calls and meetings with his self-described fixer, Michael Cohen, and others. The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan has gathered evidence of Mr. Trump’s participation in the transactions.

wokeasfook ago

Nobody is this dumb by accident.

Well except for dumb kikes who believe they are smart simply because they are kikes. You guys are victims of your own propaganda.

wokeasfook ago

Where's the crime. Man has sex with woman.

I get it. Men who are attracted to adult women upset you kike cunts.

srayzie ago

The national fucking enquirer


TrishaUK ago

Where or what was Trump doing just now? This will let you know if Q is POTUS - If he is somewhere else 'live' with someone else!

DawnPendraig ago

Per Q0 on AF1 in Q drop the other day I think most believe Trump is Q+ aka Q0

srayzie ago

Yes because + on Trump’s phone was where the O was

Patranon ago

And he signed the back of the VIPANON picture (((+)))

bebeQ ago

/End Stress test failed. Q

Fateswebb ago

What's this about assange, are they saying he is a traitor and will be tried?

Foxfire1028 ago


Fateswebb ago

Oh duh my bad

srayzie ago

Is Gitmo going to be used for US citizens (cabal)?

(3) detention centers being prepped.
Monitor funding.

CanPatriot ago

Where can we ask questions?

srayzie ago

People have to ask on the 8chan board.

srayzie ago

Will voter fraud in CA ever be brought to light?

"Watch CA" was deliberate.

GodsAngell ago


I just sent this to my Congressman's office who was told he lost this election.....no way, he lost! It was just rampant voter fraud! YAHOO!!!!!!!!

Themooninthesky ago

What’s the recipe for apple jelly Q?

srayzie ago

Just to shut the Flat Earthers up Q, Is the Earth flat?


Sorry @Bopper

Power2Tread ago

Trump even stated the earth was flat aa few years ago. Trump would not say it now, but the Bible makes it clear enough the earth is not moving and the firmament (dome) is above us. Let God be true and every man a liar. I put my faith in God not Q.

srayzie ago

Can you find a link to Trump saying that?

Power2Tread ago

https://twitter.com/bigredwavenow/status/1073670433751261184 - quoted in video here, I have screenshot of online story have to locate, but this link/video shows it.

srayzie ago

That’s interesting. Did you see the deleted tweets Trump made?

pby1000 ago

Bopper is a flat earth faggot? I should have guessed.

bopper ago

Aggression against bopper will not stand man.

pby1000 ago

Oh, ok, man. The bopper is not to be antagonized. Gotcha!

amarQ144 ago

Q has to know the truth...for crist sake...he said "trust Kansas"...ya'll know Kansas is flat!

corrbrick ago

But we aren't in Kansas anymore, Toto.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

I was straight up laughing at that one

MotoshiBoy ago

Disinfo is necessary!

bopper ago

Wow. (Thanks I hadn't seen that yet.)

srayzie ago


Q: Do we have the gold?

Gold shall destroy FED.

EyeOfHorus ago

Back up the truck, time to load up on more gold.

FYI, do NOT buy gold ETF's. If you don't hold it then you don't own it.

All these libtards associating Trump with Hitler are hysterically accurate, too dumb to know why. Bye bye German "Wiemarks."

srayzie ago

You’re saying it’s bad to buy gold?

Astrotheologist ago

buy physical gold and silver. maybe take gamble with bitcoin.

EyeOfHorus ago

This is why women shouldn't be allowed to own land or vote.

First, find yourself a man. Or at least a competent male friend or family member.

Second, Buy gold! PHYSICAL GOLD!!! 1oz is selling for $1250. If gold valuation weren't illegally "fixed" based on phony fiat currency (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) gold valuation ranges between $15000 to $60000 per ounce depending on study. ETF's are basically paper IOU's backed by nothing but faith. There isn't enough physical gold in the world to cover all the bullshit ETFs. Providencemetals APMEX

Silver will follow.

If you really believe Q, then this is a no brainer.

SearchVoatBot ago

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aflameofYah ago

Ummm, I recently found and always get excited when I get to the vaot-great awakening platform! Then I run across comments like yours and get disappointed and start to think this platform is not good enough for me to arise and take my assigned position and play my part in this taking-back-america battle.

...before you were taught and encouraged to learn about such matters as owning land and voting, you were just as ignorant, so it is not a “women” issue. From merely through observation: it is insecure men who have been raised to believe, and who believe, women have nothing to offer beyond procreation; have you noticed how many women not only raise the children but ALSO take care of the house and washing and feeding of the family and family finances and ALSO have a full time job? how many men do that—three full time jobs! Might be a good time for you to read about the proverbs 31 women and get a promotion in manhood by valuing women as much as God does, and as Jesus did—the same blood He shed for men is the same blood He shed for women. I imagine there will be a whole bunch of men who are going to freak when they get to heaven and see as many if not more women in higher positions of Kingdom gov with way more authority than men have…. going to be praying you are not one of those disappointed men.
Takes a real man to honor a woman and help her to be all she was created to be… so maybe consider being a little more Christ-like in your attitude toward those you are called to lift up, instead of pulling them down to your low-level.
Furthermore, such attitudes toward women will not help women get “woke up.”
Women have a lot more influence in what God Almighty is doing in this nation than you have recognized and apparently believe—why else would you slam women as you tried with your comment if you can’t see beyond a demonic belief system about women…? Misogyny is a luciferian modus operandi, so please consider dealing with it for all of us.

