15159632? ago

I won't lie, freshie. When I first started coming here regularly and not just fucking with the obvious SRS shills, I thought you were an annoying incompetent retard. The more I see from you, the more I know I was wrong.

Thanks for sticking around, man. Glad we can work together, even if you don't know who I am.

15159085? ago

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15092474? ago

Thank you for speaking up. Nice gun.

15087058? ago

v/SoapboxBanhammer did nothing wrong

15082851? ago

@PuttItOut doesn't seem to want to address it because it acknowledges a major flaw in the voting algorithm

i stumbled upon the flaws in the voting system on day 1, addressed it a few times, got terribly downvoated by goats, never got a reply from @puttitout, and eventually concluded that he supports that trolling and shilling.

it also lead to stopping my participation on other subverses, and trying to bridge for good relations between old goats and new Q folks. when you are being limited in your freedom of speech by constantly being downvoated for opposing opinions so you can easily lose your voting rights, it makes no sense to talk with goats, many of them just have no decent manners.

15080522? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @HateCumbuckets.

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15080431? ago

@HateCumBuckets... why are you concerned and running back to the Soapbox crew?

Was this information we weren't supposed to know?

15080463? ago

Lol no. Everything on voat is transparent. Sbbh was shut down by the admins while they investigated @freshmeat's claims. Found nothing and reinstated the sub. I just found this post funny.

15080916? ago

my bad if you saw my first comment, i was responding through my inbox and replied to the wrong person. Thank you btw

15080933? ago

I didn't see the content. Am curious to what you said though.

15081008? ago

i was calling someone a liar in a different thread and it seemed aimed towards you. Btw Putt didnt shut SBBH down, that was just more shitposting because they got crushed on the night of the exodus from Qanon.

15080218? ago

If someone is screaming “THE JEWS!!” Then they’re a troll. Tell them to fuck off

15079422? ago

Weirdos. They don’t have anything better to do?

15079418? ago

WE (Qanons) are busy trying to SAVE America.. We will overcome the NPC's and shills and proceed to "Wake" the masses.. The opposition from these boards will not stop the our tasks. MAGA.. WWG1WGA Godspeed Patriots.

15081826? ago

You are the NPCs, you all say the same thing. Look at your post! lol

15080881? ago

"WE (Qanons) are busy trying to SAVE America." By being blind to infiltration and enabling shills or possibly being comped? Are you that cultist that you won't even look at the dangers these filthy shills present? The Germans defended Hitler too. WAKE UP! before its too late and you lose all the good Patriots. You are not the only 'Qanons' by the way, WE who object, are too. Drink that bit of reality juice.

15080655? ago

I don't doubt that in some instances the shills are slowly being turned...

15082185? ago

I highly doubt the payed "shill" really exists...seems contrived...like insurgents, why would the local population want to harm us..must be outsiders kind of mentality. I really think the reach of Soros is way overstated and overestimated. I will never in any way condone fraternization with the enemy...he was a teen in Hungary during the war, my father was 8 years old at the time...he will never speak of 1945. Seeing all his friends shipped away. Soros was a scared young man. My father came to Canada from Hungary after the revolution when the United States let the Hungarian students (my father being one of them) out to dry. I say the students...of course the common citizen was part of the uprising...but the students took the brunt of the retaliations. We find ourselves entering another cold war...only this time it seems to be much closer to home. Just the ramblings of some Canadian who can take or leave Q. As long as something good can come out of all of this. And by good I don't mean military tribunals and public executions. How on earth can/will you live with yourselves if it came to that. Be careful what you wish for.

15082880? ago

why would the local population want to harm us

they envy that posts on our subs receive most of the highest ratings, except for meme posts and stuff.

I highly doubt the payed "shill" really exists

hahahahaha! you think they spend billions on FFs, MSM, manipulation here and there, but not spend on infiltrating social media? oh my, time for another red pill.

15082790? ago

You sound like a jew. A canadian sackless faggot for sure, but a jew as well. Are you leaving out that your father was one of the jew leadership ousted by the revolution?

15082695? ago

I believe in Justice! When the extent of these people's crimes are revealed. The crimes that made a room full of men physically sick. I have to question your motivation for protecting them!

15079729? ago

WE (Qanons) are busy trying to SAVE America..

By praying and shitposting?

15079275? ago

Look, I’m all for working together. But they immigrated here and should be expected to assimilate to the locals. Even the crazy, drunken, racist, Jew-hating, town-idiots. I am a woman and I was raised in a military household and my dad taught me that if you say you don’t like a name we call you in jest, that’s now your permanent new nickname. Moral of the story; quit bitching about name calling. You’ll only make it harder on yourself. Instead, learn to harden yourself against words.

15081199? ago

Your example of name calling is hardly a good example. This is not a cute family calling each other cute little names. We are in a war, don't you get that? This is serious business.

15081275? ago

Do you? This shit is day one shilling. Shilling 101. It should be almost effortless to get rid of these people. Instead you’re getting all emotional and putting us on defense instead of focusing on the offense. At the end of the day, no one gives a fuck about who hurt your feelings on the internet. Scroll and roll if that’s your preferred method. Acknowledging the trolls or arguing with them is equivalent to giving them a platform. You are allowing them to effect your reality and it’s fucking pathetic.

15081427? ago

Who said my feelings were hurt? See you just gave yourself away. You just assume things about people which is why you go on name calling. And I was not arguing with any shills or trolls. I made a point about you making silly comments that have nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Can't look in the mirror, can you? Grow up.

15079409? ago

Are you implying I'm the one cryin about that shit? did you even look at my account?

I'm saying the first waves of refugees all loved it and enjoyed eachother, now when new waves try to come here you guys act like its your own private clubhouse when even Putt himself said he wish people would be more welcoming to new waves (which directly benefits the site via donations).

