15431337? ago

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15409543? ago

@neonrevolt I can smell your Boi pussy

15417873? ago

@neonrevolt I can smell your Boi pussy

More likely that it's @ASolo

15419085? ago

Is there a difference?

15408410? ago

He's also a closet faggot brainwashed catholic niglet.

15408323? ago

it makes sense the pedo's would want to mod and censor the thread that exposes them

15408454? ago

Yeah...if you want to push that tired line of bullshit, you are going to need some evidence anyone is actually censored in v/pizzagate.

15408695? ago

I'm just an objective thinker, I don't hang around that thread. But it makes sense you must admit if you think logically.

15437228? ago

I'm just an objective thinker,

I am too. And I usually need evidence before I buy into baseless attacks like this.

15437284? ago

Then you know already what I'm saying. Like I said I don't hang out there. But you understand one in the that network would love to be a mod there.

15437562? ago

And you should also understand that one in that network would want to disrupt a forum dedicated to investigating them. They might do it by attacking mods. Without evidence they would resort to innuendo and baseless accusations to create doubt. Like OP is doing here.

15437576? ago

Yeah I'm not OP, I never accused anyone or made any claims. Simply saying what I said. Just saying.

15438287? ago

it makes sense the pedo's would want to mod and censor the thread that exposes them

implying that OP is credible

Yeah I'm not OP,

Funny, I never accused you of being OP.

15447332? ago

but you are accusing me of attacking someone, which i never did

15447512? ago

Do you even reading comp?

15447611? ago

no i dont read give me the TLDR version like everyone else around here, give me half a sentence explaining everything, so i can complain about the way you present the information

15410826? ago

If you think logically, you would conclude they must have failed in a big way, then. v/pizzagate is literally the world's largest hoard of research exposing elite sexual corruption.

Also, @Crensch does not delete threads and almost never bans users. The last mod he nuked was Millennial_Falcon, who deleted more material than probably any mod in Voat history. So no, this argument makes no logical sense at all. It relies 100% on confirmation bias and innuendo smearing.

15407683? ago



Kill yourself shlomo

15407597? ago

Here comes the SBBH vote brigade! They can't have you talking bad about their circle jerk master.

NPC's lube up, we have a situation in QRV! We need all SJW's on dick.. err deck. Let David Brock know SBBH is going to need reinforcements. We have to Correct The Record, fast!

15407586? ago

The way they attacked ES makes me think they are really pedos who infiltrated the pizzagate community.

15408497? ago

Only ES or one of his inept alts would complain about @Crensch and @Vindicator exposing his army of consensus-cracking sock puppet accounts...WITH evidence.

15408300? ago

....says the pedo.

15407685? ago


Oh fuck me, that's fucking rich.

You should do standup.

15430070? ago

ES has asked about Trumps connection to Chabad. I have not read a good response. Is Trump an Israeli stooge?

15437163? ago

ES is a lying sack of shit who claims his uncle is a senator, that he was targeted by a coven, as well as tortured by microwave weapons, and wooed pizzagate researchers with claims of being raped as a kid. He also claims experience with a "synthetic telepathic network".

But...before he developed this fabulous "Grandpa Truther" act, one of his first submissions advised researchers not to discuss Jews and elsewhere warned people not to "fall for" attempts to "mire discussion down with arguments about 'da Jews'". He also claimed to be a "half-ass Shade Tree Talmud scholar".

I'd say it's more likely Esoteric is Chabad.

15407575? ago

Looks like you forgot to ping @Crensch, figured I'd do it for you just in case he misses this.

15408104? ago

Thank you. This is fucking hilarious.

15408537? ago

Oh, and one last thing... notice that 1 for 1 pattern again?

15408648? ago

I do indeed.

15407566? ago

Shut up

15407436? ago

1990 1990