GateKeeperSobriety ago

I figured it all out.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

I just found something interesting. I was just reading a Reddit post about Seth Rich and the WONDERLAND BALLROOM BAR. Their logo is of a white rabbit. I had a look at some images of the bar on Google and discovered that their 'matches' indeed have a pic of a white rabbit but look what it says underneath!! Another coincidence??

realityisinsanity ago

Matthew McGovern and Rose Donna own this restaurant.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

I just found something interesting

Exern ago

Want to follow the white rabbit? Now you can, artist statement (eerily creepy), upcoming schedule as well.

finska ago

This is a really creepy mural with similar (but more obvious) themes as Alex Podestas art in Sydney Australia. Note the cut out groin area and illuminati eye. Not to mention the furries and or MK connections.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Alex Podesta even looks like a total fucking creep. His studio is in New Orleans and he’s the one responsible for those bunny men. Sick fuck. None of this trash is art and photos of young kids should not be for “art” either. Loserferians, Satanists and the like are the only ones ooohing and aaaahing over this shit.

Singleservename ago

I don't think he's related to the Podesta bros, or very indirectly. But he did participate in the (e)merge art fair 2012, supported by Transformer DC and the usual suspects like the Folgers.

Micheal84 ago

Theres an interview with Alex P. here,

"I began digging into myself for more source material,” he explains. “I had this fun, crazy childhood growing up on an abandoned chicken farm, "

"I’d been working as a line cook,” he says. “My mother had four sons before she had a girl, so she made sure we all knew how to cook. ”

Reminds me of an other Podesta who likes to cook.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

For what it's worth, Alex Jones said his former wife worked for Peta in PR. She left because of the weird things she saw there. According to Alex, PETA big wigs would secretly purchase Wendy's triple cheeseburgers and eat them in hysterics. I saw him say this many years ago on Prison Planet.

Tallest_Skil ago

No one gives a fuck what a LARPer said. Do your research based on fact, not paid shills.

downwithpizzaelite ago

Check out this weird pic I found off Alex's FB.

downwithpizzaelite ago

"I'm glad someone fed y'all eventually."

What could that even possibly mean in the context of that picture??? Only a cheese pizza would feed them based on the information given, right?

finska ago

To me this picture is one of the creepiest of all.

redditbelowsme ago

Did Q Anon name Alex Podesta as the white rabbit or confirm it? Or did people just discover the freak in a white rabbit suit & are running with it? Been away from my computer all day & trying to figure it out.

argosciv ago

There's been no explicit mention from Q as to exactly what was alluded to by "White Rabbit", to my knowledge.

Several curious topics have come up thanks to people looking into possible "White Rabbit" leads, though. This one definitely seems worth a revisit, all things considered.

redditbelowsme ago

Did anyone ever figure out the Godfather III reference? For some reason I'm thinking he's talking about Popi George H.W. Bush. No facts or reason behind it. Just kinda what by gut is hinting at. Probably way off, but I know that JFK killer fits in this puzzle somewhere.

argosciv ago

Well fuck me dead, I think I just found what Godfather III is pointing to...

redditbelowsme ago

If my memory serves me right he in those threads he was asking questions about Huma & what Hillary referred to her as. In the movie wasn't his daughter killed? What's your take on it?

argosciv ago

Huma & what Hillary referred to her as

What would that be? Sorry, my memory is a bit occuppied with other info xD

In the movie wasn't his daughter killed? What's your take on it?

Honestly, I haven't watched any of the Godfather movies <insert downvoat flogging here> so it's hard to answer that.

redditbelowsme ago

Hillary has been heard saying Huma is like a daughter to her.

What did you figure out about the Godfather/

argosciv ago

Hillary has been heard saying Huma is like a daughter to her.

That rings a bell, now that you mention. Could be relevant to Godfather III, given what I think I found...

What did you figure out about the Godfather?

Possibly something huge... hard to summarize without giving it away for the shills and the Q-deniers, but, I'm not so much looking at the movie itself, this time, more at those involved.

I'm still deciding whether to make a whole submission or just leave my theory in the hands of someone I trust.

redditbelowsme ago

Post it dude. Fuck the shills. Give em something to do. I was just looking in to the importance of Admiral Rogers. Not only is he Navy Admiral director of the NSA.... If Trump did in fact recall ret Marine Officer Mueller to active duty, who do the Marines report to? Or usually in direct authority of them.... The Navy. So not only does Adm R know everything from the NSA, he is in possibly in direct authority of Mueller. Adm R seems loyal to the NSA and at this point the POTUS and could direct Mueller in any direction he wanted. Why hasn't the leaks from Mueller office been stopped or prosecuted? I'm guessing they are necessary disinfo to keep the MSM occupied. And authorized.

argosciv ago

Godfather III has been repeated by Q at least twice that I can recall...

There's a few possibilities there, one of which I'm somewhat chasing down, but, that came about accidentally while looking into another topic/tip raised by Q... it's starting to get a little fun at this point :P

redditbelowsme ago

He would sign off with like

Alice & Wonderland

Godfather III

Iron Eagle

Or are you just saying you haven't seen any speculation on it?

argosciv ago

Have seen Q sign off with "Godfather III" twice now, I think.

Haven't seen much(if any) speculation.

Pretty sure I just now found what the reference is pointing to.

redditbelowsme ago

Did you see the speculation about Mueller? Remember all Q's references to the importance of the Marines?

argosciv ago

Seen Meuller's name come up several times, but, my eyes skip over it because I'm not familiar enough with him.

I generally leave that one for those over in the USA who are more intimately acquainted with their politicians.

redditbelowsme ago

I think Mueller is working for POTUS. It makes sense if you think about it. Why wouldn't POTUS have fired Mueller & Sessions by now? It's been a rouse to keep the media busy. I'm hoping that is the case anyway. Here is a link to the vid where the screen shot is from.

MM = Media Matters SM = Social Media

Narrator hasn't figured that out yet.

The letters in [] Im still trying to figure out what they mean. IANCE the letters TAOTD appear on a line.

argosciv ago

Very interesting indeed, that little mind-map re: Meuller.

The letters in [] Im still trying to figure out what they mean. IANCE the letters TAOTD appear on a line.

Yeah I've been stumped on the letters inside of [], also.

Maybe combinging them with TAOTD can yield a result...


A Dance to it?

Dance to it A?

redditbelowsme ago

Trump A on The Donald? There are others typing data? Don't know. IANCE? CIA is in there.

argosciv ago

/shrug got me buggered there...

This Godfather III thing though... faaarkin hell... definitely needs another submission in the RoC series - may need to squeeze it out asap, given current efforts of shillery in other areas of the pizzagate subverses.