Pretty sure he was referring to SBBH spamming the fuck out of every new exodus that comes here, they get drowned out in QRV but their shit posts are still getting 500+ views.

Thats more than anywhere else on this site.

15080569? ago

So how do the views correlate into upvotes. A post will only generally get 10-20 upvotes. Where's the manipulation?

15078838? ago

Sometimes I think maybe lifting anonymity can be helpful to this sub: after the lift, we are still anonymous to each other, we are still identified to DS and Q team, our post history are open and shills can be spotted. Freedom of speech is an idiot's notion: Anonymity doesn't help it.
Besides, We all support military tribunals right ? Those convicted by a military tribunal, they don't have constitutional rights. Same with shills, they have no freedom of speech. Case over.

15081242? ago

Bravo. A known criminal doesn't have any right to yell what he wants in a courtroom.

15078763? ago

Truth is theres no organised attack on you guys. You're just a group of crazy reactionaries that say stupid shit and are easy to troll.

15078867? ago

Exactly. It's very clear that q's are easily triggered and more entertaining to troll. Besides, so many of you all showed up at once, what did you expect?

15082911? ago

we showed up 3 months ago... arent you finally done with trying to push us out again?

q's are easily triggered

when i look at how goats downvoat every comment that speaks against racism and a general jew-bashing, i would say its just the other way around.

15083053? ago

Look how much votes matter to you reddit faggots. I never heard anyone cry about point until you queers showed up.

15083170? ago

isnt that interesting? i have never before been concerned about points or votes, it only started here on voat. why that? because the algorithm is flawed, the mob censors, and when the trolls focus on you, you can easily lose your voting, even posting rights. thats why.

15084237? ago

Stop being so easy to troll then you fucking cultist. Lol if you people would just act normal instead of all the"this address by the president had the letter q in it 3 times, q confirmed!" "Its faith trust the plan" actual crazies.

15084454? ago

if you people would just act normal instead of all the"this address by the president had the letter q in it 3 times, q confirmed!"

thats only a minority, most people here DO act 'normally'.

your reply just shows the usual voat disease: generalization. get annoyed about a few, project it on all, hate all.

grow the fuck up, dude, and use your brain cells. those 3.

15084509? ago

Thats just factually wrong. Read the shit your fellow qtards post objectfully instead of just blind following. Its lunacy. I think senility is a better word considering the general age of qtards.

15078748? ago

Tell us about the site admin. Isn't he part of SBBH?

15079932? ago

They're the nicest assholes you'll ever meet.

15078717? ago

@freshmeat is part of that group. Check his comments about Jews. He is a nazifag through and through.


15079045? ago

Um I follow Q but also realize that jews push white genocide. They are not even shy about it

15079101? ago

@freshmeat has made many alt accounts with antisemitic names. He also uses sockpuppet accounts to take multiple sides to disrupt. I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't made a number of false flag attacks to present himself as a "friend" in the fight.

15079130? ago

Show me one active alt of mine. I stay on a single account. I dont even log out.

15079331? ago

You brigade all the time. I am not going to give you any more clues. I don't want you and your SDBH allies to destroy my account.

15079438? ago

You brigade all the time

Find a single example. Alternatively, since you know you can't, take a peek at all the objective brigading I have exposed.

I am not going to give you any more clues. I don't want you and your SDBH allies to destroy my account.

Lol i love how SRS is calling other people SRS. You faggots literally have nothing besides zerg retard rush.

15079120? ago

Hmm maybe you're right. Never looked into it

15078641? ago

the purpose of VOAT seems to make people not ask questions and just be antisemitic. Why blame the Rothschild/Rockefeller factions, or the nazi 4th reich faction. or the zionist Khazar faction or any other specific faction we can just blanket blame all jews and create a nice anti semitic story for the media..... Thats the real purpose of VOAT isnt it guys. This place CIA run?

15078893? ago

Lol, retard. The roths are fucking jews. Holy crap you guys really are as stupid as they say

15082931? ago

many of you guys sound like toddlers who, finally free of their parents punishment for foul mouths, troll and scream around your blames.

as long as you dont understand that khazarians are not israelites, you stay stupid. as long as you dont realize that its not the responsibility of all jews that some khazarians took over control of the world, you stay stupid. as long as you keep generalizing, you are eternally stupid.

same program like NPC, only on the opposite side. oh my.

15079142? ago

The Rothschilds are not jews they hare the descendants of the khazar warrior clan who lied to the world 700 years ago and became jewish in a political move. you do not know enough about history and my main claim about voat remains the same. Either you are a CIA shill or just a retard.

15080635? ago

my vote is 'tard'

15079224? ago

^ 500 points to someone who did their research.

15078588? ago

I often think about the lives these people lead where all they do is troll anonymously online, day and night. Like getting a kick out of that is bizarre to me. Makes me wonder who they are and why they do it. With all of the amazing shit you can do in this world, they choose that. In a way, I feel sorry for them.

Imagine a monday morning conversation with one of them at the office...

"how was your weekend dude?"

"Ohh it was great man, this girl wanted to hang out but i told that bitch no, hunkered down and trolled QRV! You should have seen this one comment I made. It was a zinger!"

Like really man, pathetic! Fucking pathetic.

Trolls, get a fucking life. I mean that. Life is slipping you by. You will regret this shit one day, I promise you that.

15078913? ago

Says the guy typing words into the very same forum. Pathetic!

15078952? ago

Is that the zinger you're going to tell your coworker on Monday?!

15078934? ago

The fact that you can't see the difference, explains a fuck of alot!

15078545? ago

Thanks for posting this. This will help us mobilize a little faster. Cut through the brush.

