Death2Masons ago

More gabage art. And yes, I saw some of this earlier too. I believe the two men in the bunny suits with the stuffed bunnies blindfolded and tied up. There were different versions though.

Orangutan ago

Who is Alex Podesta and how is he related to John or Tony?

Dasistnichtgut ago

I'd start a new thread that short and sweet says exactly this. Your description in the other leaves that part out and people got distracted. And/Or were led to being distracted by shills. *Which means you're on the right track.

Dasistnichtgut ago

And people better research soon before things get scrubbed.

Dasistnichtgut ago

How about Washingtongate or DCGate or something that points to the fact that this is about WASHINGTON literally and figuratively fucking us over in countless ways.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Who first called it pizzagate to begin with? MSM? Then for sure they (Ie the govt that runs them) picked that name for a reason and I'm sure it's not to be helpful to our cause.

Fateswebb ago

I don't think they're related. But equally creepy.

Death2Masons ago

Would you be surprised if they were?

Fateswebb ago

Oh not at all, when I say I don't think, that means I feel like there is still a 30 percent chance and they just don't advertise it.

ArrestMe ago

What the actual fuck man. i hate these bastards.

carmencita ago

Yes and a thousand times yes. We need to start an advertising campaign. We have been far too quiet and that would be a small start without making too many waves.

fuspezza ago

The first bunny's look like they are on the clock working at the (castellum)[][[/img][/url]

carmencita ago

I hope the pedo elites do not survive Predatorgate. Those are disgusting. We should have a contest to see who can come up with the best t-shirt for the pedo elites when they are in jail.

carmencita ago

Yes, you are right. I believe they are avoiding that. Saw your post already. Have an upvoat.

carmencita ago

There you go. Can't wait to read your post.

carmencita ago

Well it describes animals. Yes well animals are not predators. They hunt for food and survival. Predator is good because it stops people from saying He is worse than an animal. They are pigs, etc. They are predators. People that prey on children for their own amusement (this is my personal thought).

pizzaequalspedo ago

These people could not be any more MK Ultra'ed

reasonedandinformed ago

The colors in image 2 on this page look strangely similar to what we saw in fatherhood video:

countmaxwell ago

This shit is fucking mortifying.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Man that is some fucked up "art". I definitely get the sense that the artist was abused as a child.


Here is an interview fro 2014 where he talks about his work.

Here is his official artist Facebook page

awarenessadventurer ago

and Alex Podesta is related to another artist Artemis Antippas - Glitter Chicken 'art' related. Also interesting is the name Artemis Antippas it is a woman, into making 'glitter chicken' her name is based upon Roman/Pagan gods related to, you guessed it- PEDOPHILIA. Too much to convey on the narratives around that ball'o'wax (huge) more importantly "Artemis" and her glitter chicken are directly tied into some kind of ring. She appears to be a handler/recruiter type.

NikitaVerite ago

Oh just kill me now. This is ART??? Dipping fried chicken in fucking glitter??? And waiting for the fucking chicken to get fried is part of the "process"?????

diamond-_sutra ago


"The Killing Moon"

Under blue moon I saw you So soon you'll take me Up in your arms Too late to beg you or cancel it Though I know it must be the killing time Unwillingly mine

Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him

In starlit nights I saw you So cruelly you kissed me Your lips a magic world Your sky all hung with jewels The killing moon Will come too soon

Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him

Under blue moon I saw you So soon you'll take me Up in your arms Too late to beg you or cancel it Though I know it must be the killing time Unwillingly mine

Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him

Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him You give yourself to him

La la la la la La la la la la La la la la La la la la la

Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him You give yourself to him

La la La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la la la

Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him

Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him

La la la la la La la la la La la la la la La la la

JesusRules ago

The Easter Bunny has some less than holy origins. "It is believed that the Anglo-Saxon people worshipped a fertility goddess named Eostre or Ostara. This goddess had as her symbol the rabbit (after all, they reproduce like rabbits . . . appropriate symbol for a fertility goddess!) and the egg (new life, birds come from eggs). Does the name sound familiar? Like Easter? And also like Estrogen?"

Fuckingcucks ago

song was in Donnie Darko, a movie in which the main character had to go down the "rabbit hole" by following Frank, the dead rabbit.....(shot through the eye[illuminati?])

VieBleu ago

No one has ever known what that song is about - maybe you've given it some context? To be fair, it was written long before this pedo trash gore art became a thing.

Dasistnichtgut ago

I always thought the "him" was satan. Basically selling your soul to Satan, more or less. Reminds me of blue oyster cult "dont fear the reaper."

carmencita ago

In the past I felt that it would be a bad idea to change the name because it would confuse people. But now, I realize they are already confused and also there is so much more than just the pizza symbol to this horrible mess. I agree that something that is scary but not disgusting would be a better choice. Yes I like your choice. They are child predators.

wehaveyouremails ago

I can't remember the details but bunnies came up way earlier in pizzagate investigation. There was a creepy door to one of the PG related suspicious buildings somewhere with a bunny on it that was later painted over, can anyone remember what I'm talking about? There were other bunny related things too back when we were looking at that stuff

Thrulkggls ago

I remember. It was on a door at an address on Del Ray California...another was on a rusted sign on a gate outside a green building. Around mid-November, right after FYI anon posted something cryptic like "The white rabbit is their God."

LolturdFerguson ago

They are cutting the small rabbit into pieces w/ scissors (and fondling). Cutting the ears off first. Seems to me it's a trend. Cutting off noses, ears, lips...gouging out eyes, etc. It's all relative to the SRA.

Using the Rabbits as marionettes...they probably have done the same sick shit to children.

The whole white rabbit thing..isn't that MK ULTRA/ Satanic Sado imagery?

carmencita ago

Yes! That was my first thought. Baphomet. I also thought of the hunting parties. Ugh. God they have created some sick people.

save_thechildren ago

Think we should investigate the whole family.

carmencita ago

Grown men think this is art? There is some weird symbolism that we are not privy to. All we know is that it must be sick.

strix-varia ago

Yes, for fuck's sake...again (There it is again and again and again). The depraved art. So sick of it. Thanks for the post, should have been a little clearer with that. It's just showing me/'s all in the family.

noKnowthing3313214 ago

Super MK ULRA and Satanic imagery.

Seen it a few months ago from /pol/ but a good brush up for some.

carmencita ago

You just woke up my brain. I now remember having seen it but some pics have changed, I think. I did not know what it all meant then either, but after reading your comment it all makes sense.

2impendingdoom ago

This guy came up a few months ago, but I couldn't find a family connection (admittedly I didn't look too hard). I'm guessing that he might be one of Tony's first wife's adopted kids who was later adopted by their new step father. His art is very sad on so many levels. The commentary is that it is based on childhood experiences (adults dressed as furries/bunnies) so unless everyday was Easter, this is a fucked up childhood.

strix-varia ago
