VinegarDoppio ago

First time poster, long time lurker.

I found this site to be extremely interesting, for a various number of reasons. It came out of nowhere and Macaulay did his AMA on reddit promoting this webstite just a few days ago. Looking for information about his band Pizza Underground, it seems like the band "died" this year, coinciding with Mr Macallister's reveal of the website. It also has this deliberate 90's old vibe that gets me thinking...

Thing is, browsing the page I came by the wallpapers section (the whole website is really weird on purpose IMO), and among the "wallpapers" (just weird "not wallpaper" photos, obviously) is an image of an Espresso, and if you click it...


VinegarDoppio ago

Here is the wallpapers section:

scarlettm512 ago

Wonder if the bunny ears references Playboy and those tunnels at the Playboy mansion? Let's not forget that Brooke Shields appeared naked in Playboy when she was about 10 years old. And apparently Hugh Hefner -- at the end of his life -- needed to watch gay porn and use viagra to get it up for his playmates. So maybe Hugh Hefner had thing for MacCaulay back in the day. No one would suspect a man surrounded by naked women to be into little boys, after all ...

elephantdoesntforget ago

Looks like some of the news tickers were taken off...

They seem to be sick inside jokes involving pedophilia. I've heard these before, including the water tower one.

millennial_vulcan ago


"Sobieski was spotted by a talent scout who noticed her while he was scouting the cafeteria of a New York City private school as part of a recreational visit."

Not creepy AT ALL.....

elephantdoesntforget ago

Poor Leelee Sobieski. You can really tell she was abused.

millennial_vulcan ago




He may as well call his site CLUE. I think he's just leaving clues. He's indirectly giving us details about the cesspool.

Mammy ago

Sigh..I can't help but to feel sorry for Macaulay. Well, not that sorry. But he is the same age as my son and looked so much alike they could've been twins. Such a shame.

Anyway, two other thoughts: 1.) The "baby shoes for sale; never worn" was a challenge to Hemingway to write the shortest story possible. 2.) I noticed he is hiring writers. "P.S. I’m hiring writers if anyone is looking for work. Hit me up: [email protected]" LOL We could have some fun with that.

MolochHunter ago

I think Culkin should get the balls to come out and do a Corey Feldman

sure its scary and perhaps dangerous, but if his life is a train wreck from the damage in any case he has nothing substantial to lose. And its not like the pedo mafia are gonna cap a big star or Feldman woulda been taken out already

elephantdoesntforget ago

Feldman never came out with everything, just some stuff no one cares about.

Culkin refuses to talk about any of it.

millennial_vulcan ago

He doesn't want to be "Salling-ed"

PedoStomper ago

I'm pretty sure Feldman is sold out as fuck, why else would he "tease" for years and years about naming "huge names" and then when he finally does, its a bunch of no-name folks, and now he's asking for literally millions of dollars to make a shitty movie. And what about Corey's Angels? That shit has sex abuse written all over it. Culkin is likely just a sick twisted freak who will never recover from the MK Ultra. He is likely a handler at this point, just like Miley Cyrus and other teen stars.

Micheal84 ago


on here theres a picture of a young Jodie Foster

This picture is from the 1974 television show Paper Moon.

Jodie Foster bearthdate is november 1962, which means shes probably 12 or 13 in this picture.

The guy Christopher Connelly  born 1941, so hes 33 in this picture.

A hint maybe?

millennial_vulcan ago

I thought Tatum O Neal was in Paper Moon?


Micheal84 ago

Theres a movie and a tv series, they have the same name.

Tatum was in the movie.

Jodie in the series.

millennial_vulcan ago


used2likepizza ago

Maybe he’s just fucking with everyone? Making pizzagate look silly. At who’s request?

shawnfromnh69 ago

Looks like a gay heroin addict to me.

Conspiracyqueen ago

He's either still under mind control and is a pedo king in the works ORRRR he's giving us clues.

