Vindicator ago

@HebrewHieroglyph: Why are you reposting things previously removed for violating submission rules? That demonstrates a serious disregard for this subverse and its researchers. Removing per Rule 1. Read the rules in the sidebar and get a clue.

HebrewHieroglyph ago

Kill yourself.

Vindicator ago

Wakin' up the sleeper shills accounts, are you. Too funny.

Commoner ago

Does the devil use a certain language?

HebrewHieroglyph ago

Uh Huh lol

carmencita ago

This is just as stupid as it was 8 months ago.

WeepingWillows ago

Keep up the good work. Don't let divisions distract you.

HebrewHieroglyph ago

You said "He" ran racine.

HebrewHieroglyph ago

How come?

CompletelySatanic ago

Besta Pizza lol