@Vindicator @alphabravo @The_Savant @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @srayzie

redditbelowsme ago

Pretend I don't know what the "RoC" series is and spell it out real quick. What RoC stands for. LOL. Seriously.

argosciv ago

Pretend I don't know what the "RoC" series is and spell it out real quick. What RoC stands for. LOL. Seriously.

Haha oh right, sorry. RoC is just shorthand for "Root of Corruption", the running title prefix for my research submissions xD

Post it dude. Fuck the shills. Give em something to do.

Sensitive subject, I'd rather give them something to do by keeping them guessing and otherwise stewing in their juices lol - don't worry, I'll deliver, it'll just take me a bit to write up.

redditbelowsme ago

All good. I was just curious to see what you had. That is how things get figured out some times. Different points of view looking at the same picture. The further away from the picture you get, the clearer it may become.

If you think about it, the shills are kinda winning if they are getting people to voluntarily censor the conversation and narrative. Fuck the shills. They are the dumbest of the dumb. Easily identifiable & ignored.

When you are worried about them, you are giving them the power imo... But I still respect where you are coming from.

And never ever ever ever worry about being downvoted. The day I worry about that is the day I quit these sites. Speak the truth, just because people downvote it doesn't make it untruth.

Anyway, let me know when you post it & look me up on twitter if you ever go on there. Let me know its you. Your fellow Aussie Bull Shit man follows me there. Cool dude.

argosciv ago

That is how things get figured out some times. Different points of view looking at the same picture. The further away from the picture you get, the clearer it may become.

Very true! It's been amazing watching everyone bring different theories to the table, most of which hold at least some weight & almost always provoke further discussion/investigation.

If you think about it, the shills are kinda winning if they are getting people to voluntarily censor the conversation and narrative. Fuck the shills. They are the dumbest of the dumb. Easily identifiable & ignored.

When you are worried about them, you are giving them the power imo...

Mostly agree, but, I'm not so much censoring, moreso biding my time and making sure I've got something worth posting - pretty damn sure I do, though :P

I'm not worried, annoyed sometimes but not worried.

And never ever ever ever worry about being downvoted. The day I worry about that is the day I quit these sites. Speak the truth, just because people downvote it doesn't make it untruth.

Nail on the fuckin head there. Downvoats don't mean shit, shilling and ignorance can derail things though, unfortunately... that said, those who can do the most with the information, are most certainly able to ID the fraudsters.

Anyway, let me know when you post it & look me up on twitter if you ever go on there. Let me know its you. Your fellow Aussie Bull Shit man follows me there. Cool dude.

LOL! Careful now... xD

Much love

redditbelowsme ago

Thanks for clarifying that.

The Hef rabbit thing kinda made the most sense to me considering it came out he was CIA & a lot of Q's posts seem to focus on the Clowns In America. But knowing Q, like Huma & HUMA, there are probably more than one rabbit. I was just wondering because people are acting like Q confirmed the Alex thing or flat out said it. Could very well be the case though.

argosciv ago

There is definitely more than one rabbit and one hell of a proverbial warren to map out.

redditbelowsme ago

I just remember him saying we would laugh when we found out who the white rabbit was and if he was referring to Hef, it has it's comedic value imo.

ESOTERICshade ago

There are several usernames trying to get people to focus on human meat in McDonalds food and a lot of other stuff. Ignore them because it is too sensationalistic and makes us look stupid which is probably the goal. We all know about the cannibalism so lets not focus on it like kids and let them take our message into something that looks stupid. I have not seen a thread get shilled this hard in a long time. If I knock out all the shill posts in this thread over half would be gone. That is how much shilling hit this thread.

finska ago

I am certainly no shill. If you are referring to the link to the Rabbi Finkelstein interview that I posted as a response to someone here putting forward an idea that Qs white rabbit might be linked to Peta and that the pedophile baby blood drinkers are pretending to be vegan to misdirect us when really they are cannibals. I was adding the source for that person to pursue as they pointed out you dont really know what in your hamburger mince...which is true!

I got an appology from someone yesterday which was nice after pointing out that calling people shills is a way to shut down the free flow of information by name calling and intimidation which makes you no better than those we are fighting. There are more opinions and information points in this investigation than the ones you sanction. I notice you dont attack the Christians who claim the baby fuckers are demons (also not a very realistic theory but just as possible as any other)... ...If you havent listened to that interview do yourself a favour and open you mind to all the possibilities before slagging off well meaning investigators. Remember the enemy of your enemy might just be your your friend.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am certainly no shill.

I wasn't talking to you. I was talking about some other user names that I know for a fact are trying to sensationalize the cannibalism to make us look dumb. Of course we know the satanists eat people but we don't have to make asses out of our self about it and I know for a fact that two or three usernames in this thread were trying to do just that.

I notice you dont attack the Christians who claim the baby fuckers are demons (also not a very realistic theory but just as possible as any other)

Whatever that means.

If you havent listened to that interview do yourself a favour and open you mind to all the possibilities before slagging off well meaning investigators

I have listened to it two or three times. Maybe I see some shit going on in this thread you didn't notice. Don't lecture me.

finska ago

I thought you were lecturing me. Sorry. Glad to know you weren't. And even better to hear that you have looked into this stuff. I just noticed that you didnt accuse the religious folks of being shills when they blame demons for child abuse which to many of is less likely than the possibilty of anti human agenda. Yet you gave the people talking about cannibalism a hard time......I was just wondering when it comes to keeping it real which group is more factual?

ESOTERICshade ago

Yet you gave the people talking about cannibalism a hard time......I was just wondering when it comes to keeping it real which group is more factual?

The thread was about Alex Podesta. two or three usernames that were just members for an hour were doing everything in their power to change the subject to cannibalism. They were trying to distract the research.

finska ago

I have a photo I took in Sydney a few months ago which is very relevant to this thread about white rabbits and Alex podesta and I would like to share but dont know where or how to upload it. I dont participate in regular social media. Can you advise?

ESOTERICshade ago

Sure bro. Click the upload button and upload it. It will show a url when it is finished. When you click the url it automatically copies it to your clipboard. If it does not auto copy to clipboard just highlight the link and copy it.

finska ago

What should I do with this if anything?

ESOTERICshade ago

Just post it in your thread and give a description of it. When people post it in their browser they can see it. Thats pretty freakin looking pic :)

QueenAlt ago

Ecxcept the link you gave was to a bad 1940's over dramatized interview with laughable stereotypes.

finska ago

Well Rabbi Finkelstein was apparently taken out for revealing too much in this interview. If you can find a more recent source who was willing to come forward after what happened to Finklestein that would be great. Btw people did used to talk like that on radio. Just cos its old doesn't mean its not true. This cult we are fighting is ancient. They have been sacraficing children for at least a thousand years.....