And just maybe men working together with women to MAGA would benefit this nation a lot more than if men treat women the same way the DS is treating the citizens of this nation?

So now, please help me better understand something: I already understand that gold in the hand is valuable; paper in the hand "claiming" gold is owned is worthless. But are actual gold coins better or is gold bullion better?

EyeOfHorus ago

Holly shit, I garantee you that men aren't listening when you talk. You're lucky I caught your question at the end cause I tuned most of it out. Bitch about a man then ask him for help, typical.

Stay away from nuisimatic coins, or "collectables" or older rare coins. Recently minted gold coins like American Gold Eagles are your best choice. AGEs have a slight premium above intrinsic value for ease of sale/trade later. You'd be fine with bullion bars also, keep then in original packaging. Bars have lower mark up but a little less convenient to sell later. If gold is too expensive then buy silver, the same holds true.

You're hugely mistaken that I don't respect women. On the contrary, you don't respect the decision and leadership competencies of the men in your life and must dilute it with your own. I'll stop, cause my troll of syrazia above was just that, and further discussion would not benefit you..... Because I respect you, and women in general.

Patti_McGreen ago

I run the money in a 38 yr marriage. I invested over the years with the help of a financial advisor. I kept a solid budget that included deposits into to retirement funds.

We have no debt, own our home and vehicles. Life is good.

My husband was terrible with the money. He turned it over to me 2 years into the marriage. And he is glad he did!

Many women are excellent with finances!

Shizy ago

Well said and beautifully written! Thank you!

srayzie ago

Oh the female card again. Whatever dude.

EyeOfHorus ago

Only faggots and chicks don't understand sound money, and why should they, it's not expected.

Shizy ago

Better go find yourself a man 🤣! I guess you're not allowed to ask questions either! What an asshole!

srayzie ago

I know! 😂

pby1000 ago


darkknight111 ago

The take home from that being part of the plan is indeed to take out fiat.

CrusadePrime ago

I was just saying this last night. YES Q!!!!!!

cmcgee14 ago

How do we post questions. I want to know when the arrests will start

amarQ144 ago

When you end the sentence, add a ?

srayzie ago

On the 8chan board

DawnPendraig ago

Per today's drops - paraphrase-do you broadcast your attack when hunting dangerous animals?

cmcgee14 ago

I guess not. So.....it’s disinfo?

CrusadePrime ago

Lol, yeah right. Only T and Q know.

GodsAngell ago

Remember: Loose lips sink ships!

cmcgee14 ago


swimkin ago

I am not on the chans. Ask will we see HRC, Brennan and Obama arrested.

srayzie ago

Is internet infrastructure being safeguarded to prevent shut down?

NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

srayzie ago

Q - Should we be prepping for some kind of shutdown?

No. Reports of 'power grid' attacks (6 mo prep) should be disregarded. While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'. Q

amarQ144 ago

have seen quite a few black eyes recently

EnterTheUnKnown ago

What is the "black Eye"?

Shizy ago

Makes me think of the "eye in the sky" that casinos use. So maybe a system that allows them to watch and be prepared for such attacks?

EyeOfHorus ago

Homage to Ian Flemming's Goldeneye. Good since of humor.

srayzie ago

I don’t know. We shall soon figure it out

EnterTheUnKnown ago

You notice how it says a black eye. isnt there a black eye ritual for the deep state elites? what if it was meant to say they have someone on the inside so they will know if it is coming? Just a thought.

srayzie ago

I don’t know. I need to get on 8chan because I bet they already have it figured out

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Fair Enough. I was thinking maybe they have a system that is off grid or in some type of Faraday cage or something.

GuantanamObama ago

Could be anything. There are thousands of hush hush govt programs.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

True that.

Arkeo77 ago

Should we still be on the ready? Or wait for the new year?

CovfefeFan ago

2 technicians killed at Antarctica science station. Are our Q patriot from Q Post 2566 safe?

srayzie ago


DawnPendraig ago

Oh no=(

CovfefeFan ago

It's sad. I was hoping Q would answer, I couldn't figure out 8 chan quick enough to answer the question.

srayzie ago


Negotiating for return.
Traitor. Mission to harm NSA.

DawnPendraig ago

I knew it!!

GodGunsDogs ago

Do you know how much we LOVE you??

srayzie ago

Right! Lol

GodGunsDogs ago

Is there going to be internet blackout?

yukon456 ago

Was DJT's grandfather a black hat or an undercover white hat?

Trousersnake1488 ago


all4hope ago

Should we prepare for martial Law?

hangry ago


amarQ144 ago

ask if 23 skedoo is really small change

srayzie ago

Will voter fraud be exposed before January?