15078475? ago

Welcome to actual free speech. Don't like it? You're free to leave. Either embrace the freedom of speech or fuck off

15082943? ago

freedom goes hand-in-hand with responsibility. its not freedom of speech ot act like a toddler throwing one tantrum after the other. how about going out into the woods and scream out your frustration? free speech doesnt mean needing to have bad manners.

15078835? ago

If you walk into a public store yelling at the top of your lungs like a retard then dont act surprised when you are kicked out. Same logic applies to "shitposters" (they arent shitposters, they are noise creators)

15078443? ago

If you all weren't so retarded, you wouldn't be so suscpetible to trolling.

15078957? ago

So you act retarded to prove that we're retarded?

15079072? ago

Ooooh good come back.

15078319? ago

Can these "genesis's" hijack your identity and create posts that look like they come from you? I keep getting comments and reply's about stuff I didn't write. Creepy dude's or dud's.

15078847? ago

yeah i dont know if that bug is fixed or not frankly

15096794? ago

It bugs but I try to ignore. Almost got baited a few times.

15078091? ago

I figured some of these concernfags were trolls.

15081164? ago

They are not all trolls. You anons on here sound like you HATE newcomers. I am new to voat (a few months) but not to Q (since day one with Q). To be honest, I cringe many times when I see you anons consider yourself so superior that you turn a lot of would be red pilled people away with your name-calling, tard calling. You claim you are here to save America....how many people have you turned away with your shill calling, tard calling? Are you really saving America or are you turning the new people away? Or do you just want your little protected secret, priviledged club? Ring a bell? Just like the Free Masons. Learn from the mistakes of the past or repeat them (on a much smaller scale of course).

15082966? ago

how many people have you turned away with your shill calling, tard calling?

how many people has voat turned away with trolling us, calling us names, bloating out their frustration with jews and colored people, and violent posts and comments?

i know many Q folks who dont come to toxic voat. and, as i see it, the toxidity doesnt mainly come from external shills but from the goats. they set the standard here, and the standard is messy, completely misunderstood 'freedom of speech'. go figure.

15087809? ago


15081555? ago

Calm down I said some.Especially the ones who call qanons qtards and say things like fuck q.

15077936? ago

Thanks for the heads up Patriot.

The manipulated post you mentioned https://voat.co/v/QRV/2857439

It's been downvoted, so Patriots in QVR is doing well over them trolls/shills.

15077956? ago

I noticed that and really appreciate it. It was rising at first but since it has been clarified the real votes poured in. God bless you all

15078819? ago

Tell your gay friends to fuck off back to reddit. Oh who am i kidding, qfags must've been so annoying, even the jews didn't want you

15078606? ago

So you guys are using this board for organized raids on other users on the site. Thanks for admitting why actual goats hate this hostile takeover of the site.

15078870? ago

Actual goats didnt get the treatment you are giving Qanons when they were banned from reddit, just like we once were. Have some more respect for the site, in the words of Putt. We all got here through malicious circumstances

15079060? ago

Yes actual goats did. Other groups either adapted or left, only the Q people have stayed and demanded the site change to suit their delecate feels. Remember what happened to the donald? How do you not remember these things.

15079085? ago

You mean like SBBH did with Putt and Atko and Fuzzy and She?

15079153? ago

What are you talking about? You think SBBH was responsible for what happened to She? Can you depend 1 minute to fully type out what you mean. You are not Q, I shouldn't have to spend time deciphering your posts. Besides I was the one that got She b& from FPH after searching diligently for the one time she said something positive about a hamplanet. I'm not from SBBH, that is the only sub I even filtered. Now please retype your post in a way that actually makes sence in co text because you are making it sound like She and others trying to take over the board are victims or on any level the same as Atko.

15079203? ago

SBBH/the tranny Fuzzy, and their ilk are responsible for many of the changes to this site due to their "dedication" to code for voat for free.

this is the tranny who coded voat for the majority of 2017

15079281? ago

Didn't know who Fuzzy was, but what a great derail from the conversation we were having about the Qfags an masse asking for the site to change and that suiting the people you are describing.

15079449? ago

I'm saying if you are going to have standards dont have double standards. If you disagree that SBBH is having a negative impact overall on this site then go take a 5.

15080430? ago

I am not having double standards, I even gave an example of me helping to drive She off the site because She tried to take it over. You are saying I have double standards over things I did not know about which is ridiculously stupid. I already told you my opinion on that sub, you ignore what I said in order to straw man and pretend I said anything about supporting them. Once again this is a complete derailment of my previous post, in fact ironically you are the one with the double standard because you made a thread supporting the Qfags taking over the site while I was against both doing it.

15078827? ago

"Rules for thee"

15078525? ago

Lol you guys are doing the same shit ur complaining about. Too funny. Why do you cry about brigading when qultists have done even more than sbbh could ever even dream of. There are how many of you, and how many of them? Ya'll are no different than the jewbags that run this country

15082971? ago

Why do you cry about brigading when qultists have done even more than sbbh could ever even dream of.

where? give sauce or it never happened.

15078898? ago

Oh yeah pointing out obvious shilling efforts is the same thing as actually shilling. Nice logic there Nancy Grace

15078389? ago

It's good that you posted your information.

I too saw that post you mentioned, and it just looks out of place. Now with your context, I understand what they're doing.

Just more context on what they're up to. Every information helps!

15077875? ago

If there are obvious bad actors, disrupting the board, doesn't that preclude any protection they would (AND SHOULD) receive for ordinary free speech?

Just sayin, they are shitheads, we dont care if they want to disagree with us, but thats not what they are doing when they actually disrupt the boards. Disrupting another persons free speech is not free speech. Sure it could be loosely tied to an 'idea' but no one wants to suppress their 'ideas', we just want them to piss off and stop disrupting.

For the record, I dont care that they probably wont be banned and I'm not asking for it, I'm just stating the obvious difference between voicing an opinion and disrupting others trying to do the same.

