gogogogostop ago

Not into online soap operas. Get a life.

SpiritualPaper ago

So what else is new? This is nothing new. Evil will always try to destroy good but it will never happen. Good will always prevail.

KueAnaan ago

There's a stark difference between shills and good Patriots tiring of the delays. Arrest Awan, Feinstein, the fucking Chinese spy himself, Wasserman, Eric fucking Clanton, arrest someone. I'm happy pedophile rings are being busted up, but the democrats are still taking us down a bad road, at some point there could come a point of no return.

drmckoy ago

Any public forum will be infiltrated.
Look at the context and contents of their posts. You spot a shill. Just don't engage them.

Squalk ago

the Anonymous collective are back posting videos.

Many YouTube comments questioning if any collaboration with Q.

With no definitive answer from Q or the collective - I have a feeling rifts and divisions will rise.

'No outside coms I get'. 'less than 10 are in the know'. Are 1 of the less than 10 in the collective???

They called ES out as a black hat the day after Q did the same (Q&A)...

digital_minuteman321 ago

I wouldn't trust anonymous youtube channels. The REAL anon hack group won't even have a youtube channel so the rest are obviously fake accounts made to divide the movement slowly. Remember they made a video about Q in a negative light before, that gives me enough reason not to trust them.

Squalk ago

I haven't watched the negative Q video (around a year ago?) but It was mentioned in the comments and pro Q replies were made distancing that video from the anonymous 'Collective'. 'Disinformation is necessary' is not understood by anti Q (but 'awoke') individuals.

Make no mistake - in my view the recent Anonymous resurgence fits the Deepstate/Cabal style (or absence of); but many comments are there questioning if there are any links to Q.

As I said; with no definitive answer - questions/divisions will continue.

QCanada ago

Usually a person with GOOD INTENTIONS are never forceful but a person with BAD INTENTIONS are usually forceful UNTIL they get what they want.

sguevar ago

Awesome work @srayzie (this time I didn't break the tag XD ).

Waiting for the rest of it. Congrats to you, your anons and @Crensch for the hard work you guys are doing to protect Voat.

God bless!

srayzie ago

Thank you. God Bless!

Bravo1XRay ago

Great research and analysis Anon☝️Stay The Course WWG1WGA QAnon, MAGA, Q+ is POTUS 🇺🇸

Sub-Urban-Monk ago

Hey srayzie keep up the good wrk. Honesty creates a Sound Home :)

Mustard_Monkey ago

Well if anything the 17 down votes might be the anti Q group numbers so far.

Metanoiac ago

Good assessment. You know how to piece info together. Thats why you're here...

john1776 ago

"They don't want real research or discussions happening AT ALL" Bingo

Steelerfish ago


Hillary’s thesis regarding Saul Allinski in all of it’s glory. Allinski basically constitutes their playbook, fellow patriots.

analyticalalligator ago

There's never been a community that wasn't infiltrated.

BelieveWhatYouSay ago

can you really infiltrate a community that began with infiltration in the first place?

alluphill ago

I am conflicted by the different sides of VOAT. One side is so offensive I can't read it, part is smart and humorous, and some posts are so informative and well thought-out that I keep coming back for more. I've read through the links provided here, but don't understand most of it. Just keep working at it, and the cream will rise to the top.

Q128 ago

Is "BOLTHOLE" video part of a disinfo OP by the Deep State? It feels like it is... https://youtu.be/wIilMlhQaGQ

MissleCopterStoped ago

Never seen anyone that tall, maybe that is in Antarctica? Maybe the Nelphillum survived the floods after all.

Publius1778 ago

All Totally irrelevant, as far as I am concerned that article is disinformation.

Neon revolt is solid. don' know about the other names.

It all comes back to the same thing. Be Socratic. Think for yourself. Don't out source your thinking or your judgment to someone else. That's outsourcing your mind.

Don't "follow" anyone, follow yourself.

Follow that rule and all this stuff about shills or infiltration don't matter.

Get some balls and realize there are better things to be done with one's time than pick through all this.