Cheesebooger ago

He is showing signs of someone who was sexually abused by jews when he was little.

millennial_vulcan ago

MJ wasn't Jewish, you dumb fuck

scarlettm512 ago

Maybe not, but he did have a very close relationship with a rabbi. Wonder what that was all about? Shmuley Boteach was his "spiritual advisor" and partner in an "initiative to encourage parents to prioritize their children". WTF that does that even mean?

Cheesebooger ago

You're a shill. How much do IDF pay you to gatekeep here? Millennial fagit

millennial_vulcan ago

cant even spell 'faggot' right. Crawl back to the abortion bucket you waste of oxygen

Cheesebooger ago

Whatever you say, jew fagut

User88 ago

Rumor (by some anon on 4chan) has that his grandfather was first at age 4 and then came the Home Alone co-stars who played the bad guys at age 10. But who knows. I have no evidence other than this screenshot unfortunately.


So what's the stuff about Miley supposed to mean?

elephantdoesntforget ago

Good question. Anyone have a link to the original thread?

PedoStomper ago

I've heard that Joe Pesci molested the hell out of him during the filming of both Home Alone movies, to the point where he basically returned for Part 2 just for the chance to molest Culkin again. But as far as Daniel Stern goes...I dunno about him. He never really was a "massive star" in Hollywood and he faded way, way out of the limelight after the Home Alone movies. The only other movies I can think of that he was in were City Slickers and C.H.U.D.. I like to think he's isn't one of them but I'm probably wrong.

InnocentAngels ago

I wonder if his grandfather was a Freemason? I know this link I'm giving is a rag site, but just look at the comments and see if you see what I see.

Cheesebooger ago

Thanks for the info. I've never heard it before.

Gothamgirl ago

Another adult male, into white bunny rabbits, like Alex Podesta. This is really odd stuff.

mrfetus ago

Macaulay is very against this filth, this is him speaking out against it.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok my mistake if that is fact. I really hope so.

Gothamgirl ago

I feel bad for all the victims. Wish they could all get together in Hollywood, and out all the pedo monsters.

mrfetus ago

I do my best stay positive and avoid blackpilling myself. (((They))) would like it if I did.

I think I'll write him a post card. 😃

holaymackal ago

The baby shoes thing is a reference to the question "what is a powerful story that can be told in the shortest sentence possible". Saw it on Reddit years ago.

pby1000 ago

For sale.
Baby shoes.
Never used.

gamepwn ago

I used to feel bad for him...I don't feel bad anymore. Anyone who chooses to rape children, even former victims, are still fucked up pedo trash. Normal people don't wake up and say ah what a great day to rape an innocent child. There are victims who help other victims and try to heal themselves and then there are those who use it as an excuse to keep the child rape going and tramuatise new childrens lives. Looks like Macaulay is the latter.

carmencita ago

Oh My God. This is So Sick and So Sad. This is a Grown Man acting like this. Well, at least he should be a Grown Man. Evidently he is still under control. No normal person would be acting this way. He is spreading their propaganda. I don't want to think about what they did to him when he was a Little Boy. Horrid Stuff.

YogSoggoth ago

Ever watch Party Monster? I knew something was seriously wrong way before the end of that film.

PedoStomper ago

Party Monster is about a real-life murderer named Michael Alig. He killed a drug dealer named Angel with a hammer and dissolved his body in chemicals. Michael Alig has loose connections to Jimmy Comet, because when Alig got out of jail, Jimmy retweeted a story about his release.

YogSoggoth ago

Loose connections? Now, why would anyone retweet that? Sounds like a shout to his community. Where would I be if I had done such a crime? Still in prison.

carmencita ago

No I have not been to see any of the movies for years. Too much filth, violence etc. Now I know why I really hated it.

mrfetus ago

This is a red pill. He's very out spoken about his abuse and he's pushing awareness.

migratorypatterns ago

I don't want to think about what they did to him when he was a Little Boy. Horrid Stuff.