15083651? ago

old goats said from the outset, QVR should not be anonymous

if a known dickhead makes a comment in G.A, the regular users there know to take it with a grain of salt. This sub being anonymous has just made it flypaper for shills

15083279? ago

OP is buttmad because he posted some “humorous”* underage bestiality that was noticed by an sbbh poster before he had the opportunity to delete.

Notice for yourself precisely what OP (and sock puppet top responder) is actually doing: Calling for the division of freedom-loving people.

*OP’s excuse. I bet most of QRV also watches a teenager fuck a donkey for kicks

15082981? ago

there ye go... free speech doesnt mean bashing everyone who doesnt hold your opinion. voat isnt moderated by 'leaders' but by a mob. arghhh.

15078026? ago


15078596? ago

The cultists are down voting you because they disagree lol. Bunch of emotional cunts

15078815? ago

I don't care about points, likes or dislikes I'm not a media whore like they. I have food, water, and bullets, they have keyboards

15079097? ago

And they think they are at war lool.

15078065? ago

^See, I've got no problem with that.

However, posting nonsense all day as POSTS and including pictures of your balls, is not that same as what you just did.

15078186? ago

The problem arises once one with a different opinion brings more to the table than the OP and then moderation kicks in to go with the higher percentage position SOCIALISM

15078735? ago

My only concern was disruption.

I have no desire to control the conversation.

15078915? ago

Get the fuck out of the game if you can't handle the disruption. That will continue to be the spearhead from here on,dont be stupid thinking your holding a position that is decades ahead of your (clearly) current position. Best ramp up,shit will be getting "New Level" real very shortly.(actually already is but your a step or two short clearly)

15078933? ago


15078965? ago

Always love the smarter kids,they special like that

15077643? ago

Lol another qtard crying about being trolled. No sense of humor with u cultists. I'm not even with sbbh but i find it hilarious at how easily they ruffle all your feathers. Grow a pair already, it's just trolling. Acting like something is actually being done to u. Fucking words on the internet is hurting ur feelings? Stop being such faggots

15083002? ago

its simple, dude, the world follows what is being said on this sub. shills and trolls calling for violence and generally bashing all jews give the MSM more food against us. they will use it on a FF, and it could eventually lead to entire voat being banned. you guys are stupid if you keep playing your trolling game instead of helping us sorting out the shills.

15078758? ago

You think their weak ass trolling is funny. I haven't seen a single funny line or a funny meme at all. Weak. Very weak. 1/10

15078785? ago

Well, hey. Can't help u there. It is what it is

15077687? ago

Anyone who uses "qtard" or "christfag" is obvious shareblue. Next.

15078658? ago

Or maybe, just maybe, it is pushback from goats against the hostile takeover of the site by a wave of migrants that refuse to adapt to the culture whatsoever.

15083019? ago

after 3 months, still fighting us? we werent hostile, we just came here and were shocked by your aggressive racism and anti-Q-ism. you were hostile, you still are, and your violence makes it difficult to adapt to voat culture. we did adept but youre still screaming from the top of your lungs like kids who dont get their way.

15098701? ago

You are actually using the speech violence argument. What the actual fuck.

15100309? ago

well, if you cant discern between suppressive PC and 'have some manners when you talk to people', i cant help it.

some goats act like toddlers that run wild after having been 'liberated' from their supervisors. now they use all the smear words and insults they were forbidden before as if there were no tomorrow.

when the Q wave moved to voat, i spent 6 intense weeks trying to bridge the cultures, explaining voat to redditors, teach folks how it works here, try to soften the edges, try to invite goats to view us as new goats instead of the enemies you guys treat us like.

its exhausting and i stopped it before burning out. makes no sense. if you want to view us as an enemy, its your choice. if you dont realize that words can be violent and hurting, its your choice. if you think free speech means the right to attack everyone who doesnt hold your opinion, its your choice.

the best people, those who are mature enough to speak their truth without the need to offend and insult, wont talk with you, the mostly dont even come here.

frickin kindergarden voat, fuck it. i stopped participating on other subverses. if you only get shit from people and never a friendly word, the moment comes when you just stop it and stay among your peers.

15100395? ago

When did I show bad manners? All I did was point out that this migrant wave is asking the culture to change, and you are confirming that in a long winded response. You called speech violence and then didn't deny it nor correct yourself, you simply described it as not being suppressive PC stuff and good manners instead. Even though speech is not violence and you are using the terms antifa uses to justify assaulting people. Stop conforming to and using the language of the enemy. No wonder you get bullied when you leave the circle jerk.

15100479? ago

Stop conforming to and using the language of the enemy

giving that back to you. if you only react to trigger words and are unable to look at the message in whole, its your loss.

Even though speech is not violence

not true. there is even a culture that practises non-violent speech, you can train it when you are willing to move beyond your conditioning. if you dont realize that speech can be as violent as fists, you will never get to the finer nuances of communication.

well, may you enjoy your negativity, bullying, attacking... the day may come when you realize its stupidity, and how exhausting it actually is to hold all these emotions and thought forms that make your life a misery and the world you live in a hell. reality is not as it is but as we are. keep your filters and you will never see the real light of day.

btw, we wont go away, no matter how much you bully us. we will just stop talking with you.