GhostOfSwartz ago

Finska, can you post that link again or PM me? I've missed it somehow and am genuinely interested. Many thanks!

finska ago

If you google Rabbi Finkelstein interview a bunch of links will come up. This is one of them that I pasted. Its a pretty heavy topic.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Thanks friend!

GeorgeT ago

I would urge at this point for the LGBT community to come out in droves against PG because when this horror breaks out (I said 'when' not 'if'!!!) they will be made into scapegoats - linking pedogate with queer sh$& like in this photo!! This the right moment to use it. JA and others are using LGBT as a shield. They have no idea what's coming. Pat Robertson will be foaming at the mouth!

GeorgeT ago

I totally missed Alex - I was too focused on Brian Podesta that got you autobanned from twitter. This is PG revisited. These freaks need to be thrown to Nile Crocodiles - words edcape me do describe the fury I feel. I just want to know what our dear Jeff Sessions is up to?!

Voatwontletmesignin ago

YES I can't express the fury I feel as well. This must stop NOW!!!

ESOTERICshade ago

I just want to know what our dear Jeff Sessions is up to?!

That is the 666 million dollar question of the year for sure.

giggelingpanda ago

They are one fucked up family.

I read somewhere, like a year ago, that their mother had 29 adopted kids. Have not looked into that, but maybe one of you guys have?

Lrusc ago

Every time the white rabbit's watch is seen it is. 12:25.

Don't know if that is significant here or not.

downwithpizzaelite ago

12.25 is christmas, second biggest(?) child sacrifice day of the year.

ProudTruther ago

I forgot about this guy too. Isn't Soros' son Alex too, but I read in some leaked emails about that guy that he just believes the lies they tell normies and has a chemical lobotomy drug regimen.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have not verified for 100% certain that this is the same Alex Podesta but it seems likely that it would be. His studio is a psych office?

Alex Podesta Studio LLC

Contact Information Alex Podesta Studio LLC 4322 Canal St New Orleans, LA 70119

Contact: William Bravender Title: Manager Phone: (504) 881-4015 Website:

Alex Podesta Studio LLC is the only company located at 4322 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70119

Business Description Alex Podesta Studio is located in New Orleans, Louisiana. This organization primarily operates in the Psychiatrist business industry within the Health Services sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 5 years. Alex Podesta Studio is estimated to generate $276,345 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 5 people at this single location.

Sector: .....Health Services Category: ...Offices and Clinics of Medical Doctors Industry: ...Psychiatrist SIC Code: ...8011

Map of Location:,-90.10356,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d29.976397!4d-90.10356?hl=en-US

Exern ago

Where is his wife's business located because she is a psychiatrist?

ESOTERICshade ago

Where is his wife's business located because she is a psychiatrist?

Not sure yet but I think I saw somebody else mention that it might be. I have just been screenshoting and archiving as fast as I can right now. I have not had time to take a hard look at the details yet.

Lrusc ago

Great work! Thank you.

Lrusc ago

Just information.

Disney ..White Rabbit

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator I don't want you to miss this article right here. This made me laugh out loud. Yahoo News is fighting against the white rabbitt. Oh me, what a timeline this is....the rabbit has rattled a nerve.

Vindicator ago

It all seems to be linked to the – baseless – Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which led a young man to storm a restaurant with a gun to ‘free’ children he thought were being held there.

We know an anon found CP on the CPP server and reported it to DC police and the FBI. We know he contacted numerous media outlets, who refused to FOIA the DC police to find out the results of the investigation. Yet they keep claiming pizzagate is "baseless". We know damn well it is not. The fact that they are conflating QAnon with pizzagate is quite telling. In my view, it lends credence to him.

ESOTERICshade ago

It definitely got their attention or they would not be fighting it. I think its good that they are showing they are scared of the Q thing. I wasn't making fun of it, even though its funny to me because I can remember the days when I never thought thought any of this would happen and now the sick fuckers are running from our memes. And of all memes they are fighting, the white rabbit, its the one that is a symbol of their trickery. The irony is palpable.

Vindicator ago

now the sick fuckers are running from our memes

Someone needs to make a "Runs from meme" GIF we can spread like herpes. It's so glorious.

Battle of Thermopylae redux. With Persians defeated by the equivalent of ballistic rubber chickens. WWF smackdown. I just can't get enough of this kind of winning.

saynotomeat ago

So, There Were Tunnels to Celebrity Homes Below the Playboy Mansion

Lovethelight ago

Hm Alice in Wonderland? Or ...perhaps Alex?

Exern ago

Does anyone know what the web tool is called that can view private Facebook profiles? I saw it posted here on Voat but don't remember what it was called.

Exern ago

Was on Arwen's Facebook page and there is another Podesta, but his profile is private. Should I post the links?

KittyTigerlily ago

Is Alex kin to Tony & John Podesta?

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

first cousins once removed - ish.

saynotomeat ago

the white rabbit makes it's way to yahoo.6 facts about the incredibly odd ‘white rabbit’ conspiracy theory Trump fans are sharing

ESOTERICshade ago

Maybe you're not a shill after all but I was suspicious for a while.

ESOTERICshade ago

That is hysterical that Yahoo News is now fighting against the white rabbit. They just laid out the whole crime in Yahoo news pretty accurately. That made me laugh out loud. What a fukn timeline we live in, I swear...that made me laugh out loud. That shows that the white rabbit thing rattled their cannibalistic nerves a little.

saynotomeat ago

the article is hysterical , all "white rabbits" are now suspect

saynotomeat ago

next week's headline: are "white rabbits" the new "pepe the frog" meme?

saynotomeat ago

trump retweets magapill, responds on Q anon, related to "white rabbits" , white rabbits trend, everyone goes crazy

ESOTERICshade ago

Basically in a nutshell Alex Podesta is at the nucleus of the New Orleans "art" scene and looks like he is probably pervy as hell from his bunny costume pics. Look at all these art gallery appearances. It is obvious that he is at the heartbeat of Louisiana "art." Researching the people he affiliates with such as some of these art gallery owners or other affiliations might turn up some links to shady funding or politicians. I have not looked at this much but this popped out at me. Here it is for what its worth.

Factfinder2 ago

Lol. Those are blindfolded rabbits with droopy ears, not teddy bears. According to an interview with him, the rabbit-suited men are all depictions of himself trying to bring the security of his bunny jammies into adulthood. As far as the blindfolded bunnies without his face on them, the ones he's approaching with a baseball bat--you have to wonder whether they represent other "bunnies" from his childhood that he was forced to hurt. Sounds to me like a case of sustained trauma from SRA using the Alice in Wonderland theme. Here's the interview:

From the interview:

"I was interested in delving into some key developmental factors from early childhood and trying to apply them in semi-serious, semi-comical ways to the experience of adulthood. Presenting the figures as half man/half bunny was meant to reference the emotional security that many children find in a small, warm blanket or, as it pertained to me, a zip-up, footed pajama suit that I fantasized transformed me into a bunny."