ANC3 ago

Shit - like we need some kind of Collective to divide us. Fuck, we divide ourselves.

Like the shit with NeonRvolt. I have never seen his stuff, only the dust-up that seems to follow him. Really don't care, but people seem to be pretty adamant one way or another...a divide.

Who I follow is out of personal preference. Sometimes I agree with their interpretation, sometimes I don't. But if I don't agree with some interpretation, that's no reason to come on here with some shill/disinformation accusation (replete with 4 exclamation points). Not referring to this submission, but there have been many.


If something doesn't sound right, note it and press on. If you disagree with an interpretation, ditto. We have been infiltrated since the beginning, no big deal for people who can think for themselves.

MissleCopterStoped ago

NeonRvolt is solid

About as solid as Jell-o

Joe10jo ago

Thanks Srayzie. 😊

MrShekelstein ago

voat is an obvious honeypot, just look at the goat symbol.

all that matters is that we move forward with our 8chan intelligence group and spread the findings.

VoterinVegas ago

I am not ever giving up never. God said Trump will clean out the shit and it is happening. Very slowly but it is happening. I pray CNN and the rest of the Democrat corruptables are hung for treason. The bots will die a lonely pathetic death.

flatbush71 ago

You can look at the way posts or responses are phrased and pretty much know the intent.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15629799.

Posted automatically (#14326) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

superpatriette ago

ThankQ @srayzie for putting this together and for all the work you do.

argosciv ago

Typo at the bottom?

Here, NotHereForMe makes a post about Pizzagate Mods.

Should that say "NotHereForPizza"?

srayzie ago

Thank you!!

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Anytime you stand up for something, realize there will be someone who opposes you.

srayzie ago


Labreu ago

Be warned: if you follow these soppy fake drama stories you're being used. This post is a great awakening B.S. IGNORE

Shizy ago

The only thing sloppy around here is your trolling.

srayzie ago

Fake is when there isn’t proof. Bye Felicia

Labreu ago

You are truly pathetic....

srayzie ago

Stacy? Haven’t heard that one before. 🙄

Labreu ago

Yeah. That's right: crazy stacy, it fits your style and it's way easier than that foolish handle of yours which you insist on flashing for all and sundry...you just can't bear to be anonymous, that's the primary clue to the rest of us that you're not cut out to be part of Qanon...you just have to hug the spotlight, can't help it...#SHOO back to ga.

srayzie ago

That is the LAMEST thing to whine about. Were Reddit mods anonymous on Reddit? How about TheAwakening on Voat? If it makes you JEALOUS that I have my very own username, then you aren’t cut out for Voat. Grow the fuck up.

My FLASHING username 😂

@Shizy and @MolochHunter... you guys are fricken snobs and name fags!!

Labreu ago

You obviously live in your own little world so don't seem to comprehend: let me say it more clearly: I am not whining I am LOL at the sheer stupidly of your name. I'm far from jealous, on the contrary I like being an Anon. #SHOO

srayzie ago

Your name reminds me of a salad dressing

Labreu ago

It doesn't matter what you think, crazy stacy, I am not splattering my 'name' all over Voat or anywhere else for that matter... #SHOO back to your little great awakening hole.

srayzie ago

Ok 👍🏻 Take your salad dressing sounding name and take a hike.

Shizy ago

Hmmmm, so @Labreu made their account 3 months ago, made some comments, and then for three months they only had three comments. Until a day ago.

So why does someone with so little investment in voat, who spends so little time here, suddenly choose to lash out at you @srayzie?

I think we found another POS shill who has been told to activate!

srayzie ago


MolochHunter ago

Who is this Lab-rat person?

And why are they calling you out for name fagging while fagging to the name Lab-rat?

srayzie ago

😂 It seriously trips me out when I see people talk crap because we’re not cowardly hiding who we are.

Shizy ago

What they don't understand is that no one here cares about names! They're the freaks that seem to care about that and obsess over it!

Crensch ago

3 months, 58ccp.

WOW, you're SO valuable to this community!

