Clinton Foundation Whistleblower: "WE KNOW WHERE THE BODIES ARE BURIED"; Informant Has VIDEO Of Russian Agents BRIBED By Clinton For Uranium One (
submitted 6 years ago by realfloridaman
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Comfortable_1488 6 years ago
wow, it's getting shilly in here. whenever a group of people tries to discredit someone, I tend to believe that someone might have something of value. looks like jews are working overtime to discredit a good news source
MrDarkWater 6 years ago
How would you know? You've only been here 3 days.
We know who is shilling in here. You can't hide that large hooked nose.
Idkitall 6 years ago
Fuck off little Hitler... we'll read whatever the fuck we want to read
Read a bit of that thread, guy
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Comfortable_1488 ago
wow, it's getting shilly in here. whenever a group of people tries to discredit someone, I tend to believe that someone might have something of value. looks like jews are working overtime to discredit a good news source
MrDarkWater ago
How would you know? You've only been here 3 days.
We know who is shilling in here. You can't hide that large hooked nose.
Idkitall ago
Fuck off little Hitler... we'll read whatever the fuck we want to read
MrDarkWater ago
Read a bit of that thread, guy