ESOTERICshade ago

Good chance he was forced to kill rabbits when he was a little boy.

Factfinder2 ago

Or little kids dressed like rabbits if SRA was part of the equation.

Lrusc ago

Song "White Rabbit" was written by Grace Slick. In 1967 Jefferson Airplane

released the song on it's alum:

Surrealistic Pillow. Some lyrics:

One pill makes you larger

One pill makes you small

And the one your mother gives you does nothing at all.

bopper ago

In this tweet from Trump they referenced the "magapill" website, about all his accomplishments. It's been taken down, I can't access it anymore. It was

Factfinder2 ago

Alex Podesta is related but not very closely to John Podesta. Alex’s grandfather and John’s father were brothers.

John Anthony David Podesta (John Podesta’s father) had a brother named Raymond E. Podesta.

Raymond had a son named Michael.

Michael married Bettie Stubbs.

Michael and Bettie had a son named Alfred Alexander Podesta, the bunny suit-obsessed artist now living in New Orleans and going by the name Alex Podesta.

Previous Voat thread by experienced geneaologist:

Alfred Alexander Podesta:

Alex Podesta’s website/bio:

Stukov ago

There was a CDAN thing about a terrible house on some street named (cant remember it off the top of my head). Do we have any record of properties in the Podesta name in NO?

TimeOutofJoint ago

Saint Charles Avenue. The article says "St. Charles Street" but that is incorrect.

HennyPenny ago

Why does two of Kezziah's brothers have different surnames? (Rawls & Baker?) Not another Podesta foster child setup? Her obit lists a donation charity: Isle of Wight children's fund in Virginia. Isle of Wight, England provided apparently some of the founding fathers of Isle of Wight Virginia. Isle of Wight England noted for Masonic corruption per some reports: "The Isle of Wight (Freemasonic) police force is one of the most corrupt in Britain and the main local media is controlled by the Freemasons."

Isle of Wight, Va also apparently has strong Masonic presence. In a 1907 brief description of it's history, this statement was made: :the Masonic hall has been used by the fraternity for 118 years and next to the oldest building in Virginia for that purpose, the one in Richmond antedating it by 3 years"

Fast forward to 2017, that makes the Masons in Virginia reach back 228 years!

Factfinder2 ago

Yes, I was thinking either Bettie had kids from previous marriages or they were foster kids. The Isle of Wight and Masonic connections are interesting and potentially significant.

Another info bit is that Alex Podesta's wife Arwen is a psychiatrist . Wonder what she thinks of this pic:

Also, Courtney Hanley Podesta (previously Courtney A. Hanley) is listed as a possible relative , and she's a psychologist working for the VA in Virginia. If she were the wife or ex of Joshua, that would mean both Podesta brothers married psych docs. Just interesting.

Truthseeker3000 ago

And being nefarious psychiatrists and psychologists, they are most likely gathering intel on their patients coming forth with allegations of SRA and the like. The power these doctors wield is dangerous given their obvious intentions (by being married into the Podesta clan).

Lovethelight ago

So John and Alex would be first cousins, 1 generation removed (aka first cousins, once removed)

Exern ago

Holy shit, so Alfred and Alex are one in the same. Then Joshua Podesta must be Alex's brother. Thank you for clearing that up, tried so hard to find something on Alfred.

Factfinder2 ago

Yes, Joshua is apparently the brother. His LinkedIn profile shows that he is a technical writer and previously worked for his father's design firm. LinkedIn is a banned domain here, so it's https://www (dot) linkedin (dot) com/in/joshua-podesta-5b864195

Also, the father, Michael, says this on his firm's website ( ):

"One of my sons lives here with me. He is a constant reader, a writer, a woodworker, a thoughtful fellow."

Lrusc ago

I went to Yandex.

Put his name in search box.

First listing:

bopper ago


So, Q posted this and five minutes later POTUS tweets about small business and changes his profile photo too?

Cynna ago

I've been wondering about some of those really cryptic coded messages and who Q is actually talking to, because I know it isn't the public. Does anyone know if there's a site set up that's completely dedicated to de-coding Q's messages? I can see people are doing an AWESOME job out here, but maybe we should start an exclusive Q board. Reading through the b.s. comments on 4chan gives me a headache.

Justice4thekids ago

bopper ago

@srayzie mentioned this, below.

Same OP has a new post where possibly you could mention your thoughts.

I hate 4chan.

Cynna ago

Awesome, thanks bopper!

srayzie ago

I noticed that. GoTwit and 5 minutes later Trump tweets with #SmallBusiness.

bopper ago

I made a quick edit, a link to one of many tweets about it. Very interesting. If true, if indeed it was five minutes before, then it would mean Q is legit. It would have to. But I'm still confused about the white rabbit. I just looked at the "follow the white rabbit" scene in The Matrix. It would be dumb to think that the younger guys handling Trump's social media and tweeting would not know about this scene. And of course all the talk is that the matrix the masses have been living in / under will be exposed.

I dunno.

srayzie ago

I don't know

Lrusc ago

Not that I accepted this, but some voaters identified Plzyboy Mogul, Hugh Heifner as the

white rabbit. ?

ESOTERICshade ago

The goal was not to find the white rabbit, but to follow it. The rabbit is supposed to know where the tunnels in the rabbit burrow go. Rabbit symbolism is ubiquitous in the occult.

Lrusc ago

Yes, you are right. But my thought is we need to know who /what the white

rabbit is before we can follow it. ? It still seems like we need to identify it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes, you are right. But my thought is we need to know who /what the white

rabbit is before we can follow it. ? It still seems like we need to identify it.

The white rabbit itself is the "it." It goes everywhere in the matrix/rabbit burrow. You might find it in a lot of places and all have potential to be good leads. Such Hefner's rabbit. Somebody found some White Rabbit Childcare places. I remember a place we found one time that had a blue rabbit on the door where kids were being abused. The rabbit is a symbol of the rabbit hole dweller. You might find several "its" in the process. If that makes sense...

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Possible there is a connection in the symbolism, as in Alex Podesta chose the white rabbit theme because it already existed as a symbol for whatever was going on... I like the HH angle for the White Rabbit for a lot of reasons, so I hear ya.