Labreu ago

Very interesting that you care because I don't. Unlike you, I have a life irl, I don't get paid to do this. I do this purely for the intellectual exercise and because I love my country both of which are foreign concepts to you. Take your alter, crazy stacy, she laboured hard until she could post here because she's probably a pimple ridden basement dweller, as well as you probably are - that is if you're even a real person which I doubt...and so here we have her and you spewing BS. YAAAAAWN #SHOO back to GA crazy stacy

Crensch ago

@gabara @ExpertShitposter @Trigglypuff @clamhurt_legbeard @MadWorld

"Hey guize, I has a lyfe UNLIKE YOU"


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Watch the term "fake drama" and make note of who uses it.

I think it's a very specific subset....

Crensch ago

The poal faggots?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @15629009.

Posted automatically (#14322) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

An0m4ly ago

Nice work

srayzie ago

It never fails 🙄 https://voat.co/v/QRV/2919252

pizza_mine ago

Which one of you morons actually get your facts from voat?

srayzie ago

Thank you! I’ve had awesome helpers. :) Yeah, He’s not a good guy. None of them are.

LiamOdinThomas ago


ImPhilippe ago

Thats alotta reading

FuckYesJefferson ago

When will you Qult Boomers realize that this is all part of Q's plan. TRUST THE PLAN QTARD


Of course it has. 100%. Look at the top post from today. Some fag arranged some wooden letters in walmart to say QANON. I said it was retarded and I got downvoted... The fact is, most people over there are too stupid to realize they're being manipulated by shills.

Here's an excerpt of a post I made here a while back where I talked about the popular sliding techniques that contributed to the downfall of r/greatawakening. These techniques are absolutely being used on voat regularly.

There were loads of users either knowingly or unknowingly participating in what is called forum sliding. If you don't know, forum sliding is when users(usually on someones payroll) with nefarious motives attempt to sway the conversation and narrative of a forum. This is an incredibly effective technique because the nature of forums is that they concentrate the most engaged people of a community. Also, when I say unknowingly I'm talking about people who are mostly just too dim to realize that they're being manipulated.

If you made posts with titles similar to these, you're part of the problem:

"I found this Q in my alphabits cereal! This must be a sign!"


"I got a good hotel room last night!" [posts picture of room 17 at whogivesafuck hotel]


"[insert obscure or ominous bible verse that has never been quoted by Q and you provide no context into how we should relate the message of said verse to things Q has said]"

If you've had success with posts like that it's most likely because a shill farm bombarded it with upvotes and the mods were too scared to delete it because then they would get accused of censorship by both you and the shill farm. If you saw a post like that get traction to the front page and then decided you'd do the same thing..bingbangboom you got GOT! Posts like that aren't fucking cute and they certainly aren't useful. They take up valuable room on the front page and the shills know it. That's their whole goal. They want to slllliiiiiiide the narrative that is being discovered as truth every single day. They don't want real research or discussions happening AT ALL.


Patti_McGreen ago

Thank you for this description of "sliding". I have recognized this pattern from users on social media and local online news articles that I frequent as a community activist... obvious that our opposition uses tactics to water down discussions... ( i am involved in a no-wind turbine group in my state... challenged by green energy cult junkies)

Anyhow... thank you all for the research you do re patriots and Q. I wish I was better at this board stuff.

singlebrain1 ago

Great explanation of their technique. I have seen it and been confused. It seems to be happening a lot now. I have learned to ignore the posts but it does create a traffic jam, back log of better posts.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

The first time is a fluke, the second time is a coincidence, the third time is a pattern. What i have seen in you, srayzie, is sound character and a passion for all things Q. Perhaps i have said this before. There will always be haters/dividers/paytriots/etc-that will never be fully "eradicated". Folks in the Qniverse have an opportunity to grow in discernment, and to not be intimidated nor too thin skinned. Easy to say, hard to do. The truth will out. I'm not gonna waste my time hating the haters, but will continue to inform and educate others as best i can in order that they, too, mature into EFFECTIVE Patriots. I will do my small part. What you are doing is ginormous-that is why the attacks by the LOSERS. With time the patterns are becoming clear: identifying hose who are with US/for US, and those who are against US and are minions for harm. Got your back, srayzie, even if all i can do is squeak a word of encouragement. I might be a mouse, but a mouse can tear up the house!! Q on, Patriots, our day is coming!!

huckleberryhorse ago

Very well stated. I always enjoy reading srayzie's posts. They are clear, concise, and well thought out.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Most welcome, mod!

