UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

A gun and SEVEN sandwiches....

@gun_and_a_sandwich has 2 years history and NEGATIVE 111 CCP

This doesn't phase him though, because 'gun' is 'sandwiched' by very attentive followers,

and though ALL have sub 14 day history, they ALL seem to be CHASING NEGATIVE CCP too...

I try and help people reach their goals, as should we ALL, Patriots

Sandwich menu:-








The sandwiches all coincidentally post comments to, and articles by, DailyCrusader.Com which coincidentally can be found on a voat subverse coincidentally with the same name...

Anons have suggested that this site is FAKE NEWS interspersing FAKE articles with real... but I couldn't possibly comment...

gogogogostop ago

Daily Crusader??? Aren't they fake news?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Crusader Site mixes real stories with fake, and headlines are clickbait

This link is very interesting...

Hint.. links to criminal records...

singlebrain1 ago

Fake news parody site, don't fall for it. Gun, Florida are shills.

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

LOL Total hyperbole.

Mustard_Monkey ago

I predict things going down at the beginning of 2019.

MrDarkWater ago

Include me in the screen cap for cnn👌🏿💯

Suzo ago

Difference between global fund & 501c3:

Global funds can take funds from one country and help another but global funds are not subject to US Taxation Clinton Foundation & founding countries created Unitaid in 2006, Bill Clinton & Bill Gates sat on the board. Unitaid became single largest donor to Clinton Foundation. Because of this, revenue did not stay out of USA. Since revenue was considered inside the USA, it creates jurisdictional venue by flowing money. That money become jurisdiction of IRS and not exempt from taxation. It’s legal activity but you have to pay taxes on it. As a 501c3, they were ILLEGALLY not paying taxes on it.

Shortest_Skill ago

You will never do a thing. Why wont you do a thing? I could do a thing but you wont so I wont. Non of u will ever do the thing. U are all week but I am not, i will tell you that you will never do a thing, because you wont do anything abut the things that happen. I repeat, non of you will ever do a thing about this. I am very smart, u r not, u r weak.

Q-sent-me ago

Good thing there's a block feature!

MrDarkWater ago

At least sign up for the (((newsletter )))👌🏿

Shortest_Skill ago

LISTEN GUY! U will never do any about this! I am tough and strong but u r week because the kike man say you are. You wake up and never do a thing about the things that happen to u! Week!

Quantumdog ago

Some shills are desperate to censor this outlet since it's giving us info their overlords are pissing themselves over.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

This link is very interesting...

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EyeOfHorus ago

Happy Hanuka!

swimkin ago

Well I sure hope he is safe from "being suicided" before he testifies.

feli00 ago

How much did Putin pay Clinton for the uranium

RCMike_CHS ago

I like this guy Moynihan! Sure would like to see that video of cases of money used to bribe Russians!

Comfortable_1488 ago

wow, it's getting shilly in here. whenever a group of people tries to discredit someone, I tend to believe that someone might have something of value. looks like jews are working overtime to discredit a good news source

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Crusader Site mixes real stories with fake, and headlines are clickbait

This link is very interesting...

MrDarkWater ago

How would you know? You've only been here 3 days.

We know who is shilling in here. You can't hide that large hooked nose.

Idkitall ago

Fuck off little Hitler... we'll read whatever the fuck we want to read

MrDarkWater ago

Read a bit of that thread, guy

MissleCopterStoped ago

That blew me away when he said that! 😂😂😂

i_dicked_cheney ago

It was glorious!!!

Time4puff ago

Seems like all these drips are just to get the public ready.. they don't want to shock the public. It's the Wikileaks's method... keep dripping boys!

gun_and_a_sandwich ago


MrDarkWater ago

Go back to israelfirst, you water-muddying kike.

i_dicked_cheney ago

I just saw that subverse, looks good. Love seeing the lies of Israel exposed tbh desu

MrDarkWater ago

It's all dailycrusader bullshit.

There is plenty of real news exposing Israel.

Your operation is obvious

abbaaharon ago

Cope harder bud

MrDarkWater ago

Only 2 more shill accounts to go and I've collected them all.

There's no coping going on. There are plenty of real news sites exposing Israel: don't need this garbage

obamas_failed_legacy ago

name one

MrDarkWater ago

Y'all aren't commenting in there. Simple pattern recognition exposes you.