2019 push Voter ID based on verifiable intel (fraud).
2020+ safeguarded.

GodsAngell ago


AUSAFVet ago

Is Assange going to make it in the USA unscathed?

srayzie ago

What were in the envelopes ???

Our promise to 'counter'.

TrishaUK ago

I have hoped and stood up for Mike Pence when people have rumoured that he is involved in pedogate, even going against my instincts when Abel Danger was 100% accused him, and I trust Field McConnell. However it is getting harder to believe he is not involved now that Karen Pence got an envelope at the GW FUNERAL! WOW Never saw the Joe Biden one until this video either! THIS IS GETTING EXCITING! The Mysterious Hidden Letter from Bush funeral Was also Given to few Others - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7poU0sUD40 @

srayzie ago

I don’t think Pence is guilty. You think Trump would allow that?

TrishaUK ago

Still saying I HOPE NOT.

TrishaUK ago

I do not want to believe it, but Field McConnell seems to be very credible, and although he rambles, my gut trust him. I also heard someone say, keep you enemy closer, explaining maybe this is Trumps stratagy: Still in the air, just that envelope and this video makes me question now: Mike Pence ( fast forward to 4:44 mins ) MIKE PENCE 11-2-2018 Gobsmack & Field McConnell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuFhU0x6yGE&t=378s At 2:35 mins he explains about his connection to his sister Marcy & Killarys Pedogate/Pedogate Gov. ( No.1 ) AV8 - 2017 - Field McConnell on Global P3dophilia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWSuvyAIl0A&t=336s - ( No.2 ) The slides he used: AV8 5-20-2017 - Field McConnell's Slide Show (no audio) on Pedophilia - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHx6uAI3OhM

darkknight111 ago

Seth Rich and JFK Jr confirmed dead.

breebby72 ago

ok who is dressing up as santa and vincent im telling u this man is alive they will NOT tell u he is right now

srayzie ago

I’m sure thsee 2 posts affected A LOT Of people deeply. 😢

Stonenchizel ago

Not Me @srayzie I've considered them both dead. Since original news stories on both.. God rest both of their souls!

😇 @SethRich R.I.P.

😇 @JohnKennedyJr. R.I.P.

srayzie ago

Yeah. Sad. 😕

cmcgee14 ago

Wow I’ve been crying over JFK Jr again. I should have known it was t true but I was hoping. How could all this get set up with Vincent Fusco showing up at the rallies and holding up the ruby sign. How could we be lead to believe this whole time?? I feel so sad. I mean I guess I should have been more objective but I just wanted it to be real.

Falcorrocks ago

What if it was disinformation??🤔

Notimportant36 ago

It's possible, IMO, alive or dead, it would be better to have people thinking they are dead.

Interesting prospect to theorize they may have survived, but since it's really useless in red pilling people if they don't make it known first, let's call this the expected answer. One that I believe until it's made known otherwise.

cmcgee14 ago

How sad. I really wanted it to be true

amarQ144 ago

...and Vincent F twitter account is gone... gone gone

srayzie ago

Since when??


MolochHunter ago

yea i just made a post about it. his account was live 12 hours ago when i was looking last night - now gorn. gorn i tellzya

srayzie ago

That’s really weird

Stonenchizel ago

Yeah it's true Vincent Has been clipped from the blue bird liberal controlled site.


RockmanRaiden ago

I wouldn't think anything of the idea of dead people being dead. But Vincent's twitter being gone is fishy.

SandyAndreas ago

A millions souls just cried out at once. Lol. This just seemed like a Star Wars dialogue moment. Just kidding, Q's keeping it real tonight but someone is still going to say it's intentional disinfo. Let the dead rest, people. Seth and John John both deserve eternal peace after playing their part for history.

mostlysafe8 ago

The hard Truth is better than any pleasant fiction.

They will be rewarded the Decision Day. Those who fight and die in HIS way are alive - we just dont get to see them yet. And they earn Great Reward.

Remember them and laud them as the HEROES they are.
And let them serve as examples of Patriot conduct.

His name was John Kennedy Jr.
His name was Seth Rich.
Peace be upon HIS servants. And praise to The God, LORD of the nations!

cmcgee14 ago

Amen to that!

hangry ago

Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

bopper ago


DanijelStark ago

Unfortunately , seems so ( or , its simply an intentional disinformation , but I doubt ... )

Now Im wondering even more who is a person who will make a big surprise to public once uncovered as being a part of Q ...

Headwest127 ago

Valiant Thor?

DanijelStark ago

If part of Q is a different , but almost same human species , then it will be a full "ET" disclosure in itself .

Headwest127 ago

I was trying to think of something that would raise eyebrows. Valiant Thor was the first idea that came to mind. I don't want to play the 'dox Q' game.

brylyant ago

Is there a plan in place for AFTER trump? Q says yes!!

hangry ago

Did that give you a stiffie?

srayzie ago

If I were a dude, it would have given me a stiffy. Just sayin. 🙄

wokeasfook ago

Are you assuming your own gender?

srayzie ago

Lol. Yes. 😂