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Some posts are obviously infiltrators. I say just ignore them.

Crensch ago

We tried that on pizzagate. Turns out most of the users were unable to discern whether or not somebody was full of shit and a shill. One of them was able to operate with impunity for over a year because I didn't step in and wreck his shit.

Sorry to say it, but most of the users on places like pizzagate are simply not equipped to tell the difference.

Squarecircle ago

Thank you.. I skip alot of topics, cause I know it is too easy to knee-jerk a bunch of bla bla, but at what time is it okay to speak, albeit to risk sounding shill-ish? I love Mr.T and the Q quest...and I know I am not perfect yet, when I speak my heart & get down- voted or deleted...it makes e want to say..... and that aint cool, so just know that not all of us are as perfected as most “ in the know”...

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Hey, we know that if you are attacked, you are OVER THE TARGET! Celebrate that you roused their ire-it means you are EFFECTIVE. You are MAKING A POINT. (Yes, in enthusiasm i yelp, not the same as merely shouting...) I, too, do not cover all topics, who can? I do weigh in where i can speak hopefully constructively, on things i have some awareness/specialty and or focus in. Some stuff i dont go near, some stuff i jump right in. Be not afraid, Patriot!! Any "know it all" is likely a shill/troll/pest.

BelieveWhatYouSay ago

frankly, i don't know what your so called "target" even is, and im here, attacking you anyway. because fuck you and this little impotent cult. fuck Q for leading along a hopeful few. fuck the Machines. you are a cog.

Squarecircle ago

Thank You..God Bless

RightSideUp17and6 ago

You are welcome. Glad you are with us, Patriot. We might have "migrated" from the same group. It's a learning process. Godspeed.

fuckmyreddit ago

I don't need evidence to know our overlord-controllers want us divided. And, yes, the scumtards followed the great migration. Voat, specifically your sub(s), is infested.

BelieveWhatYouSay ago

shalom. i wonder if they know?

sintaxi ago

These people are stupid.

Lauraingalls ago

This is a SCARY QUOTE I got from your post. "They can see how desperate you are, how hard you'll [you're] trying. They'll love watching you fail, in the end. You have no idea who you're dealing with. Our reach is endless." What kind of a SICK PERSON would say something like that? I would keep records in case you ever need to call the POLICE.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's a variation on that old /pol/ adaption of the NROL patch. "Nothing is beyond our reach" Logo is a giant octopus with its tentacles encircling the earth.

NROL-39 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b0/NROL-39_original.jpg/220px-NROL-39_original.jpg

/POL/ https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.552339026.7228/flat,550x550,075,f.u5.jpg

sufficientlydusty ago

Dumbass threats designed to inspire fear. Comparable to a 5 year olds angry raging tantrum.

Lauraingalls ago

Why so much hate for someone that moderates a chat room basically? I just don't get it. And to act like a BRAT like you said, makes no sense.

srayzie ago

A narcissist who wants to appear powerful. In truth, he’s an insecure little bitch.

Lauraingalls ago

God BLESS YOU for having to deal with that HARRASSMENT. What is wrong with people like that?

Shizy ago

His tactics have been effective in the past as scaring mods so badly that they have left. He tends to target female mods.

What he doesn't realize is although @srayzie is a girl, she has steel balls!

Lauraingalls ago

I like that. It's SAD that men like that can be so evil, and for what, really? No purpose but being a JERK.

Shizy ago

They have some serious issues!

Lauraingalls ago


Shizy ago

It's important for moms to hug their sons and tell them they love them. Prevents this type of outcome.

