tanukihat ago

This is not news.

carlip ago

Fake and gay. Stay in your shitboard

minusco2 ago

When @Crensch was born, he ruined his family. When he grew up, he ruined their reputation.

Now he is trying to ruin voat @puttitout @system

Crensch ago

When @Crensch was born, he ruined his family. When he grew up, he ruined their reputation.

Now he is trying to ruin voat @puttitout @system

Written by @minusco2

Cheesebooger ago

Its been known for a long time about the jewish sickness in tinseltown

minusco2 ago

He played cards with The Devil and The Advocate came to collect.

Cheesebooger ago

Someone made a flurry of tweets back in 2011. I came across it today somehow and thought it was very odd. I don't think its a mad fan or a troll. I am a huge VH fan, btw


SarMegahhikkitha ago

If you look at the ban logs, these people being banned (making highly-upvoted posts btw) are being labelled as Amalek even though nobody's seen Amalek in a year. Seems like that's what happens when you have atheists like /u/Crensch from SRS under the very payroll of the people they're supposedly in charge of witch-hunting. (The /v/ProtectVoat mod teams mods /v/SoapBoxBanHammer; anyone who really thinks they're protecting Voat from SRS instead of protecting SRS from investigation lacks basic reasoning skills).

Crensch ago

Go protect your penis-sucking rabbis, Jew.

minusco2 ago

Wow... I'm Jewish and I don't believe in circumcision. I think it's heinous.
You have just used prejudice to obfuscate the matter at hand, which is that you are banning real journalists from /v/pizzagate and it has been going on for months in order to demoralise the researchers and make it seem like momentum is failing, well guess what, we haven't even got started yet.

Crensch ago

Wow... I'm Jewish and I don't believe in circumcision. I think it's heinous.

Shut up, kike. Nobody believes you.

You have just used prejudice to obfuscate the matter at hand, which is that you are banning real journalists from /v/pizzagate and it has been going on for months in order to demoralise the researchers and make it seem like momentum is failing, well guess what, we haven't even got started yet.

Jews and shill organizations have been accusing PG of this since it started, and not a single one of you has come up with any real evidence of this, despite being asked for it and given a platform upon which you can present your findings.

You are massively in the red since the latest batch of mods. AT BEST you've gotten MF on a small technicality.

Keep at it, Jews. I'm happy to turn on the gas for you any time.

minusco2 ago

You will be dealt with by Satan, my Father.

Crensch ago

I will feed your ashes to pigs.

minusco2 ago

Oh sigh, shut up.

Crensch ago

Soap, or lampshade? I'll let you decide.

Cheesebooger ago

I was just talking with him through PM earlier about someone who tweeted about David Lee Roth......holy shit

RemoteViewer1 ago

Lets hang all the kid fuckers bye the end of the year shall we ? ;)

voatusernamevoat ago

Won't be any faggots left after that. https://kek.gg/i/5cK6HC.png


Give me a letter signed by jeff sessions and ill start tonight

pipilongstockings ago

Marcia, marcia, marcia...whats with the astroid?

Kregan ago

Ok so what does this mean aside from what I have read in the title? Please explain like I am 5, I am very curious. Sincerely, thank you!

BlissGoat ago

I will DM you

minusco2 ago


Isis https://imgur.com/a/wWTgq

The Real Secret Of Las Vegas and NASA https://vid.me/8ifs8

For Hillary, It Takes Villages. It Didn't Take A Village For Steve, Despite The Negative Press https://vid.me/gfeIm

pipilongstockings ago

And you sent this why?

Flour ago

Niggers like you are annoying as hell. Shit post more, faggot.

unabashed_centrist ago

I fail to see how any of this is helpful, pertinent, or relevant...or even related to their respective titles. This looks like vaporwave, only with less vapor. People need context.

Seriously, if you want some help, be less oblique. We'll help - I swear to fuck. At least I will. But these are a tiny step above YouTube Poops, and I mean that with all due respect.

unabashed_centrist ago

Reading now. It opens like a PMRC screed. NASA and early 80's goth/industrial music? Oh, you guys are not getting on my good side here.

minusco2 ago


It's a group of insiders from Hollywood, NASA, Financial Sector, Politics... You get the gist.

