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15629799? ago

As far as I can tell, the purpose of this post is to divide, which is verboten.

I did read her announcement over on GA and you sound like Builder Anon, aka Neon Revolt, in her opn. Prove me wrong.

I have posted there w/o a problem. Don't like Strayzie, then post here. It's Q-approved. For money or fame go elsewhere.

15632257? ago

Really, since I came here the GA crowd has been harassing and dividing, this is just calling their bullshit. I don't think so bro

15630116? ago

Srayzie and her "friends" are the ones attacking QRV..

15630418? ago

go do your homework (((vampire))) -->

15630828? ago

That shit's weak and none of it is about me. Everything I've posted about you are quotes that you posted. Nothing but facts, that's why you're shook and keep posting this shit. You've been fully exposed by your own big mouth and your need for attention. You certainly love yourself in the spotlight. Pitiful.

15631043? ago

your citations to shitposts are funny and fool no one here :) that's what you call "research" good job connecting yourself to the srs sub !

15631052? ago

What's the srs sub?

15631076? ago

that way --> /v/realprotectvoat.

15631215? ago

I have no connection to rpv. I'm not even the OP of this thread. I got pinged here because OP used 2 of my threads, the cross post bot informed me. Both threads were posted in QRV. Thanks for playing.

15629988? ago

i'm glad that you've explored outside of this reddit controlled sub. like srayzie said, they are here to DIVIDE US !! i hope that you continue to redpill and bring the light to others who are still been deceived be neon revolt cunt !! thank you !!