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CovfefeFan ago

@srayzie is this that fake news? I can't remember for sure.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

why, you can't read and determine for yourself? you need another authority figure to tell you? lmfao

CovfefeFan ago

I don't want to waste my time reading BS articles like the Onion:

Not a reliable source.

obamas_failed_legacy ago

Looks reliable to me, I don't really care if someone else thinks it doesn't. We all have freedom to read what we want. Sounds like you want to be a tyrant over men's minds lol

MrDarkWater ago

Sounds like you and your other accounts are trying to hard to defend this and only this website

CovfefeFan ago

By all means. Feel free to believe that ... John McCain Releases Tapes From Hell Claiming Demons “Treating [him] Well” And America “Invaded Hell Unlawfully” or Leaked Footage Of John McCain Being TORTURED In Vietnam... you know, The other articles they have published.

You are also free to believe that the earth is flat, some people are lizards, the world will end 2012... Believe whatever you want.

Personally, I prefer to only read facts. This publication already tricked me once, they aren't doing it again.

obamas_failed_legacy ago

Yeah I saw those articles, they were hilarious!!! You seem way too uptight, their reporting is pretty good. If you don't like it you can always move to another thread.

MrDarkWater ago

If you aren't a shill, your doing a good impression of an NPC

MissleCopterStoped ago

Your comment sounds patronizing, weak, and a perfect analogy to your username.

If you are trying to amuse us, you will need a better A-game than that bruh.