Lauraingalls ago


srayzie ago

So does @Shizy who is also a girl. We need a new sub. v/ChicksWithBalls. We could teach little bitches like @JackPosobiec1 to grow a pair. 🤭

MissleCopterStoped ago

If I make a GiRL account, (Guy in Real Life) can I join too? 😱😱😂😂👍😂😂🤔🤔

srayzie ago

I have no fricken clue. But it’s made me a stronger person. 🙌🏻 BuilderAnon kept saying I was so weak and a girl. He’s the one that cancelled accounts and hides in anonymous subs. Q always says they want us divided. As long as people know what to watch for, they won’t fall for their tricks. Thank you for your support!

MissleCopterStoped ago

I admire your tolerance and strength fighting these assholes day after day; without being a control freak about it. 👍🎖

srayzie ago

Awww thanks!

Lauraingalls ago

You're welcome. It seems people like that really need to find something better to do with their time then BULLY women, especially.

singlebrain1 ago

well said.

Penetr8tor ago

Surely they are using EVERY psy-op trick in the book to infiltrate and sow conflict, discourage people, water down and disperse the cause and so on.

It is the only thing they have left in this regard, when they can't censor or kill the board, and when they are dealing with people who have seen through all their lies and will not listen to more of them.

So of course, the only means they have left are covert means. They can't win with truth.

Penetr8tor ago

They are also doing A LOT of work to make this board / group appear like we are white supremacists, racists, violent and so on.

whacko_jacko ago

Also crazy SerialBrain2 followers.

I get swarmed with downvotes when I give legitimate and careful criticism of his insane rambling nonsense.

FishBoat ago

Yes lately there are a lot of pedophile postings that are years old. I think it is so they can paint Voat participants as some Looney fringe conspiracy group. I mean I know the pedophilia is real, but the sudden onslaught has an ulterior purpose.

redtoe_skipper ago

Thank you, mods for your service!

Banksia ago

That is very, very interesting. Explains a lot to me

Banksia ago

And now neonrevolt wants to have a Qanon march in Washington? I think that's a really bad idea.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Maybe they want to round up dissenters and/or get people’s identities, plate numbers, etc. My .02 cents.

Q_Incidents ago

Well yeah... Wasn't he outed as a paytriot??

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yes they are a paytriot and also ran cryptomining scheme from their site to the personal device when one is using when supporters would visit the website.

@NeonRevolt never said anything about it until someone figure out was happening, and called NR on the carpet for it. Later on, they justified it with a news article about how poor they are, and how it cost money blah blah blah, meanwhile selling a baseball that said QANON on it for 27.00 each.

MrDarkWater ago

i think its a she. makes sense to me now thinking backing on the writing style

MissleCopterStoped ago

What do you see in her writing style to think that? Can you give me an example?

Serious question not trying to shill/troll.

MrDarkWater ago

During our Reddit Exodus, neons articles we're getting Monday snarky with q and just seemed narcissistic. And the way neon and srayzie went back and forth with their drama...

The shoe fits, but I didn't come to that conclusion in my own. Somebody told me. Previously is heard neon was gay because he had a boyfriend

JackPosobiec1 ago

You truly are a fing idiot. The deep state is not threatened by q at all and you are not important.

StarAnon ago

And then there's this … Jack SMH
You could do so much for this community, and then you post this …

srayzie ago

Shut your pie hole Jack Off

70times7 ago

Complaining of "infiltrator" is a lame way to attempt to gain legitimacy.

Q has always been a scam.

Will always be a scam.

jidf role play psyop.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Because God knows you are legitimate. Wait...

70times7 ago

Ever seen those bell curve charts?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Where it outs you as a liar?

Get it, outlier?

Standard divination my friend.

70times7 ago

smell that?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Is that your upper lip that I am smelling from here? Rhetorical no need to answer.

Get some Listerine with ALCOHOL, the fake non-alcohol shit wont help you.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

‘That’ as in ‘you’? Yes, I smell you, and you reek, like stir fried shit, topped with hate, and sprinkled with weak minded/check collecting/freedom hating/mentally inferior puppet.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Ever looked in the mirror?