Lrusc ago

Thank you. What threw me about the HH angle is he is dead. But I have not spent

much time at all on this. Except for reading posts.

new4now ago

Sry no Links, I on my phone

Alex born in North Carolina 1973

He said his Mother had 4 son's before she had a girl

He then moved to Richmond Virginia

Think this is where he said he grew up on an abandoned chicken farm

He said he comes from a long line of artists

His Art Director Grandfather worked with Louis Bunuel, you got to read up on him, SMH

He, Bunuel worked with Salvator Dali another one who makes me shake my head

Artist Grandmother worked with Diego Rivera

Studio in New Orleans, makes his living as a carpenter and his wife's name is Arwan

Look up Bunuel and Dali...

Also, Obama e mailed John Podesta about 2012 election about his ties in North Carolina, in Wiki Leaks I think

I can dig deeper when I get home

ESOTERICshade ago

Think this is where he said he grew up on an abandoned chicken farm

Chickens are young boys exploited for sex. I'm assuming he means abandoned young boys. I wonder if that means some sort of boys home or ranch, or something similar.

new4now ago

I got the feeling when he left Virgina to Louisiana, he was running from something

He was in another citybefore heading to New Orleans, think he did some scooling there too

If you look up the people his Grandfather associated with, Bunuel, he has ties to Dali

Look them up and when you read what I did, you'll go holy shit, this crap been around a long time

Go for it, look up Bunuel, give you a bigger picture, also you must already know Alex Family does toe into the Podesta brothers somewhere

It might help with whatever you looking up

Holy Shit was what was running through my head with a no wonder

Also look up Alex Podesta LLC

Look at what the buisness is under

I have no explanation on that one

These are your missions if you so decide to accept. LoL

ESOTERICshade ago

Talking about the psych office?

new4now ago

Yea, whats up with that? Shared space? Psych doc in a bunny suit?

In-house therapy? In house explaining his artwork?

Did you see his stuff with antlers?

Alex is one for the books

ESOTERICshade ago

Yea, whats up with that? Shared space? Psych doc in a bunny suit?

In-house therapy? In house explaining his artwork?

Did you see his stuff with antlers?

Yeah people were posting some of that stuff without archives so I took screenshots of it all before it disappears. I got the archive links too. Still have not had time to look at his Dali references yet.

argosciv ago

He then moved to Richmond Virginia

If you can provide a source on that, it may be of major significance.

new4now ago

When I get home I can do

All I did was Google his name

He went to some art college there

You should find it easy enough

If not, I can provide the links, will check back when home

argosciv ago

Righto, I'll stop being lazy :P

new4now ago

So sry

There are things I damn good at

Some things I sux at

Working my phone, sharing links etc, is filed on the sux list 😎

argosciv ago

Haha all good, I checked out google again, the info can be found in the bio on Alex's website.

new4now ago

See now, that was easy for ya 😁

argosciv ago

lol yup, very lazy day, forgive me

new4now ago

Alls good, I tryin to play catch up from being sick, also sitting for some brats lol

Exern ago

Analysis of his website if anyone wants it:

mooteensy ago

Okay I've been around here for a long time and I've never even heard of Alex Podesta. Let's do this, friends.

ESOTERICshade ago

Brian Podesta is associated with NCMEC. He is an excellent target for research.

Steelstrike309 ago

Agreed. BP is the reason my twitter got banned. Surely we were on to something.

GateKeeperSobriety ago


myowneyesnears ago Here is more of Alex's "art" here in NOLA. I went down to the gallery a couple of months back

finska ago

Its not very good

EricPaddock ago

Asking long time researcher @carmencita to clarify her position on pizzagate (pizzagate) submitted 2 months ago by [deleted] OK so this post asks Serious Question, Is Satan Behind Pizzagate? Look at the post from January

The comments from the post say

carmencita 0 points (+0|-0) 6 minutes ago This is just as stupid as it was 8 months ago. permalink save source reply report [–] HebrewHieroglyph [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 46 seconds ago You said "He" ran racine. permalink parent save edit delete reply report [–] HebrewHieroglyph [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 5 minutes ago How come? Yet when speaking with @wisconsin_is_corrupt Carmencita clearly stated "He" runs Racine

For the sake of researchers and artists alike, I would like @carmencita to clarify her position on Racine and Pizzagate and whether or not she believes "He" is Satan.

Thank you for your cooperation.

@Pipebomb @argosciv @Eggs-Vs-Bacon

Satan Risen

What exactly does Eric Paddock mean when he says Stephen is a little bit bigger than a normal guy

overview for ElohimChild - Reddit · permalink; save; context · full comments (361); report; give gold. 0. 1. 2. Hollywood Insider "MurrisRiley" just banned from pizza gate sub. ... Skippy (Podesta) has just pulled a Paddock and stabbed Soros at the ...

Astrotheologist ago

Another white rabbit i remember brings us right back to the weird SLC green daycare building.

I did a duckduckgo search for slc daycare white rabbit and a ton of "White Rabbit daycares" came up too. Haven't dug into yet but could be worth looking into.

Astrotheologist ago

fuck, i just clicked on one of the white rabbit preschools i found. Check out the Logo on the top left. Do we have a match?

downwithpizzaelite ago

Little heart in big heart.

finska ago

It does look sus the combination of MK programming in the name and the pedo logo

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

North Carolina lol... But grew up in Virginia, so that parts easy. John would have been 24 if that's his son.

ty for the info mate

Exern ago

Alfred and Alex were born in 1973. Alfred works with his brother in Alex's art company.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago


Exern ago

Alfred Alexander Podesta just goes by Alex Podesta now. His brother is Joshua Podesta. Also another user pointed out that Alex and John are indeed related.

Exern ago

How has no one linked this? Should go through and try to see if Alex is indeed related.

saynotomeat ago

i will give you another example of a white rabbit, that will go over your head, like the peta reference. here is pam anderson with a white rabbit, that is, if you have eyes to see the white rabbit.

Verite1 ago

Gimme a breat. She is a well know animal activist (no animal testing etc)

saynotomeat ago

"My intermediaries are legion. #hysteriverse" -Julian Assange

"9“What is your name?” Jesus asked.

“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”

10 And he begged Jesus repeatedly not to send them out of that region.

11 There on the nearby hillside a large herd of pigs was feeding.

12 So the demons begged Jesus, “Send us to the pigs, so that we may enter them.”"

GrapesOfWrath ago

Anonymous - "We Are Legion"

Snake Logan And The CIA's Vested Interest In Hampstead

Andrea Davidson VS The Holy Mountain

Nancy Pelosi Warns Trump Administration - Know Your Bloodtype

Unlocking The Pizzagate

When God Killed the Meat-Eaters | The Beet-Eating Heeb

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Pam Anderson is a big red flag here. For being a Playboy bunny/Hefner, to PETA, to being Julian Assange's vegan lunch delivery service, plus Julian referenced her as an "intermediate" around a week ago.