The information is so wide spread, that it is extremely hard to condense into one tangible post, without scaring away readers through boredom. The alternative, is to capture their interest with small nuggets and hope they put in the leg work.

Basically, it has been uncovered the money laundering system which connects Hollywood, Child Trafficking and the arms industry.

The bridge between the UK and USA in this area, is found among The Clinton Foundation and their connections to Ricky Dearman and Haiti child charities/trafficking fronts. There are thousands of shell companies set up in the UK by one individual "Barbara Kahan" (even the Prime Minster's brother David Cameron was using them). MET Police, Hollywood, School Teachers, The Church of England - all have positions in these fake companies, which children released to the police were being used to sell child porn/snuff. The officer who interviewed these children, had their tapes leaked to the public because their behaviour was paedophilic in the witness interviews!!!

Ricky Dearman, the father of the children (who is accused of child abuse/murder) frequents Warner Brothers Studios in America... He has connections to HAITI and Clinton Foundation...

It's all one big ponzi scheme of the most debauched shit and the worst of society are benefitting... Correction, were.

pipilongstockings ago

I see, the Hopi indians prophecy. The world would be destroyed because of sex and drugs. A web of such incases the world.

minusco2 ago

Any particular reason why you sent me a horrible image under a different account?

pipilongstockings ago

Not me.. I dont even know how to do that. Why would you pick me to question?

minusco2 ago

You must think I am stupid.

pipilongstockings ago

Yes I do if ur accusing me of something I didnt do. Why are you harrasing me?

minusco2 ago

Well you blocked me on twitter.

pipilongstockings ago

Really? Ive never had a twitter account. Leave me alone.

minusco2 ago

Deny it all you like.

Live in a fantasy world.

The elves are uncannily accurate.

minusco2 ago

The elves told me it was you.

minusco2 ago

I see.

unabashed_centrist ago

Everyone knew about the young starlets having to give sleazy directors head to get parts...that's not the news here. This is...darker, creepier shit. This is "random baby abducted from front yard when mom turns away for a second so he can be fucked in every hole and then sacrificed to Moloch" level shit. Fuck all of these people, from John Podesta on down (which is who I thought you guys were really focused in on). Why NASA, though? You'd think those guys would get enough kicks from just being at the cutting edge of technology and, you know...doing stuff - not little kids. :( That really makes me sad.

I don't doubt these pukes are all connected and I applaud your efforts. But good god man, those videos.

minusco2 ago

Because Jack Parsons is my Father.

unabashed_centrist ago

You know...there's an OTO chapter in my town. I've always thought that they were just trying to force a bunch of unnecessary ritual on actual magick users that get caught in their communities in order to keep them from realizing their actual potential so they can't fight in the big, gnarly battle that's supposed to coming any time now. That, however, is some insane shit for another day, and another thread. ;)

Crensch ago

Welcome to the PG opposition mods and legit users have been dealing with since the beginning.

None of this is legitimate, it's forum sliding with infinite "leads".

unabashed_centrist ago

And from a top down perspective, impossible to argue against because you'll just be seen as trying to silence or sway the narrative. That's quite a pickle. It's probably not even malicious (although it might be) - this could all be chalked up to our predilection to find patterns in everything and search for reason.


Crensch ago

Mmm, I pretty much tear these faggots a new one. When somebody has an issue with a mod, I offer for them to bring their evidence. These shill fucks (or disappointingly stupid accusers) are so in the red with their evidence that it's become a game.

This happens at least twice a month, and it usually ends the same way. I say, "ok, evidence?" and they whine and get all emotional about things.

As an [O] of PG, I don't get caught up in the day-to-day. I don't make friends here, I don't know the users from the shills until an accusation is placed. Because of that, nobody can really accuse me of swaying or silencing any narrative.

Those that DO accuse me of that are ignoring the fact that I have removed mods that step out of line.