anonOpenPress ago

Looming forward for @pizzagatebot visit (archived links)

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Anyone want to take a guess as to wtf this tweet means!

princess @IegibIe Follow if you're sad over a guy, remember that you can create humans, bleed for 7 days without dying & swallow kids. all guys do is lie & nut quick 12:06 PM - 11 Mar 2017

Criticalthinker615 ago

she is talking about being a birth, menstrate, oral sex.. kind of juvenile imo

Micheal84 ago

You have a link to this tweet?

Micheal84 ago

Thanks, i think what she means is:

Create humans: women can get babies.

Bleed for 7 days: women have periods.

Swallow kids: probably swallow semen during a BJ.

Just my thoughts, correct me if im wrong ;)