Verite1 ago

Wrong. You ppl are not discerning! SHE IS AN ANIMAL ACTIVIST!!!

saynotomeat ago

and then she brings julian "vegan" lunch, after wikileaks publicizes podesta's emails, featuring marina abramovic (which in the above post, pamela is pictured)

saynotomeat ago

that is the point. why are these animal activists silent on pizzagate? they need to put up, or shut up. animal cruelty is linked to animal trafficking which is also linked to human trafficking economically and many times, physically.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

... you people? Feck off.

And everything I said was fact.

saynotomeat ago

the peta+playboy rabbit hole goes soooooo depp (sic) *Roman Polanski's friend, J. Depp involved with Peta * and then

GateKeeperSobriety ago

Peta put down dogs.

saynotomeat ago

correct, with basically no accountability. the human and animal cadaver trade business is basically unregulated , even Reuters had recent articles about the body part trade and they bought a head for about 300$ through a body broker for research purposes.

VivianMcGloob ago

John Podesta snarks Julian Assange

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Can you make a thread on all of that? Even if it goes into the other sub I'd like to read about it.

saynotomeat ago

i got locked out of my previous account, i forgot password and can't post a thread until i get comment upvoats i think. i have tried suggesting the white rabbit before months ago and felt compelled to bring it up again after reading the anon comments on the white rabbit. there are a lot of great leads people have, but there are multiple rabbits. thank you for taking a interest in it. when i saw the spirit cooking ceremonies, and the links to clinton, and other people who have tried to "go vegan" and failed miserably, but were still praised by "compassionate" organizations like peta and mercy for animals, i said , "this sounds like pizzagate". bill clinton tried to "go vegan". jay-z and beyonce tried to "go vegan". i'm trying to say it, without saying too much. it's really hard to get people to eat dairy-based pizza when you're trying to get everyone to eat vegan pizza (cruelty-free pizza).

SecureYourSeats ago

Not going vegan that is the most unhealthy you can be. There is nothing wrong with beef, no human meet in it.

VivianMcGloob ago

This 98 year old vegan doctor tells his secret to a long life.

SecureYourSeats ago

And my grandmother lived to 105 and ate meat at least twice a day.

GrapesOfWrath ago

Was she able to work as a surgeon until 100?

SecureYourSeats ago

So, what your saying is one vegan lived to a ripe old age, so we should all become vegan. This person that you speak of was one lucky dude. I'll continue to eat meat, thanks.

finska ago

Most meat is addictive because it is adrenalised as the animal will fear death. I believe this is done on purpose to sell more product. Maybe unwittingly but never the less the general public are as much addicted as the evil baby blood drinkers.

You posted the article on Depp before. This quote by him jumped out " I’ve always had an affinity for lizards, and have always felt close to them and inspired by them,” he said. “So when I was asked to play a lizard, I thought, ‘I’m halfway there.'” possible reptile worship....

But what is the actual link between trying to go vegan/supporting peta etc when you are really a blood drinker? What are they trying to achieve here? Misdirection?

saynotomeat ago

yes the adrenaline, they even extract it from goats and other animals for types of adrenochrome . the peta/vegan link is tricky. i compare it to the vatican. yes , there are some very serious people who care deeply about their faith, and then there is a predatory chain of command. the worst of the worst hide in the most compassionate of places while their followers are lead blindly and hang onto their every word. why do some of these celebrities have a fascination or an obsession over helping animals, but have a very direct hate towards humans? while there is a common angst of hating humans due to extreme cruelty, there are others who have a much sinister plan, depopulation. the best way for celebrities/elites to convince people that they don't drink blood is to go vegan while in the spotlight, it doesn't really mean anything, it's just for show and the fans buy it, while they keep drinking adrenochrome (among ingesting "other" things) . i don't want to go to deep into the rabbit hole because the mainstream media is watching and trying to direct the narrative to their favor. sometimes, it's best just to watch them sweat trying to figure out what we know and when we're going to tell everybody. the mainstream media would love to blame all of this on "trump supporters" or the "right-wing", because they don't have much else left up their sleeves. they can't do it without most of themselves throwing each other into the proverbial "slaughterhouse".

if you know a vegan/peta member, just ask them about this stuff. don't assume they know anything about it at all, just ask them about this stuff and pizzagate. you would be surprised at what they do and do not know!

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Well, I'd like to hear what you have to say. Like I said, it can be in one of the other subs if you think it's not pizzagatey enough. Just link me when you post something?

PS I like daiya on my pizza but I'm not vegan...

GateKeeperSobriety ago

I am ashamed to say I have been drinking milk this past year. @saynotomeat

I now have money and will be opting for cashew/almond instead.

saynotomeat ago

i agree, she either is a red flag, or, she "is" one the "rabbits". julian having vegan lunch delivered was symbolic of something, not quite sure if i want to state what exactly, yet.

GateKeeperSobriety ago

One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar has given you the call

And call Alice, when she was just small

When the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go And you've just had some kind of mushroom, and your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice, I think she'll know

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead And the white knight is talking backwards And the red queen's off with her head Remember what the dormouse said Feed your head, feed your head


Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Something is going on for sure. for those who didn't know the story.

saynotomeat ago

yes or something much much worse (as hard as that would be to imagine or comprehend)

saynotomeat ago

please be nice, please upvoat so i can make relative comprehensive posts, so i can fill you in on what all of this means. if you don't wanna know, then just downvoat and everything will go back to pre 2016. the choice is yours. what does this have to do with spirit cooking or clinton or podesta, wikileaks, and trump and pizzagate? go eat your dinner, and realize, what you just ate , may not have been what you thought it was. this is pizzagate, not your larp fantasy. this will not go down easy or be a quick digestion, this has been inside your colons for quite awhile and you will get very very sick. the truth was in front of you the whole time and it's not some silly info-porn situation, it is beyond what you initially thought pizzagate was and is.

GeorgeT ago

That photo of JA with a shovel, and a baby next to a pizza oven will forever be etched in my brain. Ritual cannibalism (there I said it) had been practiced for thousands of years - except in 2017 it is viewed as unnaceptable (degree of sarcasm to the powet x100) and has gone underground.

bibigirl_ ago

Bands like this dont help

boughdoy ago

What photo? JA = Julian Assange?

GeorgeT ago

James Alifantis - owner of CPP and 49th most powerful man in DC according to GQ magazine.

opinionatedduck ago

Considering context, James Alefantis.

GateKeeperSobriety ago

@dickface888 also laughed at me

@FeLpZ187 Defended me and not just because I promised him entry into the Illuminati.

OK maybe it was because I promised him entry but his vote still counts.

VivianMcGloob ago

@FeLpZ187 accused you of being a robot, you so quickly forget that.

GateKeeperSobriety ago

I forget no one and nothing Vivian. Ever.