Comfortable_1488 ago

yeah it does, wow! love seeing jews butthurt lol

flatbush71 ago

Consider the source,

Consider the propaganda value,

Consider who are the targeted receivers of such information.

Consider modus operandi

Cui Bono ?

digital_minuteman321 ago

Dailycrusader is fake news.

TSE ago

Dailycrusader fake news or not, the news being reported is real. The CF and Clintons are toast.

Comfortable_1488 ago

digital_minuteman321 is fake news

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

you sound butthurt

MrDarkWater ago

You're clearly a shill for this garbage try harder big-nose

i_dicked_cheney ago

Says the shill against a source exposing Israel. You don't like it when your nose is called out, huh jew?

MrDarkWater ago

Facts do well enough exposing Israel. Doesn't explain this fake news site.

It's as bad as BuzzFeed

digital_minuteman321 ago

One of the moderators of this page, @srayzie, pointed out dailycrusader as being propaganda. Remember to THINK, patriot.

srayzie ago

I haven’t got to read it all yet. But, yes they push a lot of fake news. Best advice I could give, is to look at their sources. This one has sources like zerohedge.

But, at the bottom it says the video deleted. If it’s from this site, I would take it like a grain of salt unless you can find that the sources they use check out.

Sites like this will also give real news sometimes. That way people get tricked into thinking it’s a real news site.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

I think for myself. Some moderator who is probably on Mossad's payroll doesn't think for me.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Then it's best to stay away from this thread then if you think that.

CovfefeFan ago

@srayzie is this that fake news? I can't remember for sure.

srayzie ago

Yes, this is the fake news site. This is what I said to someone else...

I haven’t got to read it all yet. But, yes they push a lot of fake news. Best advice I could give, is to look at their sources. This one has sources like zerohedge.

But, at the bottom it says the video deleted. If it’s from this site, I would take it like a grain of salt unless you can find that the sources they use check out.

CovfefeFan ago

thanks... don't want to be the one in a tin foil hat.

i_dicked_cheney ago

oh no better call the censors!! hurry!! before someone says a bad thing about the jew!!!

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

why, you can't read and determine for yourself? you need another authority figure to tell you? lmfao

CovfefeFan ago

I don't want to waste my time reading BS articles like the Onion:

Not a reliable source.

obamas_failed_legacy ago

Looks reliable to me, I don't really care if someone else thinks it doesn't. We all have freedom to read what we want. Sounds like you want to be a tyrant over men's minds lol

MrDarkWater ago

Sounds like you and your other accounts are trying to hard to defend this and only this website

CovfefeFan ago

By all means. Feel free to believe that ... John McCain Releases Tapes From Hell Claiming Demons “Treating [him] Well” And America “Invaded Hell Unlawfully” or Leaked Footage Of John McCain Being TORTURED In Vietnam... you know, The other articles they have published.

You are also free to believe that the earth is flat, some people are lizards, the world will end 2012... Believe whatever you want.

Personally, I prefer to only read facts. This publication already tricked me once, they aren't doing it again.

obamas_failed_legacy ago

Yeah I saw those articles, they were hilarious!!! You seem way too uptight, their reporting is pretty good. If you don't like it you can always move to another thread.

MrDarkWater ago

If you aren't a shill, your doing a good impression of an NPC

MissleCopterStoped ago

Your comment sounds patronizing, weak, and a perfect analogy to your username.

If you are trying to amuse us, you will need a better A-game than that bruh.

PGLiterati ago

Do not trust Daily Crusader.

MrDarkWater ago

Ask yourself: why are any if these accounts in this thread, who are praising dailycrusader, not also commenting on this thread:

singlebrain1 ago

Shills with an agenda. Probably Soros butt minions.

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Comfortable_1488 ago

Do not trust PGLiterati.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

JIDF detected

PGLiterati ago

What is a JIDF?

MrDarkWater ago

Look at the account names, and length of time they've been here. They are all redneck conservative cliches.

Gun and sandwich is a Jewish bitch

obamas_failed_legacy ago

a jewish bitch who runs a subverse dedicated to exposing the lies of Israel? makes no sense

v/IsraelFirst for those wondering

MrDarkWater ago

You and you're shill buddies, and this dailycrusader shit doesn't make any sense.

