15627759? ago

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15407495? ago

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15160835? ago

They don't like being exposed. https://voat.co/v/whatever/comments/2866483

15160464? ago

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15160315? ago

Ping them, coward.

15159790? ago

What the hell is SBBH and SRS

15160425? ago

There are users who have been here at Voat for ~3 years who have created their own little group. Their main sub appears to have been SoapBoxBanHammer since that time or near the beginning.

These accounts have been linked to Reddit users in a few ways. I've compiled some info here if you'd like to check it out. In this thread, I show a graphic I've made where I baited Crensch in to responding to me on Reddit. I also include a post an anon did a while back where he reveals Vindicator as a carry over from Reddit, as well as a lot of other neat info (that anon did good work).

Well, why does Reddit matter? It's simple: anon has known for quite some time that the mods of Reddit have an entire back end site they use to coordinate silencing of dissenters among many other nefarious acts. In addition, these bought mods and shills have organized an "organic" resistance to anons that have deployed to help the normies find truth on Reddit. They were able to accomplish this by creating a group and sub at Reddit called "ShitRedditSays", which works in the social realm to disrupt free thinkers, shame character assassinate users who try to help normies find truth, and create a hostile and disruptive environment which demoralizes your average reddit user - normies.

Anon has surmised, after a short while of being at the site, that there are vast similarities between those SRS people and the group here at voat commonly referred to as "SBBH". These similarities include methods like consensus cracking, sleepy posting, character assassinations, reframing truths, brigading (see pic I added in reply to kevdude up further in this thread), farming alts, and posing as nazis so people see easy targets in us (particularly MSM affiliates).

15160462? ago

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15159969? ago

SoapBoxBanHammer & ShitRedditSays

15159201? ago

Remember v/realprotectvoat is the real PV to monitor and report on the disruptive actions of srs, sbbh, and pv shills.

15630365? ago

lulz the srs themselves accuse others of srs/sbbh ! sanegoatiswear getting too old ..

15160264? ago

Fuck off, @9-11

15159255? ago


15159127? ago

These sbbh goons are literally paid by reddit to disrupt. Down voat on sight. Clean Qs house!

15160293? ago

I wish! I do this just to watch the spazzing (like this post)

15159140? ago

All over it my friend.

15159100? ago

Just a heads up - the person who posted this is part of Voat's REAL fledgling SRS (v/realprotectvoat) They attack @PuttItOut (the guy who owns the platform with this sub endorsed by Q) all the time. Currently their alts are posting pictures of dead animals to v/aww because they are so edgy.

Just letting you know.

15161080? ago

So SBBH is spamming /v/aww and blaming it on me and you idiots believe it?

15161203? ago

registereduser is part of your group.

15161263? ago

I dont have a group.

15159691? ago

No, no.

Fresh is rather tame. He doesn't always go about things the right way, but he's certainly got the right idea.

I'm @nothereforpizza. I'd hope you can trust me by now.

15159719? ago

I'd hope you can trust me by now.

Not at all. Especially not when you push false information as facts.

15159971? ago

Oh, hey srayzie.


15160036? ago

Maybe I should post an irrelevant quote from a random user and claim it's you as well? @nothereforpizza would not waste his time in here. He likes disrupting the pizzagate sub to protect his pedo friends. Who are you really?

15160156? ago

When was the last time I made posts to v/pizzagate?

Go through my submissions and posts. I'll wait.

I have left them alone to act things out as they please. I think I took a few weeks/months to let people know how I felt. When I thought I did it adequately and that I didn't need to keep disrupting the place, I stopped. I now leave them alone to do or not do as they please. As far as I know, no one I know is a pedophile.

Keep trying, Srayzie. I can tell you're upset by the picture. Was that before you got a hold of the account? Is that why you get so worked up over it?

15161179? ago

that I didn't need to keep disrupting the place

Good to see you admitting that your goal was to disrupt the pizzagate investigation.

15161317? ago

Nifty reversal.