Alex_Jones ago

I asked you a question that you never replied to. Please answer to this reply.


"Relax, I don't think they eat people," they told me...

ESOTERICshade ago

Say what you mean and stop being cryptic or you are fucking useless time waster.

GrapesOfWrath ago

Member the horsemeat scandal? (@Memberberries) submitted 10 months ago by BeautyChat

ESOTERICshade ago

I remember the horsemeat scandal,, yes.

GrapesOfWrath ago

The horse genome has 32 pairs of chromosomes and contains about the same amount of DNA as the human genome (three billion base pairs).2 May 2003

GrapesOfWrath ago

That wasn't horse-meat.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Soylent green is people??

finska ago

Are you referring to abattoirs used to destroy evidence of child sacrafice ending up in hamburger meat? For those who havent heard it yet this interview is a must.

GeorgeT ago

Perhaps HRC seasures and Kuru was not far fetched after all! Robert David Steel said that in certain pizza friendly restaurants clients can order ... well you guessed it .... yes folks, while we were distracted by Survivor Series, and Colin Caepernick and Master Chef and Amercan Idol this is what has been going on!!!

mooteensy ago

Judging by your username, this has been my worst fear since beginning to research pizzagate. God help us all.

saynotomeat ago

our modern society is not much different from the days of old, besides having many more playful distractions to keep us busy. i won't say what you don't want me to say, but yeah, there are a ton of missing people , gone without a trace. ever see them recall hundreds of thousands or millions of pounds of different types of "meat' due to "contamination" concerns? that is a lot of money, and a lot of evidence, that no one, will ever, ever, ever go through, because, it's business as usual.

GrapesOfWrath ago

True story, my friends uncle was working on the roads doing something and a delivery fan containing McDonalds hamburgers crashed, the frozen patties spilled out on the road, so the guys being quite impoverished, picked them up to take home. They received a phone call from there boss later saying they had to give them back. Seemed a bit odd since they were just going to be throwing them out anyway. Reusing them would be quite unethical on the part of the company... However, it could be even worse that.

"But if there was another kind of meat, people could just test it when they buy a burger"

Not if the cooking process renders the DNA untestable ...

ESOTERICshade ago

saynotomeat is a shill account running in tandem with gatekeepersobriety

Factfinder2 ago

The family lines of both Brian and John Podesta were well documented months ago by voater @mickmcmock, and a potential but not definite connection was found several generations ago in Italy. Both families settled in Chicago.

Mad_As_Hell ago

This one got you banned on Twitter for any mention of his name a while back. The rabbit hole runs deep

ESOTERICshade ago

Brian Podesta

That one right there is one that only got brushed on a couple of times but never got focused on good. I would guess that he is the Podesta family member at the center of procuring and managing the exploited children.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

My god, yet another Podesta involved with kids and/or art...

Can anyone find the names of John Podesta's children other than Megan, who is on a school board in CA?

John was born in '49, so his children would be born anywhere from mid 70's to 80's. Not sure when he and Mary got married.
Alex Podesta did his senior thesis in 2001, so if he was around 21 at the time, he was born circa 1980 and could be the second child.

If Brian was born in the same time frame, he could be the third child.

HennyPenny ago

John Podesta's Son Gabe may have worked with Sexually abused military dependents (pizzagatewhatever)

GrapesOfWrath ago

Megan rouse Daughter Parents: John Podesta Grandparents: Mary Kokoris, John David Podesta, Sr. Uncle: Tony Podesta

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Who are Megan Rouse's 2 siblings? Father John Podesta, mother Mary.

GateKeeperSobriety ago

Perhaps it is time everyone took a bow?

Since indeed, the world is a stage.

Narwhal Bacons At Midnight!

GateKeeperSobriety ago

Megan means Pearl. To rouse, means to awaken.

GrapesOfWrath ago

Maddie McCann

GateKeeperSobriety ago


Exern ago

Alex Podesta was born in 1973.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Where did you find that mate?

GateKeeperSobriety ago

Czech News mate -t-hehe

saynotomeat ago

a lot of pizzagate researchers refuse to investigate real white rabbits that stick out like a sore thumb , Bill Clinton Named PETA’s 2010 Person of the Year , you can't make this stuff up. however, many pizzagate researcher's pride always gets in the way, all because they refuse to acknowledge the obvious . it's fn BILL CLINTON + PETA, IT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED. of course, someone will try to protect them by saying none of this is true, mostly mods. a link, direct from the source, SLICK WILLY AND PETA

Angkhut ago

Okay PETA Philes good catch

ESOTERICshade ago

direct from the source, SLICK WILLY AND PETA

I see you have two shills running today. GateKeeperSobriety saynotomeat

saynotomeat ago

why doesn't the compassionate peta come down on slick willy?

ProudTruther ago

Def say no to ground meat, and let's face it when you eat pork you're eating an animal that has a certain chance of having eaten a pizzagate victim.

mobbA1115 ago poking Click (Parallel lives)

  • don't click below this.

Both sites refuse proper archiving +

3-4 other examples. Various erotic / lol

Generally how the site goes. Worth reporting level meh?

mobbA1115 ago

Split between 1 message target and 2 Cuban amplifier for pop/

mobbA1115 ago

Sing back/



Embedded Sound Files.

By using the open SNDFILE with a file descriptor function:

  SNDFILE*  sf_open_fd (int fd, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo, int close_desc) ;

it is possible to open sound files embedded within larger files. There are however a couple of caveats:

Read/Write mode (SFM_RDWR) is not supported.
Writing of embedded files is only supported at the end of the file.
Reading of embedded files is only supported at file offsets greater than zero.
Not all file formats are supported (currently only WAV, AIFF and AU). 

The test program multi_file_test.c in the tests/ directory of the source code tarball shows how this functionality is used to read and write embedded files.


Generate a spectrogram as a PNG file from a given sound file.

sndfile-spectrogram <sound file> <img width> <img height> <png name>

This program (in conjunction with sndfile-generate-chip) is particularly useful for evaluating the quality of sample rate converters. For instance, a chirp can be generated at 96kHz, passed through the converter and a spectrogram generated for the converter output file. For example:

mobbA1115 ago

So marking snd

mobbA1115 ago

Morefrom. Most annoying people on earth.

mobbA1115 ago

[Not retaining]largely a circumst\

mobbA1115 ago

Try the index like this:

.sevens dev \\s vn/rep\o s/tyr an\t .exposed/ _DIRECTIVA

http://webmail JUNTA_ACTA

LionElTrump ago

Thought White Rabbit was a reference to Hefner, Playboy Mansion, Drug parties, and politicians/marks being videotaped having sex with underage and other things.

