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srayzie ago

So the brother, Alex Podesta, (what I've heard over and over) is supposedly an artist. Would it show if he was adopted? He's weird like the Podesta brothers if this is him. He loves adults dressed as bunnies A couple of pictures:

delicateflower ago

If this is a brother, why wasn't he mentioned in his mother's obit? Chicago has a very good birth index that I can check later to make sure but I wonder if he is their brother.

srayzie ago

I looked thru voat. I found this...

So, according to this thread, this is the right guy but we don't know if it's his brother. It was floating on Twitter that it's a brother. So I don't know how he's related.

srayzie ago

I'm not sure. I've heard from people here and Twitter about another brother. I know that they said he's an artist. I think his name is Alex but not sure on that one. This particular Facebook may not be the one right Alex. We need to try to find out.

equineluvr ago

That is messed up!