MrDarkWater ago

we are all jidf here?

damnit. alright boys, pack it up! we false-flagged ourselves again.
להתארגן על דונלד

Shizy ago

Well, have a happy Hanukkah anyway

MrDarkWater ago

you too

70times7 ago


Clueless until the end.

bdmthrfkr ago

QRV is full of noobs who never learned how to filter the shills on fullchan. If you can't smell a clown from a mile away you don't deserve to be posting or lurking on Voat, it's just the way it is.

Patti_McGreen ago

Be patient with noobies... at one time you were a noobie too...

benjitsu ago

I think the nicest thing Q ever did for use was divert the WIGGYWA-tshirt-wearing,facebook-signalling,not-knowing-about-(((Jews)))ing,getting-tired-of-waiting QTARDS to QRV

MissleCopterStoped ago

Great point!👆

archvile7 ago

I've seen more anti-Q faggots in QRV than anywhere else. It's ridiculous, and obviously being targeted by faggot shills.

neutron95 ago

So true. The latest tactic appears to be "Nothing's happening. I give up. You all should too." Heavy concern-fagging... so obvious.

Q_Incidents ago

Yeah I've gotten sick of QRV. I know it's commissioned by Q, but it's been comp'd. The anonymity doesn't quite work as well with the voating system somehow. Can't put my finger on it 🤔

2fast4u92 ago

It's because the numbers change every post. On 8ch you had an identifier in a way so even though you were anonymous, people knew the same person was posting. One shill on QRV can appear to be the group consensus by just replying multiple times in favor of the narritave they are posting. Some, like the all caps shill, are obvious, but most not so much

heygeorge ago

Putts was working on per-thread anon identifiers, so conversation was easier to grok. We did some testing, and it was awesome! Unfortunately the implementation proved to be too use-intensive so the improvement has been put on hold.

MrDarkWater ago

youre right, there is something unsatisfactory about the anonymity with the voting. i dont know of a better way, but a small team with several alts each could really fuck with some normies and sway some folks.

but also, the blind resolve of some of these zealots seems just as invincible to shills as any chan-sharpened niggerfaggot.

bdmthrfkr ago

It's actually kind of nice, normally the kikes shill subverses at random but now that Q sent the normies here they are focusing their attention on QRV.

Well, they were normies but after they realize what an industry astroturfing actually is they might start to visit other parts of the site. Q didn't just send them here because Voat was available, he sent them here because he thought that they might learn something.

Pcpoet09 ago

I agree I am A q tard and the biggest problem within he Q movement is discernment never just trust what you are told you have to investigate info. lots of those that fallow Q posts look to others that research the posts for interpretation.....lots of room for bad actor to have fun...never just trust always investigate the info that is give... a lot of people have ended up believing things like JFK junior is alive because of shills playing games.

MrDarkWater ago

i came because of the banhammer three months ago, but id go crazy if i only had QRV. Voat is what ive been missing since the early days of reddit and 4chan. but QRV is noisy as fuck. the shills i can handle, but watching the normies get so triggered by shills just frustrates me.

heygeorge ago

Voat is what ive been missing since the early days of reddit and 4chan

Yes! The Wild West feel is alive and well on Voat proper. v/QRV seems a bit tacked on, frequently full of lame posts and lame comments.

Q_Incidents ago

Also to find the shills because Q HAS EVERYTHING. SEES EVERYTHING.

Greatest. honeypot. ever.

bdmthrfkr ago

Relevant comment during the Holiday Season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWv72L4wgCc

MrDarkWater ago

well lurking is fine, but damnit if the normies dont get triggered by shills and comment

Whit3_rabbit5 ago

I lurk, but don't get triggered. Why be like a snowflake? I figure the shills will get exposed by what they type....and hopefully get banned.

MrDarkWater ago

i give them a reply now and then to expose them. its a game sometimes, "keep the arguing jew on topic"

arguing with jewish shills (yes one can tell the difference) is fun because they have a handfull of tricks that will throw you off your game. arguing with them is good practice. keeps the brain sharp and aware of their tricks.

heygeorge ago

damnit if the normies dont get triggered by shills and comment

Lack of trigger discipline. Sometimes (as much as I appreciate her!) fearless @srayzie forgets this as well.

