DoughMallet ago

If there's any justice this guy will spend the last year of his life eating glass.

momojaja ago

Julian Assange will have the last laugh if there is any justice in this world!

coincidencesmyass ago

So along with occultism pedophile, I will now add class A jerk to his resume.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

What a pussy.

quantokitty ago

When Podesto & Co. are in jail where they belong, let's all tweet him pics of what we're eating that day!

Bet it'll beat prison food. Right, JP?

Sandy008 ago

Talk about an elitist. Hopefully one day he'll get lobster risotto as his very last meal, before he is extinguished via capital punishment. No punishment is too harsh for a pedophile!

MeatballPizza ago

I remember that. Asshole. We will revisit this in a few months.

grlldcheese ago

From the White House. Hopefully with Assange as a guest of honor.

MeatballPizza ago

Exactly. He and Snowden deserve pardons or whatever it takes for them to lead normal lives here in the U.S.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Eh. What a creep.

That really is a glimpse into the way he sees himself and others.

derram ago :

John Podesta on Twitter: "3. I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassy."

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