15108391? ago

if you only react to trigger words and are unable to look at the message in whole, its your loss

I commented on both, you only chose to respond to one. If you don't realize why adopting the enemies language is an issue then you will not learn why the republicans have been losing for 50 years and been unable to conserve any of our rights.

not true. there is even a culture that practises non-violent speech, you can train it when you are willing to move beyond your conditioning. if you dont realize that speech can be as violent as fists, you will never get to the finer nuances of communication

This is unironically word for word stuff that the communists use. And here I thought you were only accidentally using the language of the enemy.

btw, we wont go away, no matter how much you bully us. we will just stop talking with you

Then follow your own advice commie scum

15109258? ago

This is unironically word for word stuff that the communists use. And here I thought you were only accidentally using the language of the enemy.

life isnt black and white, blue and red. this duality is an illusion ive long stepped out of. i am not partisan, the swamp is everywhere (but if i were american i would have voted red this year). in my country, the alt right is being called nazi because they use key words the nazi used. here, i am called communist because i use words the left uses. both views are stupid generalizations. you think in boxes others have created for you.

i personally hold views that can be found on both sides from the center and my function is more that of a bridge than that of someone who identifies with one polarity and despises the opposite. the right finds me too left, the left finds me too right. fine with me. i vote for human empowerment, and personal and national sovereignty in the consciousness that we are One Humanity. simple.

15078861? ago

SRS is the hostile takeovers of everything

15079017? ago

SRS are goons which has been the eternal enemy of the anon. The goons only stand to profit from the complacicy of the Qult, and the changes and pro censorship that the Qult wants with the site. Anyone who was around when the 10 bux meme came to be would know that the attack vector that these goons would use on a site like this would be through the Qult. Which you are helping to direct while you attempt to organize raids.

15078780? ago

You don't own this place. Last time I checked, it was free to sign up here. Want a private echo chamber faggot? Create your own site. Q is here to stay, no matter how much you goofs troll. Hahahahah

No go cry those bitch ass liberal tears somewhere.

15078926? ago

Goats did make their own site, you were the last batch to come over and then complained about the house rules and free speech. Why don't you Qfags make your own site? Oh yeah because you are being used as a weapon against free speech right wing sites and come as a swarm of locusts. Also we do not want an echo chamber which is why I am bringing it up in the echo chamber full of people looking to drive away the old user base. I have spent a while actually trying to converse with members of the Qult and every time they screech shill even if you just ask a simple question. You don't own this place either, which is why we should coexist which is something that cannot happen when you faggots refuse to follow the rules.

No go cry those bitch ass liberal tears somewhere

Funny coming from someone who acts like an SJW pushing for censorship of things they don't like and the invasion of migrants while saying they do not need to adapt, the culture of the homeland should change to adapt to them. Go back to worshiping your false Q God you heretic.

15078977? ago

They are too retarded to respond without sounding like a complete nutjob

15079086? ago

The audacity of them to come to someone else's home then ask why we are here, and that we should just move and get our own home really shows their mindset.

15078738? ago

@freshmeat finally found a group of people dumb enough to buy his bullshit.

15078416? ago

Ok qtard. Lol christfag is a first for me. Thanks for telling me what triggers u

15077738? ago

Bird shit. Pure unadulterated bird shit.

I'm pro-Q and even I don't suspect all those who say "qtard" are shills.

Moreover, just because someone has the guts to criticize Christianity, doesn't mean they're shills or even being hateful. But, you already know that. Keep up the manipulative bird shit, though.

15078929? ago

this comment and the chain following it are SBBH users, they cant even hide it while anon lol

15078667? ago

Holy shit you made some sense. That almost never happens from Q followers. Hats off to u, i dont agree with ur q leader, but finally, some common sense. Yes, i was the one he called a shill for saying qtard and he taught me christfag lol. Such an idiot

15078699? ago

I'm not your average QAnon lol.

1990 ain't so bad.

15078732? ago

Haha wats up, friend

15079095? ago

Not a lot, just kicking back with some tunes and keeping an eye on things.

Seeing who's pissed off by what, who's pushing narratives, etc.

Thinking about doing a write up on a particularly controversial topic.

15079113? ago

Nice, do it. Even q's are getting a bit boring

15077772? ago

Those specific terms were created by shills distinctly to divide Trump's base. You are either aware or a parroting brainlet. Come up with a better argument.

15079014? ago

You give me way too much credit. Divide? Lol i just want to show you how retarded you are. By all means, please stay together. It's more fun when there are more retards

15077806? ago

Wrong and you know it.

15077855? ago

I know I'm not wrong. Gabara is that you?

15077902? ago

Nice attempt at street magic there.

What's the next talking point on your list?

15077993? ago

I'm sure someone has the original /b/ screenshot of when they started that gay op.

15078180? ago

Couldn't care less.

You go ahead and keep trying to change the subject.

15077385? ago

The fact this is allowed proves Voat is not really about Free Speech. They only want to protect the speech that is the same as what their opinions are.

15083031? ago

this. echo chamber for racism and violent speech.

15084712? ago

Coming from r/TGA, it was quite a shock to see the amount of maladjusted kids (of all ages) this place attracted. Some are probably legit idiots that saw a fresh target for their stale shtick and of course you get the shill/brainwashed victims/NPC crowd doing what they're programmed to do. They're easy to spot and avoid if you want but sometimes it's fun to poke at the shills and level 2 NPCs.

15081075? ago

Free speech is the freedom to say what you like. Including the freedom to call Q a Qult.

15081389? ago

Q is a Cult. But it is the first cult where the members are told to "Think for yourself".

15084144? ago

Is "Trust the Plan" and "WWG1WGA" thinking for yourself? They sound like words of a shepherd.

15078580? ago

No ones forcing u to be here.

15081342? ago

Yeah... That is true. But what also is true is Voat isn't living up to its 'Free Speech' ideals. There is a lot of hypocrisy here. You have a lot of the Old Goats shilling on the QRV forum just because they don't want us to have a 'Free Speech' area.

Go figure....

15079115? ago

IMO it became frustrating because a lot of people thought this would be an open talk platform. Maybe it's just the current social atmosphere by everyone is paranoid they're being infiltrated. If someone asks a legit question about Q that can be construed to be "doubt", the person is relentlessly called a shill. If a Q supporter feels a proof has happened and posts about it, that person is relentlessly called a Q tard and is accused of being an idiot. There's no in between anymore, just like there's no in between when talking politics in real life, people assume you're either a socialist cheerleader or a nazi, nothing in between exists to the majority of people.