I disrupted, admittedly, the pizzagate SUBVERSE here on voat. I've insisted (oops that should be ASSISTED) in a plethora of ways with the investigation, the magnitude of which you'll never understand.

Sorry this isn't working out for you any more, Srayzie. I bet you're not even a woman, are you? Anons aren't so easily deceived.

15161518? ago

Faggot admits to disrupting Pizzagate. Now attacking a mod of a Q sub. Disrupting Q now? Obvious DS shill is obvious.

15161553? ago

I was very open about it every step of the way. Even still, I'm not fond of the term "disrupting" here. funny that you chose that word.

Calm down, Srayzie. They can see how desperate you are.

15161658? ago

This isn't @srayzie. You know this though.

Calm down

You're the one getting all worked up little guy.

15161821? ago

Lol, you even reveal the joke to yourself.

Gotta play the game. You'll learn.

15159435? ago

The difference between upvote-brigaded SRS comments and my comments is that SRS comments are braindead nonsense accusations that rely on manufactured consensus, whereas my comments are simply a list of sources. Any intelligent person will recognize the difference.

The question has been asked, why does Q let SRS run amok as anonymous users? The reason is two-fold:

  1. SRS users create a cult of personality around them, then say "I'm being upvoted because everyone knows and loves me" when they're really being upvote-brigaded.
  2. SRS users have a long history of doxxing and harassing people who speak out against them, but here they have no way to target retaliation. This guy can't even say what user they suspect me of being.

15159748? ago

don't let them get to you, freshie

it's just kev/gab... they do this every time

15159772? ago

Ayyy.... this^ keep truth coming.

15159982? ago

That's why I'm here, anon. ;)

15161690? ago

You literally just replied to @gabara

15161843? ago

you seem confused

15161865? ago


15159146? ago


15159027? ago

The_Buddha has been far too silent... he's likely the alt of one of the leaders or he's just leading from behind the scenes right now to avoid exposure.

15159724? ago

Buddah appears to be his own.

He namefags on certain boards.

Kev, Crensch, Buddah, and Gabara appear to be all their own person. They seem to use accounts such as zyklon_b, srayzie, triggerlypuff, expertshitposter, heygeorge, vindicator, etc. all as alts, though.

15159808? ago

Seems likely to me as well. 3-4 actually working together to control the group without the group even realizing it.

They think they are joking with their old buddy.

15160089? ago

They aren't sending their best.

No one really even had to tell me.

I remember two years ago now Vindicator endorsed a post made to v/pizzagate wherein the user who made the post quite literally said "I'll help you understand how to get around the posting rules". When I tried to point out that the post seems like it can easily be taken out of context at best, and at worst it genuinely appears to be a notice on how to slide the sub without the mods having to delete your posts, many of the mods came down on me and tried to make it seem like I was full of shit. They changed the rule(s) in question within the next few months, seemingly as a result of my complaint. When I confronted them about just moving the goal posts when they got found out, I began getting lots of downvotes across voat and by the looks of things made it on one of Crensch's lists. I got compared to freshmeat a lot, who they kept trying to say was a pedo so people wouldn't listen to him when he made posts like this. They also called me amalek or sanegoat a lot in the beginning... they're so obvious.

15160170? ago

Yes... syrazies constantly changing posting rules in "her" subs too.

Same behavior, same desired outcome.

15159117? ago

Or he got bored.

I did.

15159134? ago

Not likely.

15159196? ago

I can promise you that I got bored fucking with all the retarded boomers in this sub. Buddha's main deal is playing guitar. If you like Let's ask him.

@TheBuddha what's going on? Some of these Q people miss you. Please reply here and let them know why you stopped trolling.

15159954? ago

He didn't stop trolling, I catch him in here daily.

15159951? ago

I smashed my femur. In fact, I'm being driven to the doc right now!

Paw through my submission history and there are pics.

Actually, here:


15159222? ago

I know who he is.

15159003? ago

Ayyy... this shit is real boys. They show who they are day in and day out.