Of course, it’s easy for me to say while sitting atop a ‘verse designed in part to annoy.

srayzie ago

Shut your pie hole @HeyGeorge Fagboy 🖕🏻Xo ❤️

MrDarkWater ago

whats the other part? the Qummunity really hates you guys but all ive seen is shitposting.

of couirse, this isnt exactly the chans. kind of a normie, shitposter, autist santorum.

heygeorge ago

Did you just call it the cum-munity? Lol that is not a good look.

The Qbees shouldn’t mind me very much at all. I can even be rather polite and helpful! And I am! Frequently!

I forget what the other part is, but it’s certainly important.

MrDarkWater ago

i did, and i called voat a frothy mixture of lube, shit and jizz

Q_Incidents ago

Qommunity is too close to Qommie though...

heygeorge ago

Qmmunity would be fine.

Q_Incidents ago

Genius. I am not worthy!

crazy_eyes ago

You helped them all you could, haven't you

Crensch ago

That's really good work! It's a good resource to point to whenever those username start causing trouble.

AR47 ago

Nothereforpizza is legitimate SRS and has an archived history within Reddit of comments in SRS for some time now.

Didn't really dig much more than that, but when I was looking up OP a while back.....(it is what I do) that name came up a few times within Reddit of name mentions of OP with various screen names you can likely cross check with voat user names.

PS pizza is a female....not male

catquilt ago

What is SRS?

DC92T ago

SRS = Shit Reddit Says... Sorry no one else answered...

catquilt ago

Ah. Thanks!

AR47 ago

The boogy man of reddit.

To understand what SRS is you have to know the history of reddit. Reddit wasn’t always such shit, but over time (first 3 years) reddit was great because people were open and actually discussed things, but reddit saw that people stayed within their specific subs.

Traffic of new users was slowing down and reddit needed something. So all the sudden Shit Reddit Says popped up and it was started by admin. Well various quotes of comments were taken to inflame users by using jabs at the commenter.

Well once an ex admin became a moderator (used the same name as when they were admin) is when shit heated up and it is claimed that because of the comment section of a specific quote they posted this user committed suicide.

Over time they realized their power of influence much like 4chan did with the traffic cone experiment. They could influence actual things to happen and the sub became a weapon of reddit and many others.

They act as if they had noble intent by saying someone was a racist or whatever was the hot button at the time. When voat actually became voat during the transition of coontown and FPH SRS went after this site.

They posted child porn on it and got PayPal to remove the donate button. I know they did because I was the original person to archive the post, and quickly they saved over it more than 200 times to hide it. They edited the post each time with something new too.

Record of it was lost and all the comments within the thread were deleted as was the account of the submission. These are people that fear being ousted in a public setting and once they came after me so i hunted one of their own for saying they were going to kill my wife and newborn son.

Found the fuck too. Was going to kill them as well. Had them within a crosshair of my rifle, but instead I took all the info to the police and got them charged with multiple felonies. Ruined a 19 yo college students future forever and I never slept better in my life.

I posted in their sub saying next time I won’t go for the person who commented some vulgar shit to me. I was going to go for the nearest one to me. I will find them and I will make sure that the rest know what I do.

I was banned from 133 subs soon after that and they haven’t fucked with me since.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the info, bud.

whacko_jacko ago

Absolutely. I have smelled the bullshit all along and it has bothered me in the back of my mind.

It was very cathartic to read this because sometimes it seems like these manipulative schemes are never exposed.