15082763? ago

They brought the reddit culture with them. You get votes based on the merits of your contribution here, not following the hivemind. Questions should be engaged. I only downvoate completely inane comments. Too many on these boards are trying to shout over others instead of addressing the points.

15080375? ago

Voat is strenuously allotting in this respect. They can tirade the reddit folk all day long but reddit had a far more civil system and people had conversations like adults. I feel myself falling for the idiocy at times because there is a very prevalent group of shit talkers around here.

15082770? ago

Reddit is for fucking npc sheep you faggot cock smoking nigger. You had conversations at reddit? Then go back there you soyboy brainlet.

15083680? ago


15080153? ago

There’s no acceptable common ground for good and evil.

15077996? ago

Yes, media needs redefined . . . . .

15077551? ago

They do what they accuse you of doing.

15077915? ago

Told you those nazis were really jews!

15078690? ago

this. your message is the purpose of voat in my opinion. make people question in less detail and just blame jews to create a media shit storm. you people muddy the waters. you people stop others from questioning deeper. Yes one of the factions claimed to be jewish 700 years ago. yes one of the factions is a zionist khazar faction. however calling them "the jews" is a low resolution answer. That I believe is the purpose of voat

15078492? ago

Nein. The juden are ze nazis!

15077927? ago


15076939? ago

Been busy filtering as best we can but some do slip through still. About one a day minimum at this time. Thank you for your words.

15078035? ago

Gestapo 101

15076838? ago

What is your opinion on GreatAwakening.

Apart from the [O]wner, who admits to being friends with SBBH, invited only SBBH mods or SBBH karma-farmers to become mods of GreatAwakening, even though none of them had any history of contributing to any Voat QAnon community before they became wanted to moderate GreatAwakening. One had a history of attacking Voat's QAnon communities.

QRV is attacked relentlessly by shills, yet GreatAwakening is left alone.

Weird, huh?

15085461? ago

OP calls this post (clearly downvoted) “manipulated”

Example: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2857439 this is a manipulated post

15096818? ago

manipulated as in lie.

Damn Qanons are really good at spotting SBBH bullshit, this post was almost redundant

15100454? ago

manipulated as in lie

not what you said or meant at the time, but convenient for you now to lie. The Q folks are a good fit for you.

15100554? ago

it was a lie. Even other people noticed it. If i meant votes i would have said votes

15100756? ago

Do you read what you write? Your post says it the post is manipulated. The only other mention of that word is vote manipulation.

It’s your same worn shit, use whatever link to associate whatever narrative and count on the majority not actually checking your claims.

Convenient how they cropped the orange tip out of the photo.

Lol great comment from that thread, btw

15085557? ago

OP is just pissed coz he got doxxed. Faggot with a kike nose got btfo by SBBH

15082442? ago

QRV is reddit.. Best of reddit but reddit none the less. That's all it is. Just pussies who get triggered by the voat immune system... Kike nigger jew gas.. Etc. Then they chimp out and cry nazi and REAL VOATERS know they are from reddit. That's all it is. Voats scary word immune system doing its job.

15083049? ago

Voats scary word immune system doing its job.

'scary word immune system? bullshit. voat is stupid to push so many good people away with their generalized aggression against everybody who is not aligned with bashing colored people, jews, boomers, or whatever you guys are frustrated about.

15087547? ago

Then go back to reddit.... Why are you here? I'LL TELL YOU WHY... because your speech was censored on reddit. It sucked huh? Being there... Having friends there. Knowing the interface... Etc. Then all of a sudden you were thrown from your home and tossed out into the cold...

You were FORCED to stop saying things you believed in. We here at VOAT made this place because we were thrown into the gutter as well. It sucked. I was shadowbanned from reddit for saying "Roland of Gilead is not black" when the dark tower was made into a movie. That was it. No one ever saw my posts on reddit again.

I came here and was kinda shocked at all the shit here... I just went with it and copied and pasted my reddit post here and was applauded. I had found my people. We were forced here. We were concentrated and distilled here. We will not bend or break. We have FREEDOM OF SPEECH HERE.

So do you. YOU HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH BY OUR HAND. We all paid the price for it we still pay the price for it and we will continue to pay the price for it. We do it so everyone has freedom of speech. And people like you come here and spit in our faces. You shit on our doorstep every minute and try to censor our speech. Just like you were censored. You must understand that if you were to be successful in gaining your desires at censoring voat racists speech that you would be next right? YOU WOULD BE NEXT. You would be forced to leave here again all over again. You stand behind us in this war. We take the cannon blows to the face and you hide behind us and say we are bad for defending you.

Then you are shocked that we react negatively. You follow Q? You think you are woke? You are trash. Go read the first ammendment and stop acting like a low iq nigger...

15082567? ago

Is that why you attack President Trump supporters... because you can't tolerate different opinions?

You become fascist and triggered and turn into a Shareblue shill if people express opinions that you don't like?

Perhaps it's you who needs a safe space?

15081701? ago

I've given GA some grief, but they "mostly" cater to a less retarded demographic. Probably will change now that I said that. Some of those California "death ray" fire 'theorists' are dragging it down lately.

15082097? ago

A simple name can change ones attitude...be it just a moniker. How interestingly human of us.

15082327? ago

Why would names not affect attitudes? They're sounds or text with an often rich history of associated meanings and attributes.

15081881? ago

Some of those California "death ray" fire 'theorists' are dragging it down lately.

Perhaps the problem is you don't have an open mind?

Satellite lasers seem unlikely but I see no reason to dismiss them altogether.