This is the most obvious op

Comfortable_1488 ago

Only obvious op here are all the jew shills mad that Daily Crusader is exposing Israel to the boomers

MrDarkWater ago

Except you and the others keep reading from the same script.

Try harder big-nose

Blacksmith21 ago

They are mixing in real story lines so they can pass off propaganda and fake news.

obamas_failed_legacy ago

At least they're willing to look at the Jewish Problem objectively. That's all I personally want

Blacksmith21 ago

It's almost as bad as the Muslim and Catholic problem. Except there are 10,000X more ragheads.

MrDarkWater ago

No kidding it's all you want. It's all you keep saying. But you only say it in threads about dailycrusader

i_dicked_cheney ago

Is there another news source you can list right now that openly names the jew?

wokeasfook ago

Why does it name the Jew? Answer that or fuck off.

MrDarkWater ago

Try: the conversations of the people. More and more these days.

All of our favorite news sources are held hostage. Even Tucker Carlson, on Shapiro's show, did everything but have the Jew. That was the cheapest difference between the Christian worldview and that if the Jews.

There people are anti-Semitic. Free Media is a prisoner right now.

There are plenty of discussions going on here in voat, yet you and your buds are only shilling for this website.

Your game is falling apart.

And your people are done

hang_em_high ago

What is with this thread? Lot of new accounts and people jumping on others calling out obvious fake news. Is it all one person maybe? Something strange here for sure.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Crusader Site mixes real stories with fake, and headlines are clickbait

There are around ten or more newborns all supporting the same site.

This link is very interesting, if you like criminal records links....

obamas_failed_legacy ago

At least Daily Crusader is willing to look at the Jewish Problem objectively

MrDarkWater ago

Ok. We get it. Pick a new line now

Are_we_sure ago

They are trolling voat to build an audience and following the stand FAKE news template of a lot sites like TruPundit or YourNewsWire or others. As noted above, take the real news and add bullshit to it. They are just so blatant about it, it's way more obvious than usual.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

major butthurt detected

digital_minuteman321 ago


If you think for yourself, why keep using the same comment? Is that all you can think of? That's a narrow path your mind follows.

obamas_failed_legacy ago

his comment made sense to me, all the Daily Crusader haters are just butthurt that they're exposing the lies of Israel. Would you like some cream for your anal sores?

digital_minuteman321 ago

I'll refer everyone to this link till they get some sense into them.

obamas_failed_legacy ago

Yeah I don't care what someone else has to say though, I think for myself, Daily Crusader puts out great articles and looks at the Jewish Problem objectively

singlebrain1 ago

Fake news parody site.

digital_minuteman321 ago

If you think it's only a jewish problem I god bad news for you.

hang_em_high ago

Oh do tell us how to think 12 day member.

obamas_failed_legacy ago

Is this the new "hurr durr you post on the_donald!!! your opinion is invalid!!" ?

hang_em_high ago

If you been here for more than a week it would be obvious to you that most of this site knows about the Jews. Fake news is still fake news.

MrDarkWater ago

Oh look. Another redneck conservative cliche account name.

Fuck off big-nose

obamas_failed_legacy ago

Is this the new "hurr durr you post on the_donald!!! your opinion is invalid!!" ??

MrDarkWater ago

No, this is pattern recognition

Blacksmith21 ago

Like "realfloridaman" - Nazi boy probably has never set foot in the state. Has to choose a name from a quasi-mockumentary.

abbaaharon ago


obamas_failed_legacy ago

I saw this live, and all I could think was that this makes sense, this is why Huber wasn't there, he can't comment on an ongoing investigation, even Meadows pointed that out

EarnYourVote ago

Plus another thread on this forum has quotes from Huber made yesterday about a pedo case. Coincidence?

obamas_failed_legacy ago

wow really?! link?!

corrbrick ago

Here you go.

Don't know why the down votes.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Crusader Site mixes real stories with fake, and headlines are clickbait

It uses a group of ten or more newborns, who I have seen appear and comment when only 2 minutes old, they only support the one site. They quickly accumulate downvotes....

This post tells more, and has proofs..

i_dicked_cheney ago