Alex_Jones ago

does this diet include GMO vegetables, genetic chimerias, heavily sprayed with pesticides and herbicides?

orderofages ago

Manna from heaven Bill.

FeLpZ187 ago

Don't link to reddit, or decade old, unfunny memes, you fucking tool.

AngB23 ago

First of all, this is not a tie to Pizzagate. Your attempt to squawk to the masses via your PETA attempt of everyone turning into a vegetarian is pathetic.

If you really want to help your cause, maybe start protesting and calling out those that use children and then hybrid with PIGS organs and make a lot of cash off of it. Because theres just a HUGE amount of kids dying in "accidents" and quick responders cutting their organs out and transferring them in time for harvesting. Ya, thats believable (not). But since you care more about the animals versus the humans, the pigs and other animals parts used for harvesting are also killed just for their organs. And I'm sure they don't care about killing them humanely.

Or maybe you can protest to Bayer/Monsanto Franken Seeds that make feed for animals that causes tumors, cancers and basically their stomachs becoming mangled masses of goo from this shit. Sure, it's killing humans too, but you know, save the animals.

They don't want us to become vegans, they want to depopulate and kill us off by whatever means possible. So your are completely off base and need to rethink your angle.

ReptilianGland ago

A pig has the same intelligence as a three year old child.

Let's have a discourse about your moral obligation to one and not the other.

AngB23 ago

You completely miss the point. Hurry up, grab it, it's above your head

ReptilianGlands ago

Oh great, a woman pretending to be an intellectual and immediately falling into an ad hominem attack of one who questions her fragile version of reality. Clap clap clap. Well done.

AngB23 ago

This coming from a complete idiot pretending to be an all knowing yet doesn't know who exactly to shove moral responsibility on. Grow some BALLS and call out the Draco Elites that are in control and doing this to us all. Not those of us that are desperately trying to help innocent human victims. Or, as I was trying to imply above, if those that care so much for the animals (more than children) banned TOGETHER and UNITED for a common cause of crimes against humanity, (which animals are being sacrificed as well) more would get done.

But go ahead and fall for the divide and conquer, bcuz it will get you very far {insert sarcasm}

ReptilianGlands ago

Ah I see, you lack a conscience. That makes sense.

AngB23 ago

I'm a fucking vegetarian you moron. But I have a soul and when innocent children are raped, tortured, beaten and murdered, I chose these humans above all else. You're so sad, get a life.

ReptilianGlands ago

You choose to sit on an online forum and pretend you are contributing to the greater good, while doing nothing but snarking beings from another world who are here to help you.

I see.

AngB23 ago

If you were truly from another world helping others, you would not criticize those trying to help defenseless kids with reckless abandon. That is helping no one. That is mocking, condoning, ridiculing, condensending and coming across as evil. I don't see a worker of light acting like this. If you plan on helping and making a difference, you need to brush up on your approach skills.

And again, throwing the blame back to me (MY moral obligation, I'M siting on an online forum.) yet what exactly are you doing?

Hi pot, meet kettle.

HumbleAlien ago

Yes beings from other worlds are shaped just as you expect from ET and other Speilberg delights which feature pedophilia.


ReptilianGland ago

I hate PETA. They kill dogs.

EvaEverywhere ago

"The current state of the meat industry is unquestionably evil."

This is correct but humans remain omnivores. The meat industry is evil because of greed. I have financed an "insects as food" R&D project for over 18 months now and I still don't want to eat insects... I will this winter as we move into the transformation phase (in the test kitchen) but I look forward to the completion of our own custom Soylent formula more LOL A vegan diet is very expensive and out of reach of more than half the population who is targetted by 99 cent burgers made of tortured beef. I too wonder if consuming tortured animals has a negative effect on our collective psyche. Not everybody can grow their own meat or go hunting but it will help that those of us who are maximally advantaged in life document the process so it's less daunting for others. Growing insects is within reach of anyone with 4 square feet on space and 40$.

ReptilianGland ago

Why the hell would you eat insects when you can eat delicious vegetable based foods?

EvaEverywhere ago

Because I don't want to be a weak sickly stick with various food-related deficiencies. But I do grow much more vegetables than insects or animals. OMNIvorism...

ReptilianGlands ago

Oh look, a 98 year old practicing surgeon, who happens to be vegan. Gee I can't work out who has better medical comprehension, them or a partially automated voat user. Hmm.... Tough.

EvaEverywhere ago

Yes everybody knows you are a "a partially automated voat user".

UpperEchelon ago

People wont like this because the are so deep under mind control and don't want to admit it.

dickface888 ago

Shut up dipshit

UpperEchelon ago

Now now Christ son.

dickface888 ago

Why are you commenting shill nonsense from a 20 minute old account I wonder?

FeLpZ187 ago

says the dude with a 2mo account...

HumbleAlien ago

Exactly bro! Hypocrites the lot of them

Never will make the cut.

dickface888 ago

I'm previously dickface8, and someone else before that. Forget my passwords..

UpperEchelon ago

Same reason you are DarkMath I guess.

dickface888 ago


UpperEchelon ago


DarkMath ago

"The truth is pizzagate was created to turn the world vegan."


Fuck off shill.


Madwack ago

Nice :)

Pizzagate was created to make us all vegans!!!!!

holy shit....MY PANTS!!!!

FeLpZ187 ago

you call him a shill yet are the only one posting bullshit? ok

ReptilianGland ago

I make the rules. If you don't like it, leave the planet bot.

DarkMath ago

Stopping covering for child rapists and organ harvesters.

You better hope there is no God.


LunaticLadder ago

They are God, stupid.

DarkMath ago

God doesn't rape children.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.


LunaticLadder ago

God doesn't torture sentient beings for the pleasure of the tongue.


DarkMath ago

I don't care how you describe it. God doesn't rape children. God KILLS those who rape children.

That's obvious don't you think?

UpperEchelon ago

God also kills the meat eaters. Did you forget to go to bible study?

There is a name for those who consume flesh, the riffraff .

DarkMath ago

"God also kills the meat eaters."

Really? Which God would that be?

UpperEchelon ago

“The meat was still between their teeth, not yet chewed, when the anger of the Lord blazed forth against the people and the Lord struck the people with a very severe plague. That place was named Kibroth-hattaavah.

Kibroth-hattaavah? That translates to, “the graves of craving.”

... then died soon thereafter, and were buried in the Graves of Craving.

Genesis 1:29, that we are to eat plants and only plants

DarkMath ago

God objects to GLUTTONY not meat.

This isn't complicated. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all allow the eating of meat with exceptions for Jews and Muslims of course.


ReptilianGland ago

No really, it was.

DarkMath ago

Dear person who created their account 57 minutes ago,

No it wasn't.

Now kindly fuck off.


ReptilianGland ago

Dear Robot.

You fail. Pack up your things and leave.

DarkMath ago

Robot? A robot wouldn't have skinned your ass so deftly.

I'm a real person.

And you're an either a child rapist or working for child rapists.

Either way, you better hope there is no God.