It's silly to think our military doesn't have better technology than we know of.

retarded demographic

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." - Raylan Givens

15083281? ago

For the record, they do exist, however, I am unsure if they are truly using them from space. It is the old HERF technology which can be built out of your microwave. I used to play with this when I was in college. However, this is pretty much where they are getting this from, Personally, I believe if they ARE using lasers, it would be from Helicopters or somewhere on the ground.



15085650? ago

Thinking back when terminator was Gov of CA, he and DiFi had a press conference , in regards to NK or China attacking us, stating we have conducted tests and have lasers that could intercept incoming missiles...

15085742? ago

Iron Dome (link follows). That is another use for Millimeter waves (microwaves). I know for a fact the technology exists I cannot say that it was used in Ca for the fires. It would be easily capable of creating fires though with the proper circumstances.


15085850? ago

Microwave radar technology has been around for more than 50 years. Back then they were used for antennas, guidance systems for jet Fighters, etc. That was 50 years ago...

15086124? ago

Yes, that is my point. it is not as High Tech as others suppose.

15085600? ago

If "you" know of a high tech military weapon, it's because it's about 15 years outdated. Have you heard of a "pulse propulsion engine"? They've been testing or using in the ca desert for about 25 years...

15085714? ago

Yep, I know exactly what that is. The thing I am talking about, however, isn't a high tech military weapon. You have one in your kitchen I would bet unless you are Amish. It is simply a reconfigured microwave.

15082253? ago

"*If you run into assholes all day, you're probably hanging out in a place with a high concentration of assholes." -

While I'm willing to solicit evidence for some of the crazier theories people come up with, my mind is thankfully constrained by the plausible. After watching the fires burn across fall-California for many years, hearing someone say they can't imagine anything other than lasers starting them this year lacks a certain degree of credibility... (it's crazy people)

I've talked to the "70% of people are trannies" guy. Same with the "flat earth", and "no space" people, among others. They can never quite seem to come up with actual evidence, but there's aways a reason. "No one can photograph or video the edge of the flat earth where we erroneously believe the south pole to be, because it's prohibited." But if the earth were flat like a plate, wouldn't there be an edge all the way around? Hmm.

Anyway, I've see the space laser people, and they strongly resemble people of low intellect who have no idea what they're even talking about, but come up with random talking points to promote their theories. I'd at least listen to a real space laser person for a minute or so. Or a genuine fire expert with evidence of a laser attack.

15082401? ago

I've talked to the "70% of people are trannies" and the "flat earth" people

Well, you're clearly now an expert on secret military projects then - so I guess your right to down-vote brigade QRV. /s

Congratulations, I guess... In the war to save America and western civilization from becoming enslaved by the Jew World Order, your contribution was to join forces with Mossad, Shareblue and (((fake news))) to attack people who support President Trump. Well done. /s

15084425? ago

  1. What would the point of downvoting be in a sub where votes don't count?

  2. Are you suggesting that Trump isn't the greatest friend Israel has ever had? Q was right when he said this is bigger than you can imagine. I'll bet the jews got a good chuckle out of that one.

15084585? ago

What would the point of downvoting be in a sub where votes don't count?

Burying posts and comment.

Are you suggesting that Trump isn't the greatest friend Israel has ever had?


15079883? ago

QRV is attacked relentlessly by shills, yet GreatAwakening is left alone:

It's easily offended and triggered while also rather annoying. That's why.

QRV is goats trolling redditors (as well as goats trolling each other). Greatawakening is mostly just goats.

15080099? ago


15079961? ago

Why would Voat attack a community that supports President Trump?

15080336? ago

Because it can be a really annoying community. They call shill at the slightest disagreement, seem to believe they can win this simply by praying more than their enemies, blindly belief stuff that some anon says (I don't necessarily mean Q itself, just random anons making unsourced claims) and get offended over speech. They act like NPCs that somehow ended up on our side.

When they talk about how things are going down today or this week they sound like a "the end is nigh" doomsday cult. The kind that whenever the world didn't end just postpone their prediction by another week.

Besides that not all of voat supports Trump fully. I think a handful would prefer pattrick little.

15080406? ago

Wow - you really hate Q, hey?

But you just invalidated your previous argument because the members of the GreatAwakening community tend to be the same members of QRV.

Did you want to try to present a compelling argument that doesn't contradict your previous claims?

I'll wait...

15080592? ago

because the members of the GreatAwakening community tend to be the same members of QRV.

If I'm not mistaken QRV was created after the reddit exodus and greatawakening existed before.

QRV are the tards who only left reddit when they had to. They had no problem sucking the cock of reddit mods and admins.

15080693? ago

GA went from 1,200 members to 11,000 in the weeks immediately following the reddit ban.

90% of GA members are ex-redditors.

Your arguments is nonsense.

Would you like to try again - present an argument that isn't silly?

15084303? ago

Our the donald sub has 10.000 subscribers too - doesn't mean that they are active.

If you can't think of a reason for why the subs would be different I can easily think of one. What happens if a redditor calls everyone in QRV a shill? What happens if a redditor goes to GA and calls someone a shill for saying niggerfaggot or calls him a shill for asking for a source?

15079329? ago

Damn the "shills", full speed ahead... Trust the plan.. WWG1WGA

15080037? ago

Q is a pedo

15080150? ago

Q raped me in 1990.

15080614? ago

That was Bill Clinton...

15078451? ago

I was thinking that since GA is moderated, shill posts and comments were being deleted. That would explain why you don’t see them

15078582? ago

Ordinarily you'd be correct, except every Voat subverse has public moderator logs...

...and GreatAwakening's deleted submission logs are relatively empty: /v/GreatAwakening/about/log/submission

Weird, huh?

15079669? ago

You are a shill trying to cause division among subs

15079811? ago

Everything I said is true.

If you think the truth makes GA look compromised then perhaps they are compromised?

