happyme73db ago

Good researching.... Podesta is not a common name so I would guess there is a connection somewhere.... one good clue about spotting a sociopath(archon) is that they are not creative at all but they don't recognize this... what they think is art looks stupid to the rest of us.... it is a good way to find them..... look for stupid art that makes big money..... stupid music..... singers who can't sing(Majestic Ape), dancers who can't dance, writers who can't write.... and a big one... Actors who can't act..... there are a lot of those.

stickittotheman ago

Those pics are proof the human race has gone bat shit crazy and is prime for extermination. What's more insane than the art is the dimwits that are going to see it.

The_Kuru ago

This has gotta be a fucking joke. But it could be the new Democratic Art. I remember back when the Democrats were funding Mapplethorpe and crucifix in a jar of urine with tax payer money. But that wasn't enough for these sick deplorable bastards so now they gotta drag the kids into it.

2impendingdoom ago

Did you find the mary podesta obit? it might mention an Alex. use the search -->

ArthurEdens ago

I couldn't find him mentioned in Mary's obituary, It's possible he is one of the "25 other people" she adopted.

2impendingdoom ago

Do you think the photo is him? You could always call the gallery and ask for his bio. The art is pretty stupid though, adults dresses as bunnies is pretty hack and not original at all. I've seen better shop windows.

ArthurEdens ago

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the art either. Yes, the photo in his studio is him. His bio is here... http://www.alexpodesta.com/bio It says he was born in N Carolina and raised in Virginia, so it's even more possible he was adopted unless it's a common name in Virginia. Notice the antlers on his site. Very True Detective/Comet Pizza mural

2impendingdoom ago

Oh god, the kid was probably mind controlled. Sad that this is his memories. Sadder that it is considered art. I don't think he is very significant, unless he is related and his work is used for money laundering.

2impendingdoom ago

That's possible. It seems odd that there are so many Podesta's into pedo biz, so I would guess that there is a relationship. Maybe its a pseudonym.