VictorSteinerDavion ago

Concern troll and tone policing at it's gaslighting finest.

SturdyGal ago

I have no idea of the history of what you are posting about, I just dropped in. So I read the exchange with Crensch that you linked. He says he doesn't care about feelings. He never says he doesn't care about survivors. Many people think that this whole pizza gate investigation must be handled coldly and logically to have any merit at all, and thereby improve the lot of victims and survivors.

Crensch ago

Crensch doesn't “give a fuck” about survivors of child sexual abuse and should be removed as owner.

I said I didn't care about their feelings, not them as a subject.

Remember when I said:

“ fucking snowflake. I don't give a single fuck about “triggering” anyone. Voat is not the place for crybullies”


VictorSteinerDavion ago

As someone who has to deal with these issues frequently, I have no issue with what you said, it's clear your intent is not as it is presented here.

this kind of hand wringing is just virtue signalling bluster posted with the intent to cause drama.

Crensch ago

Cheers to that, bud. Can't stand these shitstirrers.