Matt_Helm ago

Hugh's Playboy Mansion had special rooms with hidden cameras when VIP's came to the mansion Hugh would convince them to go have sex with young girls the videos were sent to the CIA who paid Hugh and that's how VIP's were owned and controlled. You had to be a very important VIP a power player in whatever field you worked in to get this special after-hours treat.

GeorgeT ago

Hefner was on CIA payroll, part of Brownstone operation - dealing with weak minded men who were into promiscous sex with - women. Epstein deals with underage girls and that psycho pizza parlor owner deals with children / toddlers (I had hard time typing the last one!!!!) Congress and senate are compromised. Trump is aware of it fully (hence his executive order). Weinstein, Al Franken, Matt Lauer are all distractions from the actual scandal that has been brewing since the October 2016.

Shillaxe ago

In an earlier post about Hugh, it was said his bunny's were adept at stealing sperm, just who's sperm were they stealing and why. To steal someone's child to use for ransom later....?

GeorgeT ago

Apparently Howard Hughes employed attractive honeytraps and had infiltrated Deep State and learned that the government instiutions to some degree were run by satanists.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Wowsa, would love more details on that one


No. Sperm to be used as evidence against someone.

new4now ago

Blackmail set up?



bopper ago

This talks about Hustler mag's (rag) cartoonist who specialized in pedo cartoons going to prison later after conviction for molesting his own daughter. Almost midway thru or thereabouts.

Factfinder2 ago

"He was convicted and served 23 months of a six-year prison sentence[3] before his conviction was overturned[4] on the grounds that his conviction violated the First Amendment because it was based, in part, on his comic strip. During his incarceration, he continued dispatching new strips to Hustler from his cell..."

When we hear that a perp is arrested and sentenced to prison, we often think case closed and forget about it.

The truth is that very often the charges are later dropped or sentences reduced so as to be meaningless once the public's outrage has been satisfied.

Our research needs to focus attention on these ultimate outcomes and track what these creeps do after they're released from prison--if they serve time at all.

carmencita ago

When I think of how many will just blow this off because they can't do with out their almost porn pictures, it disgusts me. He has turned the woman's body into something that is no longer erotic and beautiful, into something lecherous. That was his purpose to push the dirt in his filthy mag rag. I so love that name. I venture to think that many men that perused this mag rag thought nothing of the molesting of his daughter. There were many girls featured in the mag rag that were under age I am sure, or just a few days over to keep him out of the slammer. Good Riddance Heff. And I do not wish you any Rest or Peace. Burn In Hell.

GeorgeT ago

Playboy 1976 Brook Shields naked feature - she was 10years old!!!!!!!

carmencita ago

Good God! I had forgotten about that. Wonder also who he passed through those tunnels to Nicholson, Beatty, and Douglas. Are they all Pedos too? Would not surprise me one bit. Heff was CIA and was responsible for weakening our society. Job well done. The country fell in line.

GeorgeT ago

Roman Polanski drugged and raped 13 year old girl in Jack Nicholson's house.

carmencita ago

Thanks for reminding me. He is a real scumbag. Aiding and abetting Polanski. I am sure he committed some crimes of his own. Especially with those tunnels.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Nicholson sure as shit is

carmencita ago

I never liked him and have never seen any of his movies, and never will. He gives me the Creeps.


Almost porn? Playboy is porn. We have been desensitized.

carmencita ago

You are right. I have not read or looked at it, but just reading about what was in there and now being reminded about Brooke Shields it makes me nauseous.

bopper ago

Larry Flynt's daughter's book says her dad molested her. Like Mackenzie Phillip's book detailing her dad molesting her. What the heck? That book by Phillips is a trip. Truth stranger than fiction. Freaks.

carmencita ago

I read on here a while back that Mackenzie is getting a lot of backlash for her book, especially from friends and relatives that do not want to go to that place. Who cares what they want. As long as she gets it out and tells the world what a horrible rapist he was that is all I care about. She has every right to dirty his memory for he dirtied her for decades. I hope she is getting help and has some peaceful years ahead of her. John Phillips is a Vile Scumbag. So is Larry Flynt.

derram ago :

Hugh Hefner's Pedophile Empire Exposed #Pizzagate - YouTube

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