15083638? ago

Q would consider you a divisive fucktard

wake up to yourself

15078519? ago

No, it's because we haven't bothered infiltrating them yet. For now they're to be spared. We're having more fun with you.

15078734? ago

You’re not very good at sowing doubt and confusion with the intent to divide. Lol. Thanks for the heads up 🙌🏻

15078747? ago

lol ok see you tomorrow

15078564? ago

This. If you don't want to be trolled, stop showing your retardation.

15078607? ago

Hah hah hah, we're up to 60% of the posters on this board. There are more of us than you. Think about it. Q-tard. LARP. Who's controlling the narrative, eh Fun Boy?

15079466? ago

Fun Boy

Is that what Tyrone calls you after he nuts in your girlfriend and hen sticks it in your ass?

15079510? ago

Only on QRV, Kid.

15078720? ago

Think ur mistaking me for a qtard. No thanks, pls don't insult me like that

15078754? ago

ok sorry

15079105? ago

says all the faggots in the q sub

15079122? ago

ok - sorry

15077979? ago

You are waking up clearly, depart from that shill sub. Its a Macro distill of all things FB and Reddit Yes indeed its a Q sub shill by literal definition,or just hang around and downvote the headliners and give them grieve like I do.

15076970? ago

Totally a coincidence, look away.

Nah but you are spot on, that is the exact reason why Q said make this sub. But it is easy to blend in here for the shills since its anon. I understand the importance of anonymity but it is a double-edged sword.

15077054? ago

But it is easy to blend in here for the shills since its anon

Yeah, most of the shill posts seem to be one shill with an alt or a pair of shills pretending to be a crowd. On a rare occasion the shills have been seen talking to themselves when the OP forgets to switch alts.

15077542? ago

Yes. They've been better about it lately. They still continue to use the same speach patterns and quirks.

They're not really good. There's 2 or 3 that are, but they're getting zeroed in on more and more each day.

15080845? ago

There's at least one who's had some of the tops posts.

15080884? ago

That's him. He got tired of asking for parades.

15081714? ago

We talking national treasure?

15076743? ago

Again... why am i included in this? (Savethechildren here)

15078632? ago

Because the Qfags branded you as a dissenter so you must be silenced no matter what.

15079259? ago


15076653? ago

I've protested open carrying against Antifa a few times here in north Texas.

No wonder SBBH hates you.

They're all militant gun owners.

15076674? ago

I was open carrying, Antifa was not. God you fucking SBBH shills are WEAK

15076647? ago

You guys are ruining your own site. This Q stuff will end at some point and well all just be gone cuz voat easy lame lame as shit.

15076613? ago

Thank you Freshmeat. These guys downvoated the hell out of me the other day on another sub. The one you banned yesterday harassed the hell out me. Thank you for your help.

15076553? ago

Well hi, u/freshmeat

Maybe you should leave Q subs alone.

We didn't do anything to you, so stop trolling us.


15076584? ago

This is my first post ever in QRV. Whats your account?

15076714? ago

This is my first post ever in QRV.


That was ten hours ago.

15076982? ago

I wasn't here ten hours ago but I just upvoted that post. This is literally my first post in QRV asides from a couple comments during the first week.

15077062? ago

Cool me too.

15077113? ago

If that were my post then it would say i could edit it moron.

inb4 i use alts

15077131? ago

Whoa, screenshot.

Super convincing.

15077183? ago

it is to anyone with half a brain. My account is right there. If i made that post then where is the delete option? Spoon feeding you niggas

15077576? ago

They seem scared. Maybe because everyone is becoming wise.

15076567? ago

Maybe you SBBH shills should get the fuck out of here.

15076593? ago

You just said you're part of SBBH.

15076623? ago

I can't stand you fucks. You people advocate for genocide on anyone not white, on raping women and shutting them up, on race wars and your child rape 1990 jokes. You are all sick disturbed motherfuckers.

15079050? ago

Words are hurting your feelings. Think about that for a second. Don't make your retardation so obvious for all to see. It's embarassing

15076634? ago

1990 jokes


15076518? ago

Bird shit & meth.

15076517? ago

I can't believe people are eating up this anti SBBH nonsense. Do any of you actually know any of the users here or are going based just off these repeated posts? I guess the more times you tell something to someone the more they will believe you.

15076894? ago

SBBH is clearly a karma-farm.

Sometimes it has up to 60 shill alts all posting random garbage that only serves to waste Voat's server resources and for them to up-vote each other's alts to cover the fact they down-vote brigade.

This goes on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are clearly funded by someone.

15077034? ago

no one is paying us. we came here for the free speech. I kept getting banned on reddit.

15076999? ago

They dont just stay in SBBH, thats just their flagrant mocking shit post sub. They openly brag about their gay ops there that they do in other subverses.

15077605? ago

How about v/randomhumbers wtf is this? A number station or just farming?

15076429? ago

Thank you Fresh. Maybe you will find this interesting.


God bless.

15076560? ago

I saw this but didn't have time to reply yesterday. This would be a really good time to revive /v/ReportSpammers. They are freaking everywhere this last few weeks, especially after the midterms. I thought they would die down a bit after midterms but they only sped it up. Its going to be this way all the way until 2020 here so its a good idea to look into other forums to use in case Voat just becomes too much noise because of SBBH shitposting (using alts like you posted and fresh accounts)

I haven't posted there yet but i know the owner a lot better than I know Voat admins, but https://kiwifarms.net/ seems like a potential. The owner is much more based than here but he has flaws (he doesn't mind doxxing, for example. So be weary)

Anyways good looking out man, I kind of want to take it easy until after the holidays then i want to hit hard with some stuff I've saved over the last month that SBBH is doing here, and elsewhere. God bless 🙏🏻

15076642? ago

Take care.

15076404? ago

thank you and god bless patriot