Well done.

sorosminion ago

Well I read all your stuff! You are fucking NUTS! You really think that Intelligence agencies give a fuck about you, Q or VOAT? Except to monitor your for violent outbursts they dont. \ Prooof is that you semi senile, delusional, loser boomer are still posting. It makes THE BIG ADVENTURE more cool to imagine you are somehow important in this convoluted melodrama, that your empty life of constant web surfing, er, research and following Q and the idiotic plots is actually meaningful instead of TOTALLY VOID AND EMPTY! Yes secret agents, the Jews, the Deep State are after YOU, Gomer J Hillbilly sitting in your double wide! You, along with the other lonely INCELS and schizophrenics have sprung (LOL) into action with you cheap PC's, and threaten the International Power structure! OOOOO! You are SO IMPORTANT and in THE KNOW!! God, how pathetic. How sad. Get lives Gomers. I'm a boomer, I* haven't lost my fucking mind like you imbeciles! GROW THE FUCK UP MORONS! The entire nation IS LAUGHING AT YOU!!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hey fucktard, we are the second biggest threat to DS after President Trump.

Try reading something for once before spouting off, because you look like idiot when you cant even grasp the topic you are shillin’ on.

Shizy ago

You sure seem to care a lot! Care to share why you invest to much of you time and attention here?

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

You want a good laugh? Assess and review the current state of your misery and insignificance. That should keep you laughing until at least 2019. Have fun sucking at life. Better you than me.

MrDarkWater ago

>being this stupid

seriously, go browse /b/ and /pol/ on halfChan. spend 2 weeks doing this several times a day.
years ago, it wasnt like that. there are groups ruining that sight attempting to ruin young mens minds. Why? because of the autistic free speech, and the power of influence it festered. its the asshole of the internet and its beef was strong. now its a prolapsed asshole and we are here, fullChan and everywhere. wherever we congregate, or free speech is proliferating organically, there they are. the agencies; good and bad. passive and active.

Why is reddit ruined? youtube? fb, twitter?

if you dont think they are, than you need to go back.

Revised ago

So who do YOU work for?

Awkward_Badass ago

Ya, they aren't threatened by an alternative narrative they have no control over...sure...

back to research...bye.

Dear Diary, Today I fell for the shilliest shill on voat. Lord help me.

srayzie ago

Wow the entire nation? 😱
Why read it then?

calfag ago

You didn't have to identify yourself as a boomer, the unadulterated self-hatred, and vile bitterness shows us a life wasted, a life spent accruing self-loathing. I'd say take solace in family and friends, but you probably already chased them away with your abhorrent behavior.

Rotteuxx ago

Oy Vey, Moishe !

Tone it down or the goyim will wake up !

gogogogostop ago

I just think that complaining about infiltrators and trying to get people to uopvoat these long boring senseless complaining posts because these people apparently care about their own posts that are usually bereft of useful information, is stupid and distracting.

Crensch ago

I'm wondering why you think anyone would take seriously the words of someone that doesn't know what a paragraph is.

MissleCopterStoped ago

B 💥 Q 💥 Q 💥 M 💥 !

kestrel9 ago

Yeah it was pretty lame. Soros should demand a refund.

Rotteuxx ago

KeK !

CerealBrain ago

What are you saying?

srayzie ago

think- ago

Thanks, @srayzie. Pinging @EricKaliberhall and @bopper for you.

bopper ago

Just got this, I'll check it out, thank-you!

think- ago

Welcome, @bopper.

srayzie ago

Thank you

zyklon_b ago

kill infiltraitors

BelieveWhatYouSay ago

the biggest thing you've killed was probably a fucking loaf of bread.

sorosminion ago

LOL Fucking INCEL NAZI dumb fuck boomer loser! Hate everyone because you are an unloved, hated nothing. You blew your life a long time ago and blame everyone but the guilty party, YOU! Just kill yourself. Do all of us and yourself a favor and go see Jesus! Shoot yourself you coward! DO IT!!

MrDarkWater ago

you got issues bruh

kestrel9 ago

You should hear when he talks to other people! /s

Rotteuxx ago

Just a inbred jew, they're genetically predisposed to suffering from schizophrenia & other mental disorders.

gogogogostop ago

Why not educate them?

Elfchiro ago

From what i have just read in this post. They are not misguided. They are enemy operatives. Trying to changectheir minds or hearts is a waste of time

Rotteuxx ago

Ressource management & integrity assurance.

Awkward_Badass ago

Just gain control of the tech-matrix and give them new beliefs.

80% of people will never have integrity. Use shame to keep them within normalized behavior.