This. Not only did he have to content with the Cannibal Elite, but his homelife was a shambles. No one was there to protect him.

carmencita ago

So very sick. Also what went on with him and MJ. I am totally convinced he was a Boy Toy for MJ. More sick stuff. He is so Far Gone.

pizzaequalspedo ago

MJ was likely abused as a child too. I try to remind myself that when I see these bizarre Hollywood types.

carmencita ago

His father was a perverted vile pedophile. I believe he abused all of those children then let others do it for business favors so they could have their lifestyle they wanted. He is still living and is surely still living a life of leisure just like the mother is. They will pay for this when the time comes.

migratorypatterns ago

No doubt. MJ played the part of the "good" molester. He shielded the kids from the "bad" molesters and that's how he earned their loyalty, trust, and kept their mouth shuts in the process.

carmencita ago

That's how he fooled his fans too. More Sleepy Sheep.

migratorypatterns ago

You're right.

Deluded ... deceived ...

carmencita ago

Remember all those fans outside the courthouse during his trial? So many dressed like MJ. Cheering for their Idol. So Sad and Sick.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, that was weird.

carmencita ago

Totally Weird. I watched that trial everyday. I was so wanting him to be found guilty. I would listen to both sides and sometimes I would think, what if he is not guilty, but then I would always have to admit that the evidence was really overwhelming, for me anyways. What grown man should be allowed to sleep with boys. The excuses were ridiculous. Something a kid would make up. Now that I have read so many articles and talked with others on here, I know why his excuses were childish. He was still a child in his mind. He thought of it as a Sleepover. Only he was at the point of his life where he, as a man wanted sex, which was ok, except not with little boys. His rationale was totally mixed up and confused and sick. The brain stops just where it was when he was brutally raped as a child. So very sad in a way, but also very perverted. They killed him. They were afraid the all the others would be exposed as well.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, I'm sure there's a story behind that. He knew where the skeletons were buried. How? Through those kids he "protected"!

Think Feldman, Culkin, and Haim didn't know things?

MJ was crazy like a fox.

carmencita ago

There was a CDAN Bl where people were guessing that SS and some others were taking kids to a place where there were rides and some guessed it as Never Land. Never as in Never Never Land. Peter Pan. It's all related. Disgusting. It is like a Maze. Never Never Ending.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, it's going to end.

The problem is we haven't had anyone to stand up to this scum. With law enforcement looking the other way, and our leaders participating in this sick stuff, it's gotten so very out of hand and is proliferating.

carmencita ago

I. The problem yes, is that we don't have journalists writing about this when the answers are found. When the truth comes out no one on MSM will be talking about it. Not down deep. It will all be on the surface. The comments on CDAN are Epic but none of the Media is doing any digging. Nor will they be our voice. The best way is for us to keep posting and others on Soc. Media as well. Going to other sites and on Blogs and spreading the word as it comes out. That is the only way it will spread. But always, I know for all of us, it is taking too long.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, it is seemingly taking too long, but it's only been a year.

I can't believe it's been that short of a time ... and there are 3,000 indictments.

carmencita ago

Let's hope it is all on the level. I am hopeful but we have had so man promises and hopes that have been dashed. I will propose a Toast to the Indictments! Let's hope they are called up and send them all to the Gallows.

migratorypatterns ago

I hear you.

It's true that we don't even know what those indictments are, but there's an extremely high volume -- proportionally out of whack with historic numbers.

I'm for a


User88 ago

Well, all I know is that Culkin had a reddit q&a like a week ago and all he wanted out of it was to promo this website (that cost him $28,600?) and his new podcast.

As proof that of identity he posted a picture that featured a pizza box.

Also, this

pm_me_pie_recipes• 5d Every time I see a photo of you, you look hungry and it kicks in my desire to feed people. You're not hungry are you?


MacaulayCulkinAMA • 5d No I have all the pizza a kid would ever want

I don't know what to think of him. He is really into pizza...


mrfetus ago

Pizza as in pizzagate, its pedo symbolism.

Lag-wagon ago

Pizza is a big part of his life because of all the cheese pizza references in Home Alone 1. Half the movie is about getting cheese pizza.

PedoStomper ago

"A hot cheese pizza, just for me."