SmokeCigarettes ago

"Follow the white rabbit" is a quote from the movie The Matrix.

saynotomeat ago

yes followed by a music scene in the movie from someone associated with PETA (another white rabbit)

saynotomeat ago

the song dragula made by an assoiciate of peta (a white rabbit)

SmokeCigarettes ago

Sounds like a connection to me.

saynotomeat ago

since i can't make a post, i'm going to save all of you a HUGE amount of time. i present to you, the white rabbit , that connects playboy to hollywood, the PETA white rabbit,

and no, this is not a joke. none of you take it seriously because of a pride that stands in the way of pizzagate. if you make the most of this, i'll provide other rabbits. you are welcome.

SecureYourSeats ago

I think you're the one with a pridee issue. If you care about kids spit it out, and stop trying to make a cult following.

saynotomeat ago

PETA Requests Vegan Prison Meals for Cannibal Teen

ESOTERICshade ago

none of you take it seriously because of a pride that stands in the way of pizzagate.

If you want to be taken serious stop being cryptic and say what you mean. You remind me of somebody else I know around here that does that.

saynotomeat ago

it's not about what you KNOW it is, it's about what you DON'T KNOW, and you will go down multiple wrong rabbit holes. find the rabbit (s), that's how you find the "carnivores" and the established ecosystem & and the habitats.

GrapesOfWrath ago

Does Podesta exist?

snapplemoose ago

Googled the name... that is art? That is craziness. He has dead vacant looking eyes too.

Blacksmith21 ago

We all missed this.

Exern ago

Found this one because Google is fucking terrible:

srayzie ago

I remember we looked at him in the beginning. I'm not sure why we stopped! This whole family mentally disturbed!

GrapesOfWrath ago

Podesta is Satan.



dozer_ ago

pby1000 ago

What is the significance of the antlers? I keep seeing that on males and females. It must mean something in the Occult.

realityisinsanity ago

The stag god.

pby1000 ago

Is it? Strange.

GrapesOfWrath ago

The Elk Club.

pby1000 ago

That's disgusting!

dozer_ ago

Pedo related ?

"lilwolf9#alexpodesta lilwolf9#surgery lilwolf9Bears further investigation. Appears to be twin selfies of artist doing surgery on baby not quite self?"

Hopevoats ago

Just did a little research, and this is so pathetic. The "art" (and I use the term loosely) is so uninspired as to be laughable. Even the attempts to interview him are a joke. Definitely another layer to this; as no one could succeed on the artistic merits, alone.

GrapesOfWrath ago

Hello Satan.

Hopevoats ago

Another one? Still praying for you. Please get well, soon.

GrapesOfWrath ago

Did I ever tell you about the time I met God and The Devil at a bus stop?

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

If it was a money-laundering scheme it wouldn't matter if he had no talent...

Hopevoats ago

What's crazy is the amount of effort that he puts into this garbage. It seems as though he's programmed to believe that this shit has some value. Maybe that's what it is...

The bio is laughable; as though an intern, with a thesaurus, was tasked to write it.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

You are correct! Mannequins in pajamas, so avant garde, heh. Yeah that bio is pretentious enough without all the polysyllabic manifestations of his multitudinous pretensions. Heh.

JohnJones ago

Didnt that dude say Podesta would be arrested? I wouldnt trust anything he says.

dozer_ ago

Actually, where is Tony Podesta ?

JohnJones ago

No idea

JohnJones ago

Thats real cool but thats not in prison getting skull fucked by neo nazis

GrapesOfWrath ago

He is busy planning Vegas 2

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

He's spent a hell of a long time in New Orleans, which we've been talking about because of that CDAN blind about the whorehouse with the hidden cameras. Hrm.

dooob ago

Hughe Hef. Is also a good white rabbit refference, Q has been to vague.

Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

This Q stuff is the greatest larp yet. I've become disillusioned and given up. PLEASE SOMETHING ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPEN

stinkymilkman ago

Everything on 4chan ends up a LARP

pizzaequalspedo ago

These pictures pretty much epitomize the modern Democratic elite

Hopevoats ago

Seriously?! How the hell did I miss this?

Pipebomb ago

Named his art exhibit "Tender Age" of course with a picture of a baby.

Has Alex Podesta been mentioned before? I'm kinda shocked I'm just seeing this now.

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's dried blood in pic2 and looks like a needle mark in pic1

Our Lord, vanquish this evil from your Earth, Amen.

Hcqueen ago

Who in their right mind would ever think of these pictures as art 😪

GeorgeT ago

Megyn F$&@n Kelly where are you!!!!? Still fake news Jacke? Sessions what the hell are you doing?! Did they threaten you!??

GeorgeT ago

Oh my dear lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KittyTigerlily ago

Does this child have bruises around her mouth?

User890020 ago

What are those bruises?

Onetime1 ago

The bruises may well be some type of jam due to both the apparent coloring and consistency. Make NO mistake, however, that the pictorial intent is to prompt fantasies of infant irrumation, a favored pastime of Caligula. This practice of skull fucking of infants, BTW, was a big theme throughout Alefantis' instagram pictures.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

SO disturbing. I can't bare this much longer!

GeorgeT ago

I don't want to even go there!!!! But we have to!!! I really want to look into Jeff Session's head to see where he is at!

fartyshorts ago


carmencita ago

Oh God. Pic #1 & 2 are making me cry. How horrible. Is that what they think is art? Lord help that child.


I'm infuriated. Those poor little baby's. This makes me feel crazy. I'm not saying anything else or I'll say something that I shouldn't.

PedoStomper ago

The worst part is when shills and normies tell us that WE'RE pedophiles for finding these images to be sick and weird. I remember when Alefantis' IG was being passed around, SO SO many people making the excuse of "YOU'RE the one who's making it sexual! You don't know the backstory! You're projecting your own sick thoughts and desires onto these children! YOU are the pedophiles!" I think that is nothing but a simple deflection tactic.

lisaolivia1 ago

You don't have to say anything. We all feel it.

carmencita ago

It boggles the mind doesn't it? Just when you think you have seen it all, they make you sick all over again. Don't worry, no one will fault you, these are Pedo Scumbags.

argosciv ago

First I'm hearing of an Alex Podesta... actual family relation to John and Tony?

Did a google search, images were enough to make me return here and upvoat @Eggs-Vs-Bacon's comment xD

This is gonna get interesting...

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

I remember people here at v/pg trying to figure out if he was a relation, might have been back in the beginning of things a year ago. I don't think it was ever figured out for sure?

Here, I found a couple of old threads

argosciv ago

/shrug my memory is for shit sometimes, my bad for forgetting he was brought up!

Thanks for dredging up the previous threads :D

pizzaequalspedo ago

He has.

And he’s a fucking disgrace like the entire Podesta family and pretty much the entire political establishment.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Well he